February 17 2013

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Listening is the First Step in Spirituality

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In today’s morning satsang, Paramahamsa Nithyananda creates a new definition for integrity. Integrity is beyond both morality and ethics. It means quite simply, continuously honoring the words we give to ourselves and to others. When one declares one’s commitment wholeheartedly one finds fulfillment. If the commitment is perverted by inauthenticity, one harms either oneself through guilt or others through violence. Following every word to completion, bringing integrity deeply into life, destroys agamya karma, the karma one accumulates through distraction. It can even reduce prarabdha karma, the work we took birth to accomplish.


Paramahamsa Nithyananda, create, new, morality, ethics, commitment, violence, life, agamya, prarabdha, karma, birth