August 28 2010

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In this discourse, Paramahamsa Nithyananda describes in detail about His conscious birth and how he enters into samadhi (state of enlightenment). In this video, He talks about his autobiography - Autobiography of an avatar (avataar), which is going to come in 2012. This message is just in the last minute towards the end of the video. He drops the seed on Conflict free living. He asks all the devotees around the world to enter into conflict-free life and the living enlightenment process from wherever they are.




DATE: August 28, 2010

LOCATION: Sri Nithyananandeshwara Paramashiva Temple, in front of the main sanctum, Bidadi Aadheenam

Sadashiva samarambam shankaraacharya madhyamaam Asmadaacharya paryanthaam vande Guru paramparaam

I welcome you all with my love and respects.

My today’s message is one of the strong experience I had now in Pada puja. See, if you observed, if you are a long time devotee you will know, never ever between the pada puja my body will move or my eyes will open. Today you would have seen after arati I opened the eyes. Usually I rest in deep samadhi.

One writer, he is not even a writer, blackmailer, was writing an article abusing that his feet is worshipped by thousands of devotees every day. But actually that poor fellow doesn’t know when he wrote, it was not thousands it was only twenty five maximum per day. Now actually it has become thousands because through web camera thousands are doing pada puja everywhere. We are getting the report everyday at least 1000 - 1200 people are sitting in their homes either conducting the pada puja physically or just sitting and offering mentally through the web camera. So, he was very abusively writing. One of our devotee challenged him. We know the experience of sitting at his feet during pada puja when he is in Samadhi. We are not even asking you to fall into samadhi and all, can you just sit like that without moving your body for 45 minutes? That’s all was asked to that writer; that blackmailer, and still no reply. Allthat devotee asked was you don’t need to fall into samadhi and all, for 45 minutes just sit like a statue without moving your body; just try. The devotee challenged if you can do it just sitting for 45 minutes without moving the body, we will not only do pada puja to you, we will do whatever you want.

So I never open my eyes, today even I was surprised how did it happen. Let me tell you exactly what was happening inside. This is my message today. See, usually what happens when I fall into that samadhi is, kind of a light ball which assumed this body overtakes this body. Exactly if I have to describe, if I remember how I took this body, this form, I see very clearly, suddenly like a light ball, whatever I feel as me, landed into my mother’s umbilical cord. See when I landed, when that light ball landed, already my body was, I can say that, out of my mother’s womb. Maybe in this way I can put it, that umbilical cord has stretched the extent that the necessity to be in mother’s womb was no more. I do not know exactly physically I am out or not, the umbilical cord has become so stiff, the necessity to be in mother’s womb was not there anymore. So I remember very clearly, I landed on the umbilical cord only, then I just saw that I have a body and immediately had the vision of Arunachala, that hill. That’s all exactly happened.

I don’t know exactly when my physical eyes opened, when I physically happened in the planet earth; means the physical identification of or exact the physical time, chronological time, I am not able to scan. Because, as per the medical understanding after the child comes out of the body only the umbilical cord (becomes) is disconnected or no more necessity to be with mother’s womb happens. Because of that medical understanding only I said I was already out of mother’s womb. But when I scan inside, I don’t have any verification from the spiritual experience that whether my body was already out of mother’s womb or not. I only felt the necessity to be in mother’s womb was not there. At that moment only, that light assumed; it just hit the mothers, the umbilical cord and assumed this body.

From that moment I know this body is there, which happened out of that light; intense light. If I describe, maybe light ball or something like that. So whenever I fall asleep I fall into that only; whenever I fall into samadhi I fall into that; that’s all. So all other superficial things happens like a jagrat swapna sushupti all are like a superficial. That is why all that three does not make any difference in the body.

Today also during pada puja time I fell into that same consciousness. Today before falling into that consciousness these guys have given me the slip of title, what I am supposed to share today, because they are making some hundred important titles which will directly help people for living enlightenment. See we are getting now thousands of questions from media, ex devotees, and present devotees, from all over the world. So from all these questions they are compiling major subjects which will really help people; what people really want from me. First time we are studying what people want from me. See it was always like whatever I want to give I was giving; now, we are studying what people really want from me because of these questions from around the world; so based on that, they are picking up each day one one subject. They picked up a hundred subjects.

What all, actually when they studied whole thing, all the problems can be reduced just to three, just three – money, relationships, sex. That’s all. No…. we tried to study 1000s of questions from 1000s of different mental setup, different people, different culture. We wanted to study what really people want from a spiritual master; living master. What techniques, what solution, what they really expect? Why they flock around him physically and virtually, even after so much scandal? You will be surprised 20000 people come to this web camera everyday to have a glimpse of Anandeshwara. 1000s of people before going to the office, just log in, have darshan, go to office and before starting morning routine, click and have darshan or sit in front and keep that web in one corner just to have glimpse, when Swamiji may cross, when he may come to the temple. Even I was surprised.

