September 01 2010

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In this message delivered on Krishna Janmashtami, Paramahamsa Nithyananda describes Krishna as the ideal conflict-free idol. He gives pure intellectual understandings at one hand as Geeta Krishna and then pure romance at the other as Radha Krishna. One hand Yashoda (his mother) ties the little Krishna to a grinding stone but on the other hand, the same little Krishna lists the Govardhan hill on his little finger. What a beautiful conflict-free personality Krishna is! Immerse in the silence of this message by Paramahamsa Nithyananda.



Conflict Free Living and Right Decision Making

DATE: September 1st 2010

LOCATION: Sri Nithyananandeshwara Paramashiva Temple, in front of the main sanctum, Bidadi Aadheenam

Sadashivasamarambamshankaraacharyamadhyamaam Asmadaacharyaparyanthaamvande Guru paramparaam.

I welcome you all with my love and respects. Today’s subject, conflict free life way of right decision making. Again the subject opens some of the deep important truths on decision making. What is right decision making? Seeing the past as past, future as future, present as present and deciding is right decision making. Right decision making means seeing the past as past, future as future, present as present without infusing the past into future or future into past. Many time, what you want in the future, you start dreaming you had it in the past. We go on dreaming we had a golden child hood. Every individual again and again and again goes on dreaming if he is in the old age he feels his middle age was great, golden. If he is in the middle age he feels his youth was great and golden. If he is young now, he thinks his childhood was great. Golden and great. Understand, this is one of the biggest illusion we have. Not only you project your past into future, you project your future into past.

Understand there was never any golden childhood. If the childhood was golden, whatever comes out of that, whatever comes out, you see what comes out of your childhood? Youth came. Out of your youth, middle age came. Out of your middle age, old age came. So if your childhood was golden, then youth would have been golden, or diamond. If your youth was golden, than your middle age should have been diamond! Or platinum at least. If your middle age was golden, than at least your old age should be platinum. Understand, not only we project our future, sorry our past into future, we go on imagining our past was what we want in the future. We miss this important truth. We projecting our future into the past. We always feel, ask anybody they’ll say, oh my childhood was great, golden childhood. No! You had all fears, all insecurity, all greed, all troubles, actually it all started there only. It all originated there only. So right decision making means, seeing the past as it happened. Seeing the future as it is without projecting your past into the future and deciding in the present. One important thing, many time you don’t decide in the present. You just execute what you decide in the past.

You don’t wake up for the great changes happened, the different situations. One actress goes to the court and judge asks what’s your age? 27. Last year you also said the same thing. She says, no I don’t change my words. (audience laughs). Many time you don’t change your mind!!! You forget you are in a different situation. You need to decide being in the present, not go on executing the decision you made in the past. Yesterday if you observed the put my seat in the campfire exactly in the place where the smoke will go on my face. I asked that bramachary. Aray you saw how the wind is blowing. The why did you put here? You could have put other side. He said no Swamiji last time we put here only. During last inner awakening the wind was blowing in a different way! And he says he went and consulted a senior bramachary and did the thorough research where my seat should be put and put my seat. What to do? He doesn’t change his words. And he doesn’t change his mind. We forget that we need to be in the present to make decisions. Do not be a worker executing your past decisions. Be a leader deciding every moment.All your suffering is because you are not deciding. You’re a slave executing the decisions made in your past, sometime by mistake.

Sometime you make some decision by mistake, you sit and think pros and cons, make one decision, over. After that you forget you have a component in you which has capacity to decide. And go on executing that past decision. By the time you are executing 50% the whole situation is different. But you are not sensitive for the present. You are just executing, executing, executing. So the right decision making means, these two thing. Not projecting what you want in the future, as, as you had it in the past. It’s one of the biggest illusion we all have. How do you want your relationship to be? How it was years before. Look! Years before you also had enough suffering. Unfortunately you forget. Because you forgot does not mean it was not there! So, see the past as past. See the future as future. Making decisions from the present is what I call right decision making. I’ll expand little more on this truths of time, kalaa so that you will be able to understand this truth of right decision making. The psychological time and chronological time, chronological means clock clicking. That is chronological time. Psychological time means your mind moving. Your mind moving to and fro, back and forth, whatever way it moves. Gap between one thought and the other thought is one unit of time in psychological field. In the field of inner space, psychology, the gap between one thought and the other thought is one unit of time; chana.

