Kalabhairava Homa: Experience Power Manifestation (Edition 3) (Book)

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Author/Creator The Supreme Pontiff of Hinduism Jagatguru Mahasannidhanam His Divine Holiness Bhagavan Nithyananda Paramashivam
Book Title Kalabhairava Homa: Experience Power Manifestation (Edition 3)
Download at https://drive.google.com/file/d/1JSg-VXvHL7jP8Lr8CVSJJCj7STY4Ac0i/view?usp=sharing
Edition 3
Language English
Page Count 274
Published By Nithyananda Hindu University
Published Year 2022

Bhagavan Kalabhairava, ferrocious dimension of Paramashiva manifests in us to raise us to the higher vertical time zones. All rituals in Hinduism are performed to experience this multiple dimension of ourselves in the parallel universe. The completion bestowed by Bhagavan Kalabhairava's grace clears our negativities. Often one wonders, did our requests and prayers reach Bhagavan, this unmanifest dimension? The science of power manifestation decoded by the SPH Nithyananda Paramshivam is the answer. This science backed up Shastra and experience of millions of Rishis and Vedic Scientists, clearly lays out that completion manifests immediately as a power. So now you do not need to wait and wonder when Paramashiva is going to grant your boon. Through this guided manual, the SPH Nithyananda Paramashivam makes the deity available immediately for you to experience through power manifestation when the ritual is done with complete integrity and authenticity, scientifically scientific way of establishing existence of unmanifest dimension and Gods and Goddesses.