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In today’s morning [[satsang]], Paramahamsa Nithyananda creates a new definition for [[integrity]]. Integrity is beyond both morality and ethics. It means quite simply, continuously honoring the words we give to ourselves and to others. When one declares one’s commitment wholeheartedly one finds fulfillment. If the commitment is perverted by inauthenticity, one harms either oneself through guilt or others through violence. Following every word to [[completion]], bringing integrity deeply into life, destroys agamya [[karma]], the karma one accumulates through distraction. It can even reduce prarabdha karma, the work we took birth to accomplish.
In today’s morning [[satsang]], Paramahamsa Nithyananda creates a new definition for [[integrity]]. Integrity is beyond both morality and ethics. It means quite simply, continuously honoring the words we give to ourselves and to others. When one declares one’s commitment wholeheartedly one finds fulfillment. If the commitment is perverted by inauthenticity, one harms either oneself through guilt or others through violence. Following every word to [[completion]], bringing integrity deeply into life, destroys agamya [[karma]], the karma one accumulates through distraction. It can even reduce prarabdha karma, the work we took birth to accomplish.
Sunday, February 17, 2013               
“Sadashiva samarambam, Jnanasambandha madhyamam asmadacharya paryantam vande Guru paramparam!”
I welcome you all with my love and respects! I welcome all the devotees, disciples, Samajis, Satsangis sitting with around the world at this moment in 499 places through Nithyananda TV & Youtube live, 48 places in 2 way video conferencing having Nayana Deeksha, in 214 cities, 29 countries around the world as per the statistics!
Cities sitting with us in 2 way Video conferencing are – Toroto  Kailasam,  wash,  ok som, ohio pr, kulim, vanc, seat, hyd, la  aruna,  st.louis  tiru,  spain, bbangnorth, sanjose  madu,  Port  wash , devon  UK,  Chicago  Srirangam, Hongkong,  oman  siva  Gangai,  Duai, MahakumbhapuriPrayag ,Bbanngganngamma,  Adayarchennai,  Hyd  Shree,  Coimatore  Satsang Center,  Kasta v  Croatia, PriyankaMalasi…
I welcome you all with my love and blessings! Today 15th Inner  Awakening  starting. 1st Inner Awakening  in Tamil. May  be  at least for next  2 years  there will  not be any Inner Awakening in Tamil because already this whole  year our  calendar  is booked….
12th eNgenius program    1st day  today.  Niraahaara samyama  3rd  level 4th day  successfully. THE samyama 4th batch  1st day  starting today. Wow! So  today  back  from  Kumbha mela adding one  more  title  to  throne.  1008  Shree Mahamandaleshwar.  Great.  Actually  I myself  do not enjoy  any  of the titles, but  I enjoy by keeping the  tradition  alive b by accepting these  titles, by bringing life  to these titles.  How many millions know  the….
Sometimes some  of the recepients  of the Nobel prize  have made  the  prize  popular….before Madurai Adeenam, if  you search on Adeenam  you  will have  3  links, now after I became  Madurai  Adeenam, more than  1 lakh results come up.  Sometime I  took it  up  as……the  Indian  mafia  are  harassing me……they just    want that  somehow  I  should disassociate  myself  from Hinduism. I am not  going  to  do it. I  am  going to accept  and take continuous resp.  I do not want Nobel prize at  because I don’t want to add anything t o that  title. But  I am so fulfilled with the mm title because I wanted to add my completeness to that title and I wanted to give life to that  title. Very soon, by next 3  years, next Kumbha mela we will have at least  ten of our Sanyaasis ready  for  the title of mm. so please understand whoever I s able to live t hese  four tatvaas  and inspire people to live these four tatvaas.  I will see to it  they are given the Maha Mandaleshwar  title.  The next  kumbha mela will be Naasik on t he banks of Godavari -  2015 – 15th August 13th  September.  Kumbhamela  will be  in  Ujjayini  only…
Great!  Come on. First thing please listen. The first statement I want to make. Usually many teachers say again and again how much ever you listen, only if you practice you will achieve it.  I want to reverse it, how much ever you try to practice it, only if you listen you will achieve it  -  2. Many time you would have heard people saying how much ever you listen,  only  if you practice you will achieve it.  But  here I am saying how much ever  you try  to practice, only if you  listen you will achieve  it.  You should  have observed the word try to practice it -  means without listening how much ever you practice it will only  be trying to practice it, not practicing it. Only if you listen, practicing starts. Listen! Today I  am going to share  some  of the  tatvaas truths about  integrity.  I wanted to  define integrity once more.  Honouring the words you give  for you and to others  as  your  life is integrity. Integrity I s neither  morality nor  ethics.  It is beyond both. Listen, only when you utter the word “I” you exist. Till you remember the word  in your inner space, you do not exist.    You may say - no,    no when I remembered the word in the sleep, I existed…..no.  You did not exist. Your body existed throughout the night. You did not exist.
