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==Link to Video: ==
Upanishad Is The Word Of The Universe
== Description==
Today’s (10th January, 2015) Morning [[Satsang]] continues with the Living Advaita series on Upanishads. Paramahamsa Nithyananda advises everyone to finish off making our completions, dropping all the old cognitions we have about ourselves; we will then be ready to receive the Cosmic Cognitions – Upanishads. Get ready to receive the original cognition from the Cosmos! Watch, Share and Subscribe to our channel to be notified of the next upload click http://www.youtube.com/subscription_center?add_user=lifeblissfoundation to subscribe. visit: http://www.nithyananda.org http://www.nithyananda.tv http://www.innerawakening.org
==Video - Upanishad Is the Word of the Universe==
videoUrl=https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wSWWurf1uiU |
audioUrl=<soundcloud url="https://soundcloud.com/nithyananda-radio/jan2015-10-upanishad-is-the?in=nithyananda-radio/sets/2015-upanishads"/>
==Transcript ==
Nithyānandeshwara samārambhām
Nithyānandeshwari madhyamām |
Asmat ācārya paryantām Vande Guru Paramparām ||
I welcome all the Devotees, Disciples, Samajis, Satsangis, Srimahants, Mahants, Thanedars, Kotharis, visitors, viewers, sitting with us through Nithyananda TV, Sadhna TV, and two-way video conferencing having Nayana Deeksha.
The cities sitting with us, through two-way video-conferencing having Nayana Deeksha - Toronto-Thiru Kailaayam, Ohio-Prayag, Seattle-Chidambaram, Houston-Kalahasti, Scottsdale-Arizona, Hyderabad-Gupta Kashi, Oklahoma-Somanatham, Los Angeles-Arunachalam, Nithyananda University-Paris, Charlotte-Srisailam, St. Louis-Tirumala, Morris Plains-New Jersey, Colombo-Sri Lanka, Dubai-Vaidyanatham, Singapore-Singapuram, Vancouver-Canada, Jorpati-Nepal, San Jose-Madurai, London-Kashi, Phillip Island-Australia, Port Washington-New York, Enriching Temple-Bidadi, Guadeloupe-Rameshwaram, Los Angeles-Hollywood, Rajapalayam-Aadheenam, Ohio-Ma Shivananda, San Jose-Madurai, San Antonio-Texas, Winston-Salem, North Carolina and some more cities. I welcome all of you with My love and respects.
Today, the seventh day of the Nithyananda Brahmotsavam - Leela of taking the responsibility of Madurai Aadheenam - and today, we have Chariot Festival, ‘Thiru Therottam’ - chariot Festival also is there.
Let me enter into the satsang after receiving the blessings of Mahadeva by offering Arati to Mahadeva. Let me enter into today’s satsang. Get ready, I am going to enter into the Upanishad Mantras. Prepare yourself.
Please understand. This is the first, foremost, and final words given to the Universe from the Universe; given to humanity from the Cosmos. Listen. This is the first and foremost, and final word. Upanishads are not like Science, every day developing. For example, today a scientist will come and declare something as truth - everyone will agree - that will be considered as truth. People will make their life’s decisions, align everything based on that truth. In ten years, another scientist will come and prove that whole thing as false and declare something else as truth - then people will align their life towards that. Then after five years, somebody else will come and declare that as lie and prove something else as truth.
Understand. If the truth is going to be changing tomorrow, it is not truth even today. Upanishads are not like Science which is evolving or changing. It is like a scientist carry a lantern in the thick forest and tell the truths about the forest to the world, ‘ Oh, there are ten trees and two snake and dark.’ When you walk further, ‘No, no, forest is not just ten trees and two snake; it is more than twenty-five trees and two elephants.’ When you walk further, ‘No, no, no, no, no, it is not even twenty-five trees. Trees, trees, trees - any side we turn the lantern, it is trees, trees all around and different types of animals.’ This is what is Science.
But, Upanishads are, ‘a rishi sitting and seeing the whole forest in the flash of lightning and describing it’. Understand. The lantern descriptions will always change; but a rishi sitting in the peak of the hill, seeing the whole thing in one flash of lightning and penning it down, is Upanishads. Understand the difference between these two. Upanishads are first, foremost, and final word on truth - first, foremost, and final word on truth. Nothing, nothing like Upanishads, declares all the truths in so close to the heart, in such a closer way to the heart. Such beautiful way to live, user-friendly.
Understand. Clean your whole cognition and keep it ready. I am going to reveal the first, foremost, final words given to all of us directly by the Cosmos without any interference of Sons or Prophets or any ambassador. No. No ambassador, not even incarnations, avatars. No. I wanted all of you to know, Gita is ‘considered’ as Upanishads, not Upanishad. Gita is ‘considered’ as Upanishad, not Upanishad.  Even the words of the incarnations are not kept in the same level of Upanishads in Hindu Tradition.
‘Shruti’ - ‘heard’. Understand. Upanishads are not ‘said’ by any rishis; it is ‘heard’ by the rishis. Who said it?  It’s a Cosmos - sang about itself. So, no Son of God, no ambassador of God, no Prophet of God, no Incarnation of God wrote this book. It is directly, Universe declares about itself universally to the universe.
Clear up all your old cognitions about Life. Clear up all your old cognitions about God. Drop all your old cognitions about You. Drop your old cognitions about the World. Drop all your old cognitions and be fresh to receive the original Cosmic Cognition from the Cosmos itself, to plan and live your life as the Cosmos wants you to live.
It is so juicy, I tell you. This is the word I should use,  the Upanishads are so ‘juicy’ and so ‘spicy’. It is lot of spice, to tell you honestly; it’s not dry book. It gives such amazing understandings. It has lot of juice; it has lot of beauty, it has lot of joy; It’s so full of life. It is so full of life.
Each Upanishad mantra is a Cosmic Cognition for you to live as Cosmos. Your relationship with You, your relationship with God, your relationship with Life, your relationship with everything, can be defined and redefined with these Upanishadic mantras - Upanishadic mantras. Upanishadic mantras are far more powerful than any sound you can hear on the Planet Earth - in such powerful vibration, such powerful truths. You are going to receive it. Get ready. Get ready.
Maybe you will start hearing about the Upanishadic mantras from the 13th, on the auspicious day of Avatara Dinotsava. Today, all I wanted to tell every one of you, ‘Prepare yourself, clean up all your old cognitions about you, complete with all of them; because you are going to complete with Completion itself. I forgot to talk about ’Completion’, for last so many days. I did not even utter the word, ‘Completion’. Maybe it is time to complete with Completion itself and enter into the ‘Complete Completion’ space - completion with all ‘incompletions’ and ‘completion’ and entering into the space of Complete Completion which Upanishads describe, as the state of the Cosmos, as the state of the Universe.
Keep yourself ready for the ‘Cosmic Cognitions’, because each verse of the Upanishads...If I have to give an example, the second verse of the Upanishad says, “Decide to live hundreds of years, living in this liberated way”. Come on! What a life affirmative science this science is!  It is not life negative and, every one of your DNA, who hears these mantras will be deciding - supported to decide, and programmed to live hundreds of years, I am telling you.
I’ll teach you, not just to, giving you these ‘Cosmic Cognitions’ - making them as core of you, your DNA, your very bio-memory, your very muscle-memory - your very bio-memory, your very muscle-memory. Each of the verse should be heard, loved, cherished, digested, lived, radiated and enriched. Get ready - dropping all the old cognitions to live this new cognition.
Tomorrow morning, the ‘Ati Rudra Yagna’, ‘Ati Rudra Maha Yagna’ will be starting. So maybe we will have satsang, little late -we will work on the timings - or, we will not have satsang tomorrow. We will have the satsang day-after-tomorrow. We will have the recorded satsang tomorrow, may not be, live satsang.  But  from 12th, 13th - we will be continuing the satsang even 12th itself.
Removing these old cognitions, and recording these new ‘Cosmic Cognitions’ called ‘Upanishads’ into your very core, into your very DNA, is what I am calling, ‘Cosmic Cognition’. Let us all stand together as a Sangha to spread this Cosmic Cognition to the whole world. Understand. Dhamma is the greatest service we can do to the world. Spreading this Cosmic Cognition to the world is the greatest service we can do to the world. It is Sangha which always enjoys Buddha. But Dhamma is the greatest service to the whole world.
Whole world will not enjoy Buddha.  Even if you give, they will not know how to enjoy, how to live, how to cherish. It is like a, the diamonds given to a beggar, who does not know what to do with it and he spreads that all around, and sits beyond, because it hurts. And when people give bhiksha for him and ask, ‘What it is?’, ‘I don’t know, whatever, something somebody gave, if you want, take it.’  That’s all. Or a beggar who got a huge bag of diamonds; because of no work and he wants pass time, he was throwing one by one into the ocean and passing time. Human society will handle the Buddha like that only. They do not know the value. It is Sangha which enjoys the Buddha - Sangha which enjoys Buddha - and the greatest gift Sangha can give it to the world is the Dhamma, Dharma.
Take these Upanishads - the highest Dharma, to the world. Understand. As I said, for whole Hinduism, Vedic tradition, this is the book and for whole Nithyananda Sampradaya, this is ‘The’ book. So, these satsangs are going to be the main core message of our Sangha.  The main core message rishis delivered to the universe, I am repeating to the Universe, and I am repeating to our Sangha.
Understand, later on, crores will watch these recordings, crores will read these books. But blessed are those, who get to hear first hand, directly. Now, billions of people all over the world read Bhagavad Gita. Blessed are those who heard it directly. Four people heard it directly - Arjuna, Bhishma, Sanjaya, and Dhritarashtra. Four people only heard it directly, live - Arjuna and Bhishma directly from Krishna, Sanjaya through live telecast and two-way video-conferencing. Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha!  So, understand, blessed are those who enjoy it directly, who is going to enjoy it directly. Once these satsangs are delivered, this book will become the core book, not only for our Sangha, for the whole Vedic Tradition.
Understand. Very politely, one of the greatest spiritual happening is happening now in the Cosmos through this revelation of Upanishads - the Akashic Records of the Upanishads getting revealed, through these Akashic Records about the Upanishads getting revealed - the context, pre-text, post-text about the Upanishads getting revealed. Understand, I am not going to comment. I am just going to explain the context from which Upanishadic rishis explained and the pre-text and the post-text, and repeat it.
I request, all over the world - all of you, join as large Sangha as possible and listen. Don’t just sit in your puja room and bedroom and try to secretly watch. Try your best to gather as large Sangha as possible and listen. This will just awaken you, awaken you and try your best to come on two-way, so that I will manage you don’t fall asleep in between, you are attentive, you are listening, and you are internalizing, and you are intranalyzing, and you are living and radiating.  And, any Kothari, Thanedar, Mahant anywhere from the world - welcome to come and stay in Bidadi, attend the Upanishadic satsangs.
I am also planning, just to have Upanishadic satsangs - just, only Upanishadic satsang, on particular Upanishads like a Kenopanishad, Kathopanishad, like that. We will go and sit in the banks of Ganga in Himalayas - either in Uttarakashi or in Rishikesh - have the live relay, live telecast of the Upanishadic satsangs from those places. It’s a free program, anyone can join - as I said, knowledge is free. Soon, we will give you dates. On the banks of Ganga, few days we will have the Upanishad sessions, Upanishad satsangs and on the banks of the Godavari we will have few days of Upanishad sessions and on the banks of the Narmada, we will have few days of Upanishad sessions. On the banks of Saraswati - Saraswati is seen visibly near Badri and Allahabad, where she merges with Ganga.  We will have Upanishad satsangs at different places. Let’s enjoy the Upanishads. Get ready to enjoy Upanishads.
