August 21 2020
Alive Satsang - How To Become a Hero! || Paramashivoham - S10 || Consciousness Over Matter
KAILASA's Department of Information Broadcasting, in collaboration with SHRIKAILASA Uniting Nations for Peacekeeping, aimed at eradicating violence and promoting peace, telecasted the Nithyananda Satsang on How To Become a Hero] revealed by The Supreme Pontiff of Hinduism, Jagatguru Mahasannidhanam, His Divine Holiness Bhagavan Nithyananda Paramashivam. His Divine Holiness (HDH) explained about the 4 Images sharing that a Man who puts time, treasure, talent, energy, everything on his inner image and consciously builds it, wins the game. He becomes the hero forever! HDH also touched on the food industry and the destructive food-like products that many have become addicted to because of the junk hungry patterns. Today celebrations continued in Adi KAILASA Sarvajnapeetha, being the 10th day of Ganesh Brahmotsavam. The Darshan for today was Nataraja Bhava Darshan.
Contributing to over [[108 humanitarian causes of SHRIKAILASA Uniting Nations]], KAILASA's Nithyananda Hindu University marks today as Season 10, Day 11 of Paramashivoham. One of the major highlights of KAILASA’s contributions through this convention is Power Manifestation, today being the Power of Consciousness over Matter.
Sanyasis of the Nithyananda Order of Monks and initiated Acharyas worldwide, affiliated with the Department of Education of KAILASA conducted a series of seminars focusing on the Truths of the importance of Principles of Enlightenment, Ishavasya Upanishad, Brahma Sutras, Keno Upanishad, Pure Questioning and Completion, as revealed by the Supreme Pontiff of Hinduism, inspiring millions towards the Science of Hinduism.
Sakshi Pramana
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