Throughout the night when you don’t remember  you -  your body existed, you  have not  existed……just because your body existed, it does not mean  you have existed.    When you remember the word I only then you existed.  Everything  starts with word, everything starts with a declaration, everything starts  with  commitment. So  listen. Clearly expressed    word  is fulfillment, the  word  which is  perverted and  hurting yourself is guilt, the word  which is  hurting  others is  violence,  the word which goes on expanding you  is  desire, the words  which constantly  keeps  you incompletion  and expands you is integrity. If you just decide  from    this moment I  will honour the words I utter  to others  and  me as my  life, drastically  the  inner  thoughts, inner chattering will reduce. Breakthrough  in your  thinking  process  will happen because  the moment  you become aware you  of  your thought or word you give to you and others…..you will know whether your thought is from ego, jealousy or arrogance and immediately you will complete  it.  Completion can be done in so many ways. Either by working with the person who  is r elated to t he root pattern with …or catharsis a primal  sound releasing method or unclutching.  All there can be used for completion,,  based on the depth of the pattern you are  carrying.  You can try all the three  on  every  pattern you  are carrying.  I tell you if you are the only person responsible  for that pattern,  sit with the mirror and do  swapoornatva. I tell you mirror  should    be  your  personal deity when you begin  the saadhana. All Gurukul kids  and  all ashramites, also all devotees -till you finish swapoornatva mirror will be your deity. After you finish completion only you can choose who will be your ishta Devata. Till t hen mirror is your personal deity because constantly doing completion-swapoornatva is required….many times you  do not know the  commitments  you give and  you try  to fulfil the which  leads to deeper and deeper fear…many of the people for whom you are giving your life they don’t need your life, they just  need a psychiatric  pill. Many of the patterns you are suffering  with does not need life, they need few  minutes of completion. Somebody is  asking my mother is asking me to take care of her life and not take sanyaas. I said she needs the psychiatric pill of completion. After giving the psychiatric pill of completion, if she still asks for your presence, then come back to me…
I have one more imp news  for your guys. I wills hare with you.  from tomorrow the discussion starts I am going to be doing a conflict  resolution show in one of the prime time TV channels. Every eve. It will  be  called Meenakshi Darbar. I also wanted  to start the conflict  resolution show in the  morning  satsang also through 2 way video conferencing  we can  start. Because  in conflict  resolution  you naturally start  listening and  living both. Listening and living. Tomorrow  the discussion is  starting. May be I n  a  week or  ten days it is  expected to start.  Listening  an living.  Just bring  integrity in your thinking, you will  see  so  many  extraordinary  powers expressing through you. only when you bring integrity your bio memory is  asking for  matter  and food from external  source.  If you have done THE samyama and failed  know you are not in integrity.. bring integrity your bio memory becomes  so subtle it  stops  asking  for  food from outside  and it takes food directly from external space. When you bring  integrity in your  thinking, you do not  waste energy in your  inner  space  and  do not  bring more  and more inner  complications…this is agamayma  karma. If you stop this you will stop  complicating  things which you made  earlier which is  called praarabdha. The complication you made is  praarabdha,  complications you  are  making is agaamya.  Without even knowing continuing to make complications is  maya. Complication you made  - praarabhda, making complication is agamya, not even having this knowledge that  you are  making  complication  it is  maya.
