January 23 2013

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In today's Satsang Paramhamsa Nithyananda (Swamiji) talked about the importance of identifying our root patterns. When we understand the root patterns of our life we can get out of those patterns. When we help others to get out of their patterns we can enrich them. Swamiji elaborated on 28th and 29th verse of Kathopnishad. When Nachiketa stands by his request, Yama falls in love with Nachiketa's Authenticity and tells him the first secret. He tells Nachiketa the importance of choosing between the "good" and the "pleasant". That which is good may not be always pleasant and that which is pleasant may not be always good for us. Swamiji inspired everyone to choose authenticity even if it appears unpleasant, because he who chooses the pleasant over the good misses the true end.


patterns, Nachiketa, Yama, Kathopanishad, pleasant, good, authenticity, enrich


Wednesday, January 23, 2013

I welcome you all with my love and respects! I welcome all the devotees, disciples, Samajis, Satsangis sitting with us around the world at this moment in 396 places through Nithyananda TV , 38 places in 2 way video conferencing having Nayana Deeksha, in 203 cities, in 30 countries around the world as per the statistics

Cities sitting with us in 2 way video conferencing having Nayana Deeksha – San Jose madurai, vancuover Puri tiruvannamali, los angles arunachalam, ohio prayag, seattle chidambaram, oklohama somanatham, phoenix kanchipuram, toronto kailasam, hyderabad bhagyanagaram, Los Angeles redendo beach, Bangalore marthahalli,sharjah tirukovvilur, Sripuram chennai, chennai alwarpet, priyanka Malaysia, Guadalupe Rameshwaram, louiseville,Kentucky,Atlanta Ujjaiyni ,st.julian france, Dacota dune,s dubai,Singapore Singapuram, edge water New Jersey, charloette Sri Sailam, new york varanasi, monterrey mexico, bangalore malleshwaram, st.louis Tirumala. That’s it? Endha oor la connect ayiriku? Ok. Sharjah you guys have that name Dubai. Let Sridevi centre have the name Sharjah. Let them have Dubai Tirukovvilur. The Sri devi centre you guys have title Sharjah.Does this fellows are going to make the temple? Hyderabad Sri,then anbody else? Sripuram Chennai. I welcome all of you with my love and blessings! There are some more cities coming online . Once Iam able tosee I will announce their names .

Prathap come on! Hey Prathap where is he? Call…came late?

I welcome all of you with my love and blessings

Come come come come

Today this guy our Gurukul kid Pratap he asked me he wants to build a temple.Other gurukul kid Rupan also asked I told him this Pratapan’s family is from Chettiyar community I told him.Hey this is the book for you…ok?(Swamji handling the book to the gurukul Kid) ok? Sit You have to read this book this tells your biological family heritage Understand.?Your biological family builds temples. Your ideological family puts Gods!(Audience claps, Swamiji laughs) Hey Rupan come. Where is he? Huh? Why?ohhh….This guy has asked me I asked him what boon he wants? He said I want to build temple.Come sit here But you should sit here quietely ok? I asked this guy Rupan what you want – he said chikkies.I gave him Then I asked him I will give you one more boon. He said he wants to build temple. I said you build any number of temples I will supply any number of materials for you.Hey after reading the book you should know how your biological family build temples(pointing to the gurukul kid). Then he(other gurukul kid ) came and asked can I also help Rupan build temple? I said you can help Rupan to build temple and you can build your own also both .Hey Rupan do you know now your mother will be seeing you?(Swamji Laughs)

No this guy built a beautiful temple in his house.In Coimbatore.Coimbatore na? In Coimbatore he has built an very beautiful temple I saw that temple when I went to diwali he was worshipping When I saw that picture I said oh God This is what exactly what I did. And where I landed you see. Iso beautifu So happy. Hey you guys are only one step away..lIterally Rupan you understand. You are only one step down.He is afraid.Your temple only na? Project. Rupan’s personal temple built by Rupan personally! You built with your own hands? Huh?He built and he himself worshipped.. hmmm…so beautiful…I will give you another one book how to build temples. Okay Rupan?And you should take care see I told you I will give any material you want to build temple you should make sure your student helps me to make my temples ok? Your female students should help me to make jewellery for deities male students should help to build the temples. Deal Deal?

