March 14 2018
Hinduism is Guru Sishya Sampradaya
Glimpses from Nithyananda satsang
"Hinduism is Guru Sishya Sampradaya"
Nithyananda Yoga Acharya’s program
Nithyananda Yoga Acharya’s program participants are experiencing breakthrough in flexibility and diving deeper into understanding each yogasana. A important part of the Nithyananda Yoga is the ancient tradition of Shivastambha yoga where one connects to Sadashiva, in the deep spiritual ritual during the practice. This helped participants perform dynamic inverted asanas, seated asanas, and even standing atop the 9 foot tall pole overcoming all fear and self-doubt. Do not miss your opportunity to manifest Mahasadashiva in you, be a part of this revival as a Nithyananda Acharya!
Blessings of the Avatar in Thiruvannamalai Aadheenam
Here you see the Materialization of kumkum from swamiji's Pratyaksha moorthy in Tiruvanamalai Aadheenam a sign of His auspicious presence which is much beyond the physical form.
Balasants offers Spiritual Healing for Children Suffering from Parental Alienation
Sakshi Pramana:
sharing from Nithya Dhyaan Yoga
No of temples participated around the world
16 temples from around the world participated