April 21 2018

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Guru’s Superconsciousness - key to our connection ||Mahasadashivoham day 21 || Q and A session on multiple subjects and techniques || HDH’s Darshan and Vishesha Deeksha || Puja offered to Swayambhu Linga ||


The Supreme Pontiff of Hinduism, Jagatguru Mahasannidhanam, His Divine Holiness, Bhagavan Nithyananda Paramashivam, expounded on the Cosmic Principles of Mind and Conciousness during the everyday live public talk - Nithyananda Satsang. In this talk entitled Why Working On The Mind is a Waste Of Time, His Divine Holiness explained how His Superconsciousness, connects with us. Further expanding how to break Addiction and shared a Powerful Cognition. During the Mahasadashivoham, His Divine Holiness answered questions of the delegates about Power Manifestation, Yoga and Multi-universes. Further expanding on Ferociousness, Completion and Sanyas. Delegates also received Vishesha Deeksha and Darshan from HDH. Pujas were offered to Swayambhu Linga.

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2018 - 04Apr - 21 Q - And - A-on - Manifesting - Powers



Question - I am manifesting powers but unable to feel any internal subjective Oneness or Samadhi experience. Why?


Swamiji - You see, fundamentally you work with multiple fractured softwares. When you work with your Dad, you have a separate software. When you work with your Mom, you have a separate software. When you work with your ….the friends, you have a separate software. You are multiple fractured softwares. Now I am putting one software of Oneness, to do power manifestation. It is too small compared to the load which is around you. You are so comfortable in playing with all those softwares, it takes little time for this new software. After it manifests powers, it starts influencing all the other softwares. Then in few days it makes all the other irrelevant, redundant. Then this over powers and makes you… that Oneness becomes your fundamental cognition, where you park yourself. Till then, I go on supporting you, holding you in Me. Understand. That is why, even if you don’t feel ...you are made to manifest powers so that you will have confidence on the software, so, that virtuous circle starts happening.

See, usually what you do? You don’t have confidence on this truth, so the confidence does not manifest as power, it’s a vicious circle. Here, I am infusing the energy and make you manifest the power, that gives you confidence on the software and confidence gives more power, more power gives more confidence, it becomes virtuous circle. Pushing your life from vicious circle to virtuous circle is the job of the Guru. That’s the job of the Guru. And supporting you, holding you, during this push and making sure you are successful, is My job.


Question - My nephew is manifesting powers but still plays video games and watches movies all day, What can I do?


Swamiji - When the power manifestation evolves, he will lose taste over those silly fellows. You see, I am not against them. He will understand their...what they are showing as them is only a skin deep. If he starts reading their mind, he will never watch them. They are all completely depressed. I am telling you, if you enjoy them too much, you will grasp their depression. Now, when he starts….now only he started manifesting na...so the powers is manifesting. The powers will become powerful cognition in next few weeks. Then he will lose taste over them. You will see, he will not see anything other than Me. See, no, no, it’s not pride, please don’t understand….it is...it is all about your depth. If your depth is only about the superficial, this ‘Fair & Lovely’ game, you will enjoy those things. If your depth is ‘Wow’ then you will enjoy only the deeper level beings. It’s all about depth. His depth will start changing, maybe in next 2-3 weeks and suddenly he will lose taste over all of them. He will understand all of them are depressed.

Screen is different. Depth of the Being is different. You understand? His depth of Being is increasing now. His frequency is increasing now. He is ferociously manifesting powers. Now, you will see, suddenly all this he will find irrelevant and redundant. That takes few days. You will see suddenly all of them….he himself will lose taste for all of that. I tell you, only if your tastes are superficial, you will be enjoying that Mickey Mouse, Tom & Jerry, all those things... all these things. When your depth….when you start developing the depth, only Hanuman, that Ramayan, Mahabharat, those things you will start enjoying. They try to claim ours is myth, but I will prove, they are...they are the myth. Theirs is the fairy tale.

That depth increases the taste of what you enjoy. His depth will increase now, change now. Then, his taste will start changing. And till then, don’t disturb him. Don’t make him feel that something has been snatched from him. Let him enjoy, he will start deleting one day, “Aaah, stupid fellow, what is there; too shallow.” No, really! Things will look too shallow for him and he will start making….he will start feeling all of them are irrelevant, redundant. And you guys don’t forcibly try to snatch away from him, he will drop it on his own. When his higher identity grows, he will feel all these are irrelevant and he will throw it. Allow organic growth. Understand one thing. Let organic growth happen. You see, even in you, ferociousness does not mean destroying you. Ferociousness means infusing intensity… but organically moving; not creating conflicts. Not creating conflicts. Actually ferociousness will never create conflict. It’ll only grow organically. Ferociousness is nothing but intense completion. It cannot create complication. Any of you, do not do anything un-organic. Allow ferociousness… but in a very organic way - evolving with more and more understanding, more and more powerful cognitions, more and more power manifestation, more and more of organic way of building.


Question - Does touching others or massaging have any effect on our Consciousness?


Swamiji - It’s a instruction for all of you. Do not get touched by any common, low level, human energies. Especially when you are going through this process. Permanently itself if you avoid, it is good. You see, you being successful outside with your clients may be different, because maybe they are lower energy than you; but here the huge work I am doing on them, you may be ….you may be interfering with them, which is not required. Understand. Better to avoid here, that is one. Even in the regular life, any physical touch with the person who is not...if you are very sure the other person is in higher consciousness, okay. It’s good. If you have...even if you have a doubt, better don’t allow; because that person’s energy is going to enter into you. Why do you want to damage you?

Hands, are the way, your energy is given or taken. That is why this blessing, to release. Understand. That is why when you come for receiving energy darshan, you are asked to raise your hand. Even here if you see, only Rudras and Rudrakanyas, who are celibates, are allowed to touch you, while you are doing Yoga. If they are married, even if they are Yoga teachers, they are not allowed to touch your body, touch you. See, observe. Even if they are Yogacharyas, if they are married, they are not allowed to touch you. Only the celibates are allowed to touch you and correct your postures, while you are doing Yoga. It’s too important; especially when we are working on bio-energy. You see, after we establish and you go, you may not need to follow this so many things so strictly and all that. But while we are working, it is required.

For example, some of these powers, not some, almost all of these powers are diet free. I recommend not to take non-veg, so you...you will be healthy and all that. But even if you eat the non-veg, the powers will not go away from you; once it is established in biology. But while I am working, if you take non-veg, I will not be able to install it in the biology; it disturbs. During this 31 days, your diet has to be this, because I am just like a making it root in your system. Even sleeping and breathing in My breathing space has its own power: it has its own power… that energy field.

One good thing, by the end of this program, you will be established permanently into the Higher Consciousness and every day before morning going for your work, apply little bit of vibhooti or aushadha in your hand, so that you only give higher energy, you don’t receive lower energy.


Question - I am able to manifest the powers of Consciousness over matter like moving coconuts and objects, but other powers are going on and off. Why?


Swamiji - This on and off is nothing but your….it is already gone into your muscle memory, it has not yet gone into your bio-memory. Just little more ferocious understanding and little more ferocious Oneness, that’s all. You see, don’t try to force; force is different, completion is different. Find where ….what kind of a thought current is disturbing your Oneness continuously… and complete them. Then, the intensity of the Oneness will increase.

