Bhagavad Gita Chapter 1: Depression of Success is a Divine Ambassador

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Depression of Success is a Divine Ambassador


From the works of Living Enlightened Master Paramahamsa Nithyananda. In this clip is taken from discourse titled, "Bhagavad Gita -- Chapter 1: Shastras, Stotras and Sutras", Swamiji explains 'Arjuna Vishaada', the state of Arjuna's depression upon seeing his own kith and kin in the battlefield facing him. He further elaborates that with failure, there is still hope. But when desires get fulfilled immediately, depression follows. For many, this can be a starting point for going inwards. For those blessed ones, depression is indeed a divine ambassador.

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Patanjali Yoga Sutras: Five modifications of mind


From the works of living enlightened master Paramahamsa Nithyananda, this clip is taken Patanjali Yoga Sutras discourse delivered by Him in 2008. In this video clip, He describes five modifications of the mind which can be a reason for one's state of joy or suffering. Right and wrong knowledge, sleep, memory, and imagination are discussed in detail as the five vital components in determining own's comprehension. Depending on these five modifications of the mind, one can comprehend any situation leading him to a blissful conflict-free and healthy life or a life of confusion and depression.

Paramahamsa Nithyananda is an enlightened master living amidst us today. With a worldwide movement for meditation and inner bliss, Nithyananda continues to offer solutions for things as trivial as everyday stress to something as profound as enlightenment. Nithyananda conducts meditation programs all over the world. Inner Awakening is one such profound program. It is a 21-day experiential meditation program to live enlightenment or Jivan Mukthi. For more details, please visit You can also watch over 600 free discourses delivered by Nithyananda on topics ranging from Life Solutions to Sacred Scriptures to Enlightenment at

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Patanjali Yoga Sutras: Kindling Right Imagination


From the works of living enlightened master Paramahamsa Nithyananda, this clip is taken from Patanjali Yoga Sutras discourse delivered by Him in 2008. In this video clip, He describes how a right enlightened master kindles the right imagination in the disciples about their enlightenment. He then describes the three ways to get right knowledge, one of the five modifications of mind described in the clip: The three ways include right recognition through senses, cognition of the information and the most important - words of an enlightened master. He describes connecting with an enlightened master's words is the easiest and fastest way to get the right knowledge.

Paramahamsa Nithyananda is an enlightened master living amidst us today. With a worldwide movement for meditation and inner bliss, Nithyananda continues to offer life solutions for things as trivial as everyday stress to something as profound as enlightenment. Nithyananda conducts meditation programs all over the world. Inner Awakening is one such profound program. It is a 21-day experiential meditation program to live enlightenment or Jivan Mukthi. For more details, please visit You can also watch over 600 free discourses delivered by Nithyananda on topics ranging from Life Solutions to Sacred Scriptures to Enlightenment at

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Patanjali Yoga Sutras: Meditation Technique for Deep Sleep


From the works of living enlightened master Paramahamsa Nithyananda, this clip is taken from Patanjali Yoga Sutras discourse delivered by Him in 2008. In this video clip, He gives the technical knowledge about sleep as being one of the modifications of the mind, described in the clip: He talks about how the quality of sleep determines the quality of waking state. Having an aware deep sleep state can lead one to the state of samadhi. This technical knowledge is then followed up with a powerful meditation technique to get make oneself more aware of their sleep state.

Paramahamsa Nithyananda is an enlightened master living amidst us today. With a worldwide movement for meditation and inner bliss, Nithyananda continues to offer life solutions for things as trivial as every day stress to something as profound as enlightenment. Nithyananda conducts meditation programs all over the world. Inner Awakening is one such profound program. It is a 21 day experiential meditation program to live enlightenment or Jivan Mukthi. For more details, please visit You can also watch over 600 free discourses delivered by Nithyananda on topics ranging from Life Solutions to Sacred Scriptures to Enlightenment at

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Patanjali Yoga Sutras: Removing Wrong Knowledge leads to Individual Transformation & Global Peace


From the works of living enlightened master Paramahamsa Nithyananda, this clip is taken from Patanjali Yoga Sutras discourse delivered by Him in 2008. In this video clip, He describes how our past conditionings affect our reasoning and lead us to wrong knowledge. This consequently leads to all suffering and depression in one's life. He talks about judgments and opinions that are framed based on such wrong knowledge. Complete understanding of this sutra is a meditation in itself and can result in individual transformation and global peace. He gives a simple technique to understand our past conditionings that affect our present moment.

Paramahamsa Nithyananda is an enlightened master living amidst us today. With a worldwide movement for meditation and inner bliss, Nithyananda continues to offer life solutions for things as trivial as everyday stress to something as profound as enlightenment. Nithyananda conducts meditation programs all over the world. Inner Awakening is one such profound program. It is a 21-day experiential meditation program to live enlightenment or Jivan Mukthi. For more details, please visit You can also watch over 600 free discourses delivered by Nithyananda on topics ranging from Life Solutions to Sacred Scriptures to Enlightenment at

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