Wherever the infrastructure for live relay is available, we will make the Upanishads happen from there. Let’s enjoy the Upanishads, from the very land from which it was delivered to the world. It was delivered to the world between the space of Saraswati and Ganga - that is the valley. That is a space from which these Upanishads have been delivered to the world.
I may continue on Upanishads at least for next two years. No one could believe I continued on Science of Completion for two years. 2012 December I started expanding on the Science of Completion and till 2014 December - two full years, I expanded on Science of Completion.
Now, I’ll expand on Upanishads. But this is going to be completely mystical, to transmit that Shivoham experience directly to you. It is just your bio-memory is being programmed into Upanishads; your DNA is being reorganized into Upanishads; your muscle-memory and bio-memory is being reorganized and rearranged into Upanishads. Get ready to enjoy Upanishads and experience Upanishads, radiate Upanishads. Let us take the world by Upanishadic storm.  Let’s take the world by Upanishadic storm. Let you all become Shiva Ganas - receiving Upanishads directly from the space of Mahadeva and living it, living it, living it.
Essence of today’s satsang, ‘Complete with all your old cognitions. Get ready to have the Cosmic Cognition as your own cognition’. And I also wanted all the Gurukul kids - you will by-heart all these Upanishads everyday - before I start the each verse, all of you will chant, all of you will chant those verses. Gurukul kids and the sannyasis, ashramites. After all, I may expand only on one or two verses a day, not more than that. I think that easily can be by-hearted, memorized - that is not a big thing - because, by the end of the Upanishadic satsang, you should all become Upanishadic Acharyas. You should be able to teach Upanishads to the world - context, pre-text - everything about the Upanishads.
So, with this, I bless you all. Let you all radiate with Integrity, Authenticity, Responsibility, Enriching, Causing, Living Advaita. The Eternal Bliss. Nithyananda. Thank you. Be blissful.
==Video and Audio - Prepare Yourself for Upanishads==
In this video Supreme Pontiff of Hinduism HDH Nithyananda Paramashivam describes Upanishads as the first, foremost and final word on truth. The Upanishadic Mantras are given to humanity directly from the Cosmos; and are far more powerful than any sound that can be heard on planet earth. HDH asks delegates to clear all old cognitions about life, God, self and the world; and be fresh to receive the original Cosmic cognitions from the Cosmos.
videoUrl=https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=r2vK8GyBH-I&feature=youtu.be |
audioUrl=<soundcloud url="https://soundcloud.com/nithyananda-radio/2015-01jan-10_prepare-yourself-for-upanishads-part-1-ns"/>
Nithyānandeshwara samārambhām Nithyānandeshwari madhyamām |
Asmat ācārya paryantām Vande Guru Paramparām ||
I welcome all the devotees, disciples, samajis, satsangis, Srimahants, Mahants, Thanedars, Kotharis, visitors, viewers, sitting with us through Nithyananda-TV, Sadhna-TV, and two-way video conferencing having Nayana Deeksha.
|alignment=center }}
The cities sitting with us, through two-way video-conferencing having Nayana Deeksha - Toronto-Thiru Kailaayam, Ohio-Prayag, Seattle-Chidambaram, Houston-Kalahasti, Scottsdale-Arizona, Hyderabad-Gupta Kashi, Oklahoma-Somanatham, Los Angeles-Arunachalam, Nithyananda University-Paris, Charlotte-Srisailam, St. Louis-Tirumala, Morris Plains-New Jersey, Colombo-Sri Lanka, Dubai-Vaidyanatham, Singapore-Singapuram, Vancouver-Canada, Jorpati-Nepal, San Jose-Madurai, London-Kashi, and Phillip Island-Australia, Port Washington-New York, Enriching Temple-Bidadi, Guadeloupe-Rameshwaram, Los Angeles-Hollywood, Rajapalayam-Aadheenam, Ohio-Ma Shivananda, San Jose-Madurai, San Antonio-Texas, Winston-Salem-North Carolina and some more cities. I welcome all of you with My love and respects.
== Description: ==
Today, the seventh day of the Nithyananda Brahmotsavam - Leela of taking the responsibility of Madurai Aadheenam - and today we have chariot festival, ‘Thiru Therottam’ - chariot festival also is there.
Let me enter into the satsang after receiving the blessings of Mahadeva by offering Arati to Mahadeva. Let me enter into today’s satsang. Get ready, I am going to enter into the Upanishad Mantras. Prepare yourself.
Today’s (10th January, 2015) Morning [[Satsang]] continues with the Living Advaita series on Upanishads. Paramahamsa Nithyananda advises everyone to finish off making our completions, dropping all the old cognitions we have about ourselves; we will then be ready to receive the Cosmic Cognitions – Upanishads. Get ready to receive the original cognition from the Cosmos! Watch, Share and Subscribe to our channel to be notified of the next upload click http://www.youtube.com/subscription_center?add_user=lifeblissfoundation to subscribe. visit: http://www.nithyananda.org http://www.nithyananda.tv http://www.innerawakening.org
== Tags: ==
Please understand. This is the first, foremost, and final words given to the Universe from the Universe; given to humanity from the Cosmos. Listen. This is the first and foremost, and final word. Upanishads are not like science, every day developing. For example, today a scientist will come and declare something as truth - everyone will agree - that will be considered as truth. People will make their life’s decisions, align everything based on that truth. In ten years, another scientist will come and prove that whole thing as false and declare something else as truth - then people will align their life towards that. Then after five years, somebody else will come and declare that as lie and prove something else as truth.
Spirituality,[[Kundalini]],Awakening,Transformation,[[Enlightenment]],Advaita,Upanishads,Paramahamsa Nithyananda,completions,cosmos
==Transcript: ==
Understand. If the truth is going to be changing tomorrow, it is not truth even today. Upanishads are not like science which is evolving or changing. It is like a scientist carry a lantern in the thick forest and tell the truths about the forest to the world, "Oh, there are ten trees and two snake and dark." When you walk further, "No, no, forest is not just ten trees and two snake; it is more than twenty-five trees and two elephants." When you walk further, "No, no, no, no, no, it is not even twenty-five trees. Trees, trees, trees - any side we turn the lantern, it is trees, trees all around and different types of animals." This is what is science.
Nithyanandeshwara Samaarambhaam
Nithyanandeshwari Madhyamaam |
But, Upanishads are ‘a rishi sitting and seeing the whole forest in the flash of lightning and describing it’. Understand. The lantern descriptions will always change; but a rishi sitting in the peak of the hill, seeing the whole thing in one flash of lightning and penning it down, is Upanishads. Understand the difference between these two. Upanishads are first, foremost, and final word on truth - first, foremost, and final word on truth. Nothing, nothing like Upanishads - declares all the truths in so close to the heart, in such a closer way to the heart. Such beautiful way to live, user-friendly.
Asmath Aachaarya Paryanthaam
Vandhey Guru Paramparaam ||
Understand. Clean your whole cognition and keep it ready. I am going to reveal the first, foremost, final words given to all of us directly by the Cosmos without any interference of sons or prophets or any ambassador. No. No ambassador, not even incarnations, avatars. No. I wanted all of you to know, Gita is ‘considered’ as Upanishads, not Upanishad. Gita is ‘considered’ as Upanishad, not Upanishad. Even the words of the incarnations are not kept in the same level of Upanishads in Hindu Tradition.
‘Shruti’ - ‘heard’. Understand. Upanishads are not ‘said’ by any rishis; it is ‘heard’ by the rishis. Who said it? It’s a Cosmos - sang about itself. So, no son of God, no ambassador of God, no Prophet of God, no Incarnation of God wrote this book. It is directly Universe declares about itself universally to the universe.
I welcome all the devotees, disciples, samajis, satsanghis, Shrimahants, Mahants, Thanedars, Kotharis, visitors, viewers, sitting with us through Nithyananda TV, Sadhna TV, and two-way video-conferencing having Nayana [[Deeksha]].
Clear up all your old cognitions about life. Clear up all your old cognitions about God. Drop all your old cognitions about you. Drop your old cognitions about the world. Drop all your old cognitions and be fresh to receive the original Cosmic cognition from the Cosmos itself, to plan and live your life as the Cosmos wants you to live.
The cities sitting with us through two-way video-conferencing having Nayana Deeksha: Toronto-Thiru Kailasam, Ohio-Prayag, Seattle-Chidambaram, Houston-Kalahasti, Scottsdale-Arizona, Hyderabad-Gupta [[Kashi]], Oklahoma-Somanatham, Los Angeles-Arunachalam, Nithyananda University-Paris, Charlotte-Srisailam, St. Louis-Tirumala, Morris Plains-New Jersey, Colombo-Sri Lanka, Dubai-Vaidyanatham, Singapore-Singapuram, Vancouver-Canada, Jorpati-Nepal, San Jose-Madurai, London-Kashi, Philip Island-Australia, Port Washington-New York, [[Enriching]] [[Temple]]-Bidadi, Guadeloupe-Rameshwaram, Los Angeles-Hollywood, Rajapalayam-[[Aadheenam]], Ohio-Ma Shivananda, San Jose-Madurai, San Antonio-Texas, Winston-Salem-North Carolina.....and some more cities.......
It is so juicy, I tell you. This is the word I should use, the Upanishads are so ‘juicy’ and so ‘spicy’. It is lot of spice, to tell you honestly; it’s not dry book. It gives such amazing understandings. It has lot of juice; it has lot of beauty, it has lot of joy; It’s so full of life. It is so full of life.
I welcome all of you with my love and respects.
Each Upanishad mantra is a Cosmic cognition for you to live as Cosmos. Your relationship with you, your relationship with God, your relationship with life, your relationship with everything, can be defined and redefined with these Upanishadic mantras - Upanishadic mantras. Upanishadic mantras are far more powerful than any sound you can hear on the planet earth - in such powerful vibration, such powerful truths. You are going to receive it. Get ready. Get ready.
Today, the seventh day of the Nithyananda [[Brahmotsavam]]!  The [[Leela]] of “Taking the [[Responsibility]] of Madurai Aadheenam”!  And, today, we have Chariot Festival, “Thiru Therottam”!  Chariot Festival also is there!
Maybe you will start hearing about the Upanishadic mantras from the 13th, on the auspicious day of Avatara Dinotsava. Today, all I wanted to tell every one of you: prepare yourself, clean up all your old cognitions about you, complete with all of them; because you are going to complete with Completion itself. I forgot to talk about ’Completion’, for last so many days. I did not even utter the word, ‘Completion’. Maybe it is time to complete with Completion itself and enter into the ‘Complete Completion’ space - completion with all ‘incompletions’ and ‘completion’ and entering into the space of Complete Completion which Upanishads describe as the state of the Cosmos, as the state of the universe.
Let me enter into the satsangh after receiving the blessings of Mahadeva by offering Arathi to Mahadeva.
Keep yourself ready for the ‘Cosmic Cognitions’, because each verse of the Upanishads...If I have to give an example, the second verse of the Upanishad says, “Decide to live hundreds of years, living in this liberated way.” Come on! What a life affirmative science this science is! It is not life negative and, every one of your DNA, who hears these mantras will be deciding - supported to decide, and programmed to live hundreds of years, I am telling you.
I will teach you, not just to giving you these ‘Cosmic Cognitions’ - making them as core of you, your DNA, your very bio-memory, your very muscle-memory - your very bio-memory, your very muscle-memory. Each of the verse should be heard, loved, cherished, digested, lived, radiated and enriched. Get ready - dropping all the old cognitions to live this new cognition.
Let me enter into today’s satsangh.  Get ready!  I am going to enter into the Upanishad Mantras!  Prepare yourself!