Constantly making  complications means you do not listen to your heart’s cry. My energy  bead makers  they d o not listen to me at  all. I don’t  know how many hundreds of times not to make this half  design means one bit there  will  be skull and other bid they will not be skull. And not to make instable shape. I tell you they neither listened earlier no will listen to the future. I am not going to give up. Now they will come back with some spontaneous lie. I really wanted  to make the entrance of all them in halls – outside the Raja sabha should be painted like a ear so that they know they are walking into the ear so that you know by entering into this ear you commit to listen. And I also wanted all the Ashramites, every one to have Rudraaksha ear rings, all disciples just to remind you – listen listen, listen. In Vedic Tradition,  the ear rings are given for people who are ready to listen….ear drilling is a religious ritual in Vedic Tradition. Child is taught to listen and …
Construction department soon pain all  the entrances as a ear. When they enter they should know they are entering into a ear. Mokshapriyan, your drawing is not right, you drew only half side. All over the world all you guys try  - the entrance of the hall should be made in shape of ear..  make a beautiful big painting of the ear and the door should be opened. When people  enter, they should  know  they are entering into the ear. So that they understand that inside this hall, they are supposed to listen. This hall is made for you to listen…listen! Listening to your self constantly is Ajapa Japa!  Being in the completion with you is unclutching. Being in integrity with the master is feeling connection. I am re-defining…enchanting, feeling connection, unclutching -  I am also replacing all three of them with this Integrity, Authenticity, Responsibility, Enriching. Listen. When you sit to listen to you, when you constantly feel are you integrated with you, you will see all your  inauthenticities will be exposed to you. naturally you will find solution for you. lack of integrity is nothing but putting all your  problems under the carpet and postponing. Listen. Today if you have certain incompletion and think I will complete tomorrow I have to do my job for next  few hours, I tell you  next few hours is going to add  more confusion and more things will be pushed under the carpet. Listening to you, to you is the first step in spirituality. People again and again come and ask me the moment I sit for unclutching I have more thoughts, more problems Swamiji what to do next  time how can I sit for meditation or unclutching? how will you not have. Unclutching is not switching the electricity to your house. It is cleaning, sweeping and wiping of you house. It is not like electricity where you will switch off and then unclutch. No. it is  cleaning and sweeping and wiping. First  listen to your inner space. That I s the first step for  meditation, for your life. Gurukul kids whoever is not able to sit in Vajraasana and stable all you guys please move outside the hall. If you commit to sit in Vajraasana and stable you can sit. But if you are not able to commit, go out and sit. Listen. Constantly listening to your own inner space is beginning of integrity. If your inner space says there is nothing more to listen only silence is there then it is end of integrity. You achieve integrity. When you start listening to your inner space you start integrity. When you listen to only silence in your inner space, you achieve integrity. As long as you are hearing something from your inner space, it is lack of integrity. Go on  listening. Even while you are sitting, driving, talking, walking  listen to that also when you  are talking. It is listening to you going to bring integrity to you. Listening to you going t o bring integrity  to you  -  2.  Listening.  Listening.. listening. untiringly listening. intensely  bringing  integrity to your life. As I said  how much ever  you try to  practice, only if you listen you will achieve it. I am changing the statement. You listen from people how much ever you try to practice, only if you achieve it you can listen. But I tell you how much ever you practice only if you listen you can achieve it. Listen.  I tell you only if you see the result of  the spiritual truths in your life, you will be inspired to live  them. You will be inspired to  make them as satyas.  All your  doubts are nothing  but your fight with those tatvaas. So if you have the result of even one tatva, you will start  living all four tatvaas. You  will be inspired, I tell you terribly inspired. You don’t know how terribly I  am inspired and I am going crazy with these four tatvaas. 24  hours I am looking in and seeing can I enrich any other way.
