March 27 2022

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sakshi Pramana - Madeleine Portoghese

PROJECT: PARAMASHIVOHAM #paramashivohamtraining
Homework: 1
During the process of doing this homework set by Swamiji yesterday, I felt such a beautiful energy and space of gratitude as I wrote down all the sweet moments when I melted in front of the Guru's extreme sincerity to me. More than 10 moments came up for me but am listing 10 of them. 1. When I surrendered a difficult situation to Swamiji whereby I had to urgently find a good home for my grandmother and take care of her up until she moved into the home. Swamiji not only found the perfect award winning home at a time when most homes were full, but he gave me such courage and energy to deal with the whole situation, smoothing the whole process which at first seemed so difficult for me.

2. When I was traveling to India for PMS programme, I was quite nervous about it as it was at the time the customs people were harassing Swamiji's devotees at the airport. I asked him to make my flight smooth and easy. First, my original flight was cancelled and I ended up on a much better and shorter flight there. Then on the plane, a man asked me to switch seats with him so he could sit with his wife, and I ended up seated next to another person who was attending the programme and who ended up being my roomate at the hotel

3. During PMS my legs and feet really swelled up and were very painful. I was told it was my incompletions coming out so I accepted it. On the last day I was there my legs were still very swollen. I asked SWamiji to remove the swelling and soreness so my flight back would not be so uncomfortable. That night I only slept for a few hours before going to the airport but when I woke up my legs had completely gone back to normal after nearly 3 weeks of them being swollen.

4. I did not have all the funds to attend PMS so I surrendered this to Swamiji and I manifested the money overnight in a totally unforseena and unexpected way.

5. Every time Swamiji calls my name out in Satsang and blesses me, in particular when he blessed me by saying I would manifest Him and he blessed me to attend PMS 3 in May, all 21 days.

6. Swamiji promised to protect my family during the Pralaya and all of us are fine. Furthermore my father ended up in hosipital and had a life threatening operation, but Swamiji took care of him and he survived and is fine now.

7. Swamiji has made me manifest powers and I can continuously feel him working on my inner space.

8. He has created Kailasa nation for all of humanity so that I can enjoy and be part of the enlightened ecosystem.

9. Thanks to Swamiji, my family and boyfriend, who initially were so suspicious of me following a guru and created a lot of arguments about it now have all accepted my decision to be with him and even ask me about Swamiji's teachings from time to time.

10. Swamiji is granting me the boon of having the space of gratitude flower in me and it is such a miracle to live in this abundant, loving way.

I am so infinitely grateful to Swamiji for always guiding me, working on me and never ever letting me down. I have cognised that when I listen to Him things always go so beautifully and when I don't that is when I mess up. I am thoroughly enjoying doing these projects and really feel Swamiji's grace as I do them. Thank you, thank you Swamiji. I love you!

Sakshi Pramana - MaLalao Anasuya

SURRENDER: #paramashivohamtraining
Ignorant surrender: when I said "I hope this will happen", when I'm praying but my mind is wandering or focused on "what if..., yes but..., I'll try..., or when I keep thinking of the hurt, the pain,...or when I distract myself..." also when my body is restless.

Innocent surrender:
1. When I bow down on the floor in front of Swamiji's murthi after yoga and puja, this body position really helps me to embody innocent surrender.
2. During PMS3 darshan when I was writing to Swamiji and I felt He was there ONLY for me
3. When I am stuck in an argument and don't know how to stop it, raising my eyes towards the sky, hands in anjali mudra and calling Swamiji for help stops immediately the argument and clear the air magically.
4. When someone comes to me to announce a bad news, innocent surrendering while I'm listening, always make this story not such a bad news.
5. When a strong emotion is arising, innocent surrender always quickly takes me to a neutral or peaceful state.
6. when I am late for an appointment or to finish a task on time, when I invoke Kalabhairava and truly surrender, I'm not as late as I thought I would be or the person I am supposed to meet is late so I'm good.
7. When I am lining up in a queue and I feel frustrated because it's getting too long, innocent surrendering makes the queue move forward quickly.
8. When I've received this blameful letter from a person close to me, the deep feeling of pain in the heart region was dissolved nicely and quickly with innocent surrender.
9. when I am in the unclutching session and the mind chatter is too loud, innocent surrendering clear the thoughts quickly
10. during power manifestation once, I felt really frustrated because, I couldn't materialise since a long time, sincere innocent surrender made me manifest vibhuti on my fingers.

