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Vision for an Ideal Spiritual Community (Sangha)
== Description: ==
In today’s morning [[satsang]], Paramahamsa Nithyananda emphasizes the crucial importance of helping others to realize the four tattvas – truths – of enlightened living and to manifest them into sattva – material reality. This is the purpose of awakening the [[kundalini]]. When kundalini is awakened, the new source of energy becomes available to support the sharing of these tattvas with the whole world. The root [[pattern]] of suffering can be erased in people by the implementation of this wisdom. Physical service is helpful as a beginning – free food, [[education]], health – but the real healing flourishes with the transmission of these truths.
==Link to Video: ==  
==Link to Video: ==  
videoUrl=https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wa_Rt9wRfyU |
audioUrl=<soundcloud url="https://soundcloud.com/nithyananda-radio/2013-01jan-29_vision-for-an-ideal-spiritual-community-sangha-nithyananda"/>
==Transcript: ==
nithyānandeśvara samārambhām
nithyānandeśvari madhyamām |
asmat āchārya paryantām
vande guru paramparām ||
|alignment=center }}
I welcome you all with My love and respects.
I welcome all the devotees, disciples, Samajis, Satsangis sitting with us around the world at this moment 412 places through Nithyananda TV and 32 places two way video conferencing having Nayana Deeksha, in 222 cities and 24 countries around the world.
Cities sitting with us in two way video conferencing having Nayana Deeksha:
Ohio Prayag, Thiruvannamalai Arunachalam, Vancouver Puri, San Jose Madurai, Los Angeles Arunachalam, Shaarja, Seattle Chidambaram, Toronto Kailasam, Oklahoma Somanatham, Vancouver Puri, Hyderabad Bhagyanagaram, Phoenix Kancheepuram, Ohio Shivananda, Kumbhapuri-Mahakumbhapuri Allahabad Prayag. We have Prayag and Ohio Prayag and Arunachalam and Los Angeles Arunachalam and San Jose Madurai and Madurai also soon. Alwarpet Chennai, Hyderabad Shree, Dubai Thirukkovilur, Oman Sivagangai, Lawspet Pondicherry, London Kashi, Hong Kong. Hong Kong, I give them spiritual name, Hong Kong – Seerkazhi, that is one of my favorite place, Gnanasambandar’s birth place. Soon we will have temple in Hong Kong. Ma, send the spelling SIRKALI or ZHI. Hmm, kumkum materialized! SEERKAZHI, yes right, Seerkazhi, blessings! Where Gnanasambandar was born and brought up, of course in a very young age he left Seerkazhi and started travelling. Charlotte Srisailam, St. Louis Thirumala, Austin, Singapore Singapuram, Guadeloupe Rameshwaram, St. Julien France, New York Varanasi, Dakota Dunes, Atlanta Ujjaini, Bangalore North, Paris Home temple - Ananda France, Louisville Kentucky, that’s it, hmm?
I bless you all with My love and blessings. I welcome all of you with My love and blessings.
== Description: ==
Today, Brahmanyam Bahuputratam, 2nd batch, 4th day successfully!
I can really see people are becoming more and more integrated. One integrated authentic disciple is equivalent to, I can say that one thousand followers and hundred crore rupee or anything more you can add. So, whenever a ashramite or brahmachari opens up to do prayaschitta, I am so happy, please understand, I am so happy! It’s not that I don’t know what fraudulence, they are all now very clear they want to realign, restore integrity, restore authenticity. There is every possibility they would have been lost; they would have been lost. In that same inauthenticity, they could have been lost. And, if they are lost, for that also I am only responsible. Now I am so happy we have created the ambience where people are able to practice integrity and authenticity.
See earlier, if they were not able to practice this authenticity and integrity, for that also I feel I am only responsible. The ambience also was not conducive. But, authentic person has to stand whether ambience is conducive or not, that is their responsibility. But, for they not being responsible also I am responsible. We had this big discussion in taking responsibility. Now I can see, one thing I am so happy, these brahmacharis would have never dared to tell all these openly to Me earlier. The one big success is, they are able to open up and tell Me and then they are ready for prayaschitta, any prayaschitta. I tell you, this is one of My biggest success. Now I know we will not perish! Because the ambience also should be made available such a way that authenticity and integrity is constantly restored even if you fall.
Listen: that is the... Sangha is a place where the tattvas are taught to you and till it becomes satya, you are supported. Please understand, it is not that tattvas are dumped on you and no support is provided, means no; then tattva cannot become satya. Till the tattva becomes satya, sangha is expected to support them. I feel now only we are doing that work. Only now we are doing that work. Supporting every individual to make the tattva into satya. It’s not that we do not know all these principles of authenticity and integrity, now only we are creating a ambience for them to restore even if they have fallen and realign, evolve, evolve, evolve!
I am really so happy that finally successfully we are evolving with the tattvas which helps every individual to restore their authenticity and integrity and evolve, evolve, evolve. Now I know, no stone will be thrown out as a waste piece. Every stone will become diamond! No, a successful Sangha should be like that only. A successful Sangha should be such, we go on supporting, supporting, supporting with a tremendous patience, with that tattva of not giving up on ourselves and people and helping every individual to restore their authenticity.
What is Prayaschitta? Prayaschitta is nothing but restoring your authenticity and integrity and taking Responsibility not to fall again. And, if you have damaged somebody in your inauthenticity, completing with them and restoring their authenticity also. For e.g. you abused the Master with somebody, they lost connection; till you restore their authenticity and connection back, you will not have prayaschitta. So, when somebody is ready for prayaschitta, it is so nice. I tell you, for one brahmachari, or one brahmacharini or one disciple to become authentic, I can spend hundred crore. It is worth, worth! Of course, I want to make it clear I don’t have hundred crore and all, this IT dept fellows should not think I am sitting on so many hundred crore. 😃 I am saying, it is worthy of even thousands of crore. Because, just that one small shift, one consciousness is going to become Enlightened! Only one small shift, one small decision. The seed is going to decide whether to sprout or not, that one small, that one moment decision that makes whether it is going to become a Banyan tree which is standing and blessing thousands of people or dead seed. I am hundred percent sure along with this Banyan tree seed, there would have been few hundreds more seeds sown. This seed decided to become Authentic. Just that one small decision. All great things happen just by one small decision, nothing more, whether you are going to achieve the true end of the life or wrong end of the life.
In today’s morning satsang, Paramahamsa Nithyananda emphasizes the crucial importance of helping others to realize the four tattvas – truths – of enlightened living and to manifest them into sattva – material reality. This is the purpose of awakening the kundalini. When kundalini is awakened, the new source of energy becomes available to support the sharing of these tattvas with the whole world. The root pattern of suffering can be erased in people by the implementation of this wisdom. Physical service is helpful as a beginning – free food, education, health – but the real healing flourishes with the transmission of these truths.  