Today I am making commitment with all you guys with kb as witness. I am going to use eye pad given by muktananda I am going to pen down all the Aakashik Readinngs. I will pen down with my own hand and publish it as a book..  whenever I am travelling in the car or a flight, I have so much time. And during the time all  the  participants doing the kriyas, I am  going t o do this. for ex, this IA, they will be doing at least 50 kriyas.  50 times 45 minutes is how much. 35 hours. Because reading  the Aakashik readings I need camera and I need silence and people have to be listening. When they do something I cannot be reading. Lot of restrictions, so I was thinking what way I can enrich myself and give more contribution to  the world. Suddenly I got  a click. Come on, let kaala  Bhairava download and pen it down. From today, I commit Kaala Bhairava  will pen it  down in his hand writing. Thanks to Muktananda for giving that Ipad, and thanks  to Moksha for synerging it. so from today  I will be continuously  whenever I  find time, especially these times I was looking  into my  life what all is t he time I am wasting, not being contributing to people  and not enriching people. I saw in the flight when I am travelling and gong to some place that  time and the kriyas  after instructions, those time, all those times I am wasting. See Kriya after instructions, my presence needs to  be here…I need not waste time….so now next breakthrough you guys can expect  everyday pages and pages of AR  downloaded in the own handwriting of kaala  bhairava – Maha  Kaala. Whoever wants to receive the writings free please mail it. I will  download all of it and with press  of  a button  I  will mail it  to all of you….create  a mail ID. They will automatically receive all  Akashik  Readings written by kaala bhairava. Understand I am just going crazy with these 4  tatvaas, enjoying. I am just drilling, drilling, me more and more. what best  I can enrich. Because other three tatvaas I am looking into that  also. There is no  end for Integrity, Authenticity, Responsibility, there is no end for enriching. It is eternal for  everyone. You are  struggling in yourself, I am struggling in  my level that’s all.  I don’t  want to use the  word  struggling. You are expanding I n your level, I am expanding in my level. T hats all. I will also request Kaala Bhairava.  Already he  requested and accepted to give the writing to  all the devotees personal questions. Ma, we  will have a mail ID  where  people can write ….actually when I requested  he laughed and said…I tell you  guys when you  stretch yourself to this  level, KB will start  writing any one of you. I  am not  a wholesale agent. Understand. I am not a sole owner, sol…all you need  to do is have authentic dedication to this enriching.  How many of you are  shocked  when I am thinking in how many more way I can enrich others? So listen. When you create  this shock in others, Kaala Bhairava will enrich you.
Cann you create a  proper  mail id? [email protected].
whoever wants  to receive  the Akashik  readings downloaded  by  kala bhairava  and written in his  own  hand  writing, are requested to enrol  to this mail id. It is free. In the same way you will get it electronically. Moksha Priyan, you compile all the mails and in one button I will be able to send all t he mails. Great. I am so happy. One more contribution I am able to do to the world! Continue, continue, continue. I tell you only if you see the result of the first tatva you will have the joy and inspiration to live all the tatvaas. Continuously live it. I tell you it will be just a joy to live this satyas. It will be a joy to contribute to the world. It will be just a joy to contribute, to enrich.
With this  I will move  to the next  part of the morn satsang. Dial the avatar. Listen unless you enjoy living these tatvaas you will not be able contribute.
We will move to the next segment of morn satsang. Niraahaara samyama 1st level 1  day. niraahaara samyama – 3rdd level. Please cognize you have become Bidadi kalpa vriksha and your bio energy is able to  produce energy directly from space..  Namaha shivaya!