Innocent surrender is my secret weapon when I feel really helpless, stuck, and when I am on the pic of an emotional ride.

Thank you Swamiji for always throwing me your jattas when I'm about to get drowned. I highly enjoy doing this PMS3 exercise again. It brings me back to the program which I was missing a lot these last few days. It's so powerful to sit, see through and pen down.

Immense gratitude to SPH, HDH Bhagavan Sri Nithyananda Paramashivam for this amazing science of enlightenment, it makes my life totally magical. Kailasa's Sri Nithyananda Paramashivam

S'ABANDONNER : #paramashivohamtraining
Abanadon dans l'ignorance : quand j'ai dit " j'espère que cela va arriver ", quand je prie mais que mon esprit vagabonde ou se concentre sur " et si..., oui mais..., je vais essayer..., ou quand je continue à penser à ma peine, à la douleur,...ou quand je me distrais... " aussi quand mon corps est agité.

Abandon innocent :
1. Lorsque je me prosterne sur le sol devant le murthi de Swamiji après le yoga et la puja, cette position corporelle m'aide vraiment à incarner l'abandon innocent.
2. Pendant le darshan du PMS3, lorsque j'écrivais à Swamiji et que je sentais qu'il n'était là QUE pour moi.
3. Quand je suis coincée dans une dispute et que je ne sais pas comment l'arrêter, lever les yeux vers le ciel, les mains en anjali mudra et appeler Swamiji à l'aide arrête immédiatement la dispute et dégage l'air comme par magie.
4. Quand quelqu'un vient me voir pour m'annoncer une mauvaise nouvelle, en m'abandonnant dans un espace d'innocence pendant que j'écoute, fait toujours que cette histoire n'est finalement pas une si mauvaise nouvelle.
5. Quand une émotion forte surgit, l'abandon innocent me ramène toujours rapidement à un état neutre ou paisible.
6. lorsque je suis en retard pour un rendez-vous ou pour finir une tâche à temps, lorsque j'invoque Kalabhairava et que je m'abandonne vraiment, je ne suis pas aussi en retard que je le pensais ou la personne que je suis censé rencontrer est en retard, alors tout va bien.
7. Lorsque je fais la queue et que je me sens frustré parce qu'elle devient trop longue, l'abandon innocent fait avancer la queue rapidement.
8. Lorsque j'ai reçu cette lettre de reproche de la part d'une personne proche de moi, le profond sentiment de douleur dans la région du cœur a été dissous gentiment et rapidement par l'abandon innocent.
9. quand je suis dans la session d'unclutching et que le bavardage intérieur du mental est trop fort, l'abandon innocent efface rapidement les pensées.
10. lors d'une manifestation de pouvoir, une fois, je me suis sentie vraiment frustrée parce que je n'arrivais pas à matérialiser depuis longtemps, un abandon innocent sincère m'a permis de manifester la vibhuti sur mes doigts.

L'abandon innocent est mon arme secrète quand je me sens vraiment impuissante, coincée, ou quand je suis sur le pic d'un montée émotionnelle.

Merci Swamiji de toujours me lancer tes jattas quand je suis sur le point de me noyer. J'ai beaucoup de plaisir à refaire cet exercice du PMS3. Il me ramène au programme qui m'a beaucoup manqué ces derniers jours. C'est tellement puissant de s'asseoir, de faire une introspection et de noter.

Immense gratitude au SPH, HDH Bhagavan Sri Nithyananda Paramashivam pour cette incroyable science de l'illumination, elle rend ma vie totalement magique.

Sakshi Pramana - Achyutamaya Ananda Nithya

Day 01 of project PARAMASHIVOHAM #paramashivohamtraining
Completing the first assignment of Art of Surrender.
Realizing the fears of surrender are simply not there. Instead everything and much more is given when one surrenders.
Life is not against me, it is for me!

