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Sadashiva is manifesting all of us in His own see. Let this be your Facebook status for today and let this be the subject for Vaakyartha Sadas Let this be contemplated, analyzed, intranalysed, again and again.  Please continue this Truth as a material for Vaakyartha Sadas  today.  
Sadashiva is manifesting all of us in His own see. Let this be your Facebook status for today and let this be the subject for Vaakyartha Sadas Let this be contemplated, analyzed, intranalysed, again and again.  Please continue this Truth as a material for Vaakyartha Sadas  today.  
With this, I bless you all. Let you all radiate with Integrity, Authenticity, Responsibility, Enriching, Causing Living Shuddhadvaita Saivam the eternal Bliss, Nithyananda. Thank you. Be Blissful.  
With this, I bless you all. Let you all radiate with [[Integrity]], [[Authenticity]], [[Responsibility]], [[Enriching]], Causing Living Shuddhadvaita Saivam the eternal Bliss, Nithyananda. Thank you. Be Blissful.  
[[Category: 2016]]
[[Category: 2016]]

Revision as of 18:24, 15 February 2019

Link to Video:


During today’s morning Satsang, His Holiness Paramahamsa Nithyananda explains that through Third Eye Awakening, we experience how we are made out of the same material in which we are seeing. It will give us the exact understanding of how to handle and get out of the Matrix. He refines this realization by declaring, “Sadshiva made all of us in His SEE”. He explains that we didn't make God in our mold like atheists, nor did God create us out of his mold, a separate piece. We are the extension of Sadashiva, not separate, but in Oneness. " Watch, share and like the video's and Subscribe to our channel to be notified of the next upload. click http://bit.ly/20j90wr to subscribe. Website and Social Media: http://www.nithyananda.org http://www.nithyananda.tv http://www.innerawakening.org https://twitter.com/SriNithyananda https://www.facebook.com/ParamahamsaN...


Paramahamsa Nithyananda, Nithyananda, Sadashiva, Sadashiva Manifests us in His SEE, victimhood, powerless pornography, God is survival department, delusion needs awakening, smart decision not hard work, Glimpses of Sadāshivoham, Sadashiva is Kārana, Kārya Mula, there is no suffering, wake up from this dream, Third Eye, Samskara Dahana Kriya, Put the anchor on Truth not on delusion, Making it happen v/s trying your best, Open Yoru Third Eye, Wale up from Dream, All things is extension of you


Nithyānandeśvara samārambhām Nithyānandeśvari madhyamām |
Asmadāchārya paryantām vande guru paramparām ||

I welcome all of you with My love and respects. I welcome everyone sitting with us through Nithyananda TV, Facebook live, YouTube live, two-way video conferencing all over the world.

Today I wanted to expand on this one statement I made in Sadāshivoham, which has become Facebook status for many but still many has questions. I made a statement.


Some of the atheist philosophy say – man made God in His own mould. Some of the western religious and philosophical thought current say – God made man in His own mold. Both are not completely true. Listen to the ultimate Truth, the Supreme Truth. The real, real, really real Truth.


I made this statement in Glimpses of Sadāshivoham.

Listen to this statement.

Sadashiva made everything and all of us in His own SEE.

Listen. Not seeing, not seen, not scene, not sea. No. “SEE.” I wanted to use some word which is immediate action and existentially happening. If I use the word ‘seen' then done past. No. He has not created the world and gone to rest. No. no. Nowhere Hindu God rests or sleeps or takes vacation. No. In Hinduism God never works and neither asks for vacation. The very idea work, vacation all that proves whoever has those ideas God works and God takes off you are making your god from your mold. He neither works nor takes off. There's no working day and holiday in Hindu tradition because in Hindu tradition God is a survival department which cannot rest. He is survival department. He cannot afford to take off.


Listen. I can't use the word SEEN. I can't use the word SEEING. Seeing reduces the whole thing just to an action. No.

Why I use the word SEE. Listen.

SEE is a happening. Sadashiva is Kārana Kārya Mula. Listen. Kārana, the Cause. KĀRYA, the Effect. MULA, the Source.

If a pot is made, clay, potter and the force potter is using on the clay and the knowledge potter has which he applies on that clay – all that put together becomes a pot. Understand. Sadashiva is all this for all of us. Listen carefully. Sadashiva is all this for all of us. He is the material out of which we are made. He is the material out of which we are made. He is the potter who is making us. He is the force which is put on us, for us to stay as we are, and He is the knowledge which is applying the force on us, to stay as we are.

Listen. Listen. Immediately we all have a question. If He is everything, then why there is so much of sadness, suffering, and wrong things. Stupid. Ask the question in the other way. If He is everything, how can there be all this? It's all-false. Put the question in the other way.

Put your anchor on the Truth not on delusion. If He is everything, then why am I deluded as if all this exists? I am not insensitive. Don’t try to bring all that matrix theory, “Oh He is so insensitive about poverty. He is so insensitive about poor people.” Understand all your so-called philanthropist charitable fellows are running around only about either Noble Prize or sainthood. No charity happens through them. No charity happens through them. Listen. I am not insensitive to poverty. I am not disrespectful to people suffering. Try to understand what I am explaining. Then you will understand the Reality and you will be out of the matrix. You will be out of the matrix.


