Nithya Kriyas

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Nithya Kriya is a series of healing yogic processes revealed by Paramahamsa Nithyananda. Nithya Kriya is unique in that the knowledge and techniques are drawn from the most authentic sacred yogic scriptures of India, while the specific combinations are expressed from the personal experience of Paramahamsa Nithyananda. Himself an established yogi, Paramahamsa Nithyananda has trained under powerful yogis and mystics right from childhood, and has been the practitioner of mystical yogic sciences that have practically disappeared from modern yoga texts.


Nithya Kriya is a collection of processes revealed by Paramahamsa Nithyananda that work on awakening the inner potential energy in the body (kundalini energy) in addition to the health benefits that accrue from contraction and expansion of the muscles in the body through various movements.

Nithya Kriya is unique in that the individual components are drawn from the most authentic sacred yogic scriptures of the vedic tradition, while the specific assembly of these various components have been designed and invented by Paramahamsa Nithyananda from his personal research and development, with the aim of curing and providing preventive care for various physical and mental ailments.

Nithya Kriyas involve a combination of asanas with breath, sounds and visualization. These components work in unison to create the intended effect on the body:

  • 1. Breath
  • 2. Visualization
  • 3. Muscle movement (includes all the movements like in yoga)
  • 4. Sound from outside being absorbed inside – music
  • 5. Sound from inside – mantra

Whatever is needed for the body to heal from any disease can be derived from combinations of the above 5 components. Nithya Kriyas are the proper combination and assembly of these in a doable form like a capsule. The healing achieved by Nithya kriyas is permanent as it works on the cellular biomemory level. It generates natural steroids and therefore has no side-effects. Besides the healing, the Nithya Kriyas have a powerful permanent effect on your very brain functioning. They awaken the non-mechanical parts of the brain. Certain parts of the brain are responsible for our day to day bodily functions like digestion, respiration, walking, sitting, etc. But this constitutes only a small percentage of the brain. This is what we refer to here as the mechanical parts of the brain. Most of the brain power is actually untapped which is what is responsible for many extraordinary faculties and powers. This is what we refer to here as the non-mechanical parts of the brain. Awakening all the non-mechanical parts of the brain can be done just by adding the right chemicals, enzymes, hormones to the body. Since your higher consciousness is already reflected on the body, the body naturally experiences the peak conscious coherence.

Harnessing the Kundalini energy for self-healing

A significant distinction of Nithya Kriya is the safe and scientific awakening of the Kundalini energy in the practitioner. As Kundalini is a self-healing mechanism, practitioners of Nithya Kriya find that not only do their health and life problems diminish or disappear, but the very patterns that cause the disease are rooted out by the overflowing of Superconscious energy in their body-mind system.

Scriptural references, from sampradayas

Nithya Kriya is soundly anchored in the sacred yoga scriptures, including the legendary Patanjali Yoga Sutras, as well as the three classic texts that form the base of yoga - Hatha Yoga Pradipika, Gheranda Samhita and Shiva Samhita.

Patanjali Yoga Sutras is the foundational text of yoga, written by the father of yoga, the enlightened sage Patanjali. This esoteric yet highly practical text, based on Saankhya Yoga, is said to date back to the 2nd century BC, although it is believed to be far more ancient. Patanjali Yoga Sutras emphasise the value of yoga as a lifestyle, through ashtanga yoga (8-limbed yoga) consisting of yama & niyama(personal and social disciplines), asana (postures), pranayama (controlled breathing), pratyahara (sense and mind control), dhaarana (concentration), dhyaana (contemplation) and Samadhi (non-dualistic consciousness).

Hatha Yoga Pradipika is a 15th century Sanskrit hatha yoga text, written by Svami Svatmarama, a disciple of Swami Gorakhnatha. The book is dedicated to Adinatha or Lord Shiva, who is said to have revealed the secrets of hatha yoga to his divine consort Devi Parvati. Hatha Yoga Pradipika contains four major upadeshaas (teachings) which reveal the correct understanding and practice of asanas, pranayama, chakras, bandhas, kriyas, shakti, nadis, mudras and kundalini.

Gheranda Samhita is a highly practical and effective yoga manual said to have been taught by the sage Gheranda to Chanda Kapali. Gheranda Sahmita advocates a sevenfold yoga, including shatkarma(cleansing processes), asana (postures), pranayama (controlled breathing), mudra (finger locks), pratyahara (mind control), dhyana (meditaion) and samadhi (the fruit of all the above).

Shiva Samhita is a complex text that spans the entire spectrum of human experience, from health to liberation. Starting with a treatise on spiritual liberation, this text goes on to reveal 84 beneficialasanas, pranayama, meditation and visualization techniques, mantras, subtle energy channels (nadis), kundalini and the importance of the Guru on the path. The other texts that Nithya Kriya draws from include the Kumbhaka Paddhati of Raghuvira, Trisikhibrahmanopanishad, Yogakundalayupanishad, Yogachudamanyupanishad and Yoga Taravali, among others.

108 Nithya Kriyas

“Care” Nithya Kriyas

  • Care For Achromatopsia
  • Care For Addiction
  • Care For Ageing
  • Care For Anger
  • Care For Arthritis
  • Care For Asthma
  • Care For Attention Deficit Disorder (ADD)
  • Care For Autism
  • Care For Autoimmune Disorders
  • Care For Baldness
  • Care For Bipolar Disorder
  • Care For Cancer
  • Care For Dandruff
  • Care For Depression
  • Care For Diabetes
  • Care For Digestive Disorders
  • Care For Epilepsy
  • Care For Food Allergies
  • Care For Fungal Infection
  • Care For Heart Diseases
  • Care For Hernia
  • Care For Hot Flashes From Menopause
  • Care For Hypertension
  • Care For Hypothyroidism
  • Care For Infection
  • Care for Insomnia
  • Care For Irritable Bowel Syndrome
  • Care For Kid's Memory Power
  • Care For Long Sight
  • Care For Low Self Esteem
  • Care For Lower Back Pain
  • Care For Memory Problems
  • Care For Migraine
  • Care For Nephrotic Syndrome
  • Care For Obesity
  • Care For Pulmonary Disease
  • Care For Rapid Recovery From Illness
  • Care For Schizophrenia
  • Care For Short-Sightedness
  • Care For Sinusitis
  • Care For Skin Problems
  • Care For Stiff Knees & Knee Pain
  • Care For Thyroid Problems
  • Care For Tinnitus
  • Care For Ulcerative Colitis and Crohn's Disease
  • Care For Urinary Problems
  • Care For Vertigo
  • Clarity And Emotional Stability

“Cure” Nithya Kriyas

  • Cure For Achromatopsia
  • Cure For Addiction
  • Cure For Ageing
  • Cure For Anger
  • Cure For Anxiety
  • Cure For Arthritis
  • Cure For Asthma
  • Cure For Attention Deficit Disorder (ADD)
  • Cure For Autism
  • Cure For Autoimmune Disorders
  • Cure For Baldness
  • Cure For Bipolar Disorder
  • Cure For Cancer
  • Cure For Dandruff
  • Cure For Depression
  • Cure For Diabetes
  • Cure For Digestive Issues
  • Cure For Eczema
  • Cure For Epilepsy
  • Cure For Excessive Sweating Of Palms & Feet
  • Cure For Food Allergies
  • Cure For Fungal Infection
  • Cure For Heart Diseases
  • Cure For Hernia
  • Cure For Hot Flashes From Menopause
  • Cure For Hypertension
  • Cure For Hypothyroidism
  • Cure For Infection
  • Cure For Infertility/Impotence
  • Cure For Insomnia
  • Cure For Long Sight
  • Cure For Low Self Esteem
  • Cure For Lower Back Pain
  • Cure For Memory Problems
  • Cure For Migraine
  • Cure For Nephrotic Syndrome
  • Cure For Obesity
  • Cure For Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder
  • Cure For Pulmonary Disease
  • Cure For Rapid Recovery From Illness
  • Cure For Schizophrenia
  • Cure For Short-Sightedness
  • Cure For Sinusitis
  • Cure For Skin Problems
  • Cure For Stiff Knees & Knee Pain
  • Cure For Thyroid Problems
  • Cure For Tinnitus
  • Cure For Ulcerative Colitis And Crohns Disease
  • Cure For Urinary Problems
  • Cure For Vertigo
  • Excelling In Sports - Level 1
  • Excelling In Sports - Level 2
  • Excelling In Studies - Level 2