Relax.  I bless you all to be niraahaaris. As I said THE samyama participants need to practice integrity whole day continuously aware of the words you are giving to you and others. Only then …you will not e  eating your breakfast or lunch or anything from now. From now you will be drinking. ..
Let you produce bio energy directly from the space. Namaha Shivaya! Let you all experience a complete intense kundalini awakening! Namaha Shivaya!
Relax. You can open your eyes. I bless you all  who are sitting with us in 690 places through Nithyananda TV and Youtube live, in 44 places through 2 way video conferencing, in 267 cities and 32 countries! Let you all achieve, experience, live, express, radiate, share and explode and enrich with eternal bliss, Nithyananda. Thank you!
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Revision as of 08:31, 26 July 2020


Listening is the First Step in Spirituality

Link to Video:


In today’s morning satsang, Paramahamsa Nithyananda creates a new definition for integrity. Integrity is beyond both morality and ethics. It means quite simply, continuously honoring the words we give to ourselves and to others. When one declares one’s commitment wholeheartedly one finds fulfillment. If the commitment is perverted by inauthenticity, one harms either oneself through guilt or others through violence. Following every word to completion, bringing integrity deeply into life, destroys agamya karma, the karma one accumulates through distraction. It can even reduce prarabdha karma, the work we took birth to accomplish.


Sunday, February 17, 2013

“Sadashiva samarambam, Jnanasambandha madhyamam asmadacharya paryantam vande Guru paramparam!” I welcome you all with my love and respects! I welcome all the devotees, disciples, Samajis, Satsangis sitting with around the world at this moment in 499 places through Nithyananda TV & Youtube live, 48 places in 2 way video conferencing having Nayana Deeksha, in 214 cities, 29 countries around the world as per the statistics! Cities sitting with us in 2 way Video conferencing are – Toroto Kailasam, wash, ok som, ohio pr, kulim, vanc, seat, hyd, la aruna, st.louis tiru, spain, bbangnorth, sanjose madu, Port wash , devon UK, Chicago Srirangam, Hongkong, oman siva Gangai, Duai, MahakumbhapuriPrayag ,Bbanngganngamma, Adayarchennai, Hyd Shree, Coimatore Satsang Center, Kasta v Croatia, PriyankaMalasi… I welcome you all with my love and blessings! Today 15th Inner Awakening starting. 1st Inner Awakening in Tamil. May be at least for next 2 years there will not be any Inner Awakening in Tamil because already this whole year our calendar is booked…. 12th eNgenius program 1st day today. Niraahaara samyama 3rd level 4th day successfully. THE samyama 4th batch 1st day starting today. Wow! So today back from Kumbha mela adding one more title to throne. 1008 Shree Mahamandaleshwar. Great. Actually I myself do not enjoy any of the titles, but I enjoy by keeping the tradition alive b by accepting these titles, by bringing life to these titles. How many millions know the…. Sometimes some of the recepients of the Nobel prize have made the prize popular….before Madurai Adeenam, if you search on Adeenam you will have 3 links, now after I became Madurai Adeenam, more than 1 lakh results come up. Sometime I took it up as……the Indian mafia are harassing me……they just want that somehow I should disassociate myself from Hinduism. I am not going to do it. I am going to accept and take continuous resp. I do not want Nobel prize at because I don’t want to add anything t o that title. But I am so fulfilled with the mm title because I wanted to add my completeness to that title and I wanted to give life to that title. Very soon, by next 3 years, next Kumbha mela we will have at least ten of our Sanyaasis ready for the title of mm. so please understand whoever I s able to live t hese four tatvaas and inspire people to live these four tatvaas. I will see to it they are given the Maha Mandaleshwar title. The next kumbha mela will be Naasik on t he banks of Godavari - 2015 – 15th August 13th September. Kumbhamela will be in Ujjayini only… Great! Come on. First thing please listen. The first statement I want to make. Usually many teachers say again and again how much ever you listen, only if you practice you will achieve it. I want to reverse it, how much ever you try to practice it, only if you listen you will achieve it - 2. Many time you would have heard people saying how much ever you listen, only if you practice you will achieve it. But here I am saying how much ever you try to practice, only if you listen you will achieve it. You should have observed the word try