So Today Niraahaara samyama 3rd level 7th day. so we have only 4 more days. Am I right? Great. And an important thing. So in a very fulfilling way. I have never never experienced Sangha going through this kind of fulfillment . The Brahmanyam bahuputrataam 9th day. See many time when people get my love they feel joy and all that, that and all I have seen. But never I have seen as a whole group feeling so inspired. All BB participants do you agree with this? Yes(From the BB participants)Any of you feel that really this is the peak of my inspiration after coming to the sangha. Raise your hands the Brahmanyaam Bahuputrataam participants. great!No I’m asking about you guys only so great. And even for me this is the peak of inspiration for me and for you guys also. It is so beautiful. I am the favourite inheritor of the cosmos. Brahmanyam bahuputrataam! So beautifully the class is happening. The real transformation is happening. We can have this also as a ring tone – Brahmanyam bahu putrataam! Brahmanyam bahu putrataam! Brahmanyam bahu putrataam! Record pannitiya paa(Did you record it?)

Now I can see St. Louis Festus, Devonk UK, Adayar Chennai,North Hollywood Los Angeles,Sydney Australia,Next to Sydney? Scottsdale Arizona, Bangalore nithyananda vidyalaya, then? Chicago loop, oman sivaGangai, That’s it? Record pannriya paa(Did you record it?) Ok vaa?(Is it ok?), , – Brahmanyam bahu putrataam! Brahmanyam bahu putrataam! Brahmanyam bahu putrataam! Iam the favourite inheritor of the cosmos Iam the favourite inheritor of the cosmos Iam the favourite inheritor of the cosmos. That will be one more ringtone whoever wants they can have that ringtones

…soon we will have 1008 ringtones from Swamiji’s voice. All the major clicks If you are working with certain truth, certain tatva have that as the ring tone till it become satya . Great. So beautiful. When I could see with my own eyes each of my child, my inheritors blossoming by identifying their root pattern of suffering. The root pattern of their suffering when they identify and get out of it. What a feeling! It is so nice! Adhu oru thani feeling pa(It is an different feeling)So nice,So nice to have people back. Otherwise many people I really lost them. I lost many of them from my life. There was a time I had them and in the gap time I lost many of them. Now having them back feels so nice. Many of them lost me even though they were here. It feels so nice to have you guys back…as part of me. Brahmanyam bahu putrataam! (Tamil) I tell you guys when you understand the root pattern of suffering in your life, just understanding – the moment you understand you will get out. Just understanding The moment you understand you can be sure you are having me back in your life.You are having me back in your life And whenever you help others to understand the root pattern of their suffering you are really really enriching them. I literally request all my disciples please understand the root thought pattern of your suffering that is enriching you andhelp others to find their root thought pattern of suffering that is where enriching starts. And if you go on finding other,other,other thought patterns and don’t give up on you that is not giving up on you and same way helping others to find deeper and deeper different thought patterns root patterns is not giving up on others .So nice.

Whenever you help people to find their root pattern of suffering – you relieve them of atma hatya dosha. So now Ma Maneesha has the punya of saving at least 20-30 people… that many people you saved them from the atma hatya dosha. See when you are suffering with the same root pattern of suffering it is atma hatya dosha. It is so beautiful – just so beautiful. When I see in front of my eyes my kids being helped and the help which I cannot do. Understand that is the main thing. The help which I cannot do. It is like somebody had a fracture – I won’t be able to do surgery. I can remove the pain. For surgery I need the doctor’s help because I don’t know that,that exact precise method of course here It is not that I donno that precise method you will not cooperate with me,you will not argue with me you need to argue open your Vijnanamaya kosha bhedhana only then it can be penetrated.With me you don’t argue and you don’t infront of me you say that and in the heart you go back and fight with the same pattern.(Swamiji to gurukul kid)-You like it? This is Shiva only, Shiva and meenakshi…ok?? Have it(Swamiji giving deity to the Gurukul kid) You show me I will tell you how to …Its too heavy…. Turn this side

Root pattern of suffering. When you help people to get out of their root pattern of suffering I tell you nothing like that. Nothing, nothing like that. That is the greatest enrichment you will do for other person. Hey That deity is really Shiva and Meenakshi. You understand. You should take care of it.That will materialize vibhooti,kumkum and everything .No that is different this is different.This was never in gurukul no ma? That is different deity….this was in my room…it never came in gurukul na? there are some deities which I keep in my room which I love them.

