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Inner Awakening Day 19 | Jnanasambandars Enlightenment Day
== Description: ==
In today’s morning [[satsang]], Paramahamsa Nithyananda answers questions about [[karma]] and sannyas, the monastic lifestyle. The first question asks how we can erase karmic patterns which emerge from previous lives and have impact on the present life. Nithyananda replies that once we complete with those inner karmas they cease to control us. [[Completion]] also heals the previous lives in which those patterns originated. Asked what qualities merit sannyas, He replies that candidates should have passed through a minimum of twenty-five human lives to have achieved the maturity to appreciate sannyas. After so many births, a soul has completed its shallow expectations of life and is ready for the spaciousness beyond completion. This is true liberation, the [[freedom]] to travel on the ultimate journey: the journey to [[enlightenment]].
==Link to Video: ==  
==Link to Video: ==  
videoUrl=https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=N63rUEfy62g |
audioUrl=<soundcloud url="https://soundcloud.com/nithyananda-radio/2013-05-26-sannyas-your-questions-answered"/>
Today I will answer your questions. Please start the questions.
Q. The first question today is from Ma Yoganandini, who is asking, ‘How does one decide upon whether their path is sannyas or not?  Is there any way to feel sure about it, or is it simply a conscious choice?  How far is an individual’s decision of sannyas affected by prarabdha and past lives?  Is it possible that the guru can change a being’s prarabdha?
Swamiji:  It is a long question, Yoganandini, showing exactly your confusion. The question needs to be analyzed more deeply.
First, the effect of prarabdha or past life cannot happen in you if you complete all the known patterns in you.  They can have power over you only as long as the known patterns you carry are alive and continue to remain incomplete. 
Listen!  Only as long as the patterns you carry continues to remain incomplete, the patterns you carry acts like a receiver.  The electronic waves may be in the air, but unless you have a receiver, it can’t be received, it won’t be received.  So, understand, the patterns you carry acts as a receiver for you to experience your life.  So, if you decide to complete with the root-patterns you are carrying, you don’t need to worry or bother about the past life or the prarabdha. 
Listen!  The effects of the past life or the prarabdha will not have any effect on you if you can complete your root-patterns.  Completing your root patterns liberates you not only from the karmas of this life, it frees you even from the past and the prarabdha.  Sannyas can be a simple, conscious decision.  Sannyas can be simple, conscious decision.
You are also asking, ‘Is it possible that the guru can change a being’s prarabdha?’
Guru can change.  But in your case, I will not change, and I will let you suffer in your confusion. Because you are so strongly associated, I can say that, you literally love your confusion.  Because the space you carry that confusion, you don’t need to take t he responsibility, you can continue to blame, blame, blame your confusion, and it gives you the feeling you are “trying your best; what else you can do?”  The most cunning athma hathya on the Planet Earth is “I am trying my best; what else I can do?”  This is the worst form of suicide!  Please listen!  This is the worst form of suicide!
So, sannyas is a simple, conscious decision.  You do not need any other external support.  And the decision of sannyas is not affected by the past or the prarabdha.
Next question.
Q. The next question is from Kishen Naik, ID No.136, who is asking, ‘While being in sannyas, if sometimes the sannyasi feels like going back to normal life, how can this situation be handled?’
Swamiji:  Kishen Naik, then sannyas has not happened in you!  Forget about it.
He is asking a question, ‘While being in sannyas, if sometimes the sannyasi feels like again going back to normal life, how can the situation be handled?’
Will you ever want to go back to the life of a pig after living a human life?  Kishan Naik, understand, if you have experienced the life of a human-being, you would not like to go back to the life of a pig or a stone.  So, sannyas life is a space of sannyas.  If you experience that, you will never feel like going back!  If somebody feels like going back, they have changed the route, they have not changed the space! 
Sannyas has a deeper dimension.  It is changing the space, not changing the route.  As I said before starting the satsangh, it is so unfortunate we Hindus lost respect on the whole space, the possibility.  That is why, just see the simple logic!  We are able to produce thousands of IT engineers and send them to U.S. and Europe.  See, U.S. and Europe is filled with Indian IT engineers.  In Microsoft, you can write programs in Telugu and Tamil; everyone will understand!  Because, filled with Telugus and Tamilians!  All over the world, we are able to produce so many IT engineers and able to send.  We have not bothered to produce Hindu Ph.Ds., Hindu doctorates, to send for head Hinduism Chairs all over the world.  It is not that the Hinduism Chair Professor does not get paid.  He gets paid more than a IT engineer.  We never had a confidence that our religion is worthy of teaching.  That is where the problem starts.  We never had a confidence ‘this can be lifestyle, this can be the life and lifestyle.’  It is so sad the modern youth think, IT field is their life and career, but they do not get the confidence living and enriching the world of the Hindu tradition can be a career, can be life, fulfilling.