to practice it - means without listening how much ever you practice it will only be trying to practice it, not practicing it. Only if you listen, practicing starts. Listen! Today I am going to share some of the tatvaas truths about integrity. I wanted to define integrity once more. Honouring the words you give for you and to others as your life is integrity. Integrity I s neither morality nor ethics. It is beyond both. Listen, only when you utter the word “I” you exist. Till you remember the word in your inner space, you do not exist. You may say - no, no when I remembered the word in the sleep, I existed…..no. You did not exist. Your body existed throughout the night. You did not exist. Throughout the night when you don’t remember you - your body existed, you have not existed……just because your body existed, it does not mean you have existed. When you remember the word I only then you existed. Everything starts with word, everything starts with a declaration, everything starts with commitment. So listen. Clearly expressed word is fulfillment, the word which is perverted and hurting yourself is guilt, the word which is hurting others is violence, the word which goes on expanding you is desire, the words which constantly keeps you incompletion and expands you is integrity. If you just decide from this moment I will honour the words I utter to others and me as my life, drastically the inner thoughts, inner chattering will reduce. Breakthrough in your thinking process will happen because the moment you become aware you of your thought or word you give to you and others…..you will know whether your thought is from ego, jealousy or arrogance and immediately you will complete it. Completion can be done in so many ways. Either by working with the person who is r elated to t he root pattern with …or catharsis a primal sound releasing method or unclutching. All there can be used for completion,, based on the depth of the pattern you are carrying. You can try all the three on every pattern you are carrying. I tell you if you are the only person responsible for that pattern, sit with the mirror and do swapoornatva. I tell you mirror should be your personal deity when you begin the saadhana. All Gurukul kids and all ashramites, also all devotees -till you finish swapoornatva mirror will be your deity. After you finish completion only you can choose who will be your ishta Devata. Till t hen mirror is your personal deity because constantly doing completion-swapoornatva is required….many times you do not know the commitments you give and you try to fulfil the which leads to deeper and deeper fear…many of the people for whom you are giving your life they don’t need your life, they just need a psychiatric pill. Many of the patterns you are suffering with does not need life, they need few minutes of completion. Somebody is asking my mother is asking me to take care of her life and not take sanyaas. I said she needs the psychiatric pill of completion. After giving the psychiatric pill of completion, if she still asks for your presence, then come back to me… I have one more imp news for your guys. I wills hare with you. from tomorrow the discussion starts I am going to be doing a conflict resolution show in one of the prime time TV channels. Every eve. It will be called Meenakshi Darbar. I also wanted to start the conflict resolution show in the morning satsang also through 2 way video conferencing we can start. Because in conflict resolution you naturally start listening and living both. Listening and living. Tomorrow the discussion is starting. May be I n a week or ten days it is expected to start. Listening an living. Just bring integrity in your thinking, you will see so many extraordinary powers expressing through you. only when you bring integrity your bio memory is asking for matter and food from external source. If you have done THE samyama and failed know you are not in integrity.. bring integrity your bio memory becomes so subtle it stops asking for food from outside and it takes food directly from external space. When you bring integrity in your thinking, you do not waste energy in your inner space and do not bring more and more inner complications…this is agamayma karma. If you stop this you will stop complicating things which you made earlier which is called praarabdha. The complication you made is praarabdha, complications you are making is agaamya. Without even knowing continuing to make complications is maya. Complication you made - praarabhda, making complication is agamya, not even having this knowledge that you are making complication it is maya. Constantly making complications means you do not