Sakshi Pramana - Margot Lasserre

PROJECT: PARAMASHIVOHAM #paramashivohamtraining
Homework: 1

i cognise about innocent or ignorant surrender, both i have experimented by his divine grace. First when i d met my Guru and i was completely ignorant about adheenavasi 2017. That's a remember of ignorant surrender. Innocent surrender its more like when i have no mind no crave for result. After a completion process or after temple celebration or during satsang i can beautifuly stop mind and melt down.. -for my 2 kids -for me -job, money, anniversary, new home, food, court trial, relationship... Gratitude Kailasa's Sri Nithyananda Paramashivam you take care of me more than myself. Innocent Surrender is a beautiful nectar.

Sakshi Pramana - Ioannis-Salvador Papazoglou

N! So today i did the #paramashivohamtraining for the KNOW YOUR CHAKRAS session. I made multiple personal notes out of the notes of Swamiji, and felt again that the teachings and training of Swamiji is multilayered. One of the things that i could share was on the table of Chakras which contained the powerful cognitions that unblock the chakras. Specifically on the 5th chakra the Visudhi Chakra with the powerful cognition of 'You Are Unique'. Although i have thought that many times for everyone, the moment i read it i felt a kind of resistance and self doubt. I realised that i had a blind spot and i decided to complete. I realised once again that Smarana Mukti-remeberance liberates. I felt that these processes have to be done again and again(ofcourse some people get it easier, but for me it felt this way) until no SDHD is left.

Thank You Swamiji! Eternal Gratitude for your endless compassion!🙏🙏

The main cause for global warming is meat industry

Hinduism Now Global Press

The main cause for global warming is meat industry ( attributed to 23 % of global warming ) .

Hindus by their very nature are vegetarians.Even the non-veg Hindus consume meat as an occasional diet.

Hinduism is strongly rooted in go-mata worship.We revere cows as divine and live in oneness with them.The cow is considered to be one of the 7 mothers in Hinduism.


Just walk out of your doorstep and look around you - what is the extent to which you can find a non-beef eating family ? What is the extent to which you can find a cow-slaughter free area.Do your research and get stunned.

In the name of secularism and pseudo-tolerance,Hindus are forced to live within a community that normalises beef eating.The secular community will go berserk when a small chinese population consumes dog-meat.The secular community will exercise utmost care in ensuring pork-free halal banners are kept authentic.

BUT, no such sentiments are expressed in regards to cruelty to cows.The sentiments of Hindus are treated like garbage globally.


Hindus have to stand strong and create an independent ecosystem.An ecosystem which will voice out the sentiments of the billion Hindus worldwide.We can no longer afford to offer flowers to kamadhenu within our residential altar while our friendly tolerant neighbour butchers a cow.

Goshala-s are somehow keeping the tradition of go-mata worship alive thanks to a few guru parampara ecosystems which align to the shastra-s. Presenting the shastra-pramaNa-s for reverence of cow :

ब्रह्माङ्कणं वृषोपेतं वियुक्तं वा प्रकल्पयेत् । गोराशेरविरोधेन स्थानं तासां प्रकल्पयेत्
brahmāṅkaṇaṃ vṛṣopetaṃ viyuktaṃ vā prakalpayet | gorāśeravirodhena sthānaṃ tāsāṃ prakalpayet
Translation : The goshala should have a central part ( brahma sthana ) where a bull is kept.The central part can be also without a bull.The goshala must have auspicious features that are in harmony with the home of cow.
( Kamika Agama chapter 44,verse 30 )

गवां रक्षा प्रकर्तव्या धान्येन तृणराशिभिः । पलालैरोदनाद्यैश्च निर्माल्यैर्वापि पोषयेत्
gavāṃ rakṣā prakartavyā dhānyena tṛṇarāśibhiḥ | palālairodanādyaiśca nirmālyairvāpi poṣayet
Translation : Utmost care must be given in protecting and taking care of the cows.The cows must be nourished with appropriate grains,varieties of grass,paddy straws,cooked food and residues of various offering to deities.
( Kamika Agama,chapter 45,verse 31 )

Voice of Pakistan Minority

Voice of Pakistan Minority

The conditions of women/girls in #Pakistan, especially those who belong to religious minorities.
A 13 yr old #Hindu girl, Rabia Bheel has been abducted from Ghotki, Sindh for #ForcedConversion.