For example - constantly if your mind is stuck in some insecurity while you are doing the power manifestation, hitting that thought is not the solution - find what is the pattern that is sending these thought currents into me; like a water bubbles in the fish tank… catching each water bubble and collapsing is not going to work. Stop the source, which is releasing the water bubbles. That pattern … catch it and complete, drop. You will see, suddenly the intensity of the Oneness increases.


Question - If that is the case, how come some powers alone manifest successfully?


Swamiji - Sometimes few powers manifests. That does not mean all your ...the whole space has become clear.


Question - I am amazed to see some kids at the way they manifest powers. How can I manifest powers like them?


Swamiji - Understand. Fundamentally, when you are young, your third eye is not eroded and corroded and not energized also. I need to only do only the energizing process and put My software. Over! When you are grown up, it is eroded and corroded and not energized. So energizing is a single second job for Me. Electric connection, I can just….I just put My thumb - Over! But removing the old software and putting My software only is doing this whole detoxification and this work. Understand what I am saying? That is what is taking few days time, but I commit with you, I will do it for you.


Question - How can the science of power manifestation be taken to the global scientific community?


Swamiji - You know scientific community is spending billions of dollars even to do one small breakthrough in the field which we are working; where we are casually playing. Making them all understand it is possible, very clearly… with a chastity towards Hinduism. Many of these fellows have come to Me.They all tried to tell Me that, “Make it little more secular, that we can take it to the world.” I said, “Get lost.” I am very clear. You have to apply Jnananjana only then it will manifest. You have to put Kanta Rudraksha only then it will manifest. I am very clear… that be uncompromised way integrated to Sanatana Dharma, then I am ready to share with them. 4-5 years before itself, this scientific community has smelled Me and take this science, leaving the lifestyle. I said, “I will not, I am not interested.” I am very clear. This...you see, lot...lot of disrespect has been done to Hinduism. They stole our knowledge and disrespected the source. This time I am very clear, only for fanatic Hindus I am going to give. I expect all My disciples to be fanatic Hindus. Hinduism has no fanaticism. Fundamentally, if you follow all the principles, you will become amazing Being.

This materialization, all this, demat, this anti-matter; stupid fellows, they are spending billions and producing anti-matters. I can just like that produce full cup of anti-matter to them in two minutes and give them. What is anti-matter? Anti-matter is...you see, during the materialization the thing has to disintegrate and move to time and then after that move to wherever it need to go - length, breadth, depth - and then it need to get assembled. That moving through the time, it becomes anti-matter, then gets assembled into length and breadth and depth. This small particles to teleport, they are doing so many experiment, this - that, everything. Maybe if you get in the controlled conditions, I can do it and give this science to them. Let the world have this science. I am only fanatic about Hinduism and retaining this lifestyle. That’s the reason, I am...from the beginning I wanted this to be like this; otherwise all these are possibility, we can take it to the world.


See, once the powerful cognition starts manifesting and powers starts manifesting, after that it’s all about your creativity. That’s all. It’s all about your creativity. Ultimately powerful cognitions have their own self intelligence. They do not let the destruction of the Universe happen. You see, Ashwatthama, Arjuna, both had Brahmastra. But Krishna made sure that Universe is not destroyed. All of you are getting what I am saying? That Mahabharata story… even though both side had Brahmastra, Arjuna…..Krishna made sure that Universe is not destroyed. So the powers are always given with that kind of a powerful cognitions, where end of the day, it is not destroying the Universe. So end of the day, it is always expression of the Universe.

You see, it is actually...Krishna wanted...you see, Krishna was the best DNA. He was the breakthrough of His time. He wanted out of His DNA the whole Bharat to flourish. That’s the reason, His own sister and His own….Arjuna...so it is Krishna’s DNA into Arjuna’s body, gave birth to Abhimanyu, but the unfortunately the Abhimanyu experiment was intensity but not continuity. So that is the reason, Abhimanyu’s DNA was taken. Subhadra, her...sorry, his Uttara...his son and Krishna adds continuity into it. To check the continuity only, He uses the Brahmastra to test it - whether the baby is able to withstand the Brahmastra. Then He delivers; from Him only the Bharata, the whole Bharata Vamsa. That is why I am saying, India cannot be destroyed because our DNA is Brahmastra tested. In the whole test tube, He has tested it with Brahmastra. If you know the story, you can understand what I am explaining. You understand what I am saying? This is what exactly happened. So we are intensity and continuity… Brahmastra tested. We are all Yadavas. The whole India is Yadava; because there is nobody left after the Mahabharata, other than now the Bharata Vamsa. Parikshitu, Janamejaya, Bharata. Nobody left. We are all Yadavas actually.


See, this… how you guys are moving the matter and playing with all these, scientists are spending billions of dollars and years on it. I think, soon I’ll make all these biology, circuits, make it more and more available. Like today how I said - With a little bit of organizing and these machines, we can demonstrate it. We can demonstrate it. The matter creating, anti-matter creating and more over these guy says na that “no energy can be created”. No, only in the length LBD zone, length - breadth - depth, no energy can be created, it can only be converted, it cannot be destroyed and all - not in time zone. Because he never experienced time zone, only the LBD zone laws have become Universal law. You see, all the ideas generated about God, generated about physics in the West, they are all so incompetent because they have tasted only LBD - length, breadth, depth dimensions. They have not tasted the time dimension or space dimension. So all these conclusions, theories, proposals, researches, had to be based on...you see, all hypothesis has to be based on space-time… because their dimension itself was not open to them….

No, energy can be created. Energy can be created. Energy can be manifested, manipulated, played with… anything. That is what I am proving. I am claiming and proving. Understand. Energy can be generated, maintained, manipulated, played with, destroyed, deluded and distorted and liberated. May be with little more work, I can show it to the world, these are possible. See with initiation I am… with few of you I am showing; in a very small scale now we are working. Maybe we can…..as long as you guys can come up with a structure to take this to the world, without compromising on the source, I’ll be happy to share. And I am very clear this time, we need to hold on to the original Truth.

See, all these fellows, these foreign going NRI Gurus, they….the moment they get one or two small, small things from our tradition, immediately they just negate the whole tradition, take this and they know how to package it and sell it and never bother about keeping the source alive for the future. This time I am very clear, I wanted to keep the source alive and source gets the credit... source gets the credit and that’s My first priority. That’s My first priority. So with this we can demonstrate it to them that antimatter creation and all is just a few dollar work not few billion dollar work.

I think, they don’t know...I feel they are too poor, by not knowing the Vedic tradition or not knowing the possibilities of the Vedic tradition. Only when I am reading, what they are doing in every field… the same way parallel Universe, such a boondu theory.


This whole parallel Universe, what they are doing, completely missing the fundamental realities. You see, it is never a parallel, it is multi level. It can never be parallel. Parallel means two. You always think in a duality, in the binary….you see, darkness does not make light dual. In thinking only, you try to equate light - darkness - dual. No! But in reality, darkness does not make light dual, it makes light multiple, because the darkness the moment it comes to exist, it makes the light space into multiple, not dual. I don’t know you are...catching what I am saying?

You see, intense light. If a darkness comes to exist, do you think only two exist? Multiple exists!! You are catching what I am saying? In reality, it is multiple, but in logic you always think in binary. Whole dark you generalize it and put it as darkness, whole light you generalize and put it as light and you continue to do the stupidity of light and darkness - dual! In reality it is not dual. In reality it is multiple, in actuality. I don’t know how many of you are catching what I am saying.

