January 19 2014

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HDH Sri Nithyananda Paramashivam delivers the deeper truths of Kalpataru Darshan.


In today’s morning Satsang, Paramahamsa Nithyananda delivers the deeper truths of Kalpataru Darshan. In the Kalpataru Darshan, Paramahamsa Nithyananda not only fulfills one desire we wish to make into reality but he also awakens our own ability to perform this process on our own! Because each of us is born with the energy to make what we want into reality, the Kalpataru Darshan simply ignites that dormant energy within us. Everything in life is possible! Let us create our own reality!

Video and Audio - Science of Possibility

Video Audio



nithyānandeśvara samārambhām nithyānandeśvari madhyamām | asmat āchārya paryantām vande guru paramparām ||


Aaj ke satsang me mein aap sabhi ka prem aur ashirwad ke saath swagath kartha hoon.sabhi bhakton, sishyon, samajiyon ka swagath hai.


I welcome all the devotees. disciples, samajis, satsangis sitting with us through Nithyananda TV, Eshwar TV, Janashree TV, two way video conferencing having nayana deeksha. Many cities, in many countries all over the world. Cities sitting with us in two way video conferencing having nayana deeksha Singapore- singapuram, Monterrey - Mexico, Bangalore north, New Zealand- Adi Arunachalam, Indrani - New Jersey, Thiruvanmiyur - Chennai, Los Angeles-Arunachalam, Ohio- Sivananda, Guadeloupe- Rameswaram, Houston- Kalahasti, San Jose- Madurai, Oklahoma - Somanatham, Toronto-Kailasam, Vancouver-Bhuvaneswar, Nithyanada Nagara - Bangalore Nithyananda Nagaramu-Hyderabad, Ohio-Prayag, Warrington-UK, Atlanta-Ujjaini, Washington DC-Sripuram, Kuala Lumpur-Palani, Houston- Kalahasti, Grasse-France, Austin, Charlotte-Srisailam, New York-Varanasi, Hyderabad-Gupta Kashi, San Diego-Tirualavai, St. Louis-Tirumala, Mumbai-Ma Paripoornananda, which center, Mumbai, that’s all. Hong Kong - Sirkazhi, Enriching Temple-Bidadi, Coimbatore Dhyanapeetam, Hosur-Dhyanapeetam, Oman-Sivagangai, New Jersey-Omkareshwar, Kanchipuram Dhyanapeetam, Colorado Springs-USA, Molière’s-France, Chitlapakkam-Chennai, Adi Nithyananda Dhyanapeetam-Avathipalayam, Agra, Enriching temple Bidai, Oman -Sivagangai, Kilinochi -Elankai; Johns Creek-Georgia, Jorpati-Nepal, Melbourne -Australia.


Agra is the new Dhyanapeetam Center. My blessings to Agra! Mumbai blessings for Mani Ramalingam, Kavita Mani and Hari Hariharakrishnan Narmada. Blessings for both couples; with all the auspiciousness all of you will live with Me, I will be with you guys . Be blissful, blessings. Melbourne-Australia, blessings for the four powers class session. Today we have Singapore - Singapuram and Monterrey-Mexico; in both cities the Kalpataru Darshan. Blessings for all the participants who have gathered for Kalpataru Darshan!


Today we are all going to Rishikesh! Upanishads on the banks of Ganga and Rudra Homa. The speciality of Rudra Homa is I am going to install Shiva Linga on the banks of Ganga and we will be doing the Homa and puja. There is a traditional procedure for installing Shiva Linga in the banks of Ganga, picking up a stone and the Ganga mitti and all that. So I am going to do that. Where in Rishikesh I am not going to tell now, because I am on national television channel; too much crowd will gather. Alright.


Today I will speak on Gan..Kalpataru. Please listen. Today I am going to actually guide all of you into the Kalpataru process directly, so that the procedure is set today clearly. Wherever the Kalpataru Darshan, Pratyaksha or E, Pratyaksha Kalpataru or E- Kalpataru; Pratyaksha Kalpataru or E- Kalpataru this is the procedure. So please all the Kotharis, Thanedars, Mahants, provide your listening to learn to conduct Kalpataru meditations.


The first truth: Human-beings are endowed with the energy to make what they want in their life as reality. Human-beings are not sent as a beggar or poor to planet earth. God is not a sadist. He doesn’t say, ‘Hey, go with empty hand. And every time you need a penny you beg Me. You beg and I will decide whether to give you or not.’ No. He is neither a sadist nor a miser father. He is a beautiful, graceful, amazing, showering, cosmic causeless auspicious energy. Ashutosha Satchitananda, Shiva! So understand. You are endowed with enough of Kundalini energy, the inner potential raw energy to make what you want as reality. That is the first truth.