One of the worst problem with which you all suffer, one of the worst problem with which you all suffer, listen carefully, one of the worst problem with which you all suffer is the victimhood you carry you project it on every one and you believe strongly it is an Existential Reality. When you try to show yourself as a victim you feel very good. “aaaah,” “aaaah.” That is what I call powerless pornography. Cheapest pornography. Cheapest pornography a human being can enjoy is the taste of showing themselves as victim. Enjoying the victim hood. That's the cheapest pornography any human being can enjoy, because you enjoy that you do not want to deny the existence of it. You want to project that on everyone and whole world there is so much suffering, You mean to say there is no suffering? I MEAN THERE IS NO SUFFERING. After going through so much of attack from all corners of world, I mean there is no suffering.


Understand. Ask the question in right way. If SADASHIVA made all of us in His own SEE, don’t ask why there is so much suffering, then how can there be delusion of this suffering. Ask the right question. Don't ask why there is so much of suffering, the moment you say, why there is so much suffering, you put the anchor on the delusion and you are trying to question the Turiyatita. Put the anchor on Turiyatita and ask – then why am I feeling there is so much of suffering? Because you enjoy cheap victimhood pornography. Most of the time you want to prove you are trying your best, you don't want to make it happen. Understand. Making it happen is different, collecting all the arguments to prove I am really trying my best to make it happen. If you establish you are really trying your best to make it happen, you may get medal, but not result. You may get medal, but not result.


Understand. Most of the time because you enjoy victimhood you project that on others. You project that on world, want to strongly believe the existence of suffering. When you want to believe something nobody can stop you. Nobody can stop you. No one can stop you when you want to believe something.


Listen to this truth again. Sadashiva made all of us in His own SEE. S.E.E. I don’t want to conclude it as ‘seen’, or seeing. SEE because one more understanding I want to share with you. Only if some matter is connected to you, you feel that as ‘me.’ For example; as long as your hands are connected to you, you feel that as you. You can handle it. You can do what do you want with it. You can stretch, push, pull, up, down, all. But, if your Third Eye is awakened, you enter into next frequency, everything you see you know is the material out of which you are made is the same material out of which whatever you are seeing is also made, so you just know how to deal with the Matrix. You just know the Matter becomes your own extension. Anything you see, becomes your own extension. Looks tooo big. I know for most of you, even understanding is so difficult. How is it going to happen to me, when is it going to happen to me?


In the dream state, if I tell you, when you wake up there will be a huge Nithyananda Sabha lot of deities will be there with all beautiful jeweled, with all the vehicles, decorations, screens, so many things and if you start calculating, even to stitch one curtain it takes 10 year for me. I have to learn tailoring, learn weaving and then weave and stitch it and hang it and when am I going to build the whole Nithyananda Sabha? How foolish your logic and calculation is! If you wake up from the dream, in which most of you are, you will see the Nithyananda Sabha. If you wake up from this dream and open your Third Eye, you will just see. All the things you are seeing is extension of you.

Understand. Delusion, delusion needs only awakening. It needs smart decision not hard work. It needs smart decision not hard work. When I say, Sadashiva made all of us in His own SEE. Listen. When I say Sadashiva made all of us in His own SEE, I mean, I mean from this Truth – question what do you think should not be there, or what do you think creates doubt about this statement. If you are from that side and question this statement it will never become your reality. Be on this side and question that side.

Blessed are those who have a trust on Guru to push themselves to this side and question that side. You can go on be on that side and question this side. I am not the loser. I’ll continue. I’ll continue. I’ll continue.


I read a one liner. On the way I met few rowdies standing and teasing, making fun and criticizing throwing stones. I continued with my journey, after going a long distance when I turned back I saw they standing in the same place and teasing somebody else.

That is all is life. That is all is life. I will go on, go on, go on. If you are fortunate enough jump this side and question that side. You will realize it, you will wake up. All this powers I am manifesting through this body or the bodies of My kids, is nothing but the evidence and witness I am providing to establish what I am claiming as the Supreme Truth. It is just an evidence to declare what I am claiming as Supreme Truth. Understand. I will give you further clarifications and explanations in further satsangs.


Today again we have a long day, Samskara Dahana kriya, a very powerful process. And there will be energy darshan, rebooting, control, delete. Whatever you can't delete I will do it finally, so it's called control, delete energy darshan. Rebooting energy darshan, making yourself completely available to rewrite your life as you want. So we have a long day today. Lets get ready. Remember again. I wanted to insist and repeat.


Sadashiva made all of us in His own SEE. Not mold. Not seeing. Not seen. Not see. Not scene No. Sadashiva made all of us in His own see. Even the ‘made’ may not be right completely. Sadashiva is projecting all of us in His own SEE. Either you can use the word projecting or I can use the word, manifesting or I can use the word making. Manifesting may be the best word.

Sadashiva is manifesting all of us in His own see. Let this be your Facebook status for today and let this be the subject for Vaakyartha Sadas Let this be contemplated, analyzed, intranalysed, again and again. Please continue this Truth as a material for Vaakyartha Sadas today.

With this, I bless you all. Let you all radiate with Integrity, Authenticity, Responsibility, Enriching, Causing Living Shuddhadvaita Saivam the eternal Bliss, Nithyananda. Thank you. Be Blissful.