I was so happy, I tell you, I was so happy. I just felt, wow, this one guy is going to save himself and become enlightened. And, there are some more frail fellows who have done a very fraudulence and Guru droha, Guru dosha and all that, they are all just sitting, looking at them only I am laughing. When are these fellows going to align or I feel, when am I going to create a comfort zone for these fellows also to come out and restore their integrity and authenticity? I am successful in one level, for making few people restore their integrity and authenticity. If I can be little more successful, helping even some more few who are yet to reclaim, realign, restore their integrity and authenticity, it will be great!
Sangha should be a mechanism where every individual is supported to restore their integrity and authenticity. Yesterday, when we were discovering many ashramites’ root patterns, I was telling them, ‘before I liberate you guys, you guys have to liberate Me’, because each one projects their engrams on Me, root thought patterns on Me. First only when you liberate Me I can liberate you. But I am so happy, really happy that Sangha is evolving. Sangha is not totality of human beings, understand. Sangha is the place where these tattvas are lived by many people and where constantly everyone supports the other to live these tattvas and radiate these tattvas. Only now, I can see people are helping each other to restore integrity, restore authenticity. But still we have to evolve one step further, restoring responsibility. For that we should support each other, and then enriching ourself and others, for that we should support each other; then sangha becomes a independent living mechanism. Till now the sangha receives energy from My umbilical cord, it has not become a born child, still I am only carrying it in My womb. I am just pregnant with the sangha, not yet delivered.
== Tags: ==
Paramahamsa Nithyananda, truth, enlightened living, material, reality, kundalini, energy, world, wisdom, physical, food, education, health, healing.
Ma Girija, Shivananada, Ma Shivapriya go for Bodhi Dharma’s teertha. Shivananda, I told actually Shivapriya, by mistake I told your name, you sit, sit, you did not sleep. Instead of Shivapriya I said Shivananda. Jnanatma that glass you have na, that cup show Me. It doesn’t make tea cool na? It keeps hot, am I right, sometime? I think for all ashramites you can give one, one cup like that. They can just have it, before the satsang itself they can fill and bring it and keep. See the purpose is not to sleep. Any help available, which is a vegetarian, we can always have it. Tea is after all vegetarian and does not harm the body.
Hey, all the ashramites, I stopped protein for you guys because Shiv has sent me a research which proves that protein which many of you guys are taking, even I was taking, can damage the brain in the long run. I thought after all that... we don’t have that problem because we don’t have 😃, but in future we may grow brain, 😃that time there should not be any side effects 😃. That is the reason I stopped. We can go for some natural, like ragi and that kind of things. 😃
==Transcript: ==
Vision for an ideal Spiritual Community ([[Sangha]])
When you decide not to give up on people and yourself, suddenly the new ambience is created, and I commit with all you guys, in front of the sangha, keeping Kalabhairava as witness, I am going to handle everybody only with these four tattvas, not giving up on people and taking responsibility.
Prayaschitta also, they will have to decide, I am not going to decide. You’ll see, we will build a sangha like that. It is possible, it is possible. I am so happy my vision is becoming reality. It is flowering, flowering, flowering. We are able to help each other to restore their authenticity. Next, we should be able to support each other to take the responsibility and then we should be able to support each other not to give up on ourself and others. Then I can say, I delivered the sangha. Sangha has become an independent intelligence which can attract people, give them these tattvas, make them live these tattvas into satya. I can say then it will become nation building energy. It can really become the energy building Bharat. My vision by 2020, country should be called as BHARAT!
As you all know, already I committed and declared also, with 10,000 sanyasis going for parirvrajaka yatra that one full year. 2020, full year, from Kanyakumari to Kashmir, by walk, 10,000 sanyasis. That is the vision, understand. Every place we were supposed to stay, we will have an ashram or we’ll create one. This is My declaration with integrity, authenticity and Responsibility and My commitment to Enrich Myself and others. We will do it! Only then it will become a nation building energy. The energy revives the Sanatana Dharma. The Vedic tradition, tradition from which the Hinduism and Buddhism and Jainism, everything evolved.
I want each one of you to become a space where not only you live these satyas of integrity, authenticity, Responsibility and Enriching. Even the people who come in your space, you are able to make them live these tattvas and satyas. Only then, you become an authentic being. Taking responsibility again and again. I can see whenever I shift, I take the responsibility for his inauthenticity. Just like healing, his inauthenticity just gets destroyed. See, when somebody comes, that is what I do. I take responsibility for their karma, then My body just destroys, my bio-memory just destroys that karma, that’s all. It’s not that I gave them the disease, they only brought the disease on themself, but I take the responsibility for their inauthenticity with their body. Taking responsibility for their body is very easy because body just listens to the higher energy, but mind does not listen that easily. Now, the real thing is taking responsibility for their mental inauthenticity also, that is the real fun. That is where the sangha evolves.
So when each one of you who are established in this satyas, each one of you are the moving sangha, the moving temple. Then nothing is required, just go and sit anywhere, around you the sangha will happen. You will become the source for people, people’s inspiration.
Morning Satsang - January 29, 2013
And, I also commit with you guys, I’ll never ever keep in my mind or heart, any of their confessions or acceptance when they restore their integrity and authenticity and will not punish them indirectly or directly anytime now or later. I will only support them to restore their integrity and authenticity, and if any prayaschitta has to be done, they have to decide, not Me. They have to evolve. I’ll only give them the intelligence about prayaschitta. Prayaschitta is for what, for your bio-memory not to go in the same inauthentic way, and restore the damages you did for others or for sangha. Then you plan, with your own authenticity, you come up how you will do it and you restore. If you feel ‘just by my commitment I have restored, I have done my prayaschitta, I don’t need to do anything else’, then perfect, go ahead. It is finally you who is important not anything else. As I said, one person to become authentic, I can waste even hundred crore; because even if few authentic beings are left to live in this world, I know for sure the torch which I lit, which I brought to the world will be kept alive forever. That’s all. Everywhere the light of authenticity is what keeps you live and radiates light for others to live.
Vision for an Ideal Spiritual Community (Sangha) - Nithyananda Part 2
Sadashiva samarambhaam
Gnanasambanda madhyamaam
Now I can see some more cities, London Kashi, Priyankananda-Malaysia and Dhyanatma. Blessings to all you guys.
What for these whole places ? It’s only for supporting people to live these tattvas into satyas... helping people. So now, with these new tattvas, you guys have to look and reorganize, rearrange every rule we created for the sangha. In each department you should reorganize.
Now I can see Tejo also, Rishi Tejo... airport? Hong Kong airport, wow, this is authenticity ma, this is integrity. Wherever you are, if there is a possibility don’t miss it.
I tell you, again and again bring more and more authenticity and responsibility in every one of our thinking, feeling, living. It is so nice. I can see now everybody in the sangha feels so secured that they will be handled only with these tattvas. Thanks to the people who give Me input and execute My words. They all have started picking up these tattvas. They all have started picking up these tattvas. Even they talk only in the language of Prayaschitta, no punishment. Prayaschitta means, restoring the completion of your chitta. Chitta means mind- inner space. Restoring the completion in your inner space is Prayaschitta. I am seeing people have started ‘listening’, ‘listening’.