West should have learnt Hinduism from Hindus. Then even this question will not come, this question is from such a weak space. Such weak space. The question would not have come if we have the strength about our tradition and religion.
So, understand, many time I feel the whole U.S. is filled with Indian doctors.  Something like a 60,000 Indian doctors are there in the U.S.  The American Association of Physicians of Indian Origin has 60,000 members.  Every year, thousands get visa.  And almost 1% of the U.S. population is Indians.  But still not a single U.S. university has a Hindu heading Hinduism Chair!  Means, understand the confidence we have on our religion and the confidence we have on teaching it!  Even if they get paid, nobody takes up this line.  That is the reason I am creating Rishikul where I will create at least ten-thousand Ph.Ds., on Indology, on Hinduism, and see to it, they are placed all over the world.  We have sent enough of Yoga teachers to world.  We have sent enough of Yoga gurus to the West, enough of IT engineers to West.  It is time we send Indology Ph.Ds, Ph.Ds. on Hinduism, doctors on Hinduism to head Hinduism Chairs.  Doctorates does not mean the people who are supposed to head the Hinduism Chairs , does not need to be sannyasis.  But, even for that, we don’t have strength.  It is so sad.  That is the reason you asked this weak question.  It is almost like asking, ‘Swamiji, If I don’t feel like breathing, how to handle the situation?’  Just die!  That’s all!  Nothing else can be done!  Weakness is death.  Power is life.  It is a statement from Vivekananda.  Vivekananda says very clearly, ‘Expansion is life.  Weakness is death.’
Next question.
Q. The next question is from Inner Awakening ID No.8, Madhur, who is asking, ‘The sannyasis who take initiation into the Poorna Sannyas during the Kumbha Mela will be sannyasis of the Nithyananda Sampradhaya or the Mahanirvani Akhada, or both?  Are the two organizations, stand-alone, independent, or does one take precedence over the other?’
Swamiji:  Madhur, Nithyananda Sampradhaya is part of Maha Nirvani Akhada.  Mahanirvani Akhada is part of Hinduism.  So, understand, it is like internal branches.  Can you ask, does Bidadi stand apart from Ramnagar District?  Does Ramnagar District stand apart from Karnataka?  It is like, in Karnataka, Ramnagar District; in Ramnagar District, Bidadi; in Bidadi, Nithyananda Dhyanapeetam. 
Same way, in Hinduism, Mahanirvani Akhada; in Mahanirvani Akhada, Nithyananda Sampradhaya. So, you are a sannyasi of Nithyananda Sampradhaya and Mahanirvani Akhada and Hinduism.
Q. The next question is from volunteer Nithya Kailashananda from the IA hall.  He is asking, ‘Who is qualified for sannyas?  In one of the talks, Swamiji mentioned that he gives sannyas only to the beings who have taken at least twenty-five human lives before and matured.  Can Swamiji please elaborate on this?’
He is also asking, ‘Society usually equates sannyas to running away from home and from responsibilities.  Can you please give the right interpretation?’ 
And also, ‘What is the solution for people who are already married?  Swamiji suggested for them to take sannyas in the old age.  Should we wait till old age happens?’
Swamiji:  I’ll answer all the three questions.
First thing, ‘Who is qualified for sannyas?’  Paramahamsa Upanishad describes very beautifully, whoever feels he is complete with the life, whatever varana or ashrama, he may be, means brahmacharya, grihastha or vanaprastha, or Brahmana, Vaishya, Kshatriya, Shudra, he can be any varna or any ashrama or any dharma, if he feels he is complete with himself and the world, he is qualified for sannyas.  Whoever feels he is complete within himself and with others, he is qualified for sannyas. 