You see, intense light shaft, let’s imagine.. and dark patch. If you bring the dark patch into the intense light shaft, logically you think, light - darkness - dual. No, it does not need to be cancelling or complimenting and all that - dual. Once the dual comes, then plus or minus or adds beauty or it’s a curse to each other, all that is…..I am not looking….I am not going for the equations derived. I am looking at existential change. The existential change is not light - darkness duality, the darkness makes the light into multiple existence. When the darkness comes to exist, in the intense light every side of the darkness, the light manifesting is independent.

Understand. So in reality, it is not one and one, it is not one and minus one. How you logically try to understand, darkness and light forms duality. No! The binary thought current is stupidity. Life is not binary! Because of binary thought current only they are developing a theory of parallel Universe in Physics. It is not parallel, it is multi level, multiple. The moment the second existence came, it is no more dual, it is multiple. 2 does not make 1 into 2. 2 makes… the moment existence of second comes, it becomes multiple - never 2. The reality….now you are getting? In everything, every level, this is the truth.

They can be….if they read little bit of Agamas and Upanishads, with the….with the mood to learn, they will catch it. See, I think with that zero compromise integrity only I am going keep this science truly alive. See, I am not looking at making some big buildings here now and all that. Array I am looking at leaving few million Enlightened Beings carrying this torch forever and continuing it with integrity. So for them the important thing I need to drill is Integrity. So for that I have to be demonstrating the life. My next generation also will not be able to corrupt. You see, now all these kids whom I am bringing up, they all know how dedicated I am and then it gets inscribed into them, into their DNA. So they also have to maintain it. Understand. That is what is My biggest responsibility. My biggest responsibility is not just giving them power, giving them power is 2 minutes job for Me; giving them responsibility and powerful cognition…that is where 80% of My time goes.


Question - What is the ‘Shivoham’ material? Where is it in our bodies and how can we access it at any time?


Swamiji - It is like a Consciousness. It tastes like a metal rubbed on your tongue. When you meditate on Oneness, in this region [gestures towards heart/ananda gandha region], your tongue will feel as if metal being rubbed on it. If when you feel that, then you can be sure that is ‘Shivoham’ material is manifesting. It’s actually a kind of a super matter. I can’t say, it’s a matter or anti-matter. It is super matter. That is what actually I give during initiation to you. After initiation, why that honey and bael leaf is given to you, you know… to soothe your tongue; otherwise you will feel like as if you chewed the metal, as if you swallowed the metal; because this ‘Shivoham’ material is a super matter.


Question - How can power manifestation be used in Yoga? Are Shivastambha Yoga (Pole Yoga) and Kundalini Rajju Yoga (Rope Yoga) forms of power manifestation?


Swamiji - Mahadeva gives 5 types. One, in the intense heat, like a all around fire and under the Sun, you guys are not immediately able to do that, that’s why I am not teaching you that. And the second, in the air and the pole yoga is on the Earth and on water and on levitation. Of course, the levitation, your body needs to happen, needs to be trained, that is why we are not doing. So these are the methodology to train you to that. So master these two; these all the same sutra. What you are doing sitting on the floor, the same thing you are expected to do on both. All of you are understanding? So, do the same on both, once your body is ready, I’ll make you do the same on water. Then without even water - on the air, on the levitation...levitated body you can do the same thing. That’s all. It’s called Akhada. In Varanasi, if you go to Kashi Varanasi, even now in the Akhadas they practice this Mallakhambha and Rope Yoga. The original name in Agama is called Shiva Stambha, in the modern day they call it Mallakhambha. And few hundred years before in the Shivaji’s time in Maharashtra, central India, it became very popular; but otherwise it is from original scriptures.


Question - How can I take my manifestation of powers to the next level?


Swamiji - It is all one... like a downloading of the software, that’s all. Just your system need to be detoxified to receive Me. That’s all; nothing else. Increasing the depth of your cognitions, the cognitions with which you are playing and operating, thinking - increasing the depths of that cognition. In every level of your personal life, thinking, business, for all your business problems also try to find solution, from this powerful cognition itself. Then you will see, you manifest powers intensely. Do not think these powerful cognitions are spiritual and your business and relationship problems need to be dealt with some other principle. No! These principles are capable of solving everything. Start dealing with everything with these principles, you will manifest powers, because they will occupy much of your inner space.


Question - What is the space of Hiranyagarbha?


Swamiji - The space from which the idea of origin originates, the space where Will realizes its manifestation. For example - when you are manifesting power, you are giving instruction, but you don’t believe it is going to happen, but suddenly it happens. For that one second, you touch Hiranyagarbha.

Participant: So this can be applied to the power manifestation.

Swamiji - You see, you are giving instruction, but you don’t believe it is really going to move, but you see suddenly it starts moving. For that second you touch Hiranyagarbha.

Participant: But you can’t think about it.

Swamiji - It cannot be remembered, it cannot be mem….you cannot catch it by memory; you can catch it only by your breadth. Your breathing is the rope to catch, not your memory. Memory is too shallow. Memory is too superficial, breathing is more solid.



Why Working On The Mind is a Waste Of Time


Why Working On The Mind is a Waste Of Time

Link to Video:

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2018 - 04Apr - 21 Why - Working - On - The - Mind - Is - A-Waste - Of - Time



I’ll just finish the whole thing in 2-3 statements. You are a hardware - this body. On this there is a software, the programming which operates this body. There is a electricity connection. Now the software with which you were operating and the electricity, this two is completely screwed up. That is when the hardware also has started getting destroyed. I am doing two things: One - again and again putting the powerful software. You see… every powerful cognition I am giving you, when I say, “This static matter, dynamic activity, strategic existence is one and the same”, and immediately till you get into your old stupid screwed software, you will not have doubt. For few minutes, because of My face value, “I think this fellow must be telling only for my good”, some reason it will be there as alive memory. Those few minutes when you decide to use that as your software, My Super Consciousness, My electricity connects with you; not the regular electricity with which you are working – bio-energy. No. Sadāshiva’s bio-energy; Who gave Me the experience and authority to transmit this experience, His bio-energy just enters into you. Once you start seeing that moving, you will feel, “Oh God, I think this fellow is right.” Once 21 times you move, then this software cannot be taken out of your software. How many of you are understanding what I am saying? Understand. That’s all is the whole game. It’s all….you see, the whole program is nothing but, I want to give you some 60-70 powerful cognitions. You are the Consciousness, you cannot be killed. You see, all the books Hinduism has….Hinduism has 2 crore source books. All of you need to know, Hinduism has 2 crore source books. Hinduism has 2 crore source books. The whole 2 crore source books and we have more than 1 crore temples and almost billion followers and at least….at least I can say, 10 million enlightened beings have lived on the Planet Earth, because of Hinduism; people who became enlightened because of Hinduism… and the chain is still alive, a living stream of Hinduism. Essence of all these, is this 70 powerful cognitions. That’s all. Once these 70 powerful cognitions starts operating in you - ‘you are the Consciousness’… these are all the side effects of the remaining. Listen carefully. When you understand ‘you are the Consciousness’, and you declare that as your powerful cognition, “Aye, I am the Consciousness, so my ups, downs, mood swings, ideas, identities, which comes and goes - none of these can be my real cognition.” As a side effect many of the disturbed, screwed up softwares stops working, means they all get slowly deleted.