When really the ashram overflows, no place for people to stay, only then I can understand that all of you have taken all the tattvas into satya. Ten thousand sanyasis are living, we don’t have place, we have to build more, more, more, then I can be sure. See, even in your body language you need to show to the people we are here only to give you the tattvas and make it into satya and we will give you a complete authentic, honest, loving support till it becomes satya in you.
I can see, in personal practices people are becoming so authentic and integrated, I wanted to talk only about this subject today, because you guys don’t know this, how important. Half an hour early all of you are waking up without complaining and coming authentically to the sabha and doing it very sincerely. See, that one and a half hours if you have a long breathing, simply the body will go to the high energy and simply that brahmacharya will happen. Brahmacharya is nothing but being always in high energy, that’s all. Understand, I am defining, ‘Brahmacharya is nothing but being authentic with your high energy’, that’s all, that’s all. Only when you feel the low energy, you need the other person’s presence in your life. Brahmacharya is nothing but being authentic with your high energy and it simply happens! Just like that happens!
How many of you guys authentically cognize, feel in your heart My vision about 2020? So, we’ll make 10,000 sanyasis? And, build our bodies also to do one year parivrajaka. We should be very sure that what we are living is the best, only then we will have confidence to share it with others, ‘this is best, do it’. Only then it will reverberate in his heart. Only then it will become his satya. Helping every individual to find their root patterns of suffering and completing them, helping them to complete with themself and others. Completion can happen in three ways: One – ‘Swapoornatva’, completing with you and completing with others, and ‘Catharsis’. See, there are some patterns like, your incompletion with tree, river, fear of flood, ghost, these all leaves you only by catharsis and then finally ‘Unclutching’ – helping beings to flower. There’s a beautiful description, when Mahavira walks all the desert will suddenly flower and bloom. It's a very beautiful description. That’s the way it should be. When all 10,000 of us walk, that desert human minds should blossom and celebrate the bliss.
Asmadaachaarya Paryanataam
Vande Guru Paramparaam
Understand, it is we who should take the responsibility, even for the inauthenticity of the others. We cannot say, ‘if he is not believing our principles cut his head’, no! ‘convert or kill’, No! We should only take the responsibility even for he not understanding or transforming. Inauthentic... if somebody is inauthentic, we are responsible for it. Let’s take it up, that’s our life. After all that is the way life expands. Everyone should know everything they are doing is nothing but enriching. A agriculturist should know he is enriching the humanity through his products. The money he gets is nothing but keeping the cycle alive for that. If he knows that end of the life when he leaves the remaining thing, he knows, ‘eh I enriched’, whatever is remaining, let the next generation take this and enrich and continue to enrich.
I welcome you all with my love and respects.
Enlightenment flowers in you, Sannyas flowers in you, only when you take the responsibility for others inauthenticity. Many people ask Me... I have a huge group who want enlightenment in the facebook itself, Facebook Enlightenment! ‘Please give me enlightenment now, now, now!’ When I type them “please take the responsibility, integrity and authenticity”, they say “what it means?”. I tell them, “see the satsangs”, “no, no, no, I am too busy in that.” They don’t even want to know the tattvas, they think enlightenment is like some package, pill. No actually, it can come by certain pill, but after that you have to live the tattvas. The pill can only awaken the non-mechanical parts of the brain and help you, after that you have to live it. It’s not that the pill itself can maintain, aah no.
And this subject of making the ambience for people to restore integrity and authenticity. Each one of our sangha member authentically, with integrity look in, “have you took the responsibility of creating an ambience where people can practice authenticity and integrity?” Instead of blaming, ‘people are not practicing’. I have decided, I am not going to blame anymore, I am going to only create ambience where they are able to practice. So, how many of you are ready to transform with My transformation? We will only create ambience where people can practice integrity and authenticity. Go on supporting them, go on supporting them. And it is possible, we can do it, we can do it.
I welcome all the devotes, disciples, Samajis, Satsangis sitting with us around the world at this moment 412 places through Nithyananda TV and 32 places 2-way video conferencing having Nayana Deeksha, in 222 cities and 24 countries around the world.
Cities sitting with us in 2-way video conferencing having Nayana Deeksha:
Even the top administration people, when they come to Me, I ask them, ‘Aye, let us deal with this tattva, as per the tattva what will be the solution now. As per the satya, how you’ll have to think’.
I am so happy, in every decision making this is getting pumped, these tattvas, in every way. So, each one of you, each one of you are literally sangha, don’t think Sangha needs thousands of people. It is one person vibrating in the highest frequency, integrated frequency is sangha. If you say, I know, in Los Angeles we have so many people, but Sangha has not happened. So many people does not mean Sangha. Only when so many people vibrate in high frequency, Sangha happens. Let’s vibrate in high frequency of integrity, authenticity, drilling, drilling, drilling, drilling,drilling. Many times failed does not mean we are failure. We have failed many time by not able to create that kind of ambience, due to so many reasons. Reasons are all useless. You can’t eat reasons, you can eat only vegetables. You can’t eat the reason why the vegetable is not grown. An agriculturist, a farmer can come and shout in the shop ‘due to this, this, this reason, I did not grow vegetables today, please give me my money’, no, that’s not going to give you food or you are not going to give money for him. Only vegetable can be eaten not the very good valid reasons why the vegetable has not grown. Same way, only the Sangha... there may be hundred reasons, but now it is time each one of you constantly cognize these four tattvas and live these four tattvas, satyas. And, if you open your mouth, naturally these four satyas only should come out.
Vision for an Ideal Spiritual Community (Sangha) - Nithyananda Part 3
Ohio Prayag, Thiruvannamalai Arunachalam, Vancouver Puri, San Jose Madurai, Los Angeles Arunachalam, Shaarja, Seattle Chidambaram, Toronto Kailasam, Oklahoma Somanatham, Vancouver Puri, Hyderabad Bhagyanagaram, Phoenix Kancheepuram, Ohio Shivananda, Kumbhapuri-Mahakumbhapuri Allahabad Prayag. We have Prayag and Ohio Prayag and Arunachalam and Los Angeles Arunachalam and San Jose Madurai and Madurai also soon. Alvarpet Chennai, Hyderabad Shree, Dubai Thirukkovilur, Oman Shivagangai, Laspet Pondicherry, London Kashi, Hong Kong. Hong Kong, I give them spiritual name, Hong Kong – Seerkazhi, that is one of my favorite place, Gnanasambandar’s birth place. Soon we will have [[temple]] in Hong Kong. Ma, send the spelling SIRKALI or ZHI. Hmm, kumkum materialized! SEERKAZHI, yes right, Seerkazhi, blessings!  Where Gnanasambandar was born and brought up, of course in a very young age he left Seerkazhi and started travelling. Charlotte Srisailam, St. Louis Thirumala, Austin, Singapore Singhapuram, Guadaloupe Rameshwaram, St. Julien France, New York Varanasi, Dakota Dunes, Atlanta Ujjaini, Bangalore North, Paris Home temple - Ananda France, Louiseville Kentucky, that’s it, hmm?
I bless you all with my love and blessings. I welcome all of you with my love and blessings.