listen to your heart’s cry. My energy bead makers they d o not listen to me at all. I don’t know how many hundreds of times not to make this half design means one bit there will be skull and other bid they will not be skull. And not to make instable shape. I tell you they neither listened earlier no will listen to the future. I am not going to give up. Now they will come back with some spontaneous lie. I really wanted to make the entrance of all them in halls – outside the Raja sabha should be painted like a ear so that they know they are walking into the ear so that you know by entering into this ear you commit to listen. And I also wanted all the Ashramites, every one to have Rudraaksha ear rings, all disciples just to remind you – listen listen, listen. In Vedic Tradition, the ear rings are given for people who are ready to listen….ear drilling is a religious ritual in Vedic Tradition. Child is taught to listen and … Construction department soon pain all the entrances as a ear. When they enter they should know they are entering into a ear. Mokshapriyan, your drawing is not right, you drew only half side. All over the world all you guys try - the entrance of the hall should be made in shape of ear.. make a beautiful big painting of the ear and the door should be opened. When people enter, they should know they are entering into the ear. So that they understand that inside this hall, they are supposed to listen. This hall is made for you to listen…listen! Listening to your self constantly is Ajapa Japa! Being in the completion with you is unclutching. Being in integrity with the master is feeling connection. I am re-defining…enchanting, feeling connection, unclutching - I am also replacing all three of them with this Integrity, Authenticity, Responsibility, Enriching. Listen. When you sit to listen to you, when you constantly feel are you integrated with you, you will see all your inauthenticities will be exposed to you. naturally you will find solution for you. lack of integrity is nothing but putting all your problems under the carpet and postponing. Listen. Today if you have certain incompletion and think I will complete tomorrow I have to do my job for next few hours, I tell you next few hours is going to add more confusion and more things will be pushed under the carpet. Listening to you, to you is the first step in spirituality. People again and again come and ask me the moment I sit for unclutching I have more thoughts, more problems Swamiji what to do next time how can I sit for meditation or unclutching? how will you not have. Unclutching is not switching the electricity to your house. It is cleaning, sweeping and wiping of you house. It is not like electricity where you will switch off and then unclutch. No. it is cleaning and sweeping and wiping. First listen to your inner space. That I s the first step for meditation, for your life. Gurukul kids whoever is not able to sit in Vajraasana and stable all you guys please move outside the hall. If you commit to sit in Vajraasana and stable you can sit. But if you are not able to commit, go out and sit. Listen. Constantly listening to your own inner space is beginning of integrity. If your inner space says there is nothing more to listen only silence is there then it is end of integrity. You achieve integrity. When you start listening to your inner space you start integrity. When you listen to only silence in your inner space, you achieve integrity. As long as you are hearing something from your inner space, it is lack of integrity. Go on listening. Even while you are sitting, driving, talking, walking listen to that also when you are talking. It is listening to you going to bring integrity to you. Listening to you going t o bring integrity to you - 2. Listening. Listening.. listening. untiringly listening. intensely bringing integrity to your life. As I said how much ever you try to practice, only if you listen you will achieve it. I am changing the statement. You listen from people how much ever you try to practice, only if you achieve it you can listen. But I tell you how much ever you practice only if you listen you can achieve it. Listen. I tell you only if you see the result of the spiritual truths in your life, you will be inspired to live them. You will be inspired to make them as satyas. All your doubts are nothing but your fight with those tatvaas. So if you have the result of even one tatva, you will start living all four tatvaas. You will be inspired, I tell you terribly inspired. You don’t know how terribly I am inspired and I am going crazy with these four tatvaas. 24 hours I am looking in and seeing can I enrich any other way.