The whole Hinduism or the spiritual science in the world, is this only. 60-70, 60 to 70 roughly powerful cognitions, should manifest in you as powers, not just intellectually. If you just get intellectually, you will never believe. It is like a working on the mind. Working on the mind is equivalent to trying to change your spouse. Try, try!! Working on the mind is waste of time. I telling you, if you have been working on mind or Gurus who are teaching you to work on your mind and you are doing that, please be informed - you will end up only in frustration. I have seen enough of fellows working on mind. I have seen enough of fellows working on the mind. It’s a failure, be very clear because mind is nonexistent screen play of the hormones and chemicals in the body. Understand. When Buddha says, “Nothing exists.” He talks about mind only, not about the Consciousness.

One young Brahmachari goes to a senior 90 year old Monk and asked, “Oh Swami, how long it takes to control the mind?” He says, “I do not know how long, but till 90 it doesn’t happen.” I am telling you, if you are working on Vedanta, if you are working on mind, that is what is the truth. You see, Hinduism has only 2 traditions… only 2 traditions: one works on Consciousness, another one works on body. That’s all. We never worked on mind because we know from the beginning it doesn’t exist. Work on biology. Allow the Super Consciousness to breakthrough.


People ask Me many times, “Oh Swamiji, in other ashrams, in other organizations, in other systems, we work for 5 years, 6 years, to have a small experience. How come we are manifesting powers here? Is it all magic or is it real, really, really real?” If you are working in the wrong direction, why will you not waste your life? All working on mind is working on wrong direction. It’s like you can go to Bengaluru this way or this way. If you go this way, you will come after 25 years, rounding the whole Earth. If you go this way, you will come in 25 minutes that’s all. Working on the mind is going this way. Working on the body is the real thing.

Now, even when I give you powerful cognitions, I am not working on your mind, I am working on your Consciousness. I am agitating your Consciousness. That’s the right word.

I am just making you ferocious; making you understand the mind is the chain. One beautiful thing, if you start tasting freedom of one powerful cognition in reality, like a few powers, suddenly the taste for that powers makes you ferocious and you start breaking the patterns. You even start forgetting you had addictions. Sometime not only you walk out of addictions, you forget you had addictions, you had those problems.

So gist is, the whole gist is again and again inserting powerful cognitions, even while you are dealing in your day to day life… before dealing it, insert a powerful cognition - “I am Consciousness, I am...I have a superiority over everything exists around me, everything exists around me is my decision.”

It is not arrogance, please understand. It is not arrogance, it’s not arrogance. Insert that software and bring Oneness …and I am giving you this consciousness, this cognition. If you do something right or wrong and all that I am responsible, don’t worry. You just go ahead, I am responsible. Start rolling your inner space with powerful cognitions. The once the power manifestation becomes like a lifestyle, like the flow of your very Being, that kind of a inner image you will start cherishing, you will actually bless yourself. You will feel so happy to live in your body, you will feel so happy to live with you. You will feel so blessed to be who you are. End of the day that is the result I wanted, not just…..you see, all these are great no doubt, but end result is that only - You feeling blessed with yourself. Its powerful cognitions that’s the result, Power manifestation is a side effect. Power manifestation is a side effect of powerful cognitions. That’s all is the essence of the whole program. The essence of what I am doing, I have spoken.



Depth Increases The Taste Of What You Enjoy || MSS || 21 April 2018


Name Of The Convention: Mahasadashivoham Session on: Depth Increases The Taste Of What You Enjoy Date: 21 April 2018 Venue: Adi Kailasa, Bengaluru, Karnataka, India

In this video Supreme Pontiff of Hinduism HDH #Nithyananda Paramashivam had an intimate small talk session, together with questions and answers session for the delegates of Mahasadashivoham. He addressed delegates' questions pertaining to power manifestations and yoga practises. In this session, HDH also addressed the common misunderstandings of multi-universes as parallel universes. He explained that you increase the depths of powerful cognitions, you start to manifest powers intensely. The depth increases the taste of what you enjoy.

The Supreme Pontiff of Hinduism Jagatguru Mahasannidhanam His Divine Holiness Nithyananda Paramashivam (HDH) is the reviver of #KAILASA - the ancient enlightened civilization and the great cosmic borderless Hindu nation. Revered as the incarnation of Paramashiva - the primordial Hindu Divinity, HDH has a following of 2 billion Hindus worldwide with de facto spiritual embassies in over 150 countries. He has worked untiringly for over 26 years for the revival of Kailasa, for global peace and to give super conscious breakthrough to humanity. He has survived the worst persecution of multiple assassination attempts on person and on character by anti-Hindu elements. He is collecting, organising, preserving, time capsuling, decoding, spreading and reviving 20 Million source books of Hinduism and the 64 sacred arts & sciences like Ayurveda, music, dance, sculpting, astrology, vastu and much more. Close to 20,000 hours of HDH’s timeless talks have been recorded till date (Sep 2020), which are a treasure trove of powerful cognitions to solve individual and global problems of any kind.

Link to Video:



See, I will just finish the whole thing in two three statements. You are a hardware - this body. And there is a software - the programming which operates this body. There is a electricity connection. Now the software with which you were operating and the electricity, this two is completely screwed up. That is when the hardware also started getting destroyed. I am doing two things: One: Again and again putting the powerful software. See, every powerful cognition I am giving you, like this, “Static matter dynamic activity strategic existence Is one and the same” And immediately till you get into your old stupid screwed software, you will not have doubts for few minutes. Because of My face value! “I think this fellow must be telling only for my own good” - some reason. It will be there as alive memory. Those few minutes when you decide to use that as your software, My superconsciousness, My electricity connects with you. Not the regular electricity with which you are working, bioenergy. No! Sadashiva’s bioenergy. Who gave Me the experience and authority to transmit this experience, His bio energy just enters into you. Once you start seeing that moving, you will feel “Oh God, i think this fellow is right” Once 21 times you move then this software cannot be taken out of your software. How many of you are understanding what I am saying? Understand, that’s all is the whole game. It’s all… see the whole program is nothing but i want to give you some sixty-seventy powerful cognitions: “You are the consciousness. You can’t be killed.” See, all the books Hinduism has; Hinduism has 2 crore source books. All of you need to know. Hinduism has 2 crore source books. For Christianity only one source book - Bible. For Islam has only one source book - Quran. For Buddhism only one source book - Dhammapada. Hinduism has 2 crore sourcebooks. The whole 2 crore source book and we have more than one crore temples and almost billion followers and at least, at least, I can say 10 million enlightened beings have lived on the planet Earth because of Hinduism. People who become enlightened because of Hinduism and the chain is still alive, a living stream of Hinduism.


Essence of all this is this 70 powerful cognitions, that's all. Once this 70 powerful cognitions start operating in you, “You are the consciousness”, these are all the side-effects of the remaining. Listen carefully. When you understand you are the consciousness and you declare that as your powerful cognition : “Hey, I am the consciousness. So my ups-downs, mood swings, ideas, identities, which come and go, none of this can be my real cognition. As a side-effect many of the disturbed, screwed up software stops working, means they all get slowly deleted.