15 min - end
Yes, I do mention I give sannyas only to the beings who have taken at least twenty five human lives and matured. Only if you take twenty five human life you even bother about completion with you and others. The eternal vacation which you are searching in your life cannot be achieved in any beach, any hill, any resort other than the space of completion. It is the space of completion gives you the vacation you are searching for. Continuously people search for vacation they expect, ‘I should go away there, I should go away here.’ Whenever especially if you see the postcards of some beach, or a hill, or a resort, you immediately visualize you there lying on the beach, on the couch. You think that is going to give you the vacation. No the space of completion only can give you vacation. Even to understand that you may need to take twenty five human births. It takes twenty five human births to understand unless completion happens you cannot be in vacation so that’s the reason I wait for people to get the maturity to complete so that their sannyas is fruitful. Next question, ‘Society usually equates sannyas to running away from home from responsibilities can you please give the right interpretation?’ Please understand sannyas is taking responsibility for whole world. Taking the responsibility for the whole world’s inauthenticity. It is not running away from home or responsibility it is running away from small responsibilities to the greatest responsibilities. That is why again and again I tell you sannyas is the greatest responsibility. My sannyasis will be the real greatest responsible sannyasis. It is time we create responsible sannyasis. And the third question, very important question, ‘‘What’s the solution for people who are already married? Swamiji suggested for them to take sannyas in the old age. Should we wait till the old age happens?’It’s a very controversial question but I am going to answer straightaway. Why should I be afraid? Why should I be bothered if somebody’s inauthenticity is going to give them little pain? I am very clear when I say wait till the old age that word means to people who don’t have a guts or courage for themselves to complete with the life or they are afraid, ‘So many are completing and going I am left out I am all alone.’ The fellows who are caught in the jealousy that others are completing and going, or the fear ‘All of them are going. I am left out’, or the anger, ‘they are all taking I am not able to.’ See what to do? Society is filled with these dirty fellows neither they will become authentic nor they will relax if somebody else takes authentic decisions. They want to be in the dirt and they want everyone to give them company for them to be in the dirt. So Kailashananda, I am making it very clear when I say wait till the old age happens you should look around who are all around you and why I am telling that word. No if you can’t perfectly alright I have no problem, but you feel hurt, ‘what is this? Why should so many people take sannyas?’ So when these kind of fools are there not to hurt them I say, ‘it’s okay you wait till the old age happens.’ There’s a beautiful story in Ramakrishna’s life he goes to see a great guy called Devendranath Tagore, who is father of Rabindranath Tagore and Devendranath Tagore had fourteen children and Devendranath Tagore was telling Sri Ramakrishna now he is meditating on the God continuously and he is planning to take sannyas. Ramakrishna makes just one punch line, ‘in the village they will use the neem stick for brushing morning every day. When the neem stick becomes really old they can’t brush any more, they throw it away. Same way only your sannyas is’ You understand, if you can understand and if you are not having a smile in your face I know you didn’t catch it. If you catch it, catch it. This is what is Ramakrishna’s opinion about the sannyas in the old age, and I second it, with all my due respect I second it. So it is individual’s decision please understand, the individual’s decision and even my answer is going to be based on the people who are sitting in front of me it is never going to be the same answer forever. So now it is up to you if you are authentic even if I say, ‘No, no,no take sannyas when you are become old I will not break the family, I’ll not give sannyas till you become old.’ If you are authentic even if I don’t give you will run away and take sannyas from somebody else somewhere. If you are inauthentic even if I say now, ‘no, no, no its okay, you are complete you take the sannyas’, you are not going to move. So understand it is how you feel what is the need of your life and one thing I’ll tell you life should be alive, flowing, taking next, next, next, next steps. If you are feeling your married life has become stagnant, you are stuck, nothing is moving all the excitement and joy is over I won’t tell you to continue to be in that same life and as I said this question has to be answered by yourself from my various answers. I have given you many answers for this question now you have to choose which answer you are going to live. I tell you understand see yesterday you all learned about the space of positivity and possibility, the Nithyanandoham space of leadership. Only when you see miracles happening because of the space you create in the outer world you will have the trust or faith on the four tattvas. Listen only when you see miracles happening when you create a space and it happens outside only then you will have trust on four tattvas and start enriching others. This space can come to a sannyasi immediately because he has faced his inauthenticities, he has completed with everything. So if you think these words are going to be your life then don’t worry start planning for completion. Next.
Q. Ma Maneesha: The next question is from ID No.45 Ma Ananda France who is saying ‘Swamiji, could you define freedom in the context of Sannyas? From outside Sannyas can be perceived as losing freedom. In which way Sannyas will help us to experience real freedom?’