We should go on, go on, go on, be living, living, living these tattvas. These tattvas should make you live in your peak capacity and success. I tell you when these tattvas become, forms your inner space, there is no leakage of energy. Energy leakage does not happen. Any kundalini poured by Me awakened inside you stays in the system without getting leaked; otherwise you just (Swamiji demonstrates the levitation jump) and then goes away, that’s all. Kundalini is not all about (Swamiji demonstrates shaking), we’ll name that as jilchick kundalini. No, it is not all about jilchick, it is about becoming more and more living these satyas, with more and more joy and making ambience for more and more people to live these satyas. Kundalini is all about how many people your energy is able to inspire to live these tattvas, not how much you jumped. Jumping will happen, end of the day, everyone who experiences kundalini awakening, jumping will happen. Whether jumping happens when 1% kundalini is awakened or 100% is awakened, that varies. Every individual should become the Sangha by constantly living these four principles: integrity, authenticity, Responsibility and Enriching. Enriching yourself and others.
Today, Brahmanyam Bahuputratam, 2nd batch, 4th day successfully!
I can really see people are becoming more and more integrated. One Integrated Authentic disciple is equivalent to, I can say that one thousand followers and hundred crore rupee or anything more you can add. So, whenever a Ashramite or Brahmachari opens up to do Prayaschitta, I’m so happy, please understand, I’m so happy! It’s not that I don’t know what fraudulence, they are all now very clear they want to realign, restore [[Integrity]], restore [[Authenticity]]. There is every possibility they would have been lost; they would have been lost. In that same Inauthenticity, they could have been lost. And, if they are lost, for that also I’m only responsible. Now I’m so happy we have created
Even when you become aware of the root thought pattern, so many sufferings are avoided, because when the root is trying to repeat again what you do, you catch it. How many of you feel ‘the moment I found out my root thought pattern, so much suffering is avoided, because the moment it comes back, I am catching it. It is losing the power’? Then understand, it is not big thing, it is such a simple help. How many thousands are suffering without this simple help? How many of you feel, really cognize authentically, you really wanted to help people to find this root thought pattern suffering? That’s all is our Sangha, nothing else. What else is our Sangha? We’ll organize big, big classes, programs; even while you’re going in the train, when you sit with somebody, casually he’ll ask you, ‘oh you are a Swami, you are wearing that dollar’, that is enough, now come on initiate him into the tattva. If he comes in your breathing space, give him the gift of finding his root thought patterns. Only then you are moving storehouse of Ananda! Moving storehouse of Ananda! Wherever you go, you go on giving, giving, giving, giving.
The ambiance where people are able to practice Integrity and Authenticity. See earlier, if they were not able to practice this Authenticity and Integrity, for that also I feel I am only responsible. The ambiance also was not condusive. But, authentic person has to stand whether ambiance is condusive or not, that is their [[responsibility]]. But, for they not being responsible also I am responsible. We had this big discussion in taking responsibility. Now I can see, one thing I am so happy, these brahmacharis would have never dared to tell all these openly to me earlier. The one big success is, they are able to open up and tell me and then they are ready for prayaschitta, any prayaschitta. I tell you, this is one of my biggest success. Now I know we will not perish! Because the ambiance also should be made available in such a way that Authenticity and Integrity is constantly restored even if you fall.
Listen : that is the, Sangha is the place where the Tattvas are taught to you and till it becomes Sathya, you are supported. Please understand, it is not that tattvas are dumped on you and no support is provided, means no, then tattva cannot become sathya. Till the tattva becomes sathya, sangha is expected to support them. I feel now only we are doing that work. Only now we are doing that work. Supporting every individual to make the tattva into sathya. It’s not that we do not know all these principles of Authenticity and Integrity, now only we are creating ambience for them to restore even if they have fallen and realign and evolve, evolve, evolve!
Ramakrishna used to say Bhairavi Brahmani was like that. Bhairavi Brahmani is a sweet, very sweet and very motherly teacher of Sri Ramakrishna. I don’t want to use the word master because He is an Incarnation, but He always respected her as a master who guided him and supported him to realize the great tantra. It was beautiful. This time Devi taught tantra to Shiva. Brahmani came and taught tantra to Ramakrishna. Bhairavi came and taught to Ramakrishna Bhairava. Usually tantra is always taught by Bhairava to Bhairavi. This time Bhairavi to Bhairava. So beautiful. Ramakrishna used to tell she is such an embodiment of joy, wherever she goes she will just make people flower.  
After all now we have, I already created hundreds of temples and ashrams. Go round, help people to find their root thought pattern of suffering. How many of you feel you wasted years just not finding this root thought pattern? If you would have found this root pattern you would have been out of suffering for years. Like this only people are suffering na? This is what is our responsibility, creating an ambience where people find their root thought pattern of sufferings and do completion and get out of it, come out of it.
I am really so happy that finally successfully we are evolving with the tattvas which helps every individual to restore their Authenticity and Integrity and evolve, evolve, evolve. Now I know, no stone will be thrown out as a waste piece. Every stone will become DIAMOND! No, a successful Sangha should be like that only. A successful Sangha should be such, we go on supporting, supporting, supporting with a tremendous patience, with that tattva of not giving up on ourselves and people and helping every individual to restore their Authenticity.
What is Prayaschitta? Prayaschitta is nothing but restoring your Authenticity and Integrity and taking Responsibility not to fall again. And, if you have damaged somebody in your Inauthenticity, completing with them and restoring their Authenticity also. For e.g. you abused the Master with somebody, they lost connection; till you restore their authenticity and connection back, you will not have prayaschitta. So, when somebody is ready for prayaschitta, it is so nice. I tell you, for one brahmachari, or one brahmacharini or one disciple to become authentic, I can spend hundred crore. It is worth, worth! Of course, I want to make it clear I don’t have hunded crore and all, this IT dept fellows and all should not think I’m sitting on so many hundred crore. I’m saying, it is worthy of even thousands of crore. Because, just that one small shift, one consciousness is going to become Enlightened! Only one small shift, one small decision. The seed is going to decide whether to sprout or not, that one small, that one moment decision that makes whether it is going to become a Banyan tree which is standing and blessing thousands of people or dead seed. I’m hundred percent sure along with this Banyan tree seed, there would have been few hundreds more seeds sown. This seed decided to become Authentic. Just that one small decision. All great things happen just by one small decision, nothing more, whether you are going to acheive the true end of the life or wrong end of the life.
Flower, flower, flower, go on flowering. That is the real service. Giving food, giving education, these all service, no doubt, but authentic service is this - helping every individual to find root thought pattern of suffering, root thought pattern of suffering and getting out. Helping them more and more.  
As I told you, maximum you will have only less than 10 patterns, maximum I am saying. Usually you all can, for your weight, you see, when I see your subtle body I know the weight. For all your weight not more than five knot, some I can say six - seven, not more than that. Even if you find one knot, all five suddenly loses their stiffness. They don’t disappear completely. You see the one knot which you found completely loses power over you, the other knot also 30-40% they lose power over you, because each knot is keeping the other knot tight, tensed, they are interdependent. It’s not that when you break the lust knot, the fear knot will have the same strength over you, no! the fear knot, 30% will drop, the jealousy knot 40% will drop, the attention need knot, 80% will drop, like that they are all interdependent. So by the time you relax 3-4 knots, you are free. By the time you complete with 3-4 knots, you are free.