The whole Hinduism or the spiritual science in the world is this only. 60-70 roughly, powerful cognitions should manifest in you as powers not just intellectually. if you just get intellectually you will never believe. It is like a working on the mind. Working on the mind is equivalent to trying to change your spouse. Try...try. Working on the mind is waste of time. I am telling you, if you have been working on mind or Gurus who have teaching you to work on your mind and you are doing that, please be informed, you will be end up only in frustration. I have seen enough of fellows working on mind. I have seen enough of fellows working on the mind. it’s a failure. Be very clear. Because mind is non-existent screen play of the hormones and chemicals in the body. Understand, when Buddha says “Nothing exists” - He talks about mind only, not about the consciousness.


One young brahmachari goes to a very senior 90 year old monk and asks, “Oh, Swami, how long it takes to control the mind?” He says, “I don’t know how long, but till 90 it doesn't happen.”


I am telling you, if you are working on Vedanta, if you are working on mind that is what is the truth. See, Hinduism has only two traditions, only two traditions. One works on consciousness, another one works on body, that’s all. We never worked on mind because we know from the beginning it doesn’t exist. Work on biology. Allow the superconsciousness to give a breakthrough. People ask Me many times, “Oh Swamiji, in other ashrams, in other organisations, other systems we work for 5 years - 6 years to have a small experience. How come we are manifesting powers here? Is it all magic or is it really really real? If you are working in the wrong direction why will you not waste your life. All working on mind is working on wrong direction. It is like you can go to Bengaluru this way or this way. If you go this way you will come after 25 years rounding the whole earth. If you go this way you will come in 25 minutes. That's all. Working on the mind is going this way. See, working on body is the real thing. Now, even when I give you powerful cognitions I am not working on your mind. I am working on your consciousness. I am agitating your consciousness; that is the right word. I am just making you ferocious.


Yes! Making you understand the mind is the chain. One beautiful thing, if you start tasting freedom of one powerful cognition in reality, like a few powers, suddenly the taste for that powers makes you ferocious and you start breaking the patterns. You even start forgetting you had addictions. Sometime you not only walk out of addictions, you forget you had addictions. You had those problems. So the gist is, the whole gist is: again and again inserting powerful cognitions. Even while you are dealing in your day-to-day life, before dealing it insert a powerful cognition. “I am consciousness. I am, I have a superiority over everything exist around me. Everything exists around me is my decision.” It is not arrogance. Please understand it is not arrogance. It is not arrogance.


Insert that software and bring Oneness and I am giving you this consciousness, this cognition. If you do something right or wrong and all that, I am responsible, don't worry. You just go ahead. I am responsible. Start rolling your inner space with powerful cognitions. Then, once the power manifestation becomes like a lifestyle, like a flow of your very being, the kind of a inner image you will start cherishing, you will actually bless yourself. You will feel so happy to live in your body. You will feel so happy to live with you. You will feel so blessed to be who you are. End of the day that is the result I wanted. Not just move, all these are great no doubt, but end result is that only. You feeling blessed with yourself. It’s powerful cognitions - that is the result. Power manifestation is a side effect. Power manifestation is the side effect of powerful cognitions. That’s all is the essence of the whole program. The essence of what I am doing I have spoken. Now you come up with your questions. What do you want to ask or your anything else you want to tell? Come on. We will have small talks now. Come on.


Participant: Hi Swamiji, actually I heard you a couple of days ago; you said that all power manifestation happens as a result of nirvikalpa samadhi or Oneness or enlightenment. So, while doing any kind of power manifestation over here, I’m not able to feel any kind of internal subjective experience that is leading to… SPH: See, fundamentally you worked with multiple fractured softwares. When you work with your dad you have a separate software. When you work with your mom you have separate software. When you work with your father… the friends you have a separate software.You are multiple fractured softwares. Now I am putting one software of Oneness to do power manifestation. It is too small compared to the load which is around you. You are so comfortable in playing with all those softwares, it takes little time for this new software. After it manifests powers it starts influencing all the other softwares. Then in few days it makes all the other softwares irrelevant redundant. Then this overpowers and makes you, that Oneness becomes your fundamental cognition where you park yourself. Till then I go on supporting you, holding you in Me.


Understand, that is why even if you don't feel your, you are made to manifest powers so that you will have confidence on the software. So that Virtuous circle starts happening. See usually what you do, you don’t have confidence on this truth, so the confidence does not manifest as power. This is a vicious circle. Here I am infusing the energy and make you manifest the power. That gives you confidence on the software and confidence gives more power, more power gives more confidence it becomes Virtuous circle. Pushing your life from vicious circle to virtuous circle is the job of the Guru. That’s the job of the Guru. And supporting you, holding you during this push and making sure you are successful is My job.


Yes, this side also, you can come up to mike and... Participant: That kind of answered my question. SPHi: Alright! then great!! Participant: Then can I go think of another one and come back later? SPH: Yes Yes! You are all free. It's a small talk. There is no restriction. And not only that, it’s not just question, even if you want to pass a comment you are free to pass. It is a small talk we are having and... you can ask anything you want...you can ask.



Ferociousness Creates Intense Completion || MSS || 21 April 2018


Name Of The Convention: Mahasadashivoham Session on: Ferociousness Creates Intense Completion Date: 21 April 2018 Venue: Adi Kailasa, Bengaluru, Karnataka, India

In this video Supreme Pontiff of Hinduism HDH #Nithyananda Paramashivam had an intimate small talk session, together with questions and answers session for the delegates of Mahasadashivoham. He addressed delegates' questions pertaining to power manifestations and yoga practises. In this session, HDH also addressed the common misunderstandings of multi-universes as parellel universes. He explained that you increase the depths of powerful cognitions, you start to manifest powers intensely. The depth increases the taste of what you enjoy. The Supreme Pontiff of Hinduism Jagatguru Mahasannidhanam His Divine Holiness Nithyananda Paramashivam (HDH) is the reviver of #KAILASA - the ancient enlightened civilization and the great cosmic borderless Hindu nation. Revered as the incarnation of Paramashiva - the primordial Hindu Divinity, HDH has a following of 2 billion Hindus worldwide with de facto spiritual embassies in over 150 countries. He has worked untiringly for over 26 years for the revival of Kailasa, for global peace and to give super conscious breakthrough to humanity. He has survived the worst persecution of multiple assassination attempts on person and on character by anti-Hindu elements. He is collecting, organising, preserving, time capsuling, decoding, spreading and reviving 20 Million source books of Hinduism and the 64 sacred arts & sciences like Ayurveda, music, dance, sculpting, astrology, vastu and much more. Close to 20,000 hours of HDH’s timeless talks have been recorded till date (Sep 2020), which are a treasure trove of powerful cognitions to solve individual and global problems of any kind.

Link to Video:



You can tell anything you want, just go ahead.


Participant:: So, Swamiji I actually came to pass a comment, so I’m glad you shared that. So we have my wife and...


I do have little powers so I can read. So, come on, go ahead.


Participant: So, my wife’s nephew, I think he is somewhere anyway and Swamiji ever since he is coming to this place, he started materialising, he started doing blindfold reading as soon as you initiated, like the next second, perfectly. He could see what the questions people would underneath it, underneath, putting in the pockets. He could read it perfectly. Now 99.9% of the time that he is here, he is playing video games or watching YouTube videos of, you know Sharukh and you know Kathrina Kaif and you know he is enjoying himself here. Then, one time I got angry and took away the phone or the tab from him. You said that “Let him play the video game, anyone wants to play.. you give it back to him”. You started frowning and I give it back as I watched the movie, no problem. So Swamiji I guess, my comment is”


The power, when the power manifestation evolves, he will lose taste over those silly fellows. See, I’m not against them. He will understand their, what they’re showing us, them is only a skin deep. If he starts reading their mind, he will never watch them. They’re all completely depressed. I’m telling you. If you enjoy them too much, you will grasp their depression. Now, when he starts now, now only he started manifesting, no, so the power is manifesting, the powers will become powerful cognitions in next few weeks. Then he will lose taste over them. You will see he will not see anything other than.