In the physical field, all of you know there is so many definitions of one second. One unit of time there are so many definitions. The physical that you all know that I don’t need to define. But in the psychological field, gap between one thought and the other thought is one unit of time. When there is more gap, means there is less number of thoughts, when there is more gap, each unit of time, will be more clear, more available, more spacious so all you’re 5 senses can perceive it. Please understand, if the psychological one unit of time is 4 times more than physical one unit of time, your senses will be purified. Because your senses will have sensitivity to perceive. If your psychological time unit is five times more than physical unit of time you will enter into the divine space, means extraordinary smell, extraordinary taste, extraordinary hearing, extraordinary touch will start happening. Understand, till, this equation you need to understand, the physical unit, one time, one unit time and psychological one unit time, if psychological unit is at least 4 time unit of physical unit, means 4 second is gap between one thought and the other thought means you’re body will get the sensitivity to sense things peacefully. Till then any decision you make you directly go to hell. No roundabout way. Please understand, basic need of a human being is 4 unit of physical time as one unit of psychological time. This is the basic need of a human being. Only then you are a human being. Only then you have right to handle your brain.

This is owner’s manual for brain. If you have not learnt how to make 4 unit of physical time as one unit of psychological time you are sitting and driving a vehicle that has no brake. This should be the basic lesson taught to all the beings which has an independent, intelligent brain. When a child is able to think independently the first lesson you need to learn is how to make 4 unit of physical time into one unit of psychological time. Then simply he knows how to run his life. How to run his life. When you are able to make 5 unit of physical time, physical unit into one psychological unit, time, means 5 second gap between one thought and the other thought. Then you will start experiencing the divine, I can say that intense smell. What you go through in the energy darshan. The intense sound, the intense touch, the intense taste in the tongue, all this starts happening. Another one important truth is, if your psychological unit is less than physical unit, one second, your time is not solid experience, it is kind of a air. Just disappears, disappears, disappears. That is what is called pralaya, black hole. Everything being sucked into it and nothing is deliverd.

That is what is black hole, please understand. If your psychological time is less than one second, the gap between one thought and the other thought is less than one second, that thought acts as a black hole in you. That is what is death in you continuously. Continuously it sucks everything for no reason, destroys everything for no reason, the aging gets quickened. Any decision you make, you directly go to hell. And when more unit of physical time become psychological unit, your future becomes very solid. Solid which you can perceive, use. I can say if your psychological time unit, the gap between one thought and the other thought, chana is more than 4 second, the future which is a solid material will be given to you, out of which you can make as you want. It’s like a wax handed over to you. You have freedom to do what you want with it. That is the material out of which your dream and waking state is made. Now, whatever you perceive, the persons who are sitting next to you, the person who is sitting opposite you, the place in which you are sitting, or in imagination the places you are able to remember, all that are made out of wax which is called time. Which is called time. If you have a deep insecurity of melting this wax, you will hold on, hold on, hold on. Even if this wax is torturing you.

Even if the structure you created is binding you. But if you do not have that fear to melt this wax building you created, wax world you created out of you, you are called Kalabhairava. Bhairava means ..Who can flirt with fear is bhairava. And that is the exact translation. Who can just flirt with fear. Means if the fear happens, c’mon let’s sit, let’s have little fun. You can very comfortably, very beautifully spend time with fear. Bhairava. Who can just have the ramya, very romantic space with Bhaya. A person who’s psychological unit of time, chana is more than 4 second, will not only have the freedom to carve, create his future, he will have healed emotion. Means he will just have a deep complete centering on emotion, he can play it as he wants. He can put it on something or somebody and take it out immediately in a second. Living without getting attached, leaving without having a hangover. The complete conflict-free inner space. So work on seeing your past as past, future as future, present as a present. Any decision you make in the present will be the present to you by the presence. Let you all live and radiate enlightenment, live and radiate the eternal bliss, Nithyananda.

Thank You.


Art of Levitation Unleashed by Nithyananda


This video "Art of Levitation" is the second video in the series of levitation videos. In the recently started Living Enlightenment Process, participants are witnessing deep meditative states and mighty yogic powers like levitation in the presence of Paramahamsa Nithyananda. In this second video on levitation, Paramahamsa Nithyananda describes briefly on the transfer of bio-memory to the participants, many of whom have not had any kind of levitation experience. Also, Paramahamsa Nithyananda says, "Levitation is just a by-product of the Samana process". Samana process is a yogic process (kriya) which helps to distribute air throughout the body. More than 50 participants (out of 150) have experienced physical levitation as a side-effect of the Samana balancing process. And more than 50% of the participants have experienced psychological levitation and meditative expansion states.

