Nithya Dhyaan in Gujarati (Book)

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Author/Creator The Supreme Pontiff of Hinduism Jagatguru Mahasannidhanam His Divine Holiness Bhagavan Nithyananda Paramashivam
Book Title Nithya Dhyaan in Gujarati
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Edition 1
ISBN 13:978-1-60607-082-6
Language Gujarati
Page Count 19
Published By Life Bliss Foundation
Published Year 2009

Every moment, we are actually meditating, on different things. Our whole life is actually meditation. Unless we meditate on some object, unless we are occupied with something this moment, we cannot proceed to the next moment; we cannot move further. Our very existence which is made up of our breathing, our awareness and our consciousness, proves we are meditating on something or the other. Otherwise how do we keep ticking? Instead of meditating on different things, we should try and meditate on the eternal thing, which stays continuously inside us. This book explains a powerful meditation technique to help us achieve just that.