See, no, no, no, it is not pride, please don’t understand, it is all, it is all about your depth. If your depth is only about a superficial, his parents only gave, you will enjoy those things. If your depth is - Wow, then you will enjoy only the deeper level beings. It’s all about depth. His depth will start, will start changing maybe in next two, three weeks and suddenly he will lose taste over all of them. He will understand all of them are depressed. Screen is different, depth of the being is different, you understand?


Participant: Yes.


His depth of being is increasing now. His frequency is increasing now. He’s ferociously manifesting powers. Now, you will see, suddenly all this he will find irrelevant and redundant. That takes few days. You will see suddenly all of them, he himself will lose taste for all of that.


Participant: his parenting


I tell you. Only if you have taste or superficial, you will be enjoying that Mickey Mouse, Tom and Jerry, all those things, all these things. When your depth, when you start developing the depth, only Hanuman, that Ramayan, Mahabharat, those things you will start enjoying. They try to claim ours is myth, but I will prove their, they are the myth. Theirs is the fairy tale. The depth increases the taste of what you enjoy. His depth will increase now, change now. Then his taste will start changing. And till then don’t disturb him. Don’t make him feel that something has been statched from him. Let him enjoy. He will start deleting one day, oh stupid fellow, what is there? Too shallow. Really, it will, things will look too shallow for him. And he will start making, he will start feeling all of them are irrelevant, redundant.


Participant: And the inspiring thing is that Swamiji, the doctor said that he’s got ADHD outside and he was, he was moving from school to school to school because not able to stay in one school.


The fact, fundamentally doctors have, see this. I don’t know, just recently, that the founder of ADHD during the death he confessed ADHD is a hoax. You’ve not read? No read that. Can you, can you just Google, and give that article? See, founder of the ADHD, he said the whole ADHD is a cooked up, a hoax disease. He cooked it up because the psychiatrists association wanted to market something. The whole ADHD is a hoax.


Participant: Oh my God


False diagnosis. You see. In US if you’ve seen the pharmacy the company ads, if you have chest pain or you think you may have chest pain, if you have knee pain and you think you may have knee pain, if you walk too fast and have little sweating or may have little more sweating, please check your doctor for ADHD. Arrey, few months before, suddenly the psychiatry association, they come and declare around hundred and seventy disorders, literally making the whole world their patients.

Like how I come out everyday and declare I give you powers. They come out and declare new, new diseases to propagate their business. Understand, in My vision I want everyone to be powerful. In their vision, they want everyone to be sick.

See, in death bed he confessed, it’s a deathbed confession, confession. Ma, not even this article, there is one more article, straight line, when he was, the father of ADHD, when he was dying, in the death bed he confessed, confessed saying that ADHD is a hoax. “Please don’t believe. I was forced to do that.”.

See you guys are all thoroughly cheated by the western systems. And good that I’m born in a Indian village. Otherwise, they would have put Me into some ADHD because I used to be like that in the young age, you see. My mother used to tell two three ton weight cot I will just turned it around. I was three year old baby and My mother told me, “Go and call your uncle” and My uncle was sleeping on the cot, You know in, in Indian village, they will have a teak wood cot with that mosquito curtain frame, a very heavy art work with beautiful art work they will have. It would be at least two ton teak wood, minimum two ton teak wood, double cot. I went and called “Mama, mama.” He did not respond. I just tumbled the cot. He got, he got shaken, he looked around. Only I was standing. He thought some ghost has entered and started screaming “Bhootha, bhootha, bhootha” and ran away.

See, heavy power in the small body. God saved. I was from Indian village. Otherwise in America, they would have put Me in ADHD or some other, some home, some remedies, some medicine. They would have put Me in some sedation, all stupidity. The only thing he needs is power manifestation, not any medicine. If you, if, if their parents will listen to you, tell them, stop all medical attention, just let him do power manifestation, he will become alright. And don’t believe doctors. It is, see, see hmmm ma, hey project the article. There’s a confession video. So, just don’t get cheated by the stupid luxuries. These are all stupid luxuries. Understand, be a Indian villager, you will have so much of joy in the life. He will become alright. He has already become alright. There’s nothing.


Participant: Thank you Swamiji.


And just do power manifestation, that's all. And you guys, don’t forcibly try to snatch away from him. He will drop it on his own. When his higher identity grows, he will feel all this are irrelevant and he will throw it. That’s all. No, you don’t snatch. You guys don’t do that. Allow organic growth.

Understand one thing. Let organic growth happen. See, even in you, ferociousness does not mean destroying you. Ferociousness means infusing intensity but organically moving, not creating conflicts, not creating conflicts. Actually ferociousness will never create conflict. It will only grow organically. Ferociousness is nothing but intense completion. It cannot create complication. Any of you, do not do anything unorganic. Allow ferociousness, but in a very organic way, evolving, with more and more understanding, more and more powerful cognitions, more and more power manifestation, more and more of organic way of building.


Participant: Anything Swamiji. Thanks for this time. So I enjoy, thoroughly enjoy and have, I believe successively given and received healing through use of the hands, like with massage. Earlier I was helping out one of participants with some knots in her back and I was told not to do that. Can you please say that?


Please understand, no, no, no, no, no, no, understand one thing. Hmmm, oh, it’s a instruction for all of you. Do not get touched by any common low level human energies, especially when you’re going through this process. Permanently itself, if you avoid, it’s good. See, you being successful outside with your clients, is may be different because maybe they’re lower energy than you but here the huge work I am doing on them. You may be, you may be interfering with them, which is not required. Understand, better to avoid here. That is one. Even in the regular life, any physical touch with the person who is not, if you are very sure that other person is in a higher consciousness, OK, it’s good. If you have, even if you have a doubt, better don’t allow, because that person’s energy is going to enter into you. Why do you want to damage you? Yes?


Participant: What about handshake?


I will strongly recommend avoiding handshake. Hands are the way your energy is given or taken. That is why this blessing, to release.

Understand, that is why when you come for receiving energy darshan, you are asked to raise your hand. Always, we have a beautiful thing, Namaste, and nowadays there are tons of STD’s, gets transmitted, even if there is a small scratch in the hand, so why do you want to take the risk? No really, so better to, avoid this handshake and come to this Namaste thing.

Energy wise if you ask Me, I will strongly recommend not to allow this handshake. It’s a, even here, if you see, only Rudras and Rudrakanyas who are celibates are allowed to touch you while you are doing yoga. If they’re married, even if they’re yoga teachers they’re not allowed to touch your body, touch you. See, observe. Even if they’re yogacharyas, if they’re married, they’re not allowed to touch you. Only the celibates are allowed to touch you and correct your postures while you’re doing yoga. It’s too important, especially when we are working on bioenergy. See, after we establish and you go home, you may not need to follow these so many things, so strictly, and all that but while, whi!e we are working it is required.