Removing these old cognitions, and recording these new ‘Cosmic Cognitions’ called ‘Upanishads’ into your very core, into your very DNA, is what I am calling, ‘Cosmic Cognition’.
Please understand, these are the first, foremost, and final words given to the universe from the Universe, given to humanity from the Cosmos.  Listen!  This is the first and foremost, and final word!  Upanishads are not like Science, every day developing.  For example, today a scientist will come and declare something as truth.  Everyone will agree.  That will be considered as truth.  People will make their life’s decisions, align everything based on that truth.  In ten years, another scientist will come and prove that whole thing as false and declare something else as truth.  Then people will align their lives to that.  And then, after five years, somebody else will come and declare that as a lie and prove something else as truth.  Understand, if the truth is going to be changing tomorrow, it is not truth even today.  Upanishads are not like science which is evolving or changing.  It is like a scientist carries a lantern in a thick forest and tells the truths about the forest to the world, ‘There are ten trees, two snakes, and....dark.’  When you walk further, ‘No, no, the forest is not just ten trees and two snakes; it is more than twenty-five trees, and two elephants.’  When you walk further, ‘No, no, no, no, no, it is not even twenty-five trees.  Trees, trees, trees!  Any side we turn the lantern, it is trees, trees, trees all around, and different types of animals!’  This is what is Science!  But, Upanishads are a rishi sitting and seeing the whole forest in a flash of lightning and describing it!  Understand, the lantern descriptions will always change; but the rishi sitting in the peak of the hill, seeing the whole thing in one flash of lightning, and penning it down, is Upanishads!  Understand the difference between these two.  Upanishads are the first, foremost, and final word on truth!  First, foremost, and final word on truth!
Nothing, nothing like Upanishads declare all the truths in so close a way to the heart, in such a closer way to the heart.  Such a beautiful way to live!  User-friendly!
Understand, clean your whole cognition and keep it ready! I am going to reveal the first, foremost, final words given to all of us directly by the Cosmos without any interference of sons or prophets or any ambassador. No!  No ambassador!  Not even incarnations, avatars!  No!  I wanted all of you to know, Gita (Bhagavad Gita) is “considered” as Upanishad, not Upanishad!  Gita is “considered” as Upanishad, not Upanishad.  Even the words of the incarnations are not kept in the same level of Upanishads in Hindu Tradition.  “Shruti”, “heard”. Understand, the Upanishads are not “said” by any rishis; it is “heard” by the rishis.  Who said it?  It is Cosmos sang about itself!  So, no Son of God, no Ambassador of God, no Prophet of God, no Incarnation of God wrote this book.  It is directly the Universe declares about itself universally to the universe. Clear up all your old cognitions about Life.  Clear up all your old cognitions about God.  Drop all your old cognitions about You.  Drop your old cognitions about the World.  Drop all your old cognitions and be fresh to receive the original Cosmic Cognition from the Comos itself to plan and live your life as the Cosmos wants you to live.  
==Video and Audio - Prepare Yourself for Upanishads==
videoUrl=https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cpRr_vHiW80&feature=youtu.be |
audioUrl=<soundcloud url="https://soundcloud.com/nithyananda-radio/2015-01jan-10_prepare-yourself-for-upanishads-part-2-ns"/>
Let us all stand together as a Sangha to spread this Cosmic cognition to the whole world. Understand, Dhamma is the greatest service we can do to the world. Spreading this Cosmic cognition to the world, is the greatest service we can do to the world.  
It is Sanga, which always enjoys Buddha, but Dhamma is the greatest service to the whole world. Whole world will not enjoy Buddha, even if you give, they will not know how to enjoy, how to live, how to cherish. It is like a, the diamonds given to a beggar, who does not know what to do with it and it spreads it all around and sits beyond, because it hurts (laughing and showing his palms).
It is so juicy, I tell you!  This is the word I should use. Upanishads are so “juicy” and so “spicy”!  It has a lot of spice, I tell you honestly!  It is not a dry book. It gives such amazing understanding!  It has a lot of juice!  It has a lot of beauty!  It has a lot of joy!  It is so full of life! It is so full of life!
And when people give Bhiksha for him and ask what it is “I don't know, whatever, something somebody give. If you want take it, that's all.” Or a beggar who got a huge bag of diamonds, because of no work and he wants time, past time, he was throwing one by one into the ocean and passing time. Human society will handle open the Buddha like that only. They do not know the value. It is Sangha which enjoys the Buddha. (delegates clapping)  
Sangha which enjoys Buddha and the greatest gift Sangha can give it to the world is Dhamma, Dharma. Take these Upanishads, the highest Dharma... to the world. Understand, as I said, for whole Hinduism, Vedic tradition, this is the book and for whole Nithyananda Sampradaya this is THE book… So, these Satsangs are going to be the main core message of our Sangha. The main core message Rishis delivered to the Universe, I am repeating to the Universe and I am repeating to our Sangha.
Each Upanishad mantra is a Cosmic Cognition for you to live as Cosmos.  Your relationship with You, your relationship with God, your relationship with Life, your relationship with everything can be defined and redefined with these Upanishadic mantras.  Upanishadic mantras!  Upanishadic mantras are far more powerful than any sound you can hear on Planet Earth. In such powerful vibration, such powerful truths you are going to receive it. Get ready!  Get ready!
Understand, later on crores will watch these recordings, crores will read these books, but blessed are those who get to hear first hand, directly. (delegates clapping) Now billions of people all over the read… world read Bhagavad Gita, blessed are those, who heard it directly. (delegates clapping)
Four people heard it directly; Arjuna, Bhishma, Sanjaya and Dhritarashtra. Four people only heard it directly, live. Arjuna and Bhishma directly from Krishna. Sanjaya through live telecast and two-way video conferencing (laughing). So understand, blessed are those, who enjoy directly, who are going to enjoy directly. Once these Satsangs are delivered, this book will become the core book.
Not only for our Sangha, for the whole Vedic tradition. (delegates clapping) Understand, very politely, one of the greatest spiritual happening is happening now in the Cosmos, through this revelation of Upanishads. (delegates clapping) The Akashic records about the Upanishads getting revealed, thorough these Akashic records about the Upanishads getting revealed… The context, pretext, post text about the Upanishads getting revealed.
May be you will start hearing about Upanishadic mantras from the 13th (13th January 2015), on the auspicious day of Avatara Dhinotsava. Today, all I wanted to tell every one of you is, prepare yourself, clean up all your old cognitions about you, complete with all of them, because, you are going to complete with [[Completion]] itself!  I forgot to talk about Completion! For the last so many days, I didn’t even utter the word “Completion”!  May be, it is time to complete with Completion itself and enter into the Complete Completion space, Completion with all incompletions and Completion, and enter into the space of Complete Completion which Upanishads describe as the state of the Cosmos, as the state of the Universe.
Understand, I am not going to comment, I am just going to explain the context from which the Upanishadic Rishis explained and the pretext and the post text... and repeat it. I request all over the world, all of you join as large Sangha as possible and listen. Don't just sit in your Puja room and bedroom and try to secretly watch. Try your best to gather as large Sangha as possible and listen. This will just awaken you. Awaken you, and try your best to come on two-way so that I will manage you don't fall asleep in between. (laughing)
You are attentive, your listening and your internalising and your internalising and your living and radiating. The Upanishadic Satsangs, I am also planning just to have Upanishadic Satsangs, just only Upanishadic Satsang. And particular Upanishads like a Kena Upanishad, Katho Upanishad, like that will go and sit on the banks of Ganga in Himalayas, either in uttarKashi or in Rishikesh. Have the live relay, life telecast of the Upanishadic Satsang from those places. (delegates clapping)
It’s a free program, anyone can join. As I said, knowledge is free. On the banks of Ganga, few days we will have the Upanishad sessions, Upanishad Satsangs and on the banks of Godavari we will have few days of Upanishad sessions, and on the banks of Narmada we will have few days of Upanishad sessions. On the banks of Saraswati… Saraswati is seen visible near Badri and Allahabad, where she merges with Ganga. We will have Upanishad Satsangs at different places.
Keep yourself ready for the Cosmic Cognitions, because, each verse of the Upanishads..... If I have to give an example, the second verse of the Upanishad says, “Decide to live hundreds of years, living in this liberated way”. Come on!  What a “life affirmative” science this science is!  It is not “life negative”.  And, every one of your DNAs who hear these mantras will be deciding, supported to decide, and programmed to live hundreds of years, I am telling you!  I will teach you, not just giving you these Cosmic Cognitions, but making them as core of you, your DNA, your very bio-memory, your very muscle-memory!  Your very bio-memory, your very muscle-memory!  Each of the verses should be heard, loved, cherished, digested, lived, radiated and enriched!  Get ready, dropping all the old cognitions to live this new cognition.
Let’s enjoy Upanishadssss. Get ready to enjoy Upanishads. (delegates clapping)... Let’s enjoy the Upanishads from the very land from which it was delivered to the world. It was delivered to the world between the space of Saraswati and Ganga. That is the valley. That is the space from which these Upanishads are been delivered to the world.
I may continue on Upanishads at least for next few years. (delegates clapping) No one could have believed I continued on science of completion for two years. 2012 December I started expanding on the science of completion and till 2014 December, two full years I expanded on science of completion. (delegates clapping) Now I’ll expand on Upanishads, but this is going to be completely mystical. To transmit that Shivoham experience directly to you. It is just your bio memories being programmed into Upanishads. Your DNA is being reorganised into Upanishads. Your muscle memories and bio memory is being reorganised and rearranged into Upanishads.
Tomorrow morning, the Ati Rudra Yagna, the Ati Rudra Maha Yagna will be starting. So, may be, we will have satsangh a little late.  We will work on the timings.  Or, we will not have satsangh tomorrow. We will have satsangh day-after-tomorrow. We will have the recorded satsangh tomorrow; may not be live satsangh. But, from 12th, 13th, we will be continuing the satsangh from 12th itself.  
Get ready to enjoy Upanishads and experience Upanishads, radiate Upanishads. Let us take the world by Upanishadic storm. Let’s take the world by Upanishadic storm... Let you all become Shiva Ganas, receiving Upanishads directly from the space of Mahadeva and living it, living it, living it...  
Essence of today Satsang; Complete with all your old cognitions, get ready to have the Cosmic cognition as your own cognition. (delegates clapping) And I also wanted all the Gurukul kids, you will by heart all these Upanishads everyday, before I start each verse, all of you will chant. (delegates clapping) All of you will chant those verses. Gurukul kid and the Sanyasis, ashramites. After all, I may expand on only one or two verses a day, not more than that. I think that easily can be by hearted, memoriest, that is not a big thing. Because by the end of the Upanishadic Satsang, you should all become Upanishadic acharyas. (delegates clapping) You should be able to teach Upanishads to the world. Context, pretext, everything about the Upanishads.