I was so happy, I tell you, I was so happy. I just felt, wow, this one guy is going to save himself and become enlightened. And, there are some more frail fellows who have done a fraudulence and Guru droha, Guru dosha and all that, they are all just sitting, looking at them only I’m laughing. When are these fellows going to align or I feel, when am I going to create a comfort zone for these fellows also to come out and restore their Integrity and Authenticity?  I am successful in one level, for making few people restore their Integrity and Authenticity. If I can be little more successful, helping even some more few who are yet to reclaim, realign, restore their Integrity and Authenticity, it will be great!
Sangha should be a mechanism where every individual is supported to restore their Integrity and Authenticity. Yesterday, when we were discovering many ashramites’ root patterns, I was telling them, ‘before I liberate you guys, you guys have to liberate me’, because each one projects their engrams on me, root thought patterns on me. First only when you liberate me I can liberate you. I’m so happy, really happy that Sangha is evolving. Sangha is not totality of human beings, understand. Sangha is where these tattvas are lived by many people and where constantly everyone supports the other to live these tattvas and radiate these tattvas. Only now, I can see people are helping each other to restore Integrity, restore Authenticity. But still we have to evolve one step further, restoring responsibility. For that we should support each other, and then [[enriching]] ourself and others, for that we should support each other then sangha becomes a independent living mechanism. Till now the sangha receives energy from my umbilical cord, it has not become a born child, still I’m only carrying it in my womb. I’m just pregnant with the sangha, not yet delivered.
Taking responsibility! Only now I feel our community is becoming a spiritual community. Every place the leader of the Sangha, in each place the leader of the Sangha should be talking in this language only. The language of spiritual strength, Cognisance. Language of cognisance, spiritual strength. Taking responsibility, taking responsibility, taking responsibility. Without taking responsibility, even your breathing can kill you. If you take the responsibility, nothing can kill you, you’re just going to stretch yourself beyond death. It is inauthenticity which is afraid of death, never authenticity.
Making millions of people feel, experience ‘I am the favourite inheritor of the Cosmos’, is our Sangha, is our mission. Swami Amma – tea! She always called Me only as Swami from the beginning, I never heard her calling Me by name or anything. From the beginning she called me only as Swami, so I am calling her Swami Amma. Bhaktimaya, Sri Bhaktimaya.
Night you should have that uyyala song, what do you call, swing song, it should be in Sanskrit. Lullaby song, Sanskrit. 9:30, the lullaby song should be on, that’s what, 9:30-10 the lullaby song and 4-4:30 Suprabhatam. Both should be in Sanskrit. Other than Me using some Tamil songs for this samyama and all, because Gnanasambandar blesses people to achieve niraharatva in that song, that is why I am using. Other than that, all the major everywhere it should be sanskrit based. Understand, Sangha’s language is the internal, the spiritual process for all that Sanskrit, external is English. Let that be standardized. Ma Bhaktimaya you should also translate, [audio break]……. wide deep meaning, after the Sanskrit verse, English chanting.
Ma Girija, Shivananada, Ma Shivapriya go for Bodhi Dharma’s teertha. Shivananda, I told actually Shivapriya, by mistake I told your name, you sit, sit, you did not sleep. Instead of Shivapriya I said Shivananda. Jnanatma that glass you have, that cup it doesn’t make tea cool, it keeps hot, am I right, sometime?  I think for all ashramites you can give one, one cup like that. They can just have it, before the satsang itself they can fill and bring it and keep. See the purpose is not to sleep. Any help available, which is a vegetarian, we can always have it. Tea is after all vegetarian and does not harm the body.
Hey, all the ashramites, I stopped protein for you guys because Shiv has sent me a research which proves that protein which many of you guys are taking, even I was taking, can damage the brain in the long run. I thought after all that we don’t have that problem because we don’t have, but in future we may grow brain, that time there should not be any side effects (Swamiji laughs). That is the reason I stopped. We can go for some natural, like ragi and that kind of things.
Apply these four tattvas, it can solve every problem you have and can make you live in your peak, in your best. The rituals we do should be authentic, the deities we create should be authentic, and the yoga we teach should be authentic, kriyas we teach should be authentic, the claims we make should be authentic, delivering the claims we make should be authentic. Enriching people in every way should be authentic.
Each city, even if few people vibrate in this high frequency, Sangha happens just like that. Continuously thinking in this language, thinking in this format, thinking with these satyas. Create the ambience inside you for you to practice integrity and authenticity and create an ambience around you for people to live integrity and authenticity. When people are not integrated with you, authentic with you, you should have the ambience when they come and share and want to restore their integrity, they should know you will only take the responsibility and support them to become authentic, you will not punish them. You should prove through your actions, this is the way you are even going to think. Taking responsibility for their inauthenticity, you are not even going to think in any other angle.
When you decide not to give up on people and yourself, suddenly the new ambiance is created, and I commit with all of you guys, in front of the sangha, keeping Kalabhairava as witness, I’m going to handle everybody only with these four tattvas, not giving up on people and taking responsibility.
Prayaschitta also, they will have to decide, I’m not going to decide. You’ll see, we will build a sangha like that. It is possible, it is possible. I’m so happy my vision is becoming reality. It is flowering, flowering, flowering. We are able to help each other to restore their Authenticity. Next, we should be able to support each other to take the responsibility and then we should be able to support each other not to give up on ourself and others. Then I can say, I ‘delivered’ the sangha. Sangha has become an independent intelligence which can attract people, give them these tattvas, make them live these tattvas into sathya, I can say then it will become ‘nation building energy’. It can really become the energy building Bharat. My vision by 2020, country should be called as BHARAT!
I bless you all who are sitting with us around the world at this moment, 677 places through Nithyananda TV, 32 places two way video conferencing having Nayana Deeksha, in 315 cities in 30 countries around the world. Let you all achieve, experience, live, express, radiate, share, explode and enrich with Eternal Bliss. Nithyananda, thank you!
As you all know, already I committed and declared also, with 10,000 sanyasis going for parirvrajaka yatra for that one full year. 2020, full year, from Kanyakumari to Kashmir, by walk, 10,000 sanyasis. That is the vision, understand. Every place we were supposed to stay, we will have an ashram or we’ll create one. This is my declaration with Integrity, Authenticity and Responsibility and my commitment to Enrich myself and others. We will do it! Only then it will become a nation building energy. The energy revives the Sanatana Dharma. The Vedic tradition, tradition from which the Hinduism, Buddhism and Jainism, everything evolved.
I want each one of you to become a space where not only you live these sathyas of Integrity, Authenticity, Responsibility and Enriching. Even the people who come in your space, you are able to make them live these tattvas and sathyas. Only then, you become an authentic being. Taking responsibility again and again. I can see whenever I shift I take the responsibility for his inauthenticity. Just like healing, his inauthenticity just gets destroyed. See, when somebody comes, that is what I do. I take responsibility for their karma, then my body just destroys, my bio-memory just destroys that karma, that’s all. It’s not that I gave them the disease, they only brought the disease on themselves, but I take the responsibility for their inauthenticity with their body. Taking responibility for their body is very easy because body just listens to the higher energy, but mind does not listen that easily. Now, the real thing is taking responsibility for their mental inauthenticity also, that is the real fun. That is where the sangha evolves.
So when each one of you who are established in the sathyas, each one of you are the moving sangha, the moving temple. Then nothing is required, just go and sit anywhere, around you the sangha will happen. You will become the source for people, people’s inspiration.
==Photos From The Day: ==
And, I also commit with you guys, I’ll never ever keep in my mind or heart, any of their confessions or acceptance when they restore their Integrity and Authenticity and will not punish them indirectly or directly anytime now or later. I will only support them to restore their Integrity and Authenticity, and if any prayaschitta has to be done, they have to decide, not me. They have to evolve. I’ll only give them the intelligence about prayaschitta. Prayaschitta is for what, for your bio-memory not to go in the same inauthentic way, and restore the damages you did for others or for sangha. Then you plan, with your own authenticity, you come up how you will do it and you restore. If you feel just by my commitment I have restored, I have done my prayaschitta, I don’t need to do anything else, then perfect, go ahead. It is finally you who is important nothing else, as I said for one person to become authentic, I can waste even a hundred crore, because even if few authentic beings are left to live in this world, I know for sure the torch I lit, that I brought to the world will be kept alive forever. That’s all. Everywhere the light of Authenticity is what keeps you live and radiates light for others to live.
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Now I can see some more cities, London Kashi, Priyankananda-Malaysia and Dhyanatma. Blessings to all you guys.
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What for these whole places ? It’s only for supporting people to live these tatvas into sathyas. Helping people. So now, with these new tatvas, you guys have to look and reorganize, rearrange every rule we created for the sangha. In each department you should reorganize.
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Now I can see Tejo also, Rishi Tejo, in the airport? Hong Kong airport, wow, this is Authenticity ma, this is Integrity. Wherever you are, if there is a possibility don’t miss it.
I tell you, again and again bring more and more Authenticity and Responsibility in every one of our thinking, feeling, living. It is so nice, I can see now everybody in the sangha feels so secured that they will be handled only with these tattvas. Thanks to the people who give me input and execute my words. They all have started picking up these tattvas. They all have started picking up these tattvas, even they talk only in the language of Prayaschitta, no punishment. PRAYASCHITTA means, restoring the completion of your CHITTA. Chitta means « mind » « inner space ». Restoring the completion in your inner space is « Prayaschitta ». I’m seeing that people have started ‘listening’, ‘listening’.
===<center>Power demonstration-materialization</center>===
When really the ashram overflows, no place for people to stay, only then I can understand that all of you have taken all the tattvas into sathya. Ten thousand sanyasis are living, we don’t have place, we have to build more, more, more, then I can be sure. See even in your body language you need to show to the people we are here only to give you tattvas and make it into sathya and we will give you a complete authentic, honest, loving support till it becomes sathya in you.
I can see, in personal practices people are becoming so Authentic and Integrated, I wanted to talk only about this subject today, because you guys don’t know this, how important, half an hour early all of you are waking up without complaining and coming authentically to the sabha and doing it very sincerely. See, that one and a half hours if you have a long breathing, simply the body will go to the high energy and simply that brahmacharya will happen. Brahmacharya is nothing but being always in high energy, that’s all. Understand, I’m defining, ‘Brahmacharya is nothing but being authentic with your high energy’, that’s all, that’s all. Only when you feel the low energy, you need the other person’s presence in your life. Brahmacharya is nothing but being authentic with your high energy and it simply happens! Just like that happens!
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How many of you guys authentically cognize, feel in your heart my vision about 2020? So, we’ll make 10,000 sanyasis? And, build our bodies also to do one year parivrajaka. We should be very sure that what we are living is the best, only then we will have confidence to share it with others, « this is best, do it! »  Only then it will reverberate in his heart. Only then it will become his sathya. Helping every individual to find their root patterns of suffering and completing them, helping them to complete with themself and others. Completion can happen in three ways: One – ‘Swapoornatva’, completing with you and completing with others, and ‘Catharsis’ - you see, there are some patterns like, your incompletion with the trees, river, fear of flood, ghost, these all leaves you only by catharsis and then finally ‘Unclutching’ – helping beings to flower. There’s a beautiful description, when Mahavira walks, all the desert will suddenly flower and bloom. It’ s a very beautiful description. That’s the way it should be. When all 10,000 of us walk, « that desert human minds should blossom and celebrate the bliss »
Understand, it is we who should take the responsibility, even for the inauthenticity of the others. We cannot say, ‘if he is not transformed, believing our principles cut his head’, ‘no’, convert or kill, no. We should only take the responsibility even for he not understanding or transforming inauthentic. If somebody is inauthentic, we are responsible for it. Let’s take it up, that’s our life. After all that is the way life expands. Everyone should know everything they are doing is nothing but Enriching. A agriculturist should know he is enriching the humanity through his products. The money he gets is nothing but keeping the cycle alive for that. If he knows that end of the life when he leaves the remaining thing, he knows, ‘eh I enriched’, whatever is remaining, let the next generation take it and enrich and continue to enrich.
[[Enlightenment]] flowers in you, Sannyas flowers in you, only when you take the responsibility for others’ inauthenticity. Many people ask me, ‘I have a huge group who want enlightenment in the facebook itself’, « Facebook Enlightenment » ‘please give me enlightenment now, now, now! When I type them please take the responsibility, Integrity and Authenticity, they say ‘what it means’. I tell them, ‘see the satsangs’, no, no, no, I’m too busy in that. They don’t even want to know the tattvas, they think enlightenment is like some package, pill. No actually, it can come by certain pill, but after that you have to live the tattvas. The pill can only awaken the non-mechanical parts of the brain and help you, after that you have to live it. It’s not that the pill itself can maintain, aah no.
==Photos Of The Day:==
And the subject of making the ambiance for people to restore Integrity and Authenticity. Each one of our sangha member authentically, with integrity look in, ‘have you took the responsibility of creating an ambiance where people can practice Authenticity and Integrity?’ Instead of blaming, people are not practicing. I have decided, I’m not going to blame anymore, I’m going to only create the ambiance where they are able to practice. So, how many of you are ready to transform with my transformation? We will only create ambiance where people can practice Integrity and Authenticity. Go on supporting them, go on supporting them. And it is possible, we can do it, we can do it.
Even the top administration people, when they come to me, I ask them, ‘hey, let us deal with these tattva, as for the tattva what will be the solution now. As per the sathya, how you’ll have to think’.
