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===Paramahamsa Yogananda===
===Paramahamsa Yogananda===
Paramahamsa Yogananda, in his Autobiography of a Yogi, tells of an amulet that was teleported into his mother’s hands from her guru, Lahiri Mahasaya. She had taken Yogananda as a new baby to be blessed by the guru, who immediately recognized that the child would become a great mystic. He told the young mother that a talisman would come to her which she should give to her son when he showed interest in spirituality, and that once it had accomplished its task it would disappear. A silver amulet with sacred markings landed in her hands during meditation soon afterwards, and ultimately passed to Yogananda at her death. He kept it faithfully until one day it disappeared,just as prophesied. That same day he met his beloved guru and teacher, Sri Yukteshwar.
Paramahamsa Yogananda, in his Autobiography of a Yogi, tells of an amulet that was teleported into his mother’s hands from her Guru, Lahiri Mahasaya. She had taken Yogananda as a new baby to be blessed by the Guru, who immediately recognized that the child would become a great mystic. He told the young mother that a talisman would come to her which she should give to her son when he showed interest in spirituality, and that once it had accomplished its task it would disappear. A silver amulet with sacred markings landed in her hands during meditation soon afterwards, and ultimately passed to Yogananda at her death. He kept it faithfully until one day it disappeared,just as prophesied. That same day he met his beloved Guru and teacher, Sri Yukteshwar.
===Paramahamsa Nithyananda Paramashivam===
===Paramahamsa Nithyananda Paramashivam===
Another account comes from the childhood of Paramahamsa Nithyananda, who received a conch shell (used for blowing musically during [[temple]] ceremonies) from his teacher, Raghupati Yogi. Raghupati Yogi was an accomplished siddha whom many witnesses observed displaying multiple extraordinary abilities. He could levitate, shatter an iron chain around his chest by taking a deep breath, call snakes from their holes and birds from the sky, go for many days easily without food or water, and other feats beyond ordinary human capacity.
Another account comes from the childhood of Paramahamsa Nithyananda, who received a conch shell (used for blowing musically during [[temple]] ceremonies) from his teacher, Raghupati Yogi. Raghupati Yogi was an accomplished siddha whom many witnesses observed displaying multiple extraordinary abilities. He could levitate, shatter an iron chain around his chest by taking a deep breath, call snakes from their holes and birds from the sky, go for many days easily without food or water, and other feats beyond ordinary human capacity.
When the conch landed in his hands, Paramahamsa Nithyananda believed it had been materialized, but when he examined it he found a date carved on it, and thought his guru was tricking him. Raghupati Yogi explained that it had been teleported from his own home into the boy’s hands; it was a pre-existing object, transported from a distant location.
When the conch landed in his hands, Paramahamsa Nithyananda believed it had been materialized, but when he examined it he found a date carved on it, and thought his Guru was tricking him. Raghupati Yogi explained that it had been teleported from his own home into the boy’s hands; it was a pre-existing object, transported from a distant location.
This account underscores the difference between teleportation and materialization. It is related in Paramahamsa Nithyananda’s biography, Nithyananda Vol 1.
This account underscores the difference between teleportation and materialization. It is related in Paramahamsa Nithyananda’s biography, Nithyananda Vol 1.
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[[Category: Definitions]]

Latest revision as of 09:00, 14 April 2019

The word teleportation is composed of the Greek root telos, meaning “at a distance”, and the Latin root portare, “to carry” or to move.

Teleportation means to move an object over a long distance. What it also means, although this is not included in the word, is that the object leaves one location and arrives at the other without travelling by any means of transportation available at the present time.

Modern science regards teleportation as a new concept requiring new technology. Actually, it is a lost science, which used to be common in the ancient world. Researchers understand the theory involved, but no one yet has developed the necessary equipment.

Science of Teleportation

For most people, teleportation is the stuff that science fiction films are made of.

In the Harry Potter World, teleportation is often used although it is called apparition, a spell which allows the user to instantaneously teleport from one location to another. American Star Trek films give a strong visual impression of the spaceship crew dissolving into beams of light, and then seeing those beams reassemble into human forms in a different location. But is this really possible in daily life, in today’s world as we know it?

Though the mystic disciplines of the world have always understood and played with the phenomenon of teleportation, modern science is only just beginning to understand that teleportation can be a real possibility in our dimension.

However, there is a distinct and essential difference between the way science and mystery schools define teleportation.

Western Science and Teleportation

Science defines teleportation as the process by which an object is dematerialized and essential information about its atomic structure is sent to another point in space, where the object is instantaneously ‘rematerialized’ or reassembled into its component atoms. Explained using quantum mechanics, teleportation is a mechanism by which information of the exact state of an atom can be transmitted from one location to another. In this process, information is transported from one location to another using an entangled quantum state. Known as ‘quantum teleportation’, this process involves a phenomenon called ‘entanglement’ which is possible only on a micro-scale.