Removing these old cognitions, and recording these new Cosmic Cognitions called “Upanishads” into your very core, into your very DNA, is what I am calling as “Cosmic Cognition”.  Let us all stand together as a [[Sangha]] to spread this Cosmic Cognition to the whole world.  Understand, Dhamma is the greatest service we can do to the world.  Spreading this Cosmic Cognition to the world is the greatest service we can do to the world.  It is Sangha which always enjoys Buddha.  But Dhamma is the greatest service to the whole world.  The whole world will not enjoy Buddha.  Even if you give, they will not know how to enjoy, how to live, how to cherish (the Buddha).  It is like the diamonds given to a beggar who does not know what to do with it, and he spreads that all around, and sits beyond because it hurts.  And, when people give bhiksha for him and ask what it is, he says, ‘I don’t know what it is.  Somebody gave.  If you want, take it.’  That’s all!  Or, a beggar who got a huge bag of diamonds; because of no work and he wants to pass the time, he was throwing one by one into the ocean and passing time!  Human society will handle the Buddha like that only!  They don’t know the value. It is Sangha which enjoys the Buddha.....Sangha which enjoys the Buddha.  And the greatest gift Sangha can give to the world is the Dhamma, Dharma.  Take these Upanishads, the highest Dharma, to the world.  
So, with this I bless you all, let you all radiate with integrity, authenticity, responsibility, enriching, causing, living advaita, the Eternal Bliss, Nithyananda. Thank you, Be Blissful.  
Understand, as I said, for the whole Hinduism, the Vedic Tradition, this is the book.  And, for the whole Nithyananda Sampradhaya, this is “THE” book.  So, these satsanghs are going to be the main core message of our Sangha.  The main core message the rishis delivered to the universe, I am repeating to the Universe, and I am repeating to our Sangha.  Understand, later on, crores will watch these recordings, crores will read these books, but blessed are those who get to hear first-hand, directly!  Now billions of people all over the world read Bhagavad Gita.  Blessed are those who heard it directly!  Four people heard it directly: Arjuna, Bhishma, Sanjaya, and Dhritarashtra.  Four people only heard it directly, live: Arjuna and Bhishma directly from [[Krishna]]; Sanjaya through live telecast and two-way video-conferencing!  HAHAHAHAHAHA!  So, understand, blessed are those who enjoy directly, who are going to enjoy directly!  Once these satsanghs are delivered, this book will become the core book not only for our Sangha, but also for the whole Vedic Tradition!
Understand, very politely, one of the greatest spiritual happenings is happening now in the Cosmos through these revelations of Upanishads, the [[Akashic Records]] of the Upanishads getting revealed, through these Akashic Records about the Upanishads getting revealed, the context, pre-text, post-text about the Upanishads getting revealed.  Understand, I am not going to comment; I am just going to explain the context from which the Upanishadic Rishis explained, and the pre-text and the post-text, and repeat it.  I request, all over the world, all of you join as large Sangha as possible and listen.  Don’t just sit in your [[puja]] room and bedroom and try to secretly watch.  Try your best to gather as large Sangha as possible and listen.  It will just awaken you!  Awaken you!  And, try your best to come on two-way, so that I will manage you don’t fall asleep in-between, you are attentive, you are [[listening]], and you are internalizing, and you are intranalyzing, and you are living and radiating.  And, any Kothari, Thanedar, Mahant anywhere from the world, welcome to come and stay in Bidadi and attend the Upanishadic satsanghs.
I am also planning to have just Upanishadic satsanghs, just ONLY Upanishadic satsanghs, on particular Upanishads like Kenopanishad, Kathopanishad, like that.  We will go and sit on the banks of the Ganga in Himalayas, either in Uttarkashi or Rishikesh, have a live relay, live telecast of the Upanishadic satsanghs from those places.  It is a free programme.  Anyone can join.  As I said, knowledge is free.  Soon we will give you the dates.  On the banks of the Ganga we will have a few days the Upanishad sessions, Upanishad satsanghs.  And on the banks of the Godavari we will have a few days Upanishad sessions.  And on the banks of the Narmada we will have a few days the Upanishad sessions.  And on the banks of the Saraswathi.  Saraswathi is seen visibly near Bhadri and Allahabad where she merges with Ganga.  We will have Upanishad satsanghs at different places.  Let us enjoy the Upanishads!  Get ready to enjoy the Upanishads!  Wherever the infrastructure for live relay is available, we will make the Upanishads happen from there.  Let us enjoy the Upanishads from the very land from which it was delivered to the world.  It was delivered to the world between the space of Saraswathi and Ganga.  That is the valley.  That is the space from which these Upanishads have been delivered to the world.
==Video and Audio - Devotional Songs with the Divine Part 1==
{{Audio-Video |
videoUrl=https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nKlWxeOWKuc |
audioUrl=<soundcloud url="https://soundcloud.com/nithyananda-radio/devotional-songs-with-the-1?in=nithyananda-radio/sets/random-playlist-27012021"/>}}
I may continue on Upanishads at least for the next two years!  No one could believe I continued on the Science of Completion for two years.  2012 December I started expanding on the Science of Completion.  And till 2014 December, two full years, I expanded on the Science of Completion.  Now, I will expand on Upanishads; but this is going to be completely mystical, to transmit that [[Shivoham]] experience directly to you.  It is just your bio-memory is being programmed into Upanishads, your DNA is being reorganized into Upanishads, your muscle-memory and bio-memory is being reorganized and rearranged into Upanishads.  Get ready to enjoy Upanishads, and experience Upanishads, radiate Upanishads!  Let us take the world by Upanishadic storm!  Let us take the world by Upanishadic storm!  Let you all become Shiva Ganas receiving Upanishads directly from the space of Mahadeva, and living it, living it, living it!
==Video and Audio - Devotional Songs with the Divine Part 2==
{{Audio-Video |
videoUrl= https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=R08zZWtTN2c |
audioUrl=<soundcloud url="https://soundcloud.com/nithyananda-radio/devotional-songs-with-the?in=nithyananda-radio/sets/random-playlist-27012021"/>}}
The essence of today’s satsangh: Complete with all your old cognitions.  Get ready to have the Cosmic Cognition as your own cognition.
I also wanted all the [[Gurukul]] kids, you will by-heart all these Upanishads.  Every day, before I start each verse, all of you will chant, all of you will chant those verses.  Gurukul kids and the sannyasis, ashramites.  After all, I may expand only on one or two verses a day, not more than that.  I think, that easily can be by-hearted, memorized; that is not a big thing.  Because, by the end of the Upanishadic satsanghs, you should all become Upanishadic acharyas; you should be able to teach Upanishads to the world, context, pre-text, everything about the Upanishads.
So, with this, I bless you all!  Let you all radiate with [[Integrity]], [[Authenticity]], Responsibility, Enriching, [[Causing]] Living Advaitha, the eternal bliss, Nithyananda!  Thank you!  Be blissful!
==Photos From The Day: ==
==Photos ==
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=== Nithya Satsang and Kalpataru darshan ===
{{#hsimg:1|299|Nithya Kirthan|http://nithyananda.org/sites/default/files/photo-gallery/2015-01jan-10th-nithyananda-diary_IMG_4117_bidadi-nithya-kirtan-ashramites-singing.JPG}}
{{#hsimg:1|299| |http://nithyananda.org/sites/default/files/photo-gallery/2015-01jan-10th-nithyananda-diary_IMG_4124_bidadi-swamiji-sitting-blessing.JPG}}
{{#hsimg:1|133|Moorthi of Bhagavan Sri Nithyananda Paramashivam|http://nithyananda.org/sites/default/files/photo-gallery/2015-01jan-10th-nithyananda-diary_IMG_4149_bidadi-utsavamoorthi-of-swami.JPG}}
{{#hsimg:1|133| |http://nithyananda.org/sites/default/files/photo-gallery/2015-01jan-10th-nithyananda-diary_IMG_4150_bidadi-utsavamoorthi-of-swami.JPG}}
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{{#hsimg:1|133| |http://nithyananda.org/sites/default/files/photo-gallery/2015-01jan-10th-nithyananda-diary_IMG_4188_bidadi-swamiji-nithya-satsang.JPG}}
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{{#hsimg:1|299|Kalpataru Darshan|http://nithyananda.org/sites/default/files/photo-gallery/2015-01jan-10th-nithyananda-diary_IMG_4215_bidadi-swamiji-kalpataru-darshan.JPG}}
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{{#hsimg:1|299,785867237687|Nithya Kirthan|http://nithyananda.org/sites/default/files/photo-gallery/2015-01jan-10th-nithyananda-diary_IMG_4117_bidadi-nithya-kirtan-ashramites-singing.JPG}}
=== Rathotsavam ===
{{#hsimg:1|299,785867237687| |http://nithyananda.org/sites/default/files/photo-gallery/2015-01jan-10th-nithyananda-diary_IMG_4124_bidadi-swamiji-sitting-blessing.JPG}}
{{#hsimg:1|149| |http://nithyananda.org/sites/default/files/photo-gallery/2015-01jan-10th-nithyananda-diary_IMG_4102_bidadi-poornakumbha.JPG}}
{{#hsimg:1|133,333333333333|Moorthi of Swami Nithyananda|http://nithyananda.org/sites/default/files/photo-gallery/2015-01jan-10th-nithyananda-diary_IMG_4149_bidadi-utsavamoorthi-of-swami.JPG}}
{{#hsimg:1|257| |http://nithyananda.org/sites/default/files/photo-gallery/2015-01jan-10th-nithyananda-diary_IMG_4249_bidadi-rathotsavam-chariot-procession-swamiji.JPG}}
{{#hsimg:1|133,333333333333| |http://nithyananda.org/sites/default/files/photo-gallery/2015-01jan-10th-nithyananda-diary_IMG_4150_bidadi-utsavamoorthi-of-swami.JPG}}
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{{#hsimg:1|299,785867237687| |http://nithyananda.org/sites/default/files/photo-gallery/2015-01jan-10th-nithyananda-diary_IMG_4182_bidadi-swamiji-nithya-satsang.JPG}}
{{#hsimg:1|299|Chariot Procession|http://nithyananda.org/sites/default/files/photo-gallery/2015-01jan-10th-nithyananda-diary_IMG_4257_bidadi-rathotsavam-chariot-procession.JPG}}
{{#hsimg:1|133,333333333333| |http://nithyananda.org/sites/default/files/photo-gallery/2015-01jan-10th-nithyananda-diary_IMG_4187_bidadi-swamiji-nithya-satsang.JPG}}
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{{#hsimg:1|299,785867237687| |http://nithyananda.org/sites/default/files/photo-gallery/2015-01jan-10th-nithyananda-diary_IMG_4195_bidadi-swamiji-nithya-satsang.JPG}}
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{{#hsimg:1|299,785867237687|Kalpataru Darshan|http://nithyananda.org/sites/default/files/photo-gallery/2015-01jan-10th-nithyananda-diary_IMG_4215_bidadi-swamiji-kalpataru-darshan.JPG}}
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{{#hsimg:1|299,785867237687| |http://nithyananda.org/sites/default/files/photo-gallery/2015-01jan-10th-nithyananda-diary_IMG_4216_bidadi-swamiji-kalpataru-darshan.JPG}}
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{{#hsimg:1|299,785867237687| |http://nithyananda.org/sites/default/files/photo-gallery/2015-01jan-10th-nithyananda-diary_IMG_4020_bidadi-swamiji-kalpataru-darshan.JPG}}
{{#hsimg:1|288,065843621399| |http://nithyananda.org/sites/default/files/photo-gallery/2015-01jan-10th-nithyananda-diary_IMG_4021_bidadi-swamiji-kalpataru-darshan.JPG}}
{{#hsimg:1|271,317829457364| |http://nithyananda.org/sites/default/files/photo-gallery/2015-01jan-10th-nithyananda-diary_IMG_4025_bidadi-swamiji-kalpataru-darshan.JPG}}
{{#hsimg:1|133,333333333333| |http://nithyananda.org/sites/default/files/photo-gallery/2015-01jan-10th-nithyananda-diary_IMG_4230_bidadi-swamiji-kalpataru-darshan.JPG}}
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[[Category: 2010 ]]
==Video - Nithyananda Times==
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== Tags ==
Spirituality,[[Kundalini]],Awakening,Transformation,[[Enlightenment]],Advaita,Upanishads,Paramahamsa Nithyananda,completions,cosmos
[[Category: 2015 | 20150110]] [[Category: Satsang]][[Category: Program ]][[Category: Kalpataru]][[Category: Darshan]][[Category: Devalaya]][[Category:Jayanthi]][[Category: Brahmotsavam]][[Category: Procession ]][[Category: Upanishads]]