I’m so happy, in every decision making this is getting pumped, these tattvas, in every way. So, each one of you, each one of you are literally sangha, don’t think Sangha needs thousands of people. It is one person vibrating in the highest frequency. Integrated frequency is sangha. If you say, I know, in Los Angeles we have so many people, but Sangha has not happened. So many people does not mean Sangha. Only when so many people vibrate in high frequency, Sangha happens. Let’s vibrate in high frequency of Integrity, Authenticity, drilling, drilling, drilling, drilling. Many times failed does not mean we are failure. We have failed many times by not able to create that kind of ambience, due to so many reasons. Reasons are all useless. You can’t eat reasons, you can eat only vegetables. You can’t eat the reason why the vegetable is not grown. An agriculturist, a farmer can come and shout in the shop ‘due to this, this, this reason, I did not grow vegetables today, please give me my money’, no, that’s not going to give you food or you are not going to him money for him. Only the vegetable can be eaten not the very good valid reason why the vegetable has not grown. Same way, only the Sangha, there may be hundred reasons, now it is time each one of you constantly cognize these four tattvas and live these four tattvas, sathyas. And, if you open your mouth, naturally these four sathyas only should come out. We should go on, go on, go on, be living, living, living these tattvas.
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These tattvas should make you live in your peak capacity and success. I tell you when these tatvas become, forms your inner space, there is no leakage of energy. Energy leakage does not happen. Any kundalini poured by me awakened inside you stays in the system without getting leaked, otherwise you just (jump) and then it goes away, that’s all. Kundalini is not all about (jumping), we’ll name that jilchick kundalini. No, it is not all about jilchick, it is about becoming more and more living these sathyas, with more and more joy and making ambiance for more and more people to live these sathyas. Kundalini is all about how many people your energy is able to inspire to live these tattvas, not how much you jumped. Jumping will happen, end of the day, everyone who experiences kundalini awakening, jumping will happen. Whether jumping happens whether 1% is awakened or 100% is awakened, that varies. Every individual should become the Sangha by constantly living these four principles: Integrity, Authenticity, Responsibility and Enriching. Enriching yourself and others.
Even when you become aware of the root thought pattern, so many sufferings are avoided because when the root is trying to repeat again what you do, you catch it. How many of you feel ‘the moment I found out my root thought pattern, so much suffering is avoided, because the moment it comes back, I’m catching it. It is losing the power’? Then understand, it is not big thing, it is such a simple help. How many thousands are suffering without this simple help? How many of you feel, really cognize authentically, you really wanted to help people to find this root thought pattern suffering? That’s all is our Sangha, nothing else. What else is our Sangha? We’ll organize big, big classes, programs, even while you’re going in the train, when you sit with somebody, casually he’ll ask you, ‘oh you are a Swami and you are wearing that dollar’, that is enough, now c’mon initiate him into the tattva. If he comes in your breathing space, give him the gift of finding his root thought patterns. Only then you are moving storehouse of Ananda! Moving storehouse of Ananda! Where ever you go, just go on giving, giving, giving, giving.
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Ramakrishna used to say Bhairavi Brahmani was like that. Bhairavi Brahmani is a sweet, very sweet and very motherly teacher of Sri. Ramakrishna. I don’t want to use the word master because He is an Incarnation, but He always respected her as a master who guided him and supported him to realize the great tantra. It was beautiful. This time Devi taught tantra to Shiva. Brahmani came and taught tantra to Ramakrishna. Bhairavi came and taught to Ramakrishna Bhairava. Usually tantra is always taught by Bhairava to Bhairavi. This time Bhairavi to Bhairava. So beautiful. Ramakrishna used to tell she is an embodiment of joy, wherever she goes she will just make people flower. After all I have created hundreds of Temples and Ashrams, go round, help people to find their root thought pattern of suffering. How many of you feel you wasted years just not finding this root thought pattern? If you would have found this root pattern you would have been out of suffering for years. Like this only people are suffering na? This is what is our responsibility, creating an ambience where people find their root thought pattern of suffering, do completion and get out of it, come out of it. Flower, flower, flower, go on flowering. That is the real service. Giving food, giving education, these are all service, no doubt, but authentic service is this, helping every individual to find root thought pattern of suffering, root thought pattern of suffering and getting out. Helping them more and more. As I told you, maximum you will have only less than 10 patterns, maximum I’m saying. Usually you all can, for your weight, you see, when I see your subtle body I know the weight. For all your weight not more than five knot, some I can say six or seven, not more than that. Even if you find one knot, all five suddenly loses their stiffness. They don’t disappear completely. You see the one knot which you found completely loses power over you, the other knot also 30-40% theylose power over you, because each knot is keeping the other knot tight, tensed, they are interdependent. It’s not that when you break the lust knot, the fear knot will have the same strength over you, no! the fear knot, 30% will drop, the jealousy knot 40% will drop, the attention need knot, 80% will drop, like that they are all interdependent. So by the time you relax 3-4 knots, you are free. By the time you complete 3-4 knots, you are free.
Taking responsibility! Only now I feel our community is becoming a spiritual community. Every place the leader of the Sangha, each place the leader of the Sangha should be talking in this language only. The language of spiritual strength, COGNIZANCE. Language of cognizance, spiritual strength. Taking responsibility, taking responsibility, taking responsibility. Without taking responsibility, even your breathing can kill you. If you take responsibility, nothing can kill you, you’re just going to stretch yourself beyond death. It is Inauthenticity which is afraid of death, never Authenticity.
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Making millions of people feel, experience ‘I am the favourite inheritor of the Cosmos’, is our Sangha, is our mission. ‘Samyama – tea !’  She always called me only as Swami from the beginning, I never heard her calling me by name or anything, from the beginning she called me Swami, so I’m calling her Samyama.
Night you should have that uyyala song, what do you call it, swing song, it should be in Sanskrit. Lullaby song, Sanskrit. 9:30, the lullaby song should be on, that’s what, 9:30-10 the lullaby song and 4-4:30 Suprabhatam. Both should be in Sanskrit. Other than me using some Tamil songs for the samyama and all, because Gnanasambandar blesses people to achieve niraharatva in that song, that is why I’m using. Other than that, all the major everywhere should be sanskrit based. Understand, Sangha’s language is the internal, the spiritual process for all that Sanskrit, external is English. Let that be standardized. Ma Bhaktimaya you should also translate, ……. wide deep meaning, after the Sanskrit words, English chanting.
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Apply these four tattvas, it can solve every problem you have and can make you live in your peak, in your best. The rituals we do should be authentic, the dieties we create should be authentic, and the yoga we teach should be authentic, the kriyas we teach should be authentic, the claims we make should be authentic, delivering the claims we make should be authentic. Enriching people in every way should be authentic.
Each city, even if a few people vibrate in this high frequency, Sangha happens just like that. Continuously thinking in this language, thinking in this format, thinking with these sathyas. Create the ambience inside you for you to practice Integrity and Authenticity and create an ambience around you for people to live Integrity and Authenticity. When people are not Integrated with you, Authentic with you, you should have the ambience when they come and share and want to restore their Integrity, they should know you will only take the responsibility and support them to become authentic, you will not punish them. You should prove through your actions, this is the way you are even going to think. Taking responsibility for their inauthenticity, you are not even going to think in any other angle.