For example, some of these powers, not some, almost all of these powers are diet free. I recommend not to take non veg, so you, you will be healthy and all that but even if you eat non veg, the powers will not go away from you. Once it is established in biology but while I’m working if you take non veg, I will not be able to install it in the biology. It disturbs. During this thirty-one days, your diet has to be this because I am just like a making it root in your system. When it is getting rooted, you need to be like almost like a, actually I don't even want you guys to go and stay outside. But because we don’t have infrastructure, you’re going and staying outside. Soon, we will finish it and... I don't, because even sleeping and breathing in My breathing space has its own power. It has its own power in that energy field. So better to avoid.


Participant: OK. Thank you.


Participant: Swamiji, I was able to, power manifest the, the rolling of the coconut and also even rolling a pen and water bottle on the hand of the partner. That was the only power that I was able to manifest. All the other powers are like on and off. Sometimes it manifests, sometimes, What is the difference?


See, that’s what I am saying. This, this on and off is nothing but your bi, it is already gone into your muscle memory, it is not yet gone into your biomemory. Just little more ferocious understanding and little more ferocious Oneness, that’s all. See, don’t try to force. Force is different. Completion is different. Find where you, what kind of a thought current is disturbing your Oneness continuously and complete them. Then the intensity of the Oneness will increase.

For example, constantly if your mind is stuck in some insecurity while you are doing the power manifestation, hitting that thought is not the solution. Find what is the pattern that is sending this thought currents into me, like a, water bubbles in the fish tank. Catching each water bubble and collapsing is not going to work. Stop the source which is releasing the water bubbles, the pattern. Catch it and complete. Drop. You will see suddenly the intensity of the Oneness increases.


Participant: OK Swamiji, if, if that’s the case, how, how come the coconut rolling alone happens?


That’s what, sometimes few powers manifest.


Participant: OK.


That does not mean all your, the whole space has become clear.


Participant: Nithyanandam Swamiji. Ya, I didn’t think I‘d ever see you again. So, it’s kind of cool to see you. It took about two and a half years to get back to you, so I’m grateful, so thank you. Ah, few things, one thank you so much for the aushadas, they’re awesome, they’re so awesome, can’t change.


I, I’ll let you guys, see Me also, see, while I am making aushada. How I make aushada or why don’t you have, tomorrow, day-after tomorrow and all, we can have two-three aushada process. They can see how I make. Only few people I took them to temple one day. Hmm, when I was making this Trayaksha aushada, few, just few people came. They got to see it.


Participant: Thank you.


You can, you can see how I’m making.


Participant: Continuing what you’re saying, I'm a hairstylist . So what am I exchanging with my clients?


One good thing. By the end of this program, you will be established permanently into the, higher consciousness and everyday before morning, going for your work, apply little bit of vibhuti or ahusada in your hand, so that you only give higher energy, you don’t receive lower energy.


Participant: Thank you.


It will be like a protection.


Participant: Thank you.


Or where you work, in your work station, keep a mandala, that’s all. That will take care.


Participant: Great, I am a mess afterwards. Hmm,. Another question I have is since our space is expanding, when we go back home, does our responsibility also expand?


Naturally because everyone around you will start feeling you’ve become big and you will, you can start inspiring them or perspiring them. If you don't inspire them, you are going to perspire them. So better start inspiring them. That’s your responsibility.


Participanti: I want to say something else. When I last saw you in Phuket, my life went crazy. I was in huge denial of who you were and I suffered tremendously and everyday something was just like plucked in, plucked in, plucked away from me and it was excruciating. Hmm and I thought I needed to fight for it and then one day you were in my head and I was praying, just crying, it was, it was pretty, it was a sight, and I was crying, I said: “Swamiji just, just tell me something.“ and your voice came in my head, you’re like “I take care of you” and then I was like no, no, no, no, no, no, tell me something else, tell me something else cause I was in denial, yeah. And I was, you, living room, we were in the living room together, such a happening and then, and then I said, no tell me something else, tell me something else and you kept coming in my head, you kept coming in my head and then when I was on the way to the salon, what got me here was your voice said “Leave everything that you’ve created and come.” and that’s what I did and I’m so happy. So, thank you.


That’s all



Living Off the Grid Is Equivalent To Sanyas' Life || MSS || 21 April 2018


Name Of The Convention: Mahasadashivoham Session on: Living Off the Grid Is Equivalent To Sanyas' Life Date: 21 April 2018 Venue: Adi Kailasa, Bengaluru, Karnataka, India

In this video Supreme Pontiff of Hinduism HDH #Nithyananda Paramashivam had an intimate small talk session, together with questions and answers session for the delegates of Mahasadashivoham. He addressed delegates' questions pertaining to power manifestations and yoga practises. In this session, HDH also addressed the common misunderstandings of multi-universes as parallel universes. He explained that you increase the depths of powerful cognitions, you start to manifest powers intensely. The depth increases the taste of what you enjoy.

The Supreme Pontiff of Hinduism Jagatguru Mahasannidhanam His Divine Holiness Nithyananda Paramashivam (HDH) is the reviver of #KAILASA - the ancient enlightened civilization and the great cosmic borderless Hindu nation. Revered as the incarnation of Paramashiva - the primordial Hindu Divinity, HDH has a following of 2 billion Hindus worldwide with de facto spiritual embassies in over 150 countries. He has worked untiringly for over 26 years for the revival of Kailasa, for global peace and to give super conscious breakthrough to humanity. He has survived the worst persecution of multiple assassination attempts on person and on character by anti-Hindu elements. He is collecting, organising, preserving, time capsuling, decoding, spreading and reviving 20 Million source books of Hinduism and the 64 sacred arts & sciences like Ayurveda, music, dance, sculpting, astrology, vastu and much more. Close to 20,000 hours of HDH’s timeless talks have been recorded till date (Sep 2020), which are a treasure trove of powerful cognitions to solve individual and global problems of any kind.

Link to Video:


Increase Depth Of Cognition & Start to Manifest Powers || MSS || 21 April 2018


Name Of The Convention: Mahasadashivoham Session on: Increase Depth Of Cognition & Start to Manifest Powers Date: 21 April 2018 Venue: Adi Kailasa, Bengaluru, Karnataka, India

In this video Supreme Pontiff of Hinduism HDH #Nithyananda Paramashivam had an intimate small talk session, together with questions and answers session for the delegates of Mahasadashivoham. He addressed delegates' questions pertaining to power manifestations and yoga practises. In this session, HDH also addressed the common misunderstandings of multi-universes as parallel universes. He explained that you increase the depths of powerful cognitions, you start to manifest powers intensely. The depth increases the taste of what you enjoy.

The Supreme Pontiff of Hinduism Jagatguru Mahasannidhanam His Divine Holiness Nithyananda Paramashivam (HDH) is the reviver of #KAILASA - the ancient enlightened civilization and the great cosmic borderless Hindu nation. Revered as the incarnation of Paramashiva - the primordial Hindu Divinity, HDH has a following of 2 billion Hindus worldwide with de facto spiritual embassies in over 150 countries. He has worked untiringly for over 26 years for the revival of Kailasa, for global peace and to give super conscious breakthrough to humanity. He has survived the worst persecution of multiple assassination attempts on person and on character by anti-Hindu elements. He is collecting, organising, preserving, time capsuling, decoding, spreading and reviving 20 Million source books of Hinduism and the 64 sacred arts & sciences like Ayurveda, music, dance, sculpting, astrology, vastu and much more. Close to 20,000 hours of HDH’s timeless talks have been recorded till date (Sep 2020), which are a treasure trove of powerful cognitions to solve individual and global problems of any kind.