Let us enter into today’s satsang. I will continue on authenticity in Katho Upanishad. We saw till now the Nachiketa’s authenticity, the strength of Nachiketa.

अजीर्यतां अमृतानां उपेत्य जीर्यन् मर्त्यः क्वधःस्थः प्रजानन् ।

अभिध्यायन् वर्ण-रति-प्रमोदान् अतिदीर्घे जीविते को रमेत ॥ 28

What man dwelling on the decaying mortal plane, having approached the undecaying immortal one, and having reflected upon the nature of enjoyment through beauty and the sense pleasure, would delight in long life?

How would you delight in long life? He says when I know any one day you are going to come, how would you delight? How can you delight in long life? Because I amso so so sure that nothing can be done to me, I am continuously in completion and enjoyment. My step thinking, feeling, experience and myself is established in such a deep stability because so clear nothing can be done to me. There is nothing which can be done to me. You can’t take away anything from me. When you feel this word as a completion in you, as a tatva living through you as a Satya expressing itself through you dancing in your Ananda Gnadha. When a satya thunderstrucks you it dances in your Ananda Gandha. Understand – when you understand a truth it is tatva. When you wonderstand a truth it is satya. When a satya dances in your heart it is thunderstanding of the truthWhen this tatva thunderstands in your heart Anandhagandha

How can this happen? More and more completions. When you complete with your different different diffrent patterns doing prayaschithha to all the root thought patterns. Prayashchita means restoring completion.When you find a karma , Please understand Karma means incomplete ,incompletion is karma, prayaschita is restoring completion, apoornatva is karma, restoring completion is Poornatva. Prayaschitta for appornatva is Poornatva. When you restore completion again & again this tatvas become satya. Understanding becomes wonderstanding and wonderstanding becomes thunderstanding! When understanding happens you are in the level of acharyas. When wonderstanding happens you are in the level of chaitanya maha prabhu, meera – singing and dancing. When thunderstanding happening your Ananda Gandha becomes velliyembala!Not Madurai Velliyembalam. Vellyembalam - is the sabha in which Shiva danced in Madurai. He danced in Chidambaram also for whose sake? Patanjali sake. But in Madurai he danced after the marriage for the whole universe the whole devatas,rishi,gana everyone was there That was a marriage party dance. Marriage party dance is different. When you dance inside a forest for one devotee meditating meditating meditating and praying that is different But here in Velliyambalam,Madurai, he danced for the whole. All the people who came to his wedding,so he has to entertain them and he has to be at his best and he is also in joy. Just now married. Still honeymoon is not yet over. The marriage dance in velliyambalam. So when you are thunderstanding is like Shiva’s Anandha thandava in velliyambalam!

So when a tatva becomes satya – reality, it feels so so so nice. Means it is directly becoming useful in your life. It is becoming reality in your life. It is becoming satya in your life. I tell you this satya – this 4 – everybody’s life can be enriched by it! Even if you are just an airhostess when you are going to serve others go with the feeling clearance of enriching, taking responsibility for others inauthenticity. If you are a doctor go with the same feeling of enriching, if you are an engineer, go with the same feeling of enriching, Even if you are a selling shirts, go with the feeling of enriching.

He may give you 100rupee for the shirt,but that 100rupee you cannot wear only shirt you can wear>You are doing enrichment of that making 100rs into cotton,cotton into thread, thread to dyeing,dyeing to cloth, cloth to stitching,stitching to the final product.You are enriching Even if you take 100 rupee for shirt, because you cannot wear that 100 rupee .everything you do in life is enriching. Go with the feeling you are enriching. What a life! These 4 are the saarvabhoumya vratas. Nachiketa in Kato Upanishad demonstrates his authenticity, Shraddha.

You guys can see the Velliyambalam where Mahadeva did marriage party dance,wedding reception dance<Picture is projected>