  1. WomenAreNotYourProperty
  2. WomensDay

Source Link:

We practice and live the best of the Vedas and Agamas, not just the essence

KAILASA is Agama-Uttama and Veda-Uttama, not Vedanta-saara and Agamanta-saara. We practice and live the best of the Vedas and Agamas, not just the essence.

Is it possible to live a superhuman life in the human body?

Kailasa's The Avatar Clicks

Is it possible to live a superhuman life in the human body? Does Third Eye Awakening really exist? Can such awakened states be transmitted from Master to disciple?

YES. The ancient Veda-Agamic science of manifesting Shaktis – divine superhuman powers – is real. Paramashiva has described 463 different Yogic Shaktis in the Agamas including the ability to see with the eyes blindfolded, seeing far off distances and beyond obstacles, scanning the human body and healing it, teleportation, materialization, moving matter with our consciousness, and many more. Manifesting these extraordinary powers makes you truly established in the identity of Paramashivoham – ‘I AM Paramashiva’.

For more details, pls visit
Whatsapp number: +91-7827094488 Source Link:

Wishes From Kailasa!!! Thanks to Swamy Nithyananda🙏🏻 He Spoke About Our Product Digestive Secret

Wishes From Kailasa!!! Thanks to Swamy Nithyananda🙏🏻 He Spoke About Our Product Digestive Secret

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On this day 16 years before - 27 March 2006:
On this day, the Supreme Pontiff of Hinduism, Bhagavan Nithyananda Paramashivam Conducted the Healers Initiation Convention at Houston, USA. The benefits of the Healer’s Initiation are multifold, not only for the receiver but also for the initiated healer because when we become useful for Humanity, Existence showers back at us. Previously SPH had shared that the healers are the real disciples. SPH candidly shared that in the past He had seen that the moment He was asking His devotees to drop all non-veg. half of them were dropping SPH. As such and unlike the simple devotee, a Disciple is a person who continues to meditate and is sincere and committed. Spirituality is only for the people who are sincere. SPH had shared that the Nithyananda Healers all over the world are just able to heal any diseases and there are thousands of medically recorded reports of healing. Later that day SPH gave an Interview to a Local Radio Station in Houston, USA.

That day’s Healers Initiation Convention was conducted by the Supreme Pontiff of Hinduism Bhagavan Nithyananda Paramashivam on 27 March 2006 in Houston, USA.
Nithyanandapedia Link:


On this day 14 years before - 27 March 2008:
On this day, the Supreme Pontiff of Hinduism, Bhagavan Nithyananda Paramashivam conducted a Sarva Darshan offering Free Healing and Blessings to all who came to surrender at His feet. SPH gave healing to everyone physically, mentally, emotionally, cosmically and spiritually. The Hindu tradition of the SPH giving Darshan and attending tirelessly to each and every individual attending the convention is called Sarva Darshan. Sarva Darshan is the method employed by the SPH to give superconscious breakthrough to entire humanity on a mass scale. Later that day SPH delivered the initiations into the powerful Cognitions of the Shiva Sutras to the huge number of delegates that were gathering every evening at AadiKailaasa, Bengaluru Adheenam to attend to SPH’s Satsangs and Initiations.

That day’s Sarva Darshan and Shiva Sutras Convention were conducted by the Supreme Pontiff of Hinduism Bhagavan Nithyananda Paramashivam on 27 March 2008 in Adi Kailasa, Bengaluru, Karnataka, India.
Nithyanandapedia Link:


On this day 10 years before - 27 March 2012:
On this day’s Presidential Address-Nithyananda Satsang, the Supreme Pontiff of Hinduism Bhagavan Sri Nithyananda Paramashivam shared that we can never be a high achiever if we are not built on ethics because if the ethical foundation is not strong, a small tremor will reduce the strength of the building. SPH explained that His strength is nothing but His clear ethics and that the responsible ethics are the only ethics that keeps us alive. He further shared that our expanded identity, makes the job of our smaller identity easy and that by taking on Higher responsibilities we make our lower responsibilities easy. SPH reminded everyone that only when we believe our higher identity we will be able to make others understand their higher identity and that when we connect with the Guru at first sight it means that we have strong inner space.