Link to Video:



Participant: Now can I make an observation? Swamiji: Yes Participant: So, the coconut exercise that Ma Yoga did for us. I was very early to the program and in one hour I saw hundred people just you know, just coconuts rolling off everybody’s palm and it was totally unreal for me and eh… Swamiji: Actually more than that you should see people rolling on the floor that is what will be very… because the hand you can say ohh… they maybe cheating and all that… Participant: But 21 times Swamiji nobody will cheat that much, everybody has understood everybody. So it is so unreal in my head that I was like nobody is doing nothing, it’s like one Sudershan Chakra you are just coming and knocking everybody’s coconut off. That is the feeling that I started with but at five o’clock, I’m so grateful for that night because by five o’clock I started to understand because when I was doing hair growing and nail growing... Swamiji: Actually to tell you honestly Ma, it is all one...like a downloading of the software that’s all. Just your system need to be detoxified to receive Me, that’s all. Nothing else. Participant: How do we go to the next level, incremental, so from grams how do you go to kgs?


Swamiji: Increasing the depth of your cognitions, the cognitions with which you are playing and operating, thinking, increasing the depths of that cognition. In every level of your personal life, thinking, business for all your business problems also try to find solution from this powerful cognition itself. Then you’ll see you manifest powers intensely. Do not think these powerful cognitions are spiritual and your business and relationship problems need to be dealt with some other principle, no. These principles are capable of solving everything. Start dealing with everything with these principles you will manifest powers, because they’ll occupy much of your inner space.


Participant: My last question, what is the daily discipline required to maintain and manifest powers?


Maybe, just ten minutes of that morning Puja that’s enough. It’s like a connecting and bringing Oneness. Yes go ahead.

Participant II: So the last yoga class you were sitting up there watching us, I had a… towards the end, the twisting poses I had had this immense taste of metal coming into my mouth. Swamiji: It means that matter is awakened in you. Good. Participant II: Yeah I wasn’t sure whether to spill out, I wasn’t sure whether… Swamiji: Even if you spill out, that taste will not go because it comes from here.. Participant II: okay Swamiji: So you can’t spill out Participant II: It continued a good hour after the class. Swamiji: That is okay.. good. Participant II: It’s okay? Swamiji: That’s good. Participant II: And do I Swamiji: You can be helped with that honey and bel leaf, that’s all. But it cannot be removed. It’s good. Participant II: so I can swallow that? Swami: Nothing wrong, it's actually good. (3:29) Participant II: One other question, so the last, when we were writing things on paper and the person was hiding it and we were supposed to… I had all these very childhood patterns come up, patterns that I haven’t experienced in a while. Swamiji: What I’m saying, whenever powerful cognitions are inserted into the system it just kicks out many viruses. Participant II: So I’m done with them. Swamiji: You’re done with all that. Now you have become complete with that. Participant II: Okay and could you talk about this space of Hiranya Garba. Swamiji: The space from which the idea of origin originates. The space where, Will realises it’s manifestation. For example: When you’re manifesting power, you are giving instruction but you don’t believe it’s going to happen but suddenly it happens. For that one second you touch Hiranya Garba. Participant II: So this can be applied to power manifestation. Swamiji: See you’re giving instruction but you don’t believe it is really going to move but you are seeing suddenly it starts moving. For that second you touch Hiranya Garba. Participant II: You can’t think about it Swamiji: It cannot be remembered. It cannot be memo… you cannot catch it by memory. You can catch it only by your breath. Participant: Okay Swamiji: Your breathing is roped catch, not your memory. Memory is too shallow. Memory is too superficial. Breathing is more solid. Participant II: Okay Thank you Swamiji.


Shall we do a little power manifestation and then I’ll continue? Uh..Because we sat for such a long time.


Acharya: Oops a little loud. See, you got the heights scale. I want us to play with more than three powers today. But it’s not about the number of powers it’s about the number of times you are going to be repeating it. To have a powerful cognition to be automatically delivered to you as an intelligence. Swamiji is right here, right, so the height scales are kept, first finish the weight increase or decrease, the change twenty one times. When I’m saying twenty one times it means, see I’m initially starting you will have only that twenty grams forty grams break, not for all some of them will just go to one kg, two kg but when you are continuously manifesting for that person or for yourself, you’re going to see a jump to three kgs, jump to one kg. And after it jumps when you again check it is not retaining there. So Swamiji said, when you just enter further into oneness, it’s just a matter of maybe a couple of days of playing. You’ll be able to retain it for that person. Swamiji used to tell me that many people, and I think I’ve shared this with you before. Many people will come and they’ll try to materialise something but it will not retain. Not here, other people who are not initiated by Swamiji. Here, what we are going to do first is let’s finish the twenty one for the weight. By now everybody has finished the blood pressure. Anyone not finished? Because again I’m going to bring it out. You just ensure that you finish. This is not school race, where you know everyone went so let me not, exact... good...start that finish it off. Let us finish it off, for Swamiji also, ok fine let us finish it off. When we play with the weight, play only with the weight right now. After that we’ll push the mode into height. Anybody who has finished the weight twenty one times, I know there are some people who have finished it thirty five times and all. But I only want to tell you one thing, the weight change for these twenty one people should not be like twenty grams – thirty grams. No. It should be bare minimum five hundred grams. I’ll always say wait for it to go to one kg and do that twenty one times for people. Don’t give up on them there. Swamiji is saying only if you are raising it to the one kg and doing that twenty one times that means twenty one people one kg and above of, otherwise it’s going to keep oscillating. You will do and in one hour it will drop back, that should not happen, that should become their biomemory…. Your biomemory. Yes Ma, yes it’ll only take few minutes, it’ll only take a few minutes see you’ve got a lot of scales out here, if you’re going to be playing together and let’s see you did by half a kg, again remember Swamiji in the third eye enter into the Ananda Gandha look at the person and take them back to the scale, it’ll shift. Note it down, please understand today make sure that… you can use your tablets now to take pictures of your readings. Just make sure you turn it on and turn it off each time. When you turn on the machine it’s going to take couple of seconds, do not turn your camera towards Swamiji. Please enjoy this intimate space with him, but do not turn the camera towards Swamiji. Yes, yes no, no you should continue with that person, it’ll change. See you can do simultaneously with each other. So I do for you, you do for me then we both check the scale, again let’s raise it or change it and let’s do both. The increase or decrease, let’s make it to the one kg and like that have twenty one people. This will make it so easy for you to raise height, you will not be in centimetres, straight away go to several inches. The amount of work you did for rolling the coconut twenty one times that helped with the next power. Then the amount of work you did for body scanning blood pressure pulse, by second day you people started to bringing down to thirty. Like that the dramatic increase let’s do that twenty one times.



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Sakshi Pramana:

Sharings on Darshan, Aushadha, Power Manifestation & Yoga


Bhagavan Sri Nithyananda Paramashivam Paramahamsa Nithyananda, Nithyananda, Swamiji, Sadāshiva, MahaSadāshiva, MahaSadāshivoham, Mahadeva, Oneness, Samadhi experience, virtuous circle, fundamental cognition, vicious circle, Guru, power manifestation, manifesting powers, Ramayan, Mahabharat