Latest revision as of 13:19, 3 February 2021


Upanishad Is The Word Of The Universe


Today’s (10th January, 2015) Morning Satsang continues with the Living Advaita series on Upanishads. Paramahamsa Nithyananda advises everyone to finish off making our completions, dropping all the old cognitions we have about ourselves; we will then be ready to receive the Cosmic Cognitions – Upanishads. Get ready to receive the original cognition from the Cosmos! Watch, Share and Subscribe to our channel to be notified of the next upload click http://www.youtube.com/subscription_center?add_user=lifeblissfoundation to subscribe. visit: http://www.nithyananda.org http://www.nithyananda.tv http://www.innerawakening.org

Video - Upanishad Is the Word of the Universe

Video Audio


(0:15) Nithyānandeshwara samārambhām Nithyānandeshwari madhyamām | Asmat ācārya paryantām Vande Guru Paramparām ||

(0:50) I welcome all the Devotees, Disciples, Samajis, Satsangis, Srimahants, Mahants, Thanedars, Kotharis, visitors, viewers, sitting with us through Nithyananda TV, Sadhna TV, and two-way video conferencing having Nayana Deeksha.

(1:15) The cities sitting with us, through two-way video-conferencing having Nayana Deeksha - Toronto-Thiru Kailaayam, Ohio-Prayag, Seattle-Chidambaram, Houston-Kalahasti, Scottsdale-Arizona, Hyderabad-Gupta Kashi, Oklahoma-Somanatham, Los Angeles-Arunachalam, Nithyananda University-Paris, Charlotte-Srisailam, St. Louis-Tirumala, Morris Plains-New Jersey, Colombo-Sri Lanka, Dubai-Vaidyanatham, Singapore-Singapuram, Vancouver-Canada, Jorpati-Nepal, San Jose-Madurai, London-Kashi, Phillip Island-Australia, Port Washington-New York, Enriching Temple-Bidadi, Guadeloupe-Rameshwaram, Los Angeles-Hollywood, Rajapalayam-Aadheenam, Ohio-Ma Shivananda, San Jose-Madurai, San Antonio-Texas, Winston-Salem, North Carolina and some more cities. I welcome all of you with My love and respects.

(2:34) Today, the seventh day of the Nithyananda Brahmotsavam - Leela of taking the responsibility of Madurai Aadheenam - and today, we have Chariot Festival, ‘Thiru Therottam’ - chariot Festival also is there.