That day’s Presidential Address-Nithyananda Satsang was conducted by the Supreme Pontiff of Hinduism Bhagavan Nithyananda Paramashivam on 27 March 2012 in Adi Kailasa, Bengaluru, Karnataka, India.
Nithyanandapedia Link:


On this day 9 years before - 27 March 2013:
On this day, the Supreme Pontiff of Hinduism (SPH), Bhagavan Nithyananda Paramashivam conducted the Day 15 of the Inner Awakening Convention. On this day SPH explained that When we take the responsibility, the cosmic hologram opens in us. When we see the whole, we will see the hologram image, but when we go deeper and deeper, even the smallest part of the image will be the same image. Macrocosm is in microcosm, microcosm is in macrocosm. That is hologram. SPH explained that the Cosmos is built on the structure of hologram. We are the microcosmic hologram of the macrocosmic hologram. The microcosmic hologram is awakened the moment we take responsibility. We will then become the ocean in the drop, not just a drop in the ocean. Responsibility changes the way we think, we perceive, we feel, it changes the way we are, responsibility changes everything. SPH reminded eveyone that the science of responsibility should be taught to all.

That day’s Presidential Address-Nithyananda Satsang was conducted by the Supreme Pontiff of Hinduism Bhagavan Nithyananda Paramashivam on 27 March 2013 in Adi Kailasa, Bengaluru, Karnataka, India.
Nithyanandapedia Link:


On this day 8 years before - 27 March 2014:
On this day, the Supreme Pontiff of Hinduism Bhagavan Sri Nithyananda Paramashivam shared that constantly our very thinking should be flowing with Authenticity, our very talking should be flowing with Integrity, our words – internal, external – should be completely in tune with Integrity, our thinking flow should be continuous with Authenticity. The way we feel about life should be continuously responsible, we should know very clearly in our feeling we are the source of everything, with that feeling we should know we are responsible for everything. Continuously our feeling should be filled with Responsibility. Our living should be constantly Enriching us and others. SPH further shared the sacred secret that whatever we are afraid of, when we don’t resist it when we don’t accept it, the inner circuit with which we it built gets revealed to us. We need to know the circuit to know which switch is connected to which equipment in order to repair any wrong connection. SPH further clarified that there are only two kinds of people on Planet Earth: Those whose Physiological Circuit and Psychological Circuit is connected with Completion. And, those whose connection is with incompletion.

That day’s Presidential Address-Nithyananda Satsang was conducted by the Supreme Pontiff of Hinduism Bhagavan Nithyananda Paramashivam on 27 March 2014 in Haridwar, Uttarakhand, India.
Nithyanandapedia Link:


On this day 6 years before - 27 March 2016:
On this day, the Supreme Pontiff of Hinduism (SPH), Bhagavan Nithyananda Paramashivam conducted the Day 13 of the Inner Awakening Convention and presided over the Meenakshi Thyrukalyanam Ceremony that took place in Adi Kailasa Bengaluru Adheenam. On this day’s presidential address SPH started out to explain what is a Kundalini Current: it is the thought current that will raise us to the highest consciousness. In this session, He first referred to the earlier Kundalini Current, that our physiological, psychological and neurological ups and downs are not you. After telling us what we are not, SPH went on to tell us what we are! We are the space in which the physiological, psychological and neurological ups and downs happen! If we are not those ups and downs, but the space in which they happen - then why are we dealing with these ups and downs at all? If that space is our home, why are we dealing with these visitors, the ups and downs? SPH explained that the ups and downs happen as a continuous reminder of what we truly are. The ups and downs will harass us, until we realise the ultimate truth that we are the space, the theatre, in which this drama is being performed. Until we rest ourselves in Sadha Shiva. The ups and downs are like a very persistent alarm clock that we set before we slipped into sleep, or before we slipped into lower awareness. They will not leave us alone till we wake up to the reality of our true, highest, universal consciousness. In this powerful message, SPH declared: 'Knowing this thought current is opening your inner Guru to yourself'. It is a message which we can internalise and imbibe, make a part of us, so that the god particle in us remembers it is not particle, but God.