Swamiji: Ananda France, the first thing sannyas liberates you from the wrong ideas of freedom. Freedom has two dimensions, freedom from and freedom for. Whatever society taught you as freedom is only freedom from and you never learnt for what you need freedom. What are you going to do with your freedom? Sannyas gives you both freedom from many of the patterns of bondages you are carrying the ideas of freedom pseudo ideas of freedom you are carrying. You will be liberated from the pseudo idea of freedom you are carrying and you will find the real inner freedom and outer freedom. I tell you sleeping till morning ten o’clock as you want is not freedom. Ability and the ambience to get up every morning four thirty and do Yoga is the real freedom. Freedom is it has to be understood from the angle of what for, what for?. So understand sannyas only gives you the real freedom, freedom from the wrong ideas of freedom, freedom from the so-called concepts of freedom. Freedom from the concepts of freedom and for right reason is real freedom. Freedom to travel in the ultimate journey is freedom. I tell you in India whether you are living in a slum, making fifty rupee per day, or five crores per day living in a palace both guys do not have the freedom for the ultimate journey. Both of them will not be able to dedicate five hours of their day every day towards the ultimate life. I tell you my sannyasis are the real richest people they can dedicate their life and time for the ultimate freedom. Freedom from and freedom for when both are attended that is the real freedom. 29:12 Hindi - 30:03 So understand it is the ultimate lifestyle of enriching yourself and others with these tattvas of different , in different frequency altogether. I also request the people who can’t tolerate this not to be offended by it but what I said is truth. 31:08 Hindi - 31:21
Let you all achieve, experience, live, express, radiate, share and explode in eternal blisss, Nithyananda.
_____________________ END OF SATSANG _____________________
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In today’s morning [[satsang]], Paramahamsa Nithyananda answers questions about [[karma]] and sannyas, the monastic lifestyle. The first question asks how we can erase karmic patterns which emerge from previous lives and have impact on the present life. Nithyananda replies that once we complete with those inner karmas they cease to control us. [[Completion]] also heals the previous lives in which those patterns originated. Asked what qualities merit sannyas, He replies that candidates should have passed through a minimum of twenty-five human lives to have achieved the maturity to appreciate sannyas. After so many births, a soul has completed its shallow expectations of life and is ready for the spaciousness beyond completion. This is true liberation, the [[freedom]] to travel on the ultimate journey: the journey to [[enlightenment]].
== Tags: ==  
== Tags: ==  
Paramahamsa Nithyananda, karma, sannyas, lifestyle, life, human, birth, soul, expectation, freedom, journey, enlightenment.
==Photos Of The Day:==
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Paramahamsa Nithyananda, karma, sannyas, lifestyle, life, human, birth, soul, expectation, freedom, journey, enlightenment.
[[Category: 2013]]
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Latest revision as of 06:14, 16 August 2021


Inner Awakening Day 19 | Jnanasambandars Enlightenment Day


In today’s morning satsang, Paramahamsa Nithyananda answers questions about karma and sannyas, the monastic lifestyle. The first question asks how we can erase karmic patterns which emerge from previous lives and have impact on the present life. Nithyananda replies that once we complete with those inner karmas they cease to control us. Completion also heals the previous lives in which those patterns originated. Asked what qualities merit sannyas, He replies that candidates should have passed through a minimum of twenty-five human lives to have achieved the maturity to appreciate sannyas. After so many births, a soul has completed its shallow expectations of life and is ready for the spaciousness beyond completion. This is true liberation, the freedom to travel on the ultimate journey: the journey to enlightenment.