Wedding reception dance Patanjali and Vyaghrapada are standing and enjoying. Where Meenakshi is standing with deep shying and enjoying him from the side of her eyes,She must have felt shy atleast in the day of her marriage Even though she is a queen, with a deep shyness she is standing in the corner and enjoying him – the hero dancing. He changed the leg as another one Leela. One of the kin in Paandya Vamsa named Rajashekara paaandyan goes and asks. See he was the master of all 63 arts, but not 64th – the dance. So in the court there was some point where he had to give the judgement on who is the best dancer between 2 dancers. Suddenly the court has objected saying you are not qualified to give judgment on this issue because you yousrself don’t know this art. See how rich was the life of the Paandya kings. They had to know everything experientially to conduct the court. And court was held as the democracy,it was not autocracy it was democracyand anybody can question the authority. People questioned the authority of the king he said alright I will not give judgement I will learn . He gets a teacher and starts learning and in a month he realizes his legs are paining so much because of continous training. So next day he goes to temple and cries oh Mahadeva, one month my legs are paining so much, time immemorial you are standing in this posture I know how much it will be paining please atleast change the posture. His love was so strong, his Ananda Ganda so pure that immediately Maha Deva changed the leg and started dancing….that is the leela…so he danced in the place twice shiva danced here. Once for the wedding party dance and second time for his one of his son Rajashekara Paandyan…I never felt associated with that name..now iam feeling wow!!

Even Ayyappan’s father’s name is Rajashekar Paandya…Paandya not chera…those days the kingdom kerala was under Paandya so even now Ayyapan was given the pravara Paandya so still now all the temples and jewels everything are in the hands of the pandya…..Rajashekhara Paandya descendantsin course of time they adopted the Kerala Malayalam culture but the orginal name is PaandyaRajashekhara paandya…..maybe the great grandson of this Rajashekara paandyan for whom shiva changed the leg and dance. Now I can see my being is overflowing with Jnaana Sambandar, Meenakshi and Sundareshwara. Means auspicious things are going to happen and it is happening!All the auspicious things are happening. We will start building Meenakshi temples everywhere.Everywhere Meenakshi temples.

Let us have one sabha named as Rajatha sabha. ..You have to make Nataraja, Meenakshi, Patanjali, Vyaghrapaada – all four. Rajatha sabha – what a heritage, what a culture! God! One side that knowledge like Katha Upanishad. Other side living it in the life building such huge temples! So rich living with it! Let us go to the Upanishad. Next sutra. Today very important because Maha Kaala today starts teaching atma vidya to Nachiketa. Today the atma vidya starts .After this verse -

यस्मिन् इदं विचिकित्सन्ति मृत्यो यत् साम्पराये महति ब्रूहि नः तत् ।

यः अयं वरो गूढं अनुप्रविष्टो न अन्यं तस्मात् नचिकेतो वृणीते ॥ 29

O Death, that regarding which there is doubt, of the great Hereafter, tell us. Nachiketas asks for no other boon than that which penetrates this hidden secret.

“O Death, that regarding which there is doubt, of the great Hereafter, tell us. Nachiketas asks for no other boon than that which penetrates this hidden secret.”

Nachiketa is saying oh Maha Kaala, that regarding which there is doubt, of the great Hereafter, tell us. Nachiketas asks for no other boon than that which penetrates this hidden secret. Nachiketa is very clear what he wants. He just wants thunderstanding! Nothing else.. Thunderstanding! That regarding which is there is doubt of the great hereafter. It is 1st chapter, 29th verse.

O Death, that regarding which there is doubt, of the great Hereafter, tell us. Nachiketas asks for no other boon than that which penetrates this hidden secret, hidden secret.

यस्मिन् इदं विचिकित्सन्ति मृत्यो यत् साम्पराये महति ब्रूहि नः तत् ।

यः अयं वरो गूढं अनुप्रविष्टो न अन्यं तस्मात् नचिकेतो वृणीते ॥ 29

O Death, that regarding which there is doubt, of the great Hereafter, tell us. Nachiketas asks for no other boon than that which penetrates this hidden secret.

When Nachiketa has made it very clear. Now Yama flowers. Understand, it is your authenticity gets the best out of your Guru! Here the Nachiketa took the responsibility for Yama’s inauthenticity. He put his foot down authentically. He gets the best out of Yama. He gets the best out of Yama. Yama did not trust Nachiketa because Nachiketa was a human being. You know what happens when you trust human beings. But Nachiketa proved his authenticity got the best out of yama. The best of Yama is opening up in the next verse. 30th verse. It is not 30th verse of earlier chapter. It is actually 2nd chapter 1st verse –

II. अन्यत् श्रेयः अन्यत् उत एव प्रेयः ते उभे नानार्थे पुरुषं सिनीतः ।

तयोः श्रेय आददानस्य साधु भवति हीयते अर्थात् य उ प्रेयो वृणीते ॥ 1

“Yama said: The good is one thing and the pleasant another. These two, having different ends, bind a man. It is well with him who chooses the good. He who chooses the pleasant misses the true end.”