That day’s Presidential Address-Nithyananda Satsang and Day-13 of the Inner Awakening Convention were conducted by the Supreme Pontiff of Hinduism Bhagavan Nithyananda Paramashivam on 27 March 2016 in Adi Kailasa, Bengaluru, Karnataka, India.
Nithyanandapedia Link:


On this day 4 years before - 27 March 2018:
On this day, the Supreme Pontiff of Hinduism (SPH), Bhagavan Nithyananda Paramashivam initiated on this day, hundreds of delegates into Shiva Deeksha at the Kalpataru Yogam program at the Adi Kailasa Bengaluru Aadheenam. Today power demonstrations were shown to the visiting Shivacharyas. Also the Temple construction was updated. One delegate shared the experience of a miraculous healing after MahaSadashivoham. Around the world in the western hemisphere, at the Toronto Aadheenam devotees celebrated the final day of Chaitra Navaratri and worshipped Durga Devi. In the East, the Gurukul in Singapore Aadheenam engaged in various 3rd Eye Shakti oriented activities. Announcements were made of upcoming programs such as the Inner Awakening, Nithyananda Yoga Teacher Training, Nithyananda Dhyana Yoga, Nithyananda Kriya Yoga, Nithyanandam, Kalpataru Yoga and MahaSadashivoham and were shared with all globally via Nithyananda tv, and social media platforms.

That day’s Shiva Deeksha Initiation and Kalpataru Yogam program Convention were conducted by the Supreme Pontiff of Hinduism Bhagavan Nithyananda Paramashivam on 27 March 2018 in Adi Kailasa, Bengaluru, Karnataka, India.
Nithyanandapedia Link:


On this day 2 years before - 27 March 2020:
On this day, the Supreme Pontiff of Hinduism (SPH), Bhagavan Nithyananda Paramashivam after the second Great Pause, started radiating Paramashiva through His physical body, the very Being of Paramashiva, for the whole of humanity to manifest. During this period after the Great Pause, SPH delivered extraordinarily powerful messages and initiations every day. On that day, during the Nithyananda Satsang, SPH delivered the message entitled ‘’Powerful Q&A Session of Paramashivoham Level 2’’. Paramashiva, through the body of SPH, addressed many questions of the delegates covering topics including the Kailasian Visa, the Akashic Readings, what happens to the soul after death, and the ups and downs of discipleship. SPH worked further on raising the Consciousness of the delegates by bestowing them with the Devi Bhava Darshan for the day. Contributing to over 108 Humanitarian Causes of SHRIKAILASA Uniting Nations, KAILASA's Nithyananda Hindu University marked that day as Season 1, Day 8 of Paramashivoham. One of the major highlights of KAILASA’s contributions through this convention was Initiation into the Mantra Deeksha and Vishesha Deeksha along with Power Manifestation, that being the Power of Dura Drishti & Dura Shruti.

That day’s Season 1, Day 8 of the Paramashivoham Convention was conducted by the Supreme Pontiff of Hinduism Bhagavan Nithyananda Paramashivam on 27 March 2020.
Nithyanandapedia Link:


On this day 1 year before - 27 March 2021:
On this day, the Supreme Pontiff of Hinduism, Bhagavan Nithyananda Paramashivam conducted the Bhava Samadhi Darshan of Bhagavan Sri Krishna. Who is Bhagavan Sri Krishna? Bhagavad Gita says Vasudeva sutaṁ devaṃ kamsa cānūra mardanam I devakī paramānandaṁ kṛṣṇam vande jagad gurum ii meaning ‘I salute unto you Bhagavān Kṛṣṇa, guru (master) of the world, son of Vasudeva, supreme bliss of Devakī, destroyer of Kamsa and Kāṇūra’. Bhagavan Sri Krishna is the Purnavatara, who has embodied Narayana, Paramapada, with all his glory, qualities and powers. Bhagavan Sri Krishna is the Being who first set a trend that macrocosm can express in human body microcosm in a full fledged and in full bloomed way. Bhagavan Sri Krishna is the Jagatguru - meaning his life is a teaching for everyone, in all levels of seeking, no matter what level they are in. As a child Bhagavan Sri Krishna expressed extraordinary innocence and extraordinary powers. As an adult Bhagavan Sri Krishna went beyond body, he did not have even idea of ordinary body and reflected the pure consciousness in the human body.

That day’s Bhava Samadhi Darshan of Bhagavan Sri Krishna was conducted by the Supreme Pontiff of Hinduism Bhagavan Nithyananda Paramashivam on 27 March 2021.
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