So we want to study why, what really people want; because the amount of abusive news spread, unimaginable!!! There is nothing they left. When we study, this is the major three things people want solutions for this three problems - money, relationships, sex. These are the three major problems people face in their life. People wants solution only for this three; workable solution. So out of our study this guys have developed many subjects; hundreds of I think hundred. One day I sat and spoke 101 definitions of living enlightenment. It’s there in the you tube. So they developed hundred subjects. So everyday whatever I address will directly useful for people in their day to day life.

So today they gave the subject. When I came and sat and fell into the samadhi, I put, I just had one thought, no…… today I will not speak the same subject they gave. I will speak something which is my very core, which really really really I wanted to share. I thought why should I speak what people want, I will tell what really I have. Because I speak, I speak because I have something to speak not because I have to speak; I write because I have something to write not because I have to write. If I start writing because I have to write then I will start abusing people. I will start, if I run out of subject, then start abusing people. See I live because I have something to live; if you don’t have any purpose then start living for abusing others.

I tell you only the people who don’t have any purpose on their own to live, but they have time to live, they do unnecessary things of harassing others and they intrude in others space. They intrude in others life; they disturb in others living. I tell you, live just because you have some reason to live, if you don’t have any reason, just disappear and I tell you, if you are honest and tell yourself ehhh I find no reason to live, why not disappear. You don’t need to commit suicide, simply the cosmos will say, come on…. come back…. That’s what I call videha mukti. See jeevan mukti is living with a clear understanding. When you don’t have anything, any reason to live, just tell the cosmos ehhh I think I don’t have any reason. Simply you will relax; your deha will become videha. You will relax into the cosmos.

Cosmos is waiting; he is waiting to fulfill your purpose. You don’t need to commit suicide. See when you have purpose he says come on I will fulfill you; I will celebrate myself through you. When you say I think I have no purpose, then he will just say come on…. come back….. Relax. So that’s what is videha mukti. But this fools neither they have purpose when they live nor they know how to tell the cosmos that I don’t have purpose; please let me relax. No… that life only, full of conflict, harassing others, interfering in others space, intruding into others privacy, trying to abuse people; all kinds of nonsense starts that is where. All you need is the science of living and science of leaving; nothing else.

So I speak because I have something to speak, I write because I have something to write, I live because I have something to live. Whether you are writing or speaking or living if you don’t have anything to offer that is where you start harassing others. So today I thought I will not speak just because somebody wants, I will speak because what I want to give; what I have to share. So with this one understanding I sat inside, what really I have to offer, to tell, as a core of this samadhi experience. You will be surprised the title they gave and the subject I felt like expressing is one and the same; just both fell into the same and not only that the moment it clicked, I could not control, I just wanted to start speaking, I opened the eyes. It just came out. It just came out.

See when the clicks, solid clicks happen, at that moment even I cannot stop my bio memory. It just comes out. I tell you all really whoever physically, virtually was watching me at that moment, understand, it’s not just my blessing or promise, that idea has already got released as a bio memory and settled into you all because it was a such a spontaneous opening, happening, what you want and what I want to share, both matched; clicked. See, when they gave that title today I felt ehhh why should, I felt that’s a exact idea I had, ehh I am almost like a catering as per the requirements, it’s like a see they are doing lot of research now, one big team is sitting and doing research, analyzing all the questions I receive and analyzing all the most watched trend in you tube and based on that they are preparing my everyday subject; title. Today I felt ehhh it almost looks like a business. Why should I talk what people want? I should talk what I have to share; the honest, core, deep, exact, experienced, truth. Suddenly I saw, today the truth which want to come out and the subject they gave both met and merged; means this is the core of my experience.

I can say this can be my second name; this can be my next name and not only that I have decided that my, I am writing my autobiography. Some of you may be aware, we were planning to release by 2011 January 1st but I decided to postpone it to 12/12/12. 12/12/12 I will be releasing, may be in 100 language at a time. We have already frozen the title. The title has been already frozen and decided - Autobiography of an Avatar. It will come out as a book, movie, cartoon and comic at least in a hundred languages. Already I have started penning down. It is happening. It may come out as three volume because the material getting penned, so vast; three volume.