(3:20) Let me enter into the satsang after receiving the blessings of Mahadeva by offering Arati to Mahadeva. Let me enter into today’s satsang. Get ready, I am going to enter into the Upanishad Mantras. Prepare yourself.

(4:26) Please understand. This is the first, foremost, and final words given to the Universe from the Universe; given to humanity from the Cosmos. Listen. This is the first and foremost, and final word. Upanishads are not like Science, every day developing. For example, today a scientist will come and declare something as truth - everyone will agree - that will be considered as truth. People will make their life’s decisions, align everything based on that truth. In ten years, another scientist will come and prove that whole thing as false and declare something else as truth - then people will align their life towards that. Then after five years, somebody else will come and declare that as lie and prove something else as truth.

(5:34) Understand. If the truth is going to be changing tomorrow, it is not truth even today. Upanishads are not like Science which is evolving or changing. It is like a scientist carry a lantern in the thick forest and tell the truths about the forest to the world, ‘ Oh, there are ten trees and two snake and dark.’ When you walk further, ‘No, no, forest is not just ten trees and two snake; it is more than twenty-five trees and two elephants.’ When you walk further, ‘No, no, no, no, no, it is not even twenty-five trees. Trees, trees, trees - any side we turn the lantern, it is trees, trees all around and different types of animals.’ This is what is Science.

(6:41) But, Upanishads are, ‘a rishi sitting and seeing the whole forest in the flash of lightning and describing it’. Understand. The lantern descriptions will always change; but a rishi sitting in the peak of the hill, seeing the whole thing in one flash of lightning and penning it down, is Upanishads. Understand the difference between these two. Upanishads are first, foremost, and final word on truth - first, foremost, and final word on truth. Nothing, nothing like Upanishads, declares all the truths in so close to the heart, in such a closer way to the heart. Such beautiful way to live, user-friendly.

(8:21) Understand. Clean your whole cognition and keep it ready. I am going to reveal the first, foremost, final words given to all of us directly by the Cosmos without any interference of Sons or Prophets or any ambassador. No. No ambassador, not even incarnations, avatars. No. I wanted all of you to know, Gita is ‘considered’ as Upanishads, not Upanishad. Gita is ‘considered’ as Upanishad, not Upanishad. Even the words of the incarnations are not kept in the same level of Upanishads in Hindu Tradition.

(9:32) ‘Shruti’ - ‘heard’. Understand. Upanishads are not ‘said’ by any rishis; it is ‘heard’ by the rishis. Who said it? It’s a Cosmos - sang about itself. So, no Son of God, no ambassador of God, no Prophet of God, no Incarnation of God wrote this book. It is directly, Universe declares about itself universally to the universe.

(10:27) Clear up all your old cognitions about Life. Clear up all your old cognitions about God. Drop all your old cognitions about You. Drop your old cognitions about the World. Drop all your old cognitions and be fresh to receive the original Cosmic Cognition from the Cosmos itself, to plan and live your life as the Cosmos wants you to live.

(11:03) It is so juicy, I tell you. This is the word I should use, the Upanishads are so ‘juicy’ and so ‘spicy’. It is lot of spice, to tell you honestly; it’s not dry book. It gives such amazing understandings. It has lot of juice; it has lot of beauty, it has lot of joy; It’s so full of life. It is so full of life.

(11:57) Each Upanishad mantra is a Cosmic Cognition for you to live as Cosmos. Your relationship with You, your relationship with God, your relationship with Life, your relationship with everything, can be defined and redefined with these Upanishadic mantras - Upanishadic mantras. Upanishadic mantras are far more powerful than any sound you can hear on the Planet Earth - in such powerful vibration, such powerful truths. You are going to receive it. Get ready. Get ready.

(13:35) Maybe you will start hearing about the Upanishadic mantras from the 13th, on the auspicious day of Avatara Dinotsava. Today, all I wanted to tell every one of you, ‘Prepare yourself, clean up all your old cognitions about you, complete with all of them; because you are going to complete with Completion itself. I forgot to talk about ’Completion’, for last so many days. I did not even utter the word, ‘Completion’. Maybe it is time to complete with Completion itself and enter into the ‘Complete Completion’ space - completion with all ‘incompletions’ and ‘completion’ and entering into the space of Complete Completion which Upanishads describe, as the state of the Cosmos, as the state of the Universe.

(15:21) Keep yourself ready for the ‘Cosmic Cognitions’, because each verse of the Upanishads...If I have to give an example, the second verse of the Upanishad says, “Decide to live hundreds of years, living in this liberated way”. Come on! What a life affirmative science this science is! It is not life negative and, every one of your DNA, who hears these mantras will be deciding - supported to decide, and programmed to live hundreds of years, I am telling you.

(16:34) I’ll teach you, not just to, giving you these ‘Cosmic Cognitions’ - making them as core of you, your DNA, your very bio-memory, your very muscle-memory - your very bio-memory, your very muscle-memory. Each of the verse should be heard, loved, cherished, digested, lived, radiated and enriched. Get ready - dropping all the old cognitions to live this new cognition.

(17:41) Tomorrow morning, the ‘Ati Rudra Yagna’, ‘Ati Rudra Maha Yagna’ will be starting. So maybe we will have satsang, little late -we will work on the timings - or, we will not have satsang tomorrow. We will have the satsang day-after-tomorrow. We will have the recorded satsang tomorrow, may not be, live satsang. But from 12th, 13th - we will be continuing the satsang even 12th itself.

(18:23) Removing these old cognitions, and recording these new ‘Cosmic Cognitions’ called ‘Upanishads’ into your very core, into your very DNA, is what I am calling, ‘Cosmic Cognition’. Let us all stand together as a Sangha to spread this Cosmic Cognition to the whole world. Understand. Dhamma is the greatest service we can do to the world. Spreading this Cosmic Cognition to the world is the greatest service we can do to the world. It is Sangha which always enjoys Buddha. But Dhamma is the greatest service to the whole world.

(19:37) Whole world will not enjoy Buddha. Even if you give, they will not know how to enjoy, how to live, how to cherish. It is like a, the diamonds given to a beggar, who does not know what to do with it and he spreads that all around, and sits beyond, because it hurts. And when people give bhiksha for him and ask, ‘What it is?’, ‘I don’t know, whatever, something somebody gave, if you want, take it.’ That’s all. Or a beggar who got a huge bag of diamonds; because of no work and he wants pass time, he was throwing one by one into the ocean and passing time. Human society will handle the Buddha like that only. They do not know the value. It is Sangha which enjoys the Buddha - Sangha which enjoys Buddha - and the greatest gift Sangha can give it to the world is the Dhamma, Dharma.

(21:14) Take these Upanishads - the highest Dharma, to the world. Understand. As I said, for whole Hinduism, Vedic tradition, this is the book and for whole Nithyananda Sampradaya, this is ‘The’ book. So, these satsangs are going to be the main core message of our Sangha. The main core message rishis delivered to the universe, I am repeating to the Universe, and I am repeating to our Sangha.

(22:11) Understand, later on, crores will watch these recordings, crores will read these books. But blessed are those, who get to hear first hand, directly. Now, billions of people all over the world read Bhagavad Gita. Blessed are those who heard it directly. Four people heard it directly - Arjuna, Bhishma, Sanjaya, and Dhritarashtra. Four people only heard it directly, live - Arjuna and Bhishma directly from Krishna, Sanjaya through live telecast and two-way video-conferencing. Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha! So, understand, blessed are those who enjoy it directly, who is going to enjoy it directly. Once these satsangs are delivered, this book will become the core book, not only for our Sangha, for the whole Vedic Tradition.

(24:05) Understand. Very politely, one of the greatest spiritual happening is happening now in the Cosmos through this revelation of Upanishads - the Akashic Records of the Upanishads getting revealed, through these Akashic Records about the Upanishads getting revealed - the context, pre-text, post-text about the Upanishads getting revealed. Understand, I am not going to comment. I am just going to explain the context from which Upanishadic rishis explained and the pre-text and the post-text, and repeat it.

(25:04) I request, all over the world - all of you, join as large Sangha as possible and listen. Don’t just sit in your puja room and bedroom and try to secretly watch. Try your best to gather as large Sangha as possible and listen. This will just awaken you, awaken you and try your best to come on two-way, so that I will manage you don’t fall asleep in between, you are attentive, you are listening, and you are internalizing, and you are intranalyzing, and you are living and radiating. And, any Kothari, Thanedar, Mahant anywhere from the world - welcome to come and stay in Bidadi, attend the Upanishadic satsangs.

(26:34) I am also planning, just to have Upanishadic satsangs - just, only Upanishadic satsang, on particular Upanishads like a Kenopanishad, Kathopanishad, like that. We will go and sit in the banks of Ganga in Himalayas - either in Uttarakashi or in Rishikesh - have the live relay, live telecast of the Upanishadic satsangs from those places. It’s a free program, anyone can join - as I said, knowledge is free. Soon, we will give you dates. On the banks of Ganga, few days we will have the Upanishad sessions, Upanishad satsangs and on the banks of the Godavari we will have few days of Upanishad sessions and on the banks of the Narmada, we will have few days of Upanishad sessions. On the banks of Saraswati - Saraswati is seen visibly near Badri and Allahabad, where she merges with Ganga. We will have Upanishad satsangs at different places. Let’s enjoy the Upanishads. Get ready to enjoy Upanishads.

(28:37) Wherever the infrastructure for live relay is available, we will make the Upanishads happen from there. Let’s enjoy the Upanishads, from the very land from which it was delivered to the world. It was delivered to the world between the space of Saraswati and Ganga - that is the valley. That is a space from which these Upanishads have been delivered to the world.

(29:15) I may continue on Upanishads at least for next two years. No one could believe I continued on Science of Completion for two years. 2012 December I started expanding on the Science of Completion and till 2014 December - two full years, I expanded on Science of Completion.