In the next video, Paramahamsa Nithyananda describes vividly what exactly is the secret science of Levitation. Please sign up at to get exclusive "first rights" to view the video, which is going to be released soon.

At an early age, Paramahamsa Nithyananda learned levitation from his yoga guru, who had many such powers, including breaking metal chains by breathing, cracking rocks with sound and calling snakes at will.

Paramahamsa Nithyananda has gone on to teach millions of people around the world the science of meditation, produce hundreds of books and become the most popular spiritual teacher on

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Conflict Free Living and Decision Making - Nithyananda Speaks


In this discourse, Paramahamsa Nithyananda speaks on conflict-free living and decision making. He elaborates on the concept of time - psycholocal and chronological and how they are directly related to decision making and conflict-free living. Paramahamsa Nithyananda describes mathematically the entire decision making process based on time.

TRANSCRIPTIONS:- I welcome you all with my love and respects. Today's subject, conflict free life way of right decision making. Again the subject opens some of the deep important truths on decision making. What is right decision making? Seeing the past as past, future as future, present as present and deciding is right decision making. Right decision making means seeing the past as past, future as future, present as present without infusing the past into future or future into past. Many time, what you want in the future, you start dreaming you had it in the past. We go on dreaming we had a golden child hood. Every individual again and again and again goes on dreaming if he is in the old age he feels his middle age was great, golden. If he is in the middle age he feels his youth was great and golden. If he is young now, he thinks his childhood was great. Golden and great. Understand, this is one of the biggest illusion we have. Not only you project your past into future, you project your future into past.

Understand there was never any golden childhood. If the childhood was golden, whatever comes out of that, whatever comes out, you see what comes out of your childhood? Youth came. Out of your youth, middle age came. Out of your middle age, old age came. So if your childhood was golden, then youth would have been golden, or diamond. If your youth was golden, than your middle age should have been diamond! Or platinum at least. If your middle age was golden, than at least your old age should be platinum. Understand, not only we project our future, sorry our past into future, we go on imagining our past was what we want in the future. We miss this important truth. We projecting our future into the past. We always feel, ask anybody they'll say, oh my childhood was great, golden childhood. No! You had all fears, all insecurity, all greed, all troubles, actually it all started there only. It all originated there only. So right decision making means, seeing the past as it happened. Seeing the future as it is without projecting your past into the future and deciding in the present. One important thing, many time you don't decide in the present. You just execute what you decide in the past.

You don't wake up for the great changes happened, the different situations. One actress goes to the court and judge asks what's your age? 27. Last year you also said the same thing. She says, no I don't change my words. (audience laughs). Many time you don't change your mind!!! You forget you are in a different situation. You need to decide being in the present, not go on executing the decision you made in the past. Yesterday if you observed the put my seat in the campfire exactly in the place where the smoke will go on my face. I asked that bramachary. Aray you saw how the wind is blowing. The why did you put here? You could have put other side. He said no Swamiji last time we put here only. During last inner awakening the wind was blowing in a different way! And he says he went and consulted a senior bramachary and did the thorough research where my seat should be put and put my seat. What to do? He doesn't change his words. And he doesn't change his mind. We forget that we need to be in the present to make decisions. Do not be a worker executing your past decisions. Be a leader deciding every moment. All your suffering is because you are not deciding. You're a slave executing the decisions made in your past, sometimes by mistake.

Sometimes you make some decision by mistake, you sit and think the pros and cons, make one decision, over. After that, you forget you have a component in you which has the capacity to decide. And go on executing that past decision. By the time you are executing 50% the whole situation is different. But you are not sensitive to the present. You are just executing, executing, executing. So the right decision making means these two things. Not projecting what you want in the future, as, as you had it in the past. It's one of the biggest illusion we all have. How do you want your relationship to be? How it was years before. Look! Years before you also had enough suffering. Unfortunately, you forget. Because you forgot does not mean it was not there! So, see the past as past. See the future as future. Making decisions from the present is what I call the right decision making. I'll expand little more on these truths of time, kalaa so that you will be able to understand this truth of right decision making. The psychological time and chronological time, chronological means clock clicking. That is chronological time. Psychological time means your mind moving.