Now Yama breaks the first part. Yama said the good is one thing and the pleasant is another. These two, having different ends, bind a man. It is well with him who chooses the good. He who chooses the pleasant misses the true end.”

PEOPLE ask me again and again after all happiness matters na? No. authenticity matters, not happiness. Yama breaks the first part. When you choose authenticity you achieve happens which is totally different.You can call that as oozing of bliss starts happening. Yama says …The good is one thing and the pleasant is another. These two, having different ends, bind a man.

Understand Even goodness binds you to more and more good till you become best – highest. Pleasant binds you leads you to different. Both brings certain bondage. Pleasant is going to make you more and more bound . Good is going to liberate you,it is well with him who chooses the good. If you choose good means authenticity. He who chooses the pleasant misses the true end means the right goal of life is lost. Misses the true end is missing the right goal of life. Choosing pleasant is not wrong, but not right. Not wrong, but left. Not right but left. Neither right, nor wrong, just left. Man who chooses the pleasant is neither right, nor wrong, just left. What a clear, clear, clear cut instruction! Authentic instruction. He says choose authenticity. Choose authenticity, choose authenticity. Choose authenticity.

अन्यत् श्रेयः अन्यत् उत एव प्रेयः ते उभे नानार्थे पुरुषं सिनीतः ।

तयोः श्रेय आददानस्य साधु भवति हीयते अर्थात् य उ प्रेयो वृणीते ॥

“Yama said: The good is one thing and the pleasant another. These two, having different ends, bind a man. It is well with him who chooses the good. He who chooses the pleasant misses the true end.”

The good is one thing and the pleasant is another. What a beautiful word. Remember always choose authenticity even if it does not look pleasant. How many of us go on choosing pleasant leaving that which is authentic? See how many of us choose pleasant instead of authentic? learn from Yama. Go inside.Completion, swapoornatva is not pleasant. You have to see all that and relive but it is authentic.Good for you. Medicine is not pleasant but it is authentic. Sugar, pizza, coco cola – is pleasant but not good for you!

He who chooses the pleasant misses the true end means misses the goal of life. Heeyate arthaath hyu preyo vrunitha – he who chooses the pleasant misses the true end.

हीयते अर्थात् य उ प्रेयो वृणीते What a beautiful verse!

अन्यत् श्रेयः अन्यत् उत एव प्रेयः ते उभे नानार्थे पुरुषं सिनीतः ।

तयोः श्रेय आददानस्य साधु भवति हीयते अर्थात् य उ प्रेयो वृणीते ॥

“Yama said: The good is one thing and the pleasant another. These two, having different ends, bind a man. It is well with him who chooses the good. He who chooses the pleasant misses the true end.”

First teaching, first word Yama utters is choose authenticity not the pleasant. Till now he was tempting Nachiketa with pleasant trying to move him out of authenticity …I don’t want to justify his action saying that he tested he himself also did not want to teach only when he saw the student is too authentic he had a mood swing and fell in love with Nachiketa. I can at the most say it was a mood swing but I cannot give benefit of doubt saying Yama was testing. ..the words Yama uttered does not show he is testing…the testing of the disciples will be totally different. Now suddenly he says the good is one thing and the pleasant another. These two, having different ends, bind a man. It is well with him who chooses the good. He who chooses the pleasant misses the true end.”

अन्यत् श्रेयः अन्यत् उत एव प्रेयः ते उभे नानार्थे पुरुषं सिनीतः ।

तयोः श्रेय आददानस्य साधु भवति हीयते अर्थात् य उ प्रेयो वृणीते ॥

“Yama said: The good is one thing and the pleasant another. These two, having different ends, bind a man. It is well with him who chooses the good. He who chooses the pleasant misses the true end.”

Till this moment what he was trying to do, now he says literally you have done wellby not chossing inauthenticity …see sometimes pleasure and authenticity come together as a by product. That is byproduct of inauthenticity it is okay. But you always choose authenticity and nothing else, nothing else. I will continue to speak on atma vidya what Yama teaches Nachiketa in the next verses satsangs. Now will move to the next section of the morning satsang.

Let you all achieve, experience, live, express, radiate, share and explode and enrich with eternal bliss, Nithyananda. Thank you!