As mentioned earlier, in classical terms, information is called a “Bit” and in quantum mechanics it is called a “Qubit”.

Whereas quantum entanglement allows teleportation to happen instantaneously, recreation of masses larger than an atom would also need a classical information link between the 2 locations. This link cannot process information faster than the speed of light, and thus, there will be a time delay from Point A to Point B for teleportation to occur.

There is physical evidence of teleportation of structures ranging from Sacred Ash, to larger objects across continents, e.g. from Nithyananda Dhyanapeetam, Bengaluru Aadheenam, to several international locations (outside of India).

In physics laboratories, the largest distance of experimental teleportation is 143 kms. Larger masses made up of multiple atoms would require more time for reassembly, as they still need to use the classical channel in spite of information having preceded it instantaneously through quantum entanglement.

Quantum teleportation is actually a process of replication similar to cloning or ‘biological faxing’, where the same information is used to create a duplicate exactly like the original object. The object itself is not teleported but only information about it is captured and used. The main difference between teleportation as science knows it, and more conventional forms of sending information from one place to another, is that this is a process of instantaneous transportation.

Biological Faxing

The difference between quantum teleportation and the classic concept of disassembling matter and sending it across space is that in quantum teleportation the physical object does not travel. Instead, the information given to one quantum is teleported to its partner the same way that a fax works. In faxing, the physical information on a document is transferred into energy waves which travel from one terminal to another. At their destination, the waves are converted back into readable form and the document is recreated onto fresh paper. The information has traveled, but the physical paper remains behind. Replacing the fax terminals with quanta which have been entangled provides a means to teleport information. A “message” is created by adjusting one quantum, and the other receives it immediately. For example, one of an entangled pair is exposed to heat, and its twin reacts to the heat source to the same degree. If one becomes overheated, so does its partner.

Presently, the faxes involve only mineral atoms or beams of light. The potential lies ahead, however, of perfecting a biological fax – the sending of information between cells. When one skin cell would be exposed to sun, its fellow would develop a tan.

Early Experiments in Teleportation

In 1998, for the rst time, a team of researchers at California Institute of Technology successfully teleported a photon across a distance of approximately one meter. However, in the process, the original object was destroyed.

Since then, a number of teleportation experiments have been performed.

In 2006, physicists at the Niels Bohr Institute (Denmark), led by Eugene Polzik teleported photons across half a meter and used them to illuminate a cloud of atoms. This was considered a milestone, because it involved teleportation between light and matter.

In 2013, the research group succeeded in teleporting information between two clouds of gas atoms and to carry out the teleportation – not just one or a few times, but successfully every single time. The results were published in the scienti c journal, Nature Physics.

(Reference:http://www.nbi.ku.dk/english/news/news13/ quantum-teleportation-between-atomic-systems-over-long- distances/)

In stark contrast to these efforts, the teleportation of whole objects and even people is a well-defined practice in the mystical tradition. Unlike in the scientific context, it is not just the vital information about the object, but the object itself which is teleported.

Vedic Science of Teleportation

The Vedic science of teleportation works on the premise that matter and energy are inter-convertible. Just as the pattern of sound waves in a telephone is carried by an electric current from the source to the destination, where it is ‘reconverted’ to sound, an object to be teleported is simply dissolved into energy at the source, and transported through space to be reassembled at its destination.

Although we say ‘simply dissolved’, the complexity of the process and the mastery of mind over matter required here is unimaginable. Teleportation and other siddhis (spiritual powers) are gained only by a lifetime (or lifetimes) of arduous spiritual discipline and the grace of the Divine.

All materials cannot be teleported with equal success, as only certain materials can withstand the extreme rigors of being pulled apart at the atomic level, converted into energy vibrations, transmitted through space and then distilled into matter again. An object with a weak molecular structure will be pulverized during the process of teleportation, and could never be reassembled again.

Ancient Vedic Traditionn

In the Vedic experience, teleportation was a common practice. It continues to exist today among the spiritual practitioners of India, Nepal and other areas whose religions descend from the Vedas: Hindus, Buddhists, Jains and Sikhs. Teleportation is a siddhi – a power and a natural extension of human capacity. Siddhis are the birthright of each person; capabilities that lie hidden in ones biomemory and can be developed through spiritual practice. Teleportation is one of many such abilities. The path to enlightenment through yogic practice was recorded by an ancient master named Patanjali..

Much Vedic knowledge was not written down and thus has been hidden through the centuries in the treasured keeping of scholars and spiritual adepts. The path to enlightenment through yogic practice, however, was recorded by an ancient master named Patanjali whose name has become known worldwide for the brilliance of his work. Originally a small portion of a vast body of writings, The Yoga Sutras of Patanjali is a collection of sutras – short aphorisms phrased very concisely for easy memorization by students, on the nature of reality and the mapping of human consciousness. Within these sutras lies the core of the Vedic science of evolution, the development of the Self.