(29:49) Now, I’ll expand on Upanishads. But this is going to be completely mystical, to transmit that Shivoham experience directly to you. It is just your bio-memory is being programmed into Upanishads; your DNA is being reorganized into Upanishads; your muscle-memory and bio-memory is being reorganized and rearranged into Upanishads. Get ready to enjoy Upanishads and experience Upanishads, radiate Upanishads. Let us take the world by Upanishadic storm. Let’s take the world by Upanishadic storm. Let you all become Shiva Ganas - receiving Upanishads directly from the space of Mahadeva and living it, living it, living it.

(31:13) Essence of today’s satsang, ‘Complete with all your old cognitions. Get ready to have the Cosmic Cognition as your own cognition’. And I also wanted all the Gurukul kids - you will by-heart all these Upanishads everyday - before I start the each verse, all of you will chant, all of you will chant those verses. Gurukul kids and the sannyasis, ashramites. After all, I may expand only on one or two verses a day, not more than that. I think that easily can be by-hearted, memorized - that is not a big thing - because, by the end of the Upanishadic satsang, you should all become Upanishadic Acharyas. You should be able to teach Upanishads to the world - context, pre-text - everything about the Upanishads.

(32:40) So, with this, I bless you all. Let you all radiate with Integrity, Authenticity, Responsibility, Enriching, Causing, Living Advaita. The Eternal Bliss. Nithyananda. Thank you. Be blissful. (33:08)

Video and Audio - Prepare Yourself for Upanishads

In this video Supreme Pontiff of Hinduism HDH Nithyananda Paramashivam describes Upanishads as the first, foremost and final word on truth. The Upanishadic Mantras are given to humanity directly from the Cosmos; and are far more powerful than any sound that can be heard on planet earth. HDH asks delegates to clear all old cognitions about life, God, self and the world; and be fresh to receive the original Cosmic cognitions from the Cosmos.

Video Audio



Nithyānandeshwara samārambhām Nithyānandeshwari madhyamām | Asmat ācārya paryantām Vande Guru Paramparām ||

I welcome all the devotees, disciples, samajis, satsangis, Srimahants, Mahants, Thanedars, Kotharis, visitors, viewers, sitting with us through Nithyananda-TV, Sadhna-TV, and two-way video conferencing having Nayana Deeksha.

The cities sitting with us, through two-way video-conferencing having Nayana Deeksha - Toronto-Thiru Kailaayam, Ohio-Prayag, Seattle-Chidambaram, Houston-Kalahasti, Scottsdale-Arizona, Hyderabad-Gupta Kashi, Oklahoma-Somanatham, Los Angeles-Arunachalam, Nithyananda University-Paris, Charlotte-Srisailam, St. Louis-Tirumala, Morris Plains-New Jersey, Colombo-Sri Lanka, Dubai-Vaidyanatham, Singapore-Singapuram, Vancouver-Canada, Jorpati-Nepal, San Jose-Madurai, London-Kashi, and Phillip Island-Australia, Port Washington-New York, Enriching Temple-Bidadi, Guadeloupe-Rameshwaram, Los Angeles-Hollywood, Rajapalayam-Aadheenam, Ohio-Ma Shivananda, San Jose-Madurai, San Antonio-Texas, Winston-Salem-North Carolina and some more cities. I welcome all of you with My love and respects.


Today, the seventh day of the Nithyananda Brahmotsavam - Leela of taking the responsibility of Madurai Aadheenam - and today we have chariot festival, ‘Thiru Therottam’ - chariot festival also is there. Let me enter into the satsang after receiving the blessings of Mahadeva by offering Arati to Mahadeva. Let me enter into today’s satsang. Get ready, I am going to enter into the Upanishad Mantras. Prepare yourself.


Please understand. This is the first, foremost, and final words given to the Universe from the Universe; given to humanity from the Cosmos. Listen. This is the first and foremost, and final word. Upanishads are not like science, every day developing. For example, today a scientist will come and declare something as truth - everyone will agree - that will be considered as truth. People will make their life’s decisions, align everything based on that truth. In ten years, another scientist will come and prove that whole thing as false and declare something else as truth - then people will align their life towards that. Then after five years, somebody else will come and declare that as lie and prove something else as truth.


Understand. If the truth is going to be changing tomorrow, it is not truth even today. Upanishads are not like science which is evolving or changing. It is like a scientist carry a lantern in the thick forest and tell the truths about the forest to the world, "Oh, there are ten trees and two snake and dark." When you walk further, "No, no, forest is not just ten trees and two snake; it is more than twenty-five trees and two elephants." When you walk further, "No, no, no, no, no, it is not even twenty-five trees. Trees, trees, trees - any side we turn the lantern, it is trees, trees all around and different types of animals." This is what is science.


But, Upanishads are ‘a rishi sitting and seeing the whole forest in the flash of lightning and describing it’. Understand. The lantern descriptions will always change; but a rishi sitting in the peak of the hill, seeing the whole thing in one flash of lightning and penning it down, is Upanishads. Understand the difference between these two. Upanishads are first, foremost, and final word on truth - first, foremost, and final word on truth. Nothing, nothing like Upanishads - declares all the truths in so close to the heart, in such a closer way to the heart. Such beautiful way to live, user-friendly.


Understand. Clean your whole cognition and keep it ready. I am going to reveal the first, foremost, final words given to all of us directly by the Cosmos without any interference of sons or prophets or any ambassador. No. No ambassador, not even incarnations, avatars. No. I wanted all of you to know, Gita is ‘considered’ as Upanishads, not Upanishad. Gita is ‘considered’ as Upanishad, not Upanishad. Even the words of the incarnations are not kept in the same level of Upanishads in Hindu Tradition.


‘Shruti’ - ‘heard’. Understand. Upanishads are not ‘said’ by any rishis; it is ‘heard’ by the rishis. Who said it? It’s a Cosmos - sang about itself. So, no son of God, no ambassador of God, no Prophet of God, no Incarnation of God wrote this book. It is directly Universe declares about itself universally to the universe.


Clear up all your old cognitions about life. Clear up all your old cognitions about God. Drop all your old cognitions about you. Drop your old cognitions about the world. Drop all your old cognitions and be fresh to receive the original Cosmic cognition from the Cosmos itself, to plan and live your life as the Cosmos wants you to live.


It is so juicy, I tell you. This is the word I should use, the Upanishads are so ‘juicy’ and so ‘spicy’. It is lot of spice, to tell you honestly; it’s not dry book. It gives such amazing understandings. It has lot of juice; it has lot of beauty, it has lot of joy; It’s so full of life. It is so full of life.


Each Upanishad mantra is a Cosmic cognition for you to live as Cosmos. Your relationship with you, your relationship with God, your relationship with life, your relationship with everything, can be defined and redefined with these Upanishadic mantras - Upanishadic mantras. Upanishadic mantras are far more powerful than any sound you can hear on the planet earth - in such powerful vibration, such powerful truths. You are going to receive it. Get ready. Get ready.


Maybe you will start hearing about the Upanishadic mantras from the 13th, on the auspicious day of Avatara Dinotsava. Today, all I wanted to tell every one of you: prepare yourself, clean up all your old cognitions about you, complete with all of them; because you are going to complete with Completion itself. I forgot to talk about ’Completion’, for last so many days. I did not even utter the word, ‘Completion’. Maybe it is time to complete with Completion itself and enter into the ‘Complete Completion’ space - completion with all ‘incompletions’ and ‘completion’ and entering into the space of Complete Completion which Upanishads describe as the state of the Cosmos, as the state of the universe.


Keep yourself ready for the ‘Cosmic Cognitions’, because each verse of the Upanishads...If I have to give an example, the second verse of the Upanishad says, “Decide to live hundreds of years, living in this liberated way.” Come on! What a life affirmative science this science is! It is not life negative and, every one of your DNA, who hears these mantras will be deciding - supported to decide, and programmed to live hundreds of years, I am telling you.


I will teach you, not just to giving you these ‘Cosmic Cognitions’ - making them as core of you, your DNA, your very bio-memory, your very muscle-memory - your very bio-memory, your very muscle-memory. Each of the verse should be heard, loved, cherished, digested, lived, radiated and enriched. Get ready - dropping all the old cognitions to live this new cognition.


Removing these old cognitions, and recording these new ‘Cosmic Cognitions’ called ‘Upanishads’ into your very core, into your very DNA, is what I am calling, ‘Cosmic Cognition’.


Video and Audio - Prepare Yourself for Upanishads

Video Audio


(00:15) Let us all stand together as a Sangha to spread this Cosmic cognition to the whole world. Understand, Dhamma is the greatest service we can do to the world. Spreading this Cosmic cognition to the world, is the greatest service we can do to the world.

(00:44) It is Sanga, which always enjoys Buddha, but Dhamma is the greatest service to the whole world. Whole world will not enjoy Buddha, even if you give, they will not know how to enjoy, how to live, how to cherish. It is like a, the diamonds given to a beggar, who does not know what to do with it and it spreads it all around and sits beyond, because it hurts (laughing and showing his palms).

(01:27) And when people give Bhiksha for him and ask what it is “I don't know, whatever, something somebody give. If you want take it, that's all.” Or a beggar who got a huge bag of diamonds, because of no work and he wants time, past time, he was throwing one by one into the ocean and passing time. Human society will handle open the Buddha like that only. They do not know the value. It is Sangha which enjoys the Buddha. (delegates clapping)

(02:15) Sangha which enjoys Buddha and the greatest gift Sangha can give it to the world is Dhamma, Dharma. Take these Upanishads, the highest Dharma... to the world. Understand, as I said, for whole Hinduism, Vedic tradition, this is the book and for whole Nithyananda Sampradaya this is THE book… So, these Satsangs are going to be the main core message of our Sangha. The main core message Rishis delivered to the Universe, I am repeating to the Universe and I am repeating to our Sangha.