I will be writing in a very detailed way about this whole scandal. I think just the part of the scandal may come out as a book in next one or two months. That will come out immediately but the autobiography will be; 12/12/12 it will be released. Till the December 1st of the 2012, 1/12/12; till that date it will be penned because we need last twelve days for printing and publishing. Whatever has happened I am penning down and I am merging the truth and fact together. That’s why it is taking time. Every word uttered will be factual and leading you to the truth; means the space in which I am staying. So I can say today what I experienced and expressing, this one line, this message, maybe the underlying theme of the whole biography because this is the underlying theme of my whole life.

I think I have given enough built up. I have to come to the subject. I don’t want to expand on this subject; really I don’t want to expand on this subject because the moment I try to expand I may reduce the intensity of that subject. I just wanted to give the importance, introduction about that subject and just tell that word and leave it for you to work on it. Let that word sink in you and whatever happens, happens, whatever you understand, understand, so that you contemplate on that word without anything to be added from my side, without any dilution by any further expansion or verbal understandings.

Many time when I try to explain with more words you dilute it, you make your own understanding for my words. So I don’t even want you to have that confusion. I will just give an introduction. I think I have given enough introduction and just drop that word like a seed in your inner space. You go and sit and contemplate because that word itself is a powerful seed; powerful process. You don’t need further expansion, further explanation, further verbal understanding, dictionary or meaning, and all those things; no nothing is required. I am not interested in doing that. So now I will just drop that seed and immediately after that you will all come back and sit in the LEP, the Chitta Sabha, all the LEP participants. This is going through the process now, nothing more only this.

Because one when they gave the subject I suddenly felt why should it be like a me speaking for marketing, me speaking for what people want, I should speak what really I have to offer. Because always people want something in the outer world; something related to outer world and what people ask in Kalpataru is not always what I want to give for them, but what I give in energy darshan is what I really want to give for them. Of course I do give in Kalpataru whatever they want but very rarely few intelligent people come and say Swamiji you give what you want.

Same way always during my message messages I was giving only what I wanted but now because of this branding and what people want, analyzing and they gave the slip what people wanted. So I thought I should tell what I wanted, so I fell into that samadhi with one thing. Something so strong came out, as I wanted to share and fortunately it exactly met with what you all wanted. It’s like a you and me meeting; the human society and inner space of an incarnation meeting with each other. So and it was so strongly accepted my all organs, it’s like anything happens, all part of me votes for it and today it was an anonymous decision sorry unanimous decision. Of course whenever it is unanimous it’s anonymous.

Understand really whenever it is unanimous it is always anonymous because there is nobody to decide. When it is, you see only when there is conflict there are two when there is no conflict when it is unanimous it is not even one it is beyond one. See when there is conflict its two. When there is no conflict you can’t say it is one; it is duality. Opposite to duality is not oneism, it is non duality. That’s all. Advaita. Not ekatva; not oneism. See dualism is dual; conflict; and opposite to dualism is not oneism. No…. opposite to dvaita is not ekatva. No… advaita; non dualism. That’s all. It means anonymous. Whenever it is unanimous it is always anonymous. Today unanimously this message came out. Then I saw yes that’s right. This is the most opting message. So I decided this should be the main theme of my whole biography, whole autobiography. The theme is, the subject is - Conflict Free Life.

Now just go and sit in Chitta Sabha, I am coming there. Nothing just remember this one truth - conflict free life. Life is conflict free. Life is conflict free, conflict free life. Don’t analyze am I conflict free? How to live conflict free life? What is the technique? What is the method? How to go about? Nothing…. life is conflict free. If I am living I am conflict free; conflict free life. That’s all. Let us enter into the process in Chitta Sabha.

So the devotees who are watching from around the world I request you all also just sit wherever you are for next twenty one minutes with this one truth, conflict free life; that’s all. I will be there working with you all, doing the living enlightenment process. You will all live enlightenment, live the eternal bliss Nithyananda.

Thank you.


Patanjali Yoga Sutras (Day 7) by Nithyananda


In this Patanjali Yoga Sutras discourse, Paramahamsa Nithyananda elaborates on conflict-free living.

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Levitation in the presence of Nithyananda (Living Enlightenment Process)


In this 3 min prelude, Nithyananda unravels the science of Samana - a yogic practice to balance the spreading air energy, a by-product of which is levitation. Watch the participants experiencing levitation in the presence of Paramahamsa Nithyananda. He speaks of the Ashta Maha Siddhis (8 yogic powers) which happened as a result of the balanced Samana. Watch for the detailed video coming soon.

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28 Aug 2010: Nithyananda World Family News


28 Aug 2010: Nithyananda World Family News

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28 Aug 2010: Nithyananda World Family News