Patanjali, himself an enlightened being, gives remarkable insights and instructions on how to transform oneself through spiritual practice. One side consequence of this inner expansion is the appearance of various siddhis such as teleportation. Patanjali cautions the seeker after enlightenment that siddhis should not be a goal for their own sake, and that if they develop they should not focused upon, lest they distract from the main purpose of practice. Nonetheless, their presence may be made known: it is among yogic adepts that these abilities are found.

The Rishis learned that matter can be transformed into energy, and the reverse, through meditation.

The link between siddhis such as teleportation and spiritual practice was commonly understood by the ancient rishi/saints. The rishis learned that matter can be transformed into energy, and the reverse, through meditation. Meditation, by its very nature, aligns with spirituality. While it is technically possible to meditate in a secular setting, it is a rare occurrence. The inner awareness which supports meditation and is enhanced by it naturally amplifies our sense of connectedness with something divine beyond oneself.

Recorded Accounts of Teleportation

Teleportation has been observed and described in many literary sources, both historically and today. Because of the interplay between mysticism and unusual abilities, most of these events have occurred in spiritual settings. The reason for that has now been clarified.


In the Hasidic tradition of ancient Judaism, rabbis who have sincerely and intensely practiced their prayers can develop kefitzat haderech, described as the ability to travel between two places over a wide distance, in an impossibly brief time. The term, mentioned in the Talmud, the book of Judaic mysticism, means literally “contracting the path” or “shortening the path”.


Jesus was observed in numerous examples of “appearing”, ostensibly out of nowhere. Jesus was observed in numerous examples of “appearing”, ostensibly out of nowhere. One of the best examples is the incident during which he also walked on the water and rescued his disciples during a storm. His disciples were in a boat, crossing the Sea of Galilee, which measures about 6 miles from one shore to the other. When they reached the midpoint of the lake, a storm blew up and they feared being capsized. They saw Jesus walking toward them on the surface of the waves, and he assured them not to be afraid. As soon as Jesus joined the disciples in the boat, it landed on the shore — some two and a half miles distant. The boat and its occupants had teleported from the center of the lake, out of danger from the brewing storm. John 6:16-24; commentary http://thedeaconscorner.tumblr.com/post/156862369


The life of the Buddha tells of many mystical feats, but Buddha himself did not like to display his abilities and rarely used them. However, one account relates that Buddha and 1,250 of his priestly order were blocked in their travels by the flooding waters of the River Ganga. Ganga when flooding has a current of more than seventy miles per hour and is nearly half a mile across. No boat could take such a crowd across without great delay. The Buddha was on an urgent mission and did not want to wait for the river to subside. He stepped toward the river and suddenly he and all his disciples were on the opposite bank. Only a blink of eyes had elapsed. Mahaparinirvana Sutra 28-30

Paramahamsa Yogananda

Paramahamsa Yogananda, in his Autobiography of a Yogi, tells of an amulet that was teleported into his mother’s hands from her Guru, Lahiri Mahasaya. She had taken Yogananda as a new baby to be blessed by the Guru, who immediately recognized that the child would become a great mystic. He told the young mother that a talisman would come to her which she should give to her son when he showed interest in spirituality, and that once it had accomplished its task it would disappear. A silver amulet with sacred markings landed in her hands during meditation soon afterwards, and ultimately passed to Yogananda at her death. He kept it faithfully until one day it disappeared,just as prophesied. That same day he met his beloved Guru and teacher, Sri Yukteshwar.

Paramahamsa Nithyananda Paramashivam

Another account comes from the childhood of Paramahamsa Nithyananda, who received a conch shell (used for blowing musically during temple ceremonies) from his teacher, Raghupati Yogi. Raghupati Yogi was an accomplished siddha whom many witnesses observed displaying multiple extraordinary abilities. He could levitate, shatter an iron chain around his chest by taking a deep breath, call snakes from their holes and birds from the sky, go for many days easily without food or water, and other feats beyond ordinary human capacity.

When the conch landed in his hands, Paramahamsa Nithyananda believed it had been materialized, but when he examined it he found a date carved on it, and thought his Guru was tricking him. Raghupati Yogi explained that it had been teleported from his own home into the boy’s hands; it was a pre-existing object, transported from a distant location.

This account underscores the difference between teleportation and materialization. It is related in Paramahamsa Nithyananda’s biography, Nithyananda Vol 1.


http://books.nithyanandatimes.org/wp-content/uploads/sites/5/2016/07/AvatarShastra-Full_book_web-july21.pdf http://books.nithyanandatimes.org/wp-content/uploads/sites/5/2016/07/AvatarShastra-Full_book_web-july21.pdf http://articles.nithyananda.org/2012/09/teleportation/ http://nithyanandatimes.org/teleportation-a-reality/ http://www.nithyananda.org/video/q-manifesting-powers-mss#gsc.tab=0