(03:28) Understand, later on crores will watch these recordings, crores will read these books, but blessed are those who get to hear first hand, directly. (delegates clapping) Now billions of people all over the read… world read Bhagavad Gita, blessed are those, who heard it directly. (delegates clapping)

(04:10) Four people heard it directly; Arjuna, Bhishma, Sanjaya and Dhritarashtra. Four people only heard it directly, live. Arjuna and Bhishma directly from Krishna. Sanjaya through live telecast and two-way video conferencing (laughing). So understand, blessed are those, who enjoy directly, who are going to enjoy directly. Once these Satsangs are delivered, this book will become the core book.

(05:19) Not only for our Sangha, for the whole Vedic tradition. (delegates clapping) Understand, very politely, one of the greatest spiritual happening is happening now in the Cosmos, through this revelation of Upanishads. (delegates clapping) The Akashic records about the Upanishads getting revealed, thorough these Akashic records about the Upanishads getting revealed… The context, pretext, post text about the Upanishads getting revealed.

(06:23) Understand, I am not going to comment, I am just going to explain the context from which the Upanishadic Rishis explained and the pretext and the post text... and repeat it. I request all over the world, all of you join as large Sangha as possible and listen. Don't just sit in your Puja room and bedroom and try to secretly watch. Try your best to gather as large Sangha as possible and listen. This will just awaken you. Awaken you, and try your best to come on two-way so that I will manage you don't fall asleep in between. (laughing)

(07:38) You are attentive, your listening and your internalising and your internalising and your living and radiating. The Upanishadic Satsangs, I am also planning just to have Upanishadic Satsangs, just only Upanishadic Satsang. And particular Upanishads like a Kena Upanishad, Katho Upanishad, like that will go and sit on the banks of Ganga in Himalayas, either in uttarKashi or in Rishikesh. Have the live relay, life telecast of the Upanishadic Satsang from those places. (delegates clapping)

(08:42) It’s a free program, anyone can join. As I said, knowledge is free. On the banks of Ganga, few days we will have the Upanishad sessions, Upanishad Satsangs and on the banks of Godavari we will have few days of Upanishad sessions, and on the banks of Narmada we will have few days of Upanishad sessions. On the banks of Saraswati… Saraswati is seen visible near Badri and Allahabad, where she merges with Ganga. We will have Upanishad Satsangs at different places.

(09:45) Let’s enjoy Upanishadssss. Get ready to enjoy Upanishads. (delegates clapping)... Let’s enjoy the Upanishads from the very land from which it was delivered to the world. It was delivered to the world between the space of Saraswati and Ganga. That is the valley. That is the space from which these Upanishads are been delivered to the world.

(10:57) I may continue on Upanishads at least for next few years. (delegates clapping) No one could have believed I continued on science of completion for two years. 2012 December I started expanding on the science of completion and till 2014 December, two full years I expanded on science of completion. (delegates clapping) Now I’ll expand on Upanishads, but this is going to be completely mystical. To transmit that Shivoham experience directly to you. It is just your bio memories being programmed into Upanishads. Your DNA is being reorganised into Upanishads. Your muscle memories and bio memory is being reorganised and rearranged into Upanishads.

(12:12) Get ready to enjoy Upanishads and experience Upanishads, radiate Upanishads. Let us take the world by Upanishadic storm. Let’s take the world by Upanishadic storm... Let you all become Shiva Ganas, receiving Upanishads directly from the space of Mahadeva and living it, living it, living it...

(13:34) Essence of today Satsang; Complete with all your old cognitions, get ready to have the Cosmic cognition as your own cognition. (delegates clapping) And I also wanted all the Gurukul kids, you will by heart all these Upanishads everyday, before I start each verse, all of you will chant. (delegates clapping) All of you will chant those verses. Gurukul kid and the Sanyasis, ashramites. After all, I may expand on only one or two verses a day, not more than that. I think that easily can be by hearted, memoriest, that is not a big thing. Because by the end of the Upanishadic Satsang, you should all become Upanishadic acharyas. (delegates clapping) You should be able to teach Upanishads to the world. Context, pretext, everything about the Upanishads.

(15:08) So, with this I bless you all, let you all radiate with integrity, authenticity, responsibility, enriching, causing, living advaita, the Eternal Bliss, Nithyananda. Thank you, Be Blissful. (15:29)

Video and Audio - Devotional Songs with the Divine Part 1

Video Audio

Video and Audio - Devotional Songs with the Divine Part 2

Video Audio


Nithya Satsang and Kalpataru darshan

Nithya Kirthan http://nithyananda.org/sites/default/files/photo-gallery/2015-01jan-10th-nithyananda-diary_IMG_4124_bidadi-swamiji-sitting-blessing.JPG Moorthi of Bhagavan Sri Nithyananda Paramashivam http://nithyananda.org/sites/default/files/photo-gallery/2015-01jan-10th-nithyananda-diary_IMG_4150_bidadi-utsavamoorthi-of-swami.JPG http://nithyananda.org/sites/default/files/photo-gallery/2015-01jan-10th-nithyananda-diary_IMG_4182_bidadi-swamiji-nithya-satsang.JPG http://nithyananda.org/sites/default/files/photo-gallery/2015-01jan-10th-nithyananda-diary_IMG_4187_bidadi-swamiji-nithya-satsang.JPG http://nithyananda.org/sites/default/files/photo-gallery/2015-01jan-10th-nithyananda-diary_IMG_4188_bidadi-swamiji-nithya-satsang.JPG http://nithyananda.org/sites/default/files/photo-gallery/2015-01jan-10th-nithyananda-diary_IMG_4194_bidadi-swamiji-nithya-satsang.JPG http://nithyananda.org/sites/default/files/photo-gallery/2015-01jan-10th-nithyananda-diary_IMG_4195_bidadi-swamiji-nithya-satsang.JPG http://nithyananda.org/sites/default/files/photo-gallery/2015-01jan-10th-nithyananda-diary_IMG_4210_bidadi-swamiji-nithya-satsang.JPG Kalpataru Darshan http://nithyananda.org/sites/default/files/photo-gallery/2015-01jan-10th-nithyananda-diary_IMG_4216_bidadi-swamiji-kalpataru-darshan.JPG http://nithyananda.org/sites/default/files/photo-gallery/2015-01jan-10th-nithyananda-diary_IMG_4221_bidadi-swamiji-kalpataru-darshan.JPG http://nithyananda.org/sites/default/files/photo-gallery/2015-01jan-10th-nithyananda-diary_IMG_4020_bidadi-swamiji-kalpataru-darshan.JPG http://nithyananda.org/sites/default/files/photo-gallery/2015-01jan-10th-nithyananda-diary_IMG_4021_bidadi-swamiji-kalpataru-darshan.JPG http://nithyananda.org/sites/default/files/photo-gallery/2015-01jan-10th-nithyananda-diary_IMG_4025_bidadi-swamiji-kalpataru-darshan.JPG http://nithyananda.org/sites/default/files/photo-gallery/2015-01jan-10th-nithyananda-diary_IMG_4230_bidadi-swamiji-kalpataru-darshan.JPG http://nithyananda.org/sites/default/files/photo-gallery/2015-01jan-10th-nithyananda-diary_IMG_4059_bidadi-swamiji-kalpataru-darshan.JPG http://nithyananda.org/sites/default/files/photo-gallery/2015-01jan-10th-nithyananda-diary_IMG_4060_bidadi-swamiji-kalpataru-darshan.JPG http://nithyananda.org/sites/default/files/photo-gallery/2015-01jan-10th-nithyananda-diary_IMG_4243_bidadi-swamiji-standing-blessing.JPG http://nithyananda.org/sites/default/files/photo-gallery/2015-01jan-10th-nithyananda-diary_IMG_4247_bidadi-swamiji-standing-blessing.JPG


http://nithyananda.org/sites/default/files/photo-gallery/2015-01jan-10th-nithyananda-diary_IMG_4102_bidadi-poornakumbha.JPG http://nithyananda.org/sites/default/files/photo-gallery/2015-01jan-10th-nithyananda-diary_IMG_4249_bidadi-rathotsavam-chariot-procession-swamiji.JPG http://nithyananda.org/sites/default/files/photo-gallery/2015-01jan-10th-nithyananda-diary_IMG_4254_bidadi-rathotsavam-chariot-procession-swamiji.JPG Chariot Procession http://nithyananda.org/sites/default/files/photo-gallery/2015-01jan-10th-nithyananda-diary_IMG_4280_bidadi-rathotsavam-chariot-procession.JPG http://nithyananda.org/sites/default/files/photo-gallery/2015-01jan-10th-nithyananda-diary_IMG_4286_bidadi-rathotsavam-chariot-procession.JPG http://nithyananda.org/sites/default/files/photo-gallery/2015-01jan-10th-nithyananda-diary_IMG_4149_bidadi-rathotsavam-chariot-procession.JPG http://nithyananda.org/sites/default/files/photo-gallery/2015-01jan-10th-nithyananda-diary_IMG_4297_bidadi-rathotsavam-chariot-procession.JPG http://nithyananda.org/sites/default/files/photo-gallery/2015-01jan-10th-nithyananda-diary_IMG_4300_bidadi-rathotsavam-chariot-procession.JPG http://nithyananda.org/sites/default/files/photo-gallery/2015-01jan-10th-nithyananda-diary_IMG_4302_bidadi-rathotsavam-chariot-procession.JPG http://nithyananda.org/sites/default/files/photo-gallery/2015-01jan-10th-nithyananda-diary_IMG_4303_bidadi-rathotsavam-chariot-procession.JPG

Video - Nithyananda Times


Spirituality,Kundalini,Awakening,Transformation,Enlightenment,Advaita,Upanishads,Paramahamsa Nithyananda,completions,cosmos