Learn About Power of Remote Vision (Book)

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Book Details
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Author/Creator The Supreme Pontiff of Hinduism Jagatguru Mahasannidhanam His Divine Holiness Bhagavan Nithyananda Paramashivam
Book Title Learn About Power of Remote Vision
Download at https://drive.google.com/file/d/1A48sdjflKUkVxkS4AOs3pbjrxb-ySb-h/view?usp=sharing
Edition 1
Language English
Page Count 7
Published By Nithyananda Hindu University
Published Year 2019

Ability to see across far distances has intriguied scientists for centuries. In this power of the third eye, the initiate expresses the power of being able to see happenings occurring at great distances, thousands of miles away, across different time zones. Common expressions are when an initiate is able to scan the house of any one without ever having visited it and starts describing the home as it is, with details like even contents of the fridge. and thought currents of those staying in the place. The science of cosmology being brought back to humanity again through revival of KAILASA, revival of science of Kriya pada, science of initiation, science of power manifestation, and science of parallel universe by the SPH Nithyananda Paramashivam.