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Today I will answer your questions. Please start the questions. Q. The first question today is from Ma Yoganandini, who is asking, ‘How does one decide upon whether their path is sannyas or not? Is there any way to feel sure about it, or is it simply a conscious choice? How far is an individual’s decision of sannyas affected by prarabdha and past lives? Is it possible that the guru can change a being’s prarabdha? Swamiji: It is a long question, Yoganandini, showing exactly your confusion. The question needs to be analyzed more deeply. First, the effect of prarabdha or past life cannot happen in you if you complete all the known patterns in you. They can have power over you only as long as the known patterns you carry are alive and continue to remain incomplete. Listen! Only as long as the patterns you carry continues to remain incomplete, the patterns you carry acts like a receiver. The electronic waves may be in the air, but unless you have a receiver, it can’t be received, it won’t be received. So, understand, the patterns you carry acts as a receiver for you to experience your life. So, if you decide to complete with the root-patterns you are carrying, you don’t need to worry or bother about the past life or the prarabdha. Listen! The effects of the past life or the prarabdha will not have any effect on you if you can complete your root-patterns. Completing your root patterns liberates you not only from the karmas of this life, it frees you even from the past and the prarabdha. Sannyas can be a simple, conscious decision. Sannyas can be simple, conscious decision. You are also asking, ‘Is it possible that the guru can change a being’s prarabdha?’ Guru can change. But in your case, I will not change, and I will let you suffer in your confusion. Because you are so strongly associated, I can say that, you literally love your confusion. Because the space you carry that confusion, you don’t need to take t he responsibility, you can continue to blame, blame, blame your confusion, and it gives you the feeling you are “trying your best; what else you can do?” The most cunning athma hathya on the Planet Earth is “I am trying my best; what else I can do?” This is the worst form of suicide! Please listen! This is the worst form of suicide! So, sannyas is a simple, conscious decision. You do not need any other external support. And the decision of sannyas is not affected by the past or the prarabdha. Next question. Q. The next question is from Kishen Naik, ID No.136, who is asking, ‘While being in sannyas, if sometimes the sannyasi feels like going back to normal life, how can this situation be handled?’ Swamiji: Kishen Naik, then sannyas has not happened in you! Forget about it. He is asking a question, ‘While being in sannyas, if sometimes the sannyasi feels like again going back to normal life, how can the situation be handled?’ Will you ever want to go back to the life of a pig after living a human life? Kishan Naik, understand, if you have experienced the life of a human-being, you would not like to go back to the life of a pig or a stone. So, sannyas life is a space of sannyas. If you experience that, you will never feel like going back! If somebody feels like going back, they have changed the route, they have not changed the space! Sannyas has a deeper dimension. It is changing the space, not changing the route. As I said before starting the satsangh, it is so unfortunate we Hindus lost respect on the whole space, the possibility. That is why, just see the simple logic! We are able to produce thousands of IT engineers and send them to U.S. and Europe. See, U.S. and Europe is filled with Indian IT engineers. In Microsoft, you can write programs in Telugu and Tamil; everyone will understand! Because, filled with Telugus and Tamilians! All over the world, we are able to produce so many IT engineers and able to send. We have not bothered to produce Hindu Ph.Ds., Hindu doctorates, to send for head Hinduism Chairs all over the world. It is not that the Hinduism Chair Professor does not get paid. He gets paid more than a IT engineer. We never had a confidence that our religion is worthy of teaching. That is where the problem starts. We never had a confidence ‘this can be lifestyle, this can be the life and lifestyle.’ It is so sad the modern youth think, IT field is their life and career, but they do not get the confidence living and enriching the world of the Hindu tradition can be a career, can be life, fulfilling. West should have learnt Hinduism from Hindus. Then even this question will not come, this question is from such a weak space. Such weak space. The question would not have come if we have the strength about our tradition and religion. So, understand, many time I feel the whole U.S. is filled with Indian doctors. Something like a 60,000 Indian doctors are there in the U.S. The American Association of Physicians of Indian Origin has 60,000 members. Every year, thousands get visa. And almost 1% of the U.S. population is Indians. But still not a single U.S. university has a Hindu heading Hinduism Chair! Means, understand the confidence we have on our religion and the confidence we have on teaching it! Even if they get paid, nobody takes up this line. That is the reason I am creating Rishikul where I will create at least ten-thousand Ph.Ds., on Indology, on Hinduism, and see to it, they are placed all over the world. We have sent enough of Yoga teachers to world. We have sent enough of Yoga gurus to the West, enough of IT engineers to West. It is time we send Indology Ph.Ds, Ph.Ds. on Hinduism, doctors on Hinduism to head Hinduism Chairs. Doctorates does not mean the people who are supposed to head the Hinduism Chairs , does not need to be sannyasis. But, even for that, we don’t have strength. It is so sad. That is the reason you asked this weak question. It is almost like asking, ‘Swamiji, If I don’t feel like breathing, how to handle the situation?’ Just die! That’s all! Nothing else can be done! Weakness is death. Power is life. It is a statement from Vivekananda. Vivekananda says very clearly, ‘Expansion is life. Weakness is death.’ Next question. Q. The next question is from Inner Awakening ID No.8, Madhur, who is asking, ‘The sannyasis who take initiation into the Poorna Sannyas during the Kumbha Mela will be sannyasis of the Nithyananda Sampradhaya or the Mahanirvani Akhada, or both? Are the two organizations, stand-alone, independent, or does one take precedence over the other?’ Swamiji: Madhur, Nithyananda Sampradhaya is part of Maha Nirvani Akhada. Mahanirvani Akhada is part of Hinduism. So, understand, it is like internal branches. Can you ask, does Bidadi stand apart from Ramnagar District? Does Ramnagar District stand apart from Karnataka? It is like, in Karnataka, Ramnagar District; in Ramnagar District, Bidadi; in Bidadi, Nithyananda Dhyanapeetam. Same way, in Hinduism, Mahanirvani Akhada; in Mahanirvani Akhada, Nithyananda Sampradhaya. So, you are a sannyasi of Nithyananda Sampradhaya and Mahanirvani Akhada and Hinduism. Q. The next question is from volunteer Nithya Kailashananda from the IA hall. He is asking, ‘Who is qualified for sannyas? In one of the talks, Swamiji mentioned that he gives sannyas only to the beings who have taken at least twenty-five human lives before and matured. Can Swamiji please elaborate on this?’ He is also asking, ‘Society usually equates sannyas to running away from home and from responsibilities. Can you please give the right interpretation?’ And also, ‘What is the solution for people who are already married? Swamiji suggested for them to take sannyas in the old age. Should we wait till old age happens?’ Swamiji: I’ll answer all the three questions. First thing, ‘Who is qualified for sannyas?’ Paramahamsa Upanishad describes very beautifully, whoever feels he is complete with the life, whatever varana or ashrama, he may be, means brahmacharya, grihastha or vanaprastha, or Brahmana, Vaishya, Kshatriya, Shudra, he can be any varna or any ashrama or any dharma, if he feels he is complete with himself and the world, he is qualified for sannyas. Whoever feels he is complete within himself and with others, he is qualified for sannyas. 15 min - end Yes, I do mention I give sannyas only to the beings who have taken at least twenty five human lives and matured. Only if you take twenty five human life you even bother about completion with you and others. The eternal vacation which you are searching in your life cannot be achieved in any beach, any hill, any resort other than the space of completion. It is the space of completion gives you the vacation you are searching for. Continuously people search for vacation they expect, ‘I should go away there, I should go away here.’ Whenever especially if you see the postcards of some beach, or a hill, or a resort, you immediately visualize you there lying on the beach, on the couch. You think that is going to give you the vacation. No the space of completion only can give you vacation. Even to understand that you may need to take twenty five human births. It takes twenty five human births to understand unless completion happens you cannot be in vacation so that’s the reason I wait for people to get the maturity to complete so that their sannyas is fruitful. Next question, ‘Society usually equates sannyas to running away from home from responsibilities can you please give the right interpretation?’ Please understand sannyas is taking responsibility for whole world. Taking the responsibility for the whole world’s inauthenticity. It is not running away from home or responsibility it is running away from small responsibilities to the greatest responsibilities. That is why again and again I tell you sannyas is the greatest responsibility. My sannyasis will be the real greatest responsible sannyasis. It is time we create responsible sannyasis. And the third question, very important question, ‘‘What’s the solution for people who are already married? Swamiji suggested for them to take sannyas in the old age. Should we wait till the old age happens?’It’s a very controversial question but I am going to answer straightaway. Why should I be afraid? Why should I be bothered if somebody’s inauthenticity is going to give them little pain? I am very clear when I say wait till the old age that word means to people who don’t have a guts or courage for themselves to complete with the life or they are afraid, ‘So many are completing and going I am left out I am all alone.’ The fellows who are caught in the jealousy that others are completing and going, or the fear ‘All of them are going. I am left out’, or the anger, ‘they are all taking I am not able to.’ See what to do? Society is filled with these dirty fellows neither they will become authentic nor they will relax if somebody else takes authentic decisions. They want to be in the dirt and they want everyone to give them company for them to be in the dirt. So Kailashananda, I am making it very clear when I say wait till the old age happens you should look around who are all around you and why I am telling that word. No if you can’t perfectly alright I have no problem, but you feel hurt, ‘what is this? Why should so many people take sannyas?’ So when these kind of fools are there not to hurt them I say, ‘it’s okay you wait till the old age happens.’ There’s a beautiful story in Ramakrishna’s life he goes to see a great guy called Devendranath Tagore, who is father of Rabindranath Tagore and Devendranath Tagore had fourteen children and Devendranath Tagore was telling Sri Ramakrishna now he is meditating on the God continuously and he is planning to take sannyas. Ramakrishna makes just one punch line, ‘in the village they will use the neem stick for brushing morning every day. When the neem stick becomes really old they can’t brush any more, they throw it away. Same way only your sannyas is’ You understand, if you can understand and if you are not having a smile in your face I know you didn’t catch it. If you catch it, catch it. This is what is Ramakrishna’s opinion about the sannyas in the old age, and I second it, with all my due respect I second it. So it is individual’s decision please understand, the individual’s decision and even my answer is going to be based on the people who are sitting in front of me it is never going to be the same answer forever. So now it is up to you if you are authentic even if I say, ‘No, no,no take sannyas when you are become old I will not break the family, I’ll not give sannyas till you become old.’ If you are authentic even if I don’t give you will run away and take sannyas from somebody else somewhere. If you are inauthentic even if I say now, ‘no, no, no its okay, you are complete you take the sannyas’, you are not going to move. So understand it is how you feel what is the need of your life and one thing I’ll tell you life should be alive, flowing, taking next, next, next, next steps. If you are feeling your married life has become stagnant, you are stuck, nothing is moving all the excitement and joy is over I won’t tell you to continue to be in that same life and as I said this question has to be answered by yourself from my various answers. I have given you many answers for this question now you have to choose which answer you are going to live. I tell you understand see yesterday you all learned about the space of positivity and possibility, the Nithyanandoham space of leadership. Only when you see miracles happening because of the space you create in the outer world you will have the trust or faith on the four tattvas. Listen only when you see miracles happening when you create a space and it happens outside only then you will have trust on four tattvas and start enriching others. This space can come to a sannyasi immediately because he has faced his inauthenticities, he has completed with everything. So if you think these words are going to be your life then don’t worry start planning for completion. Next. Q. Ma Maneesha: The next question is from ID No.45 Ma Ananda France who is saying ‘Swamiji, could you define freedom in the context of Sannyas? From outside Sannyas can be perceived as losing freedom. In which way Sannyas will help us to experience real freedom?’ Swamiji: Ananda France, the first thing sannyas liberates you from the wrong ideas of freedom. Freedom has two dimensions, freedom from and freedom for. Whatever society taught you as freedom is only freedom from and you never learnt for what you need freedom. What are you going to do with your freedom? Sannyas gives you both freedom from many of the patterns of bondages you are carrying the ideas of freedom pseudo ideas of freedom you are carrying. You will be liberated from the pseudo idea of freedom you are carrying and you will find the real inner freedom and outer freedom. I tell you sleeping till morning ten o’clock as you want is not freedom. Ability and the ambience to get up every morning four thirty and do Yoga is the real freedom. Freedom is it has to be understood from the angle of what for, what for?. So understand sannyas only gives you the real freedom, freedom from the wrong ideas of freedom, freedom from the so-called concepts of freedom. Freedom from the concepts of freedom and for right reason is real freedom. Freedom to travel in the ultimate journey is freedom. I tell you in India whether you are living in a slum, making fifty rupee per day, or five crores per day living in a palace both guys do not have the freedom for the ultimate journey. Both of them will not be able to dedicate five hours of their day every day towards the ultimate life. I tell you my sannyasis are the real richest people they can dedicate their life and time for the ultimate freedom. Freedom from and freedom for when both are attended that is the real freedom. 29:12 Hindi - 30:03 So understand it is the ultimate lifestyle of enriching yourself and others with these tattvas of different , in different frequency altogether. I also request the people who can’t tolerate this not to be offended by it but what I said is truth. 31:08 Hindi - 31:21 Let you all achieve, experience, live, express, radiate, share and explode in eternal blisss, Nithyananda. _____________________ END OF SATSANG _____________________


Gayathri Homa Swamiji - IMG_0921.jpg Gayathri Homa Swamiji - IMG_0920.jpg Ia Session Swamiji - IMG_0879.jpg Ia Session Swamiji - IMG_0871.jpg Ia Session Swamiji - IMG_0888.jpg Ia Session Swamiji - IMG_0887.jpg Ia Session Swamiji - IMG_0886.jpg Ia Session Swamiji - IMG_0880.jpg Ia Session Swamiji - IMG_0878.jpg Ia Session Swamiji - IMG_0876.jpg Ia Session Swamiji - IMG_0875.jpg Ia Session Swamiji - IMG_0874.jpg Ia Session Swamiji - IMG_0873.jpg Ia Session Swamiji - IMG_0872.jpg Ia Session Swamiji - IMG_0870.jpg Ia Session Swamiji - IMG_0869.jpg Ia Session Swamiji - IMG_0868.jpg Ia Session Swamiji - IMG_081280.jpg Ia Session Swamiji - IMG_081278.jpg Ia Session Swamiji - IMG_012879.jpg Ia Session Swamiji - IMG_0882.jpg Ia Session Swamiji - IMG_0881.jpg Nithyasatsang - IMG_0824.jpg Nithyasatsang - IMG_0822.jpg Nithyasatsang - IMG_0813.jpg Nithyasatsang - IMG_0812.jpg Nithyasatsang - IMG_0811.jpg Nithyasatsang - IMG_0810.jpg Nithyasatsang - IMG_0808.jpg Nithyasatsang - IMG_0778.jpg Nithyasatsang - IMG_0777.jpg Nithyasatsang - IMG_0772.jpg Nithyasatsang - IMG_0768.jpg Nithyasatsang - IMG_0765.jpg Nithyasatsang - IMG_0760.jpg Nithyasatsang - IMG_0759.jpg Nithyasatsang - IMG_0766.jpg Nithyasatsang - IMG_0826.jpg Nithyasatsang - IMG_0825.jpg Nithyasatsang - IMG_0823.jpg Nithyasatsang - IMG_0821.jpg Nithyasatsang - IMG_0820.jpg Nithyasatsang - IMG_0819.jpg Nithyasatsang - IMG_0818.jpg Nithyasatsang - IMG_0817.jpg Nithyasatsang - IMG_0816.jpg Nithyasatsang - IMG_0815.jpg Nithyasatsang - IMG_0814.jpg Nithyasatsang - IMG_0813.jpg Nithyasatsang - IMG_0812.jpg Nithyasatsang - IMG_0809.jpg Nithyasatsang - IMG_0807.jpg Nithyasatsang - IMG_0806.jpg Nithyasatsang - IMG_0776.jpg Nithyasatsang - IMG_0775.jpg Nithyasatsang - IMG_0774.jpg Nithyasatsang - IMG_0773.jpg Nithyasatsang - IMG_0771.jpg Nithyasatsang - IMG_0770.jpg Nithyasatsang - IMG_0769.jpg Nithyasatsang - IMG_0767.jpg Nithyasatsang - IMG_0765.jpg Nithyasatsang - IMG_0764.jpg Nithyasatsang - IMG_0763.jpg Nithyasatsang - IMG_0761.jpg Nithyasatsang - IMG_0760.jpg Nithyasatsang - IMG_0758.jpg Nithyasatsang - IMG_071270.jpg Nithyasatsang - IMG_012761.jpg Nithyasatsang - IMG_0762.jpg Pratyakshapadapuja - IMG_0717.jpg Pratyakshapadapuja - IMG_0713.jpg Pratyakshapadapuja - IMG_0712.jpg Sarvadarshan - IMG_085120.jpg Sarvadarshan - IMG_0849.jpg Sarvadarshan - IMG_0847.jpg Sarvadarshan - IMG_0846.jpg Sarvadarshan - IMG_081253.jpg Sarvadarshan - IMG_081252.jpg Sarvadarshan - IMG_081251.jpg Sarvadarshan - IMG_081249.jpg Sarvadarshan - IMG_081248.jpg Sarvadarshan - IMG_081247.jpg Sarvadarshan - IMG_0854.jpg Sarvadarshan - IMG_0853.jpg Sarvadarshan - IMG_0851.jpg Sarvadarshan - IMG_0852.jpg Sarvadarshan - IMG_0850.jpg Sarvadarshan - IMG_0848.jpg Sarvadarshan - IMG_0857.jpg Sarvadarshan - IMG_0856.jpg Sarvadarshan - IMG_0855.jpg Swamiji Temple - IMG_0680.jpg Swamiji Temple - IMG_0684.jpg Swamiji Temple - IMG_0681.jpg Swamiji Temple - IMG_0678.jpg Swamiji Temple - IMG_0677.jpg Swamiji Temple - IMG_0697.jpg Swamiji Temple - IMG_0676.jpg Thirugnanasambandar - IMG_0853.jpg Thirugnanasambandar - IMG_0852.jpg Thirugnanasambandar - IMG_0851.jpg Thirugnanasambandar - IMG_0849.jpg Thirugnanasambandar - IMG_0848.jpg Thirugnanasambandar - IMG_0847.jpg Thirugnanasambandar - IMG_0846.jpg Thirugnanasambandar - IMG_0804 copy.jpg Thirugnanasambandar - IMG_0800.jpg Thirugnanasambandar - IMG_0799.jpg Thirugnanasambandar - IMG_0798 copy.jpg Thirugnanasambandar - IMG_0798.jpg


Paramahamsa Nithyananda, karma, sannyas, lifestyle, life, human, birth, soul, expectation, freedom, journey, enlightenment.

Photos Of The Day:












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