Today I am making commitment with all you guys with kb as witness. I am going to use eye pad given by muktananda I am going to pen down all the Aakashik Readinngs. I will pen down with my own hand and publish it as a book.. whenever I am travelling in the car or a flight, I have so much time. And during the time all the participants doing the kriyas, I am going t o do this. for ex, this IA, they will be doing at least 50 kriyas. 50 times 45 minutes is how much. 35 hours. Because reading the Aakashik readings I need camera and I need silence and people have to be listening. When they do something I cannot be reading. Lot of restrictions, so I was thinking what way I can enrich myself and give more contribution to the world. Suddenly I got a click. Come on, let kaala Bhairava download and pen it down. From today, I commit Kaala Bhairava will pen it down in his hand writing. Thanks to Muktananda for giving that Ipad, and thanks to Moksha for synerging it. so from today I will be continuously whenever I find time, especially these times I was looking into my life what all is t he time I am wasting, not being contributing to people and not enriching people. I saw in the flight when I am travelling and gong to some place that time and the kriyas after instructions, those time, all those times I am wasting. See Kriya after instructions, my presence needs to be here…I need not waste time….so now next breakthrough you guys can expect everyday pages and pages of AR downloaded in the own handwriting of kaala bhairava – Maha Kaala. Whoever wants to receive the writings free please mail it. I will download all of it and with press of a button I will mail it to all of you….create a mail ID. They will automatically receive all Akashik Readings written by kaala bhairava. Understand I am just going crazy with these 4 tatvaas, enjoying. I am just drilling, drilling, me more and more. what best I can enrich. Because other three tatvaas I am looking into that also. There is no end for Integrity, Authenticity, Responsibility, there is no end for enriching. It is eternal for everyone. You are struggling in yourself, I am struggling in my level that’s all. I don’t want to use the word struggling. You are expanding I n your level, I am expanding in my level. T hats all. I will also request Kaala Bhairava. Already he requested and accepted to give the writing to all the devotees personal questions. Ma, we will have a mail ID where people can write ….actually when I requested he laughed and said…I tell you guys when you stretch yourself to this level, KB will start writing any one of you. I am not a wholesale agent. Understand. I am not a sole owner, sol…all you need to do is have authentic dedication to this enriching. How many of you are shocked when I am thinking in how many more way I can enrich others? So listen. When you create this shock in others, Kaala Bhairava will enrich you. Cann you create a proper mail id? [email protected].

whoever wants   to receive  the Akashik  readings downloaded  by  kala bhairava  and written in his  own  hand  writing, are requested to enrol  to this mail id. It is free. In the same way you will get it electronically. Moksha Priyan, you compile all the mails and in one button I will be able to send all t he mails. Great. I am so happy. One more contribution I am able to do to the world! Continue, continue, continue. I tell you only if you see the result of the first tatva you will have the joy and inspiration to live all the tatvaas. Continuously live it. I tell you it will be just a joy to live this satyas. It will be a joy to contribute to the world. It will be just a joy to contribute, to enrich. 

With this I will move to the next part of the morn satsang. Dial the avatar. Listen unless you enjoy living these tatvaas you will not be able contribute. We will move to the next segment of morn satsang. Niraahaara samyama 1st level 1 day. niraahaara samyama – 3rdd level. Please cognize you have become Bidadi kalpa vriksha and your bio energy is able to produce energy directly from space.. Namaha shivaya! Relax. I bless you all to be niraahaaris. As I said THE samyama participants need to practice integrity whole day continuously aware of the words you are giving to you and others. Only then …you will not e eating your breakfast or lunch or anything from now. From now you will be drinking. .. Let you produce bio energy directly from the space. Namaha Shivaya! Let you all experience a complete intense kundalini awakening! Namaha Shivaya! Relax. You can open your eyes. I bless you all who are sitting with us in 690 places through Nithyananda TV and Youtube live, in 44 places through 2 way video conferencing, in 267 cities and 32 countries! Let you all achieve, experience, live, express, radiate, share and explode and enrich with eternal bliss, Nithyananda. Thank you!


Paramahamsa Nithyananda, create, new, morality, ethics, commitment, violence, life, agamya, prarabdha, karma, birth