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“Thinking within the box is bondage. Thinking outside the box is choices. Breaking the box is creativity. Box is a hoax is Freedom.” - Paramahamsa Nithyananda on Geometry of choices & Geometry of freedom

"Freedom that doesn't depend on any external circumstance is the only true freedom."


Svatantra, means the technique, method to handle yourself. Sva.-tantra. Sva means self; tantra means technique, ability to handle. If you are able to handle, you have Svatantra. If you are able to handle, you have freedom. Only if you are able to handle yourself you have freedom.


Freedom, for which almost the whole world gives its life.If you just look inside the human consciousness, the very flow of human consciousness is towards freedom. If you see the history of all civilisations, all the expression is always towards freedom.

Whatever they thought as freedom, they were always putting their energy in that direction.

For example: Money – Why do you think so much of desire for wealth in the world? Because with money you have more choices.

You experience a glimpse of freedom with money. Without money you have only one suffering. With money you have many suffering between which you can choose.

Whether it is our running behind money, or political freedom or social freedom whatever you may call it with different names. But finally human consciousness constantly expands towards freedom.

If you think political freedom is the ultimate, you start moving towards political freedom. If a society thinks social freedom is the ultimate, they start move towards social freedom. If you think economical freedom is the ultimate, you start working for economic freedom. Whatever you consider as a freedom, you start working towards it. You start traveling towards it.

Choices are not Freedom

We spend our life so far pursuing "freedom." But how FREE do we really feel? Even in some area of your life we may feel somewhat free but in other areas if we are still feeling tied down or suffocation then that is NOT freedom!

If freedom is all about having more choices, (like society leads us to believe), then why is the world more stressed, depressed and violent than ever before?

For Example: So Called "Freedom" with Food: When we live in a society where the food is poisoned and chemically altered, the water is fluoridated, even though we have so many "choices" we don't even have the basic FREEDOM to eat as per the natural needs of our bodies.

But real freedom is being able to freely eat as per your goals - such as the goal of being healthy. We have been wrongly led to believe that freedom means choices to eat whatever we want, and consumeristic society encourages these "choices". And these choices we are surrounded with to make us feel free in the area of food and health, is actually controlling us! Same way in our love, relationships, success, career, etc... we are misled and taught that having many choices is freedom. It is NOT!

The sea of choices is marketed as freedom.

What is REAL freedom?

When you understand what is your real freedom, you can look beyond the "choices" and have the freedom to live as per your real GOALS!

Svatantra - The Real Freedom

Multiple choices are not freedom. Your ability to choose and take responsibility for what you have chosen, that is freedom.

In Sanskrit: in Sanskrit we have a beautiful word, Svatantra, means the technique, method to handle yourself. Sva.-tantra. Sva means self; tantra means technique, ability to handle. If you are able to handle, you have Svatantra. If you are able to handle, you have freedom. If not, you are free dumb, free dumb. You don’t have freedom, you have free dumb! Only choices means ‘free dumb’.

Only if you are able to handle yourself you have freedom. I tell you, anything which can be enjoyed, experienced with these five senses is not going to help you to get out of freedom. Start exploring 11 dimensions of consciousness. Start exploring 25 states of consciousness. Start exploring multi-dimensions of universe. Start exploring various aspects and powers and powerful cognitions of consciousness. I tell you that is only going to make you engage with life. Understand, if you are engaging only with limited things, you are encaging. You are not engaging, you are encaged.

Only if you are engaged with larger dimensions of life, understand, not larger quantity of items, larger quality of life, larger dimensions of life, you will experience life as a celebration. I tell you, nothing is going to be more inspiring in the future anymore other than exploring consciousness and enlightenment, exploring consciousness and enlightenment. Nothing else. Nothing else. Nothing else. If you are not exploring your consciousness, no other way, you will be imploding in boredom.


From Choices to Freedom! Breaking the Box is Creativity; Knowing the Box is a Hoax is Freedom! What is Real Freedom: