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Lifestyle || Paramshiva the founder of Hinduism || The Four Principles || Nithyanandeshwara Bhramotsavam ||

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Lifestyle || Paramshiva the founder of Hinduism || The Four Principles || Nithyanandeshwara Bhramotsavam ||


The Supreme Pontiff of Hinduism, Jagatguru Mahasannidhanam, His Divine Holiness, Bhagavan Nithyananda Paramashivam, expounded on the Cosmic Principles of Lifestyle, during the everyday live public talk - Nithyananda Satsang. In this talk His Divine Holiness (HDH) shared that Paramashiva, as Founding Father of Hinduism, is a visionary for KAILASA. His vision is for us to live the Vedas and Agamas. HDH expanded on the four principles: Charya, Kriya, Yoga, Jnana. These are not separate parts, He explained. They represent integrated components of lifestyle, methodology and technology for an Enlightened Life. HDH expounded that as long as He is alive He will do this work. He will not threaten, nor will He be threatened. HDH revealed that KAILASA is an extraordinarily beautiful way of Coexisting without controlling, exploiting or rigging.

The Supreme Pontiff of Hinduism then asked delegates to pen down one line each about charya, kriya, yoga and jnana and post it to Facebook to make sure they are grasping what He is expressing. Today also was the fourth day of Nithyanandeshwara Brahmotsavam.


nithyānandeśvara paramashiva samārambhām nithyānandeśvari parashakti madhyamām | asmat āchārya paryantām vande guru paramparām ||

I welcome you all with my love and respects. I welcome all the devotees, disciples, samajis, satsangis, Sri Mahants, Mahants, Thanedar, Kothari, visitors, viewers, Sarvajnapeetha Yajamans, Karthas, Kayakalpa Yoga participants, Nithyananda Yogam participants, Nithyananda Hindu University students, Nithyananda eGurukul students, everyone watching live on Nithyananda TV, YouTube live, Facebook live, Nlighten App, Kailaasa TV, Hinduism Now TV, Twitter and two-way video conferencing having Nayana Deeksha. I welcome all of you with my love and respects.

Today, fourth day of the Nithyanandeshwara Brahmotsavam. Sri Nithyanandeshwara Paramashiva and Nithyanandeshwari Parashakti are gracing in Amlana Mala, seated in Swarna Vahana in Sarvalankara with Ganapati, Valli Devasena Sametha Subramanya Swamy, Nithyanandeshwari Sametha, Nithyanandeshwara Paramashiva, Nithyanandeshwari Parashakti, Chandikeshwara Swamy and Bhagavan Nithyananda Paramashivam. Let's offer our devotion … to all of them, receive their grace and blessings and enter into the satsang.

Devotional offerings and arti being performed

With the grace of Paramashiva and Parashakti, let’s enter into today’s satsang. Today's message from Kailaasa, Paramashiva Jnana and Paramashiva Vijnana. Please understand, ... charya, kriya, yoga, jnana - all four are not separate, separate parts. They are integral components of enlightened life, lifestyle. I’ll explain. Listen carefully. Charya means the lifestyle of Kailaasa, Paramashiva, jnana. Kriya means methodology, technology which raises the electromagnetic force of your existence. I’ll explain, charya means the lifestyle of Kailaasa, lifestyle of living enlightenment, Paramashiva Jnana, Paramashiva Vijnana. Understand. Hinduism … is … vision of Paramashiva. Please understand. Visionary of Hinduism, founding father of Hinduism: Paramashiva himself. Through His five faces He reveals Chaturvedas and Agamas. Through each face, He reveals one, one Veda - Rig, Yajur, Sama, Atharvana. Through the fifth face, He reveals all the Agamas. So Paramashiva himself is the founding father, visionary of Hinduism.

I should say in a way, anyone wants to live enlightened lifestyle, … Paramashiva is visionary for them. Paramashiva is a visionary for Kailaasa, Paramashiva is visionary for Hinduism. His vision is Vedas and Agamas. Through five faces, Rig, Yajur, Yajur, Sama, Atharvana, Vedas and all the Agamas - Paramashiva reveals to the world. The enlightened lifestyle Paramashiva envisions and shares with all of us, is charyapada. Like strategies, policies, principles for the best of an individual and society, and all our existence together, please understand. If a doctor has to make money out of your sickness, his action may be treating you but his vision will not be completely curing you. Because he is bound by his ... personal needs and desires. No, I am not disrespecting any doctors. Please don’t err … Sona Kamat, don't mistake me. I am not disrespecting any doctors.

But fundamentally the conflict of interest. Why don’t we understand this truth? If … somebody's suffering is the source of my success, how can the person … no, will he think of his success or will he think of the person suffering getting cured? It is like you are, you are torturing that person! That is why in Veda Agamas, the lifestyle of Paramashiva, doctor gets paid when everyone is healthy. Means all the persons, healthy people whatever they’ve produced, the share doctor gets. If somebody is sick, his share will reduce. So his responsibility is to make sure the whole village is healthy, the whole area under him is healthy.

I had two grandmothers in my village. They used to be the, like a local small time doctors. They used to, when I use, use the word “small time doctors” I want, I mean in small time they will treat all the disease. That way I want to be. Not any disrespect. They will make sure the people don't get disease, that two old widows. Every morning they will get banana and filled the banana with castor oil, keep in tray. And all the kids in the street, they will make the kids eat. If the kids eat the banana with castor oil, they will be given one honey - thaen mittai, honey candy. It’s all free. It’s a service. Now I understand the importance of the castor oil. I tell you, ... castor oil is God in the liquid form. Mark my words. All my disciple should have castor oil, haritaki powder in every day your meal. It is my humble request to all my disciples. Understand, neem, tulasi, vilva (bilva), haritaki, castor oil, arugampul (Bermuda grass). I don't know the English word for arugampul. You Google and find out. Please use all these in your every day life. Anyhow, let me come back.

My ... when I was born and brought up, this was the structure even in the village I was born and brought up. If everyone is healthy, doctor gets his share. If somebody is sick, did not do agriculture, he will miss his share, so health of that village matters for the success of the doctor. Not the sickness of that village matters for the success of the doctor. No! If at all these two women are my grandmothers, two widows, still I feel so grateful. Because these two contributed for my health. See, deworming is a such an important thing needed for the system to get built in the young age. Even now every time when I think castor oil, I remember both of them and bow down.

My grandmothers and ... I want in all our temples both their pictures to be kept. Every day the castor oil should be done as a naivedyam. And all people who come should take at least two or three spoon castor oil. Temple should be place where you get prasadam which heals your body. Pure organic castor oil, pure organic haritaki powder, all these should be available in all our temples for people to take as prasadam freely and even take home as much as they want. By giving all these good things, we will never become poor. I want this as a vision for all my temples.

Listen. Let me come back. The individual existence and the humanity’s coexistence is done in such beautiful vision, there is no conflict of interest, understand. If a visionary decides, plans, designs the principles and strategies with no conflict, administration will become so easy. A doctor is successful when everyone is kept healthy. That should be the vision. I want all the evolved nations, rich nations to consider this principle and bring it into the lifestyle. Surely … if our devotees, disciples can take this vision and present it to your country lawmakers, maybe in next ten years we can cause a change. System should be such when people are healthy, doctor should feel successful. And we can find the solution, there is no such thing that the, it cannot be adopted in the modern day; it is not possible; we have, it has gone too far away. We have crossed non-return zone. Nothing like that. Understand, I tell you ... the internet made … whole world very small.

And very soon I tell you, there will be small chips … which will out date the whole school idea. You just have that chip in your system, you can download anything you want. The whole education is going to be reformed. That technology and science is evolving so much. Just you can have a chip ... inserted into your system and download anything you want from Google. All the old ideas are losing its power over people. People have started thinking life positive. If we can bring … health as the way for doctors to feel successful, the whole humanity will have a huge jump in their health level. Amazing vision of Paramashiva … for happy coexistence is charyapada. Understand. Strategies, principles, ideas, we receive about life from young age, if they are life positive - existence become very beautiful.


I am telling you, ... I am not saying good or bad, right or wrong, … sad or joy. I am not talking in that duality. I am talking the truth as it is. Understand, if your sickness is somebody's success, ... don't you feel you are torturing that man forcing you to cure, and which is indirectly going to make him as a failure. Look at this! We are creating the systems which are bound to fail! And then blaming the system. Modern day ... especially this generation youth, with the vast access to information. Understand, all the … threatening, torture, blackmail, compulsion based idealogies, philosophies, religions are losing power over people. All the fear based traditions are losing power over people. People are becoming intelligent. People are, people are thinking!

Paramashiva’s grace, the mainstream media was attacking, abusing left and right the Kailaasa concept. Long before I told Kailaasa is a spiritual principle. It is a space, not any place. I am not claiming any place! I am saying Kailaasa is a spiritual space. It is a vision. I made it so clear. Even the website, we put it very clear, borderless nation and all that. Mainstream media left and right abusing me, attacking me about this Kailaasa. Today in Twitter, you can all see, it is trending top 10. We did not do anything. I am telling you, modern youth are becoming intelligent. All of you just take few minutes and go and see the Twitter. In the top 10 we are trending in India. The Kailaasa, Nithyananda is trending. Understand. I am not against anybody. I am not against India. I have a deep love, reverence for India. I am neither against India nor against any nation!! I am not against anyone. I just want to do my spiritual work.

My Gurus have given me the enlightenment experience and jnana and vijnana from Paramashiva. The Kailaasa’s experience which is absolutely life positive. I want to share that the world. Whoever can make whatever as reality in your own country within the legal framework of your country, you enjoy this vision and make it as a reality and live happily, that's all! I am making it very clear, all Kailaasa or the organizations supporting Kailaasa, will function within the legal framework of the country in which they are situated. For example, if there is an organization in India supporting Kailaasa or connected to Kailaasa, that organization will function obeying all the legal framework of Indian law. If any organization is in Malaysia, Nepal, Australia, Dubai, America, USA, Canada, any country - they will function as per their country law. I am not claiming any border. Kailaasa is a vision. It’s a space.

I am only sharing that spiritual vision. So whoever wants in your country within the legal frame of your country - practice and share, enrich. I am only here to share the original vision of Paramashiva. Understand. The original vision of Paramashiva, which is absolutely life positive based on Vedas and Agamas. As I said through the five face, Paramashiva reveals Rigveda, Yajurveda, Samaveda, Atharvanaveda and all the Agamas. The vision Paramashiva revealed, I am sharing with all of you as Kailaasa. It's absolute spiritual work. I am only interested in making a spiritual university. Fundamentally spiritual university. Maybe even online based because that's the most easiest and safest. Easiest way we can reach out to billions of people. I’ll go on be collecting, organizing, decoding, revealing the sacred secrets of Veda Agamas ... and sharing it with all of you. You all take it and live by creating thousands and thousands of Kailaasa ecosystems ... in your country within the legal framework of your country. That's all.

I want you to know, modern day youth have started waking up to the reality. They’ve started thinking. Anything which benefit is going to become successful. People are tired of all these old, sick … methodology of fear based philosophies, greed based philosophies, guilt based philosophies, … exploitation based philosophies, terrorism based philosophies. Modern youth are sick and tired of all these. Modern youth wants absolute life positive principles. I tell you, Vedas and Agamas are the absolute life positive principles. Even the understandings and truths about the death, if you listen from Vedas and Upanishads and Agamas, you will see death is such an amazing life! There is no such thing as death. It's only just moving into the next space of life.

Strategies, principles, ideas … for blissful life positive individual existence … and blissful life positive coexistence, ... the principles related to this is what is charyapada. Jiva means individual self connecting with Jagat, world, humanity, animals, nature. This is charyapada, lifestyle. Individual connecting with Ishvara, Jiva connecting with Ishvara is kriyapada. Raising your electromagnetic force into Ishvara Shakti is rituals and … even all celebrations and festivals in Hinduism. Actually I tell you, in Hinduism all celebrations, all festivals are celebrituals, festirituals. Ah da, that is a truth. In Hinduism, there is all celebrations of celebrituals! All festivals are festirituals! All Hindu festivals, Hindu celebrations, Hindu pujas, everything is to raise your electromagnetic force and connect you … with Paramashiva.

I tell you, … power of the vision … is the strength with which Hinduism is surviving even though all the visionaries are attack left and right. Listen carefully. Last 48 hours, mainstream media owned by the chronic capitalists attacking me left and right, abusing me with all the lies, false allegations ... but Paramashiva grace, as I said Paramasiva is protecting me. Mahakalabhairava is protecting me. Power of the vision of the Kailaasa of Paramashiva which He himself gave. Today I am seeing unexpected huge support from social media. Twitter is trending in top 10. We did not do anything, I did not do anything, our sangha did not do anything. The depth of the vision … is spreading by itself! I tell you, you can't cheat modern day youth anymore. Just because you spent crores and bought OB vans and err … employed thousands and thousands of people, trained them to repeat the same lies - you can't cheat the modern day youth anymore.

I am telling you, the news industry is collapsing because of social media. Almost all big channel, networks are running in huge loss! Because, the modern day youth has stopped trusting making decisions based on mainstream media. People have started making decisions only on, based on social media. Information sharing has become democratic. People don't want to understand, … people don't want anyone to force them to understand by intimidation tactics. It’s all over. That period it is over. Now, everyone has started becoming cool and started analyzing, started going into multiple views, multiple versions. I want to take a minute and sincerely thank everyone supporting the vision of Kailaasa in social media, in Twitter … and everywhere. Thank you all. I know ... Paramashiva is protecting me. Mahakalabhairava is protecting me and our sangha.

I can see visibility ... inteligencia, people who make decisions, decision makers have started ... trusting social media more than chronic capitalistic infrastructure called mainstream media. Extreme stagnation, exploitation, corruption, … blackmailing has become the trend of the mainstream media. The honesty level has gone down so that trust level, the public trust on media has gone down so low! People have started looking to social media to come to conclusion, to understand any subject. Anyhow, I tell you guys, I am not against anybody. I am absolutely non-violent sangha. I will continue to reveal the vision of Paramashiva with the grace of Paramashiva and Parashakti.

On each field, I'll try to with the grace of Paramashiva, I'll try to bring legitimacy to Hindu medicines, the Hindu medicinal knowledge; Hindu administration knowledge; Hindu economy; Hindu methodology of growing food, food distribution and cooking and enjoying the whole field of the food end to end as per the Hindu tradition; Hindu clothings; Hindu jewellery; ... the right life positive arts, culture, dance, music and Hindu way of administration, Hindu way of ... enriching the world. I will reveal all the sciences and vision to the world. As long as I am alive, I will do this work. I will not be a threat to anyone. And same way, I will not be threatened by anyone. That is the way of Hindu principle.

अभयṃ सर्व भ्ūतेभ्यो abhayaṃ sarva bhūtebhyo

I am not threat to anyone. And, I will not allow the world to threaten me.

I'll continue to reveal. Principles of an individual connecting with Jagat. Jagat means world. World's multiple parts like a humanity, nature, all dimensions of the world. Right principles, strategies, understandings to connect with all of them. This connection, ... the methodology to connect is called charyapada. Individual - Jiva, the methodology of the individual to connect with Ishvara is kriyapada. As I said puja, rituals, homa, all the karmakanda (कर्मकाण्ड, karmakāṇḍa) and celebrituals, festirituals; as I said in Hinduism all celebrations are rituals. All festivals are rituals. All celebrituals, festirituals, let’s create these new two words. In Hinduism, festivals are festirituals. Celebrations are celebrituals. Let’s … these two words are the essence of today's satsang. Celebrituals, festirituals.

Everything is kriyapada. This raises the electromagnetic force of your existence and connects you with Gods, Goddesses, Ishvara. Yoga means raising your Kundalini and connecting with Paramashiva. Jnana means bringing Paramashiva into your being and making Him manifest in you. That's all. Just these four words. Charya means lifestyle of Kailaasa. Strategies, principles, ideas, about … how an individual should connect with himself and with the world. Jiva connecting with the Jagat is charyapada. Jiva connecting with Ishvara, individual connecting with God is kriyapada. Raising your Kundalini Shakti and connecting with Paramashiva is yogapada. Making Paramashiva land in you and manifest in you is jnanapada. Understand.

If you understand these four principles: charya, kriya, yoga, jnana - you can very beautifully understand the whole narrative of Hinduism. Veda Agama, Veda-Vedanta, Agama-Agamanta. All the … absolute truths, practical applications, pure science and applied technology, in all the level, the whole Hinduism is just these four - charya, kriya, yoga, jnana. Understand. Lifestyle is more like a … principles and integrity to the principles. Kriya is more like a intense energizing process to connect with Ishvara, ultimate force. One important thing you need to know, neither charya can be separated from kriya and yoga and jnana; nor Kriya can be separated from charya, yoga and jnana; nor yoga can be separated from kriya and jnana or charya; neither jnana can be separated from charya, kriya or yoga. Listen carefully.


All four has to stand only with the support of all the other three. This is the complete vision of the Hinduism for people. Understand. With the simple open eyes if you see, charyapada creates energy in you which you can use to master gravitational force. Kriyapada creates energy in you through which you can master electromagnetic force. Yogapada creates energy in you through which you can master the weak nuclear force. Jnanapada creates energy in you through which you can master strong nuclear force. I am also going to teach more and more kriya, yoga, jnana … continuously.

I am planning to have … three satsangs a day. I am working on it, organizing my routine. Actually I don't want to do anymore these separate paid programs. I just want to share all the truths, initiation, everything, through online multiple sessions a day. Whoever wants, take it and enjoy. I am like a Ganga, I just want to flow. Whoever wants, take it and enjoy. I have nothing to gain from the world. I need only one cup curd rice per day. That's all. Nothing more. And I have enough people who love me, to give that one cup curd rice for me every day. And I’ve, I don't need anything else. I am really feeling … I am not interested in your money. I am neither interested in your honey nor interested in your money. No honey, no money. I just want to be … like Ganga from Paramparashiva’s being. Share the whole Paramashiva Jnana and Paramashiva Vijnana to all of you. Whoever wants, enjoy and live happily, blissfully wherever you are. I am planning to work on making three or four satsangs. So much to be told and share to the world.

I also wanted to work on uniting all the nations and connecting all the nations and share this knowledge. I sincerely request all the devotees all over the world, take these ideas to your country lawmakers, decision makers and share this vision with them. Surely many people will start clicking, understanding this. We are really underestimating the power of Veda Agamas. Nobody, neither you nor me, anyone in the sangha expected Kailaasa will trend in top 10 in Twitter. None of us did anything. Even now none of us are doing anything. We are all sitting and attending satsang. Paramashiva’s grace, the power of Paramashiva’s vision. And how Mahakalabhairava is protecting me and the sangha. That is why, it is becoming successful on its own. Understand, truth has its own power.

Actually the mainstream media flashed about Kailaasa to attack me, abuse me. But finally the whole thing suddenly turned around. Now it is trending and so many positive feeds. I thought, “Oh, God! Is this about Nithyananda?! How come?!” Paramashiva’s vision. Paramashiva’s grace. Kalabhairava’s protection. Time for the people who scream is over. Time for the people who stream is modern day. Understand, “I scream” is not going to work anymore. “I stream” is only going to work anymore. The modern day is for the people who say, “I stream.” It is no more time for “I scream!!” All the screamers are outdated. Decision makers are influenced now by streamers, not by screamers. If you have the right vision, people are ready to listen to you. People are not interested anymore in all these binding, torturing, terrorizing, blackmailing systems, methodologies and philosophies. Terrorizing, blackmailing, fear centric, abusive methodologies, philosophies and structures all have lost their power over people.

Kailaasa is trending in 7th. Kailaasa is trending in 7th. Humanity, Veda Agamic principles … with the grace of Paramashiva and with the protection of Mahakalabhairava, I'll bring legitimacy to the vision of Paramashiva in every field - spiritual, religious, ritual, economy, construction, art, dance, music, medicine, law, justice, administration, … in every field. I want the whole world to know Hindus have something great to contribute to the world. We have something great to the con … to contribute to the world. Let us do that. We have so much to add to the world in every field, especially the field of consciousness. Alchemistry, physics, cosmology, biology, in every field, Hindus have so much to contribute. So much can be added to the human life, for the betterment of the human life. Principle of non-violence, if it is taught from the context of Vedas and Agamas as Paramashiva explains, the whole world, planet earth will become heaven. Kailaasa is such an extraordinarily beautiful way of coexisting. Principles of economy, contributing economy, not controlling, exploiting, rigging. No. Contributing economy.

So many principles of medicine … from Hindu scriptures - Ayurveda, if it is even the principles taken and analyzed, thousands of diseases can be cured, will not even be created. See one principle I learnt from my Guru, it's from the Siddha tradition. Anything which you cannot eat, don't apply even on your skin. He used to tell haritaki, only if you can brush, you can use that for cleaning the skin. Castor oil, only if you can take, you can use that to clean your skin. First time when I brought the soap, he said, my Guru said, “Don't use. Can you consume this?” I said, “No.” He said, “Skin consumes whatever you apply on the skin. So anything you can not consume orally, don't apply on skin.” I was shocked. But anyhow, I never doubted my Guru and I follow the principle, still I am following the principle. Now I realize healthy skin eats what is applied on it. Understand. Healthy skin eats what is applied on it. We need to understand all these deeper principles ... and start applying them in our life. We can be not only healthy and detox ourselves, we can avoid multiple diseases and disorders. All I am trying to tell is if we start doing researches in this line, even this one principle, … we can bring so much of health to people. So many diseases can be avoided. So much detox can happen.

I just want all of you to pen down one line about charya, kriya, yoga, jnana. Just four lines. Means one line about charya, one line about kriya, one line about yoga, one line about jnana. Just to make sure you grasp what I expressed. You can put it in the Facebook status or pen down as in paper. I’ll give you few minutes - do that. Then I'll continue the satsang.

Pen down one line for each of these aspects: charya, kriya, yoga, jnana

Om Nithyananda Paramashivoham. Blessings to all of you.

Let’s all radiate with Integrity, Authenticity, Responsibility, Enriching, Causing, Living Shuddhadvaita Saivam, Paramashivoham, Om Nithyananda Paramashivoham, The Eternal Bliss, Nithyananda. Thank you. Be blissful.