Second: Because of your constant self-doubting, self-hatred and self-denial you forgot your life is nothing but possibilities. You started thinking your life is nothing but impossibilities. You are alive because breathing is possible. You are alive because digestion is possible. You are alive because many things are possible. Understand. Life is possibility it is not impossibility. The wrong belief ‘life is impossibility’ is put inside you by the society, unconscious society. So you need to know the truth, the ancient secret which produced greatest leaders in every field.


Please understand. The most ancient secret, secret of the secret of the secret, which produced greatest leaders of every field, still kept as a secret, transferred only from guru to disciple, guru to disciple in the world’s oldest ancient civilization, the spiritual tradition, I am sharing that with the world. Listen, science of awakening the inner potential bio-energy - Kundalini Shakthi, and directing it to create what you want as reality. This science was available with this ancient Vedic Civilization. It was transmitted from guru to disciple, guru to disciple, guru to disciple, it is called “Karna Parampara”; means, just by listening, never by writing, just by listening this science was transmitted. It was never printed. This only Krishna calls as “Raja Vidya, Raja Guhyam”– the Royal Knowledge, Royal Secret. I am transmitting that science to all of you freely, because the world now needs more spiritual scientists and spiritual healers. We already have enough of economists, business management people, lawyers more than the rats, doctors more than the cats, army people more than any number. We have too many people lawyers, doctors, engineers, army, media – too many. World immediately needs spiritual healers, spiritual activists, spiritual “saintists”, scientists with the saintly basis. A saintist we need urgently. That is why I have decided to share this knowledge with the whole world. So listen.


Your inner space is equivalent to your womb. How in the womb a child can grow, another one life can grow, sameway in your inner-space, whatever you want can grow, and it can be made into reality, it can be delivered. It is called “Hrid Garbha”, “Hridaya Garbha”. Your inner-space is called “Hrid Garbha”, “Hridaya Garbha”, “Chidakasha”, “Chidambara”. All these different words are used for your inner space. Anything you create in your inner-space and ready to take the responsibility for it... understand, when I use the word ‘ready to take responsibility’, I mean ‘deserve for what you desire’. I don’t even want to say you have to earn what you desire. If you just, if you are ‘deserve for what you desire’, that is enough; it is showered on you. Means for example, you desire for million dollar you don’t even need to earn. If you deserve – if you are not going to destroy that million dollar, or using that million dollar you are not going to destroy yourself – if you just deserve, you will see the Cosmos showers on you. Sometime the moment million dollar comes, you will drink, drink, drink, drink and you may die in ten days. Then naturally Cosmos thinks, ‘Why should you be killed?’ Because Cosmos loves you. Just not to kill you, He says, ‘Wait, wait, wait. Let the money not come to you more than ten dollar which is for one quarter; you will drink only that much 😃. So, I am not even saying you have to earn; all I am trying to tell you is, if you deserve for what you desire, you are showered. If you deserve for what you desire, you are showered.


Dhyan se Suniye. Whether it is health, wealth, or happy, blissful relationships, completion, peace in your personal life, enlightenment, whatever you want to cause as reality, it is possible. Please understand. I am not selling you any dreams. I am not selling you any stories. I am not selling you hope. I am not a personality development Guru. I am not Hope Guru. I am not an inspirational Guru. No. I am neither giving you some superstition as per atheist stupidity, nor I am selling you some dreams. I am not selling you some fiction novel. I am not selling you some hope or personality development concepts. No I am not a personality development Guru. I am not a dream-seller like cine producers. I am not giving you some superstitious concepts like atheists. Atheists are the most superstitious fellows on the planet earth, because they go on acting they don’t believe what they believe; most hypocritical, superstitious, stupid people if you want to find. Understand. I am not selling you some theories, theologies. I am introducing a science to you. I am introducing a science to you.


Your thoughts become words, words become actions, actions become life, life becomes reality. It is a simple science, straightforward science. Kalpataru, Kalpataru process is initiating you to harness the power of your reality, by making you harness the power of your words, power of your thoughts, power of your actions, power of your life. People who want to enslave you, constantly brainwash you ‘life is full of difficulty and impossibility’. Why do you think all over the world, in all Bollywood, Tollywood, Goliwood, Hollywood, in any wood, Sandalwood all these movies, the story of rag to riches sells high? See, this rag to riches story is such an attractive story. Everybody just celebrates that person as a hero if he is from rag to riches, means, penniless to billionaire. This rag to riches story is such a glamorous story, why? Because you feel it is impossible, he has achieved impossibility as possible. No. I tell you, nothing is impossible. If you are stuck with the idea of impossible, even brushing your teeth is impossible. If you are clear about possibility, simply the whole thing is possible.


Whenever a Kundalini arises, understand. Kundalini is portrayed in Hindu tradition like a snake. The hiss of the Kundalini snake is “Possible”. So whenever I am saying “Possible”, My Kundalini is hissing at you. This Kundalini snake has no poison; it only has nectar. When it bites, it only gives nectar. “Amrita Naga” it is not “Visha Naga”. Understand. But don’t think there is a snake sitting inside you. No. It is portrayed like a snake. When the Kundalini awakens, it moves in your body like a snake moving. Sometime people ask Me, ‘Oh, if it is awakened, where will I keep the snake?’ 😊😊 😊 No don’t worry. Don’t talk like a stupid atheist. 😊


Please listen. I am giving you the science of Possibility. The first step: creating the space for what you want. It means, listen, during any Kalpataru process, take up only ONE desire to cause it as reality. Don’t take up two; you will mess it up. Don’t become greedy. Greed is nothing but powerlessness. You are afraid, ‘who knows second time it will happen or not?’ Science of making what you want into reality. Just teaching somebody to fish may help him whole life but immediately he will not have food. Just giving him fish, he will have immediately food, but the whole life what he will do? Both are half-half. I give you immediate food, and teach you to fish. Listen. First take up only ONE desire to make it into reality.


Second instruction: Visualize that it has already happened. For example, if you are taking up a desire to become healthy, visualize, create a space it is already happened, it is present. And all the doubt you have ‘No, how can it happen? How will I become healthy?’ All the doubts you have, all the denial you have, start completing with all that. When I say “completing”, when...see when these kind of patterns - self-doubt and self-denial started in you; constantly doubting you and making you believe impossibility, when that pattern started, look into it, and decide to relive and complete, drop it. Decide to hold on to this new space you created as a reality for your life. Tell yourself, “With Integrity, Authenticity, Responsibility and Enriching, I am aligning all my thoughts, actions, feeling and life to this reality.” You will see simply the space you created start opening itself, radiating itself, becoming reality in your life. Especially when the Master blesses with His Integrity, Authenticity, Responsibility and Enriching, it is like Ganga entering into a well. If you are a simple, separate, small well, you can say, ‘Oh, I am dirty! How will I clean up myself, whole, completely? No, no, no, no, no. I have so much self-doubt, so many self-denial, self-hatred.’ Ganga enters into your well do you need to be bothered about cleaning it? You are cleaned upside down, above, below, this side, that side; in all sides, in all directions enema is given and cleaned. ‘Sarva Enema cleaning’. Water wash, water service.


So understand. This Kalpataru Darshan, through this Kalpataru Darshan I am introducing the science of possibility to you. By making your one boon reality, one desire reality, your trust on this science is awakened. Then whenever you want, you can use this science and cause whatever you want as reality in your life. Please understand. Take responsibility for what you desire, make yourself deserve for what you desire; you will see Cosmos goes on showering. There are one bunch of fools in the planet earth constantly believe life is a struggle, nothing is possible. With that impossibility itself, they are born, live, and they die. But, I tell you guys, you are not sinners to believe “impossibility”. You are “Amrutasya Putraha”, Hindus. Blessed are those who are born in the religion who introduces you to you as “Sons of Immortality”, “Amrutasya Putraha”! Aap Paapi Nahin. You are not a sinner. Shrunvantu Vishwey Amrutasya Putraha! So, let those people who believe they are sinners and life is impossible for them, let them live with their belief. We don’t care. But I tell you, do not allow that ideas to be injected into your brain. It is a conspiracy against humanity. Don’t be cheated, don’t be destroyed by the conspirators against humanity.


Dhyan Se Suniye. Blessed are you who are born in the religion which introduces you to you as “Sons of Immortality”. Whoever carries whatever belief, let them carry and let them live. But, you don’t need to be affected, abused by the wrong beliefs. So you understand, you are a Sons of Immortality, you understand you are experience of Eternity. So now I will lead you all into this science of Kundalini awakening and science of Kalpataru which is the most ancient royal knowledge and royal secret. Before that, I will give the essence in Hindi.


aaj main aap sabko kalpataru ki puri prakriya samjhaunga. manushya ko ishwar ne sabhi shakti dekar sansar mein bheja hai. dusri baat aap apne atma sandeh, virodh aur atma nishedh ke karan bhul gaye hain ke aapka jivan sambhavnao se purn hi. aap jeevit hai kyunki sabhi sambhavnaye sakar ho sakti hai. samaaj ne aapke andar galat avadharana dali hai ke ye sabhi karya sambhav nahin hai. suniye, vishva ka sabse gupt rahasya aaj main aapke sath batane ja raha hun. kundalini shakti ko jagrit karne ka vigyan jo prachin vaidik rishiyon ke pass tha, yah gyan guru se shishya ko pradan hota raha hai. isi gyan ko krishna ‘raja vidya’ kehte hai. main aap sabhi ko yah gyan uplabdh kara raha hun. hamare pass aaj doctor engineer lawyer sabhi adhik sankhya mein hai. aaj ka avashyakta hai saintist ki, vigyan ko janne wale aadhyatma ke upar aadharit log, aadhyatma ke upar aadharit log. aapke ke andar man ko ‘hruday garbh’ kahate hain, chidakash chidambar. aap ismein jo bhi vastu nirmit kare aur uska uttardayitva lene ke liye taiyar hai toh aisa karya sambhav hai. agar aap jo chahte hain uske liye sahi patra hai to aapko vah prapt ho jaega, kintu aap jo chahte hain usko agar nasht kar de to brahmand aapko aisa nahin deta hai. dhyan se suniye, aap aarogya, dhan, madhur sambandh, shanti, aadi jo kuchh bhi chahte hain vah sab sambhav hai. main aapko koi asatya baat nahin bata raha, na hi aapko sapna dikha raha hun. mein koi vyaktitva vikas ka guru nahin hun. naahi aapko nastik logon ki tarah kuchh andhvishwas ki baat bol raha hun. main aapko spashta vigyan se parichay kara raha hun. aapke vichar shabd bante hain, shabd kriya bante hai, kriya jivan banti hai. kalpataru prakriya dwara aapko apni shabdon, vicharon, kriya aur jivan ki shakti ko upyog mein laane ka marg sikhaya jata hai. aapko nahin lagta ki garibi se achanak dhanwan ban jaane wali kahaniyan itni adhik pasand kyon ki jaati hai. jab bhi kundalini urja jagrit hoti hai, uske dwara aapke sabhi sambhavnao ko shakti milati hai. dhyan se suniye, main aapko sambhavnao ka vigyan bata raha hun. pahli baat: apni koi ek ichcha purn karne ke liye antah sthiti nirmit kijiye. dusri baat: aisa dekhiye ki vah ichcha purn ho gai hai. aapke man jo bhi virodh aur sandeh aata hai uske sath lagatar purnatva kijiye nirnay lijiye ki aap naveen stithi ke sath jivan jiyenge. kalptaru darshan ke dwara, main aap main sambhavna ka vigyan bhar raha hun.


Video - Inner Awakening Haridwar - Rishikesh Visit

An offering of gratitude to the Divine lotus feet of our Guru, His Divine Holiness Gurumahasannidhanam Bhagwaan Paramahamsa Nithyananda is a rare happening. The 23rd batch of Inner Awakening participants were blessed.

A happening for which we have waited for multiple births. We have taken multiple lifetimes just to have a glimpse of the cosmos. Just for a glimpse of the form that liberates.

And there are some who are blessed to pray to the Ganges in the age when Paramashiva has come to us in the manifest form of the Guru, Paramahamsa Nithyananda, whom we dearly address as Swamiji.

A Guru - happening of one which is rare. Blessed are those who are initiated by Him. Blessed are those who have His grace on them. Praying to the Guru’s feet is a blessing.

The 83rd verse of the Guru Gita reminds us of the auspiciousness of the charanamrutha, that is, the sacred water from the sacred feet-washed water of the Guru

tapatrayagni-taptanam-asanta-praina bhuvi | Yasya padodaka ganga tasmai srigurave nama || 83 ||

Afflicted by the threefold scorching fires (adhyatmika - physical, adhibhautika – from world, adhidaivika – from nature), the restless incomplete beings on earth wander aimlessly. To such beings, the feet-washed-water of the Guru—Gurupadokam, is really Ganga. Therefore, surrender to the Sri Guru.

We remember how bowing down to the Guru all our ailments are healed.

Paramashivoham Oneness Capsule 165 (Homa at the Banks of River Ganga, Rishikesh)


Swamiji Paramahamsa Sri Nithyananda Paramashivam in Rishikesh

Swamiji Paramahamsa Nithyananda in Rishikesh

The Fulfilling Ganga and the Himalayan Mountain Ranges - the place to be to complete and be with the Master

The fulfilling Ganga and the Himalayan mountain ranges - the place to be to complete and be with the Master


The sun shines bright on the Ganga as the Master graces Rishikesh

The sun shines bright on the Ganga as the Master graces Rishikesh


Homa at the banks of Ganges

Homa at the banks of Ganges

The Inner Awakening Participants have the rare opportunity to be part of the Homa in the auspicious land of Rishikesh on the banks of Ganga where completion is in the air.

Inner Awakening Participants Rishikesh Visit








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Paramahamsa Nithyananda, Mahabharata, truths, Kalpataru Darshan, desire, wish, reality, energy, possible, create.

Photos Of The Day:




Photos Of The Day:





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