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Krishna: the Ideal conflict free idol by Nithyananda


In this message delivered on Krishna Janmashtami, Paramahamsa Nithyananda describes Krishna as the ideal conflict-free idol. He gives pure intellectual understandings at one hand as Geeta Krishna and then pure romance at the other as Radha Krishna. One hand Yashoda (his mother) ties the little Krishna to a grinding stone but on the other hand, the same little Krishna lists the Govardhan hill on his little finger.

What a beautiful conflict-free personality Krishna is! Immerse in the silence of this message by Paramahamsa Nithyananda.


I welcome you all with my love and respects. Today's a day of celebration. Today's Krishna Janmashtami. Krishna's birthday celebration. One of the greatest happening happened to the human consciousness on this very day. The day, monkey's started walking with two legs, breakthrough one of the major breakthrough in human consciousness happened. The human beings have started evolving. Same way the day Krishna happened greatest breakthrough in spiritual consciousness happened. Krishnstu swyambhagavan. Krishna is very God himself. Purnavatara. Today's subject is Krishna, the ideal conflict free idol. I don't know how I'm going to describe Krishna. Krishnastu swyambhagavan. Krishna is very God. God himself landed in the human body. Purnavatara. He set a trend for incarnations. Understand? Like how in each field, when people in that field give a breakthrough set a trend, he set a trend for how an incarnation should land and express, exhibit and make themself available to the human consciousness. What to describe whether it is, whether his multidimensional human personality or extraordinary energy expression, or the playfulness, or all these things expressing itself in one six feet bio memory without conflict.

He escaping from a war and his courage, both has no conflict. His romance and his knowledge has no conflict. The Radha Krishna and Gita Krishna no conflict. You cannot imagine a guy that is having so much romance, outrageous flirt, the most outrageous flirt that happened on the planet earth. Standing in the war field and giving Gita. The most comprehensive, unabridged dictionary of the world philosophies. Both can happen from one brain without conflict. I know for sure, if Radha had the doubts of Arjuna, Krishna would have delivered Gita to Radha in that very romance mood. Or Arjuna had the romance mood and devotion, he would have flirted with Arjuna during the deliverance of Gita. He doesn't need even two different time to deliver the different dimensions. If you need two different time to deliver two different dimension you have conflict inside. Here is a personality like Krishna because there is no conflict, he can deliver Radha Krishna and Gita Krishna at the same moment simultaneously. Radha and Arjuna was there next, he would have been playing the same, the both games at a time. He is capable.

Because he is conflict free, he can let Yashodha bind himself in a small stone, in the rice grinding stone and he can break the madyar trees, liberate the gandavas. He can be doing the both, powerless, innocent, baby, could be bound and expressing extraordinary power of breaking two madyar trees, not a joke! And liberating two gandavas. He can show the whole cosmos in his mouth to Yashodha. And same time, steal butter and eat from Gopika's house. There is a story Shiva himself came down as Gopika to enjoy the Krishna leela. I can vouch for it, it would have happened. If he has not come down, at least he would have been jealous of Gopika's. He's the master who expressed all dimensions of an incarnation. There is no dimension which he has not expressed during his physical happening in the planet earth. Sharvamangalatva all the auspicious qualities. He is an architect, engineer, amazing strategy planner, unimaginable yogi, incredible intelligence and outrageous romance, he's just indescribable. Unbound energy happened with utmost innocence and simplicity.

In a conflict-free way. That is why we call his life as Krishna Leela. Krishna's Leela. It's a complete conflict-free and unimaginable expression. How much ever I try to tell the words have no capacity to tell what I am really feeling. His love, his care, his grace. Every incident in his life, every happening in his life. I can say he's the one single man influenced maximum the whole planet earth, the maximum number of people in the whole planet earth. Nothing like Krishna, nothing compared to Krishna. One whole country still celebrates his birthday, after we don't even know how many thousands of years. And still he is a beloved for millions. Still millions live with him. That is why I say he is eternal. Untouchable. Indescribable. You can't define him. Even one dimension of him, I won't be able to describe in words. Because all dimensions expressed in him so beautifully. Conflict free. He is the ideal idol of conflict-free. From his birth to return to the Goloka, everything is a mystery. Everything is unimaginable.

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