Fluoride Detoxification

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Technique to Detoxify the Third-Eye

In 1990’s, coupled with the protection of a fake scientific experiment, governments around the world introduced fluoride to drinking water reservoirs in an attempt to increase dental health.

Today, in India, fluorosis affects more than 66 million people. Six million of them are children under the age of 14 years. It turns out to be the most widespread geochemical disease in India. In other studies, fluoride has been classified as a neurotoxin, placed among well known poisons like arsenic, lead and mercury.

Fluoride has been associated with the “pandemic of developmental neurotoxicity”. Children have had more cognitive impairments since the addition of fluoride in drinking and bathing water than before. While these facts are put aside, fluoride is still popularized as a key to dental strength on most teeth products. Dentists mongering for money without paying attention to recent evidence are blindly backing the continuation of the circulation of this poison within our bodies and the market as well. Fluoride’s effects are so damaging a real cure is needed to reclaim the Third Eye.

Technique to Cleanses the Third Eye from Fluoridation

Turmeric is a powerful antidote for the neurotoxin fluoride. Fluoride and turmeric can both enter the system through the skin. For example, one doesn’t necessarily have to drink fluoridated water for it get into the system. Even if they take a bath in fluoridated water, the fluoride can enter into the system. Similarly, turmeric possesses the same quality. It enters through the skin. Up to 40% of the turmeric placed on the skin enters the system when rubbed. It is a great way to detoxify fluoride that may be blocking the Third Eye.

For people who have been initiated into Third Eye reading and have not had any success, this is a powerful method to awaken the potential of the Third Eye. For people who are yet to receive initiation, this is a great method to ensure that you will be able to use the potential of the Third Eye to its peak, after its awakening. However, it must be rubbed on the skin. Turmeric taken orally will only heal the ulcers of the intestine, but the turmeric rubbed on the skin will be the antidote for fluoride.

The Technique: 1. Wash your face. Nicely apply turmeric on the whole forehead. Put a large amount of kumkum (processed turmeric) on the whole area which you think is Third Eye. 2. Lie down with the head supported. With a nice pillow, lie down. All the techniques related to Third Eye, if you fall asleep while doing it, it’s not wrong, because the power of the Third Eye is such that you can never fall asleep. You can only fall into a state between dream and waking state. That’s the law of Third Eye. 3. Just put your awareness on the Third Eye region and see how the turmeric is getting penetrated. What is the turmeric and kumkum doing on your Third Eye? That’s all. “Very simple technique. Do it for 42 minutes. Lie down for 42 minutes and observe what that turmeric and kumkum is doing on your Third Eye. It will actually penetrate your skin and it will start activating your Third Eye.”

Awakening the Third-Eye

In the regular life in India, people apply kumkum (processed turmeric herb), bhasma (sacred ash) and fresh turmeric paste on their forehead as a technique to work on the Third Eye. They bring constant awareness to it. This is because for the Third Eye, attention is food. If one starts giving attention to the Third Eye, it will be awakened. It will start expressing energy. The following is an extremely powerful technique, most effective when practiced in the presence of the Guru or in front of His picture where He is wearing the kumkum (the red dot).

Meditation for Third Eye Awakening

“Sit in a comfortable position with your head, neck and spine in a straight line. Relax and take a few deep breaths.

  • Step 1 (with open eyes)

Duration: 5 minutes Bring your attention to the area in between your eyebrows. Visualize that your Third Eye is open; you are looking through the Third Eye. It may be a little difficult at first, but you will get it in a few minutes.

  • Step 2 (with closed eyes)

Duration: 3 minutes Close your eyes and visualize an intense golden light entering into your body from the sky. The light is entering your head and getting centered, functioning, active on your Third Eye.

  • Step 3 (with open eyes)

Duration: 3 minutes Now, with open eyes, look through your Third Eye at my Third Eye, the spot where I am wearing the kumkum, the red dot. Continue to gaze at my Third Eye through your Third Eye. Visualize that you have a red color hole between your eyebrows and intensely look at my Third Eye.

  • Step 4 Finally, relax. Close your eyes. If you wish, you can rest wherever you are sitting.”