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I bless you all who are sitting with us around the world at this moment, 677 places through Nithyananda TV, 32 places 2-way video conferencing having Nayana Deeksha, in 315 cities and 30 countries around the world. Let you all achieve, experience, live, express, radiate, share, explode and enrich with Eternal Bliss. Nithyananda, thank you!
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Latest revision as of 00:13, 4 December 2021


Vision for an Ideal Spiritual Community (Sangha)


In today’s morning satsang, Paramahamsa Nithyananda emphasizes the crucial importance of helping others to realize the four tattvas – truths – of enlightened living and to manifest them into sattva – material reality. This is the purpose of awakening the kundalini. When kundalini is awakened, the new source of energy becomes available to support the sharing of these tattvas with the whole world. The root pattern of suffering can be erased in people by the implementation of this wisdom. Physical service is helpful as a beginning – free food, education, health – but the real healing flourishes with the transmission of these truths.

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nithyānandeśvara samārambhām nithyānandeśvari madhyamām | asmat āchārya paryantām vande guru paramparām ||


I welcome you all with My love and respects. I welcome all the devotees, disciples, Samajis, Satsangis sitting with us around the world at this moment 412 places through Nithyananda TV and 32 places two way video conferencing having Nayana Deeksha, in 222 cities and 24 countries around the world. Cities sitting with us in two way video conferencing having Nayana Deeksha: Ohio Prayag, Thiruvannamalai Arunachalam, Vancouver Puri, San Jose Madurai, Los Angeles Arunachalam, Shaarja, Seattle Chidambaram, Toronto Kailasam, Oklahoma Somanatham, Vancouver Puri, Hyderabad Bhagyanagaram, Phoenix Kancheepuram, Ohio Shivananda, Kumbhapuri-Mahakumbhapuri Allahabad Prayag. We have Prayag and Ohio Prayag and Arunachalam and Los Angeles Arunachalam and San Jose Madurai and Madurai also soon. Alwarpet Chennai, Hyderabad Shree, Dubai Thirukkovilur, Oman Sivagangai, Lawspet Pondicherry, London Kashi, Hong Kong. Hong Kong, I give them spiritual name, Hong Kong – Seerkazhi, that is one of my favorite place, Gnanasambandar’s birth place. Soon we will have temple in Hong Kong. Ma, send the spelling SIRKALI or ZHI. Hmm, kumkum materialized! SEERKAZHI, yes right, Seerkazhi, blessings! Where Gnanasambandar was born and brought up, of course in a very young age he left Seerkazhi and started travelling. Charlotte Srisailam, St. Louis Thirumala, Austin, Singapore Singapuram, Guadeloupe Rameshwaram, St. Julien France, New York Varanasi, Dakota Dunes, Atlanta Ujjaini, Bangalore North, Paris Home temple - Ananda France, Louisville Kentucky, that’s it, hmm? I bless you all with My love and blessings. I welcome all of you with My love and blessings.


Today, Brahmanyam Bahuputratam, 2nd batch, 4th day successfully! I can really see people are becoming more and more integrated. One integrated authentic disciple is equivalent to, I can say that one thousand followers and hundred crore rupee or anything more you can add. So, whenever a ashramite or brahmachari opens up to do prayaschitta, I am so happy, please understand, I am so happy! It’s not that I don’t know what fraudulence, they are all now very clear they want to realign, restore integrity, restore authenticity. There is every possibility they would have been lost; they would have been lost. In that same inauthenticity, they could have been lost. And, if they are lost, for that also I am only responsible. Now I am so happy we have created the ambience where people are able to practice integrity and authenticity. See earlier, if they were not able to practice this authenticity and integrity, for that also I feel I am only responsible. The ambience also was not conducive. But, authentic person has to stand whether ambience is conducive or not, that is their responsibility. But, for they not being responsible also I am responsible. We had this big discussion in taking responsibility. Now I can see, one thing I am so happy, these brahmacharis would have never dared to tell all these openly to Me earlier. The one big success is, they are able to open up and tell Me and then they are ready for prayaschitta, any prayaschitta. I tell you, this is one of My biggest success. Now I know we will not perish! Because the ambience also should be made available such a way that authenticity and integrity is constantly restored even if you fall.


Listen: that is the... Sangha is a place where the tattvas are taught to you and till it becomes satya, you are supported. Please understand, it is not that tattvas are dumped on you and no support is provided, means no; then tattva cannot become satya. Till the tattva becomes satya, sangha is expected to support them. I feel now only we are doing that work. Only now we are doing that work. Supporting every individual to make the tattva into satya. It’s not that we do not know all these principles of authenticity and integrity, now only we are creating a ambience for them to restore even if they have fallen and realign, evolve, evolve, evolve! I am really so happy that finally successfully we are evolving with the tattvas which helps every individual to restore their authenticity and integrity and evolve, evolve, evolve. Now I know, no stone will be thrown out as a waste piece. Every stone will become diamond! No, a successful Sangha should be like that only. A successful Sangha should be such, we go on supporting, supporting, supporting with a tremendous patience, with that tattva of not giving up on ourselves and people and helping every individual to restore their authenticity.


What is Prayaschitta? Prayaschitta is nothing but restoring your authenticity and integrity and taking Responsibility not to fall again. And, if you have damaged somebody in your inauthenticity, completing with them and restoring their authenticity also. For e.g. you abused the Master with somebody, they lost connection; till you restore their authenticity and connection back, you will not have prayaschitta. So, when somebody is ready for prayaschitta, it is so nice. I tell you, for one brahmachari, or one brahmacharini or one disciple to become authentic, I can spend hundred crore. It is worth, worth! Of course, I want to make it clear I don’t have hundred crore and all, this IT dept fellows should not think I am sitting on so many hundred crore. 😃 I am saying, it is worthy of even thousands of crore. Because, just that one small shift, one consciousness is going to become Enlightened! Only one small shift, one small decision. The seed is going to decide whether to sprout or not, that one small, that one moment decision that makes whether it is going to become a Banyan tree which is standing and blessing thousands of people or dead seed. I am hundred percent sure along with this Banyan tree seed, there would have been few hundreds more seeds sown. This seed decided to become Authentic. Just that one small decision. All great things happen just by one small decision, nothing more, whether you are going to achieve the true end of the life or wrong end of the life.


I was so happy, I tell you, I was so happy. I just felt, wow, this one guy is going to save himself and become enlightened. And, there are some more frail fellows who have done a very fraudulence and Guru droha, Guru dosha and all that, they are all just sitting, looking at them only I am laughing. When are these fellows going to align or I feel, when am I going to create a comfort zone for these fellows also to come out and restore their integrity and authenticity? I am successful in one level, for making few people restore their integrity and authenticity. If I can be little more successful, helping even some more few who are yet to reclaim, realign, restore their integrity and authenticity, it will be great! Sangha should be a mechanism where every individual is supported to restore their integrity and authenticity. Yesterday, when we were discovering many ashramites’ root patterns, I was telling them, ‘before I liberate you guys, you guys have to liberate Me’, because each one projects their engrams on Me, root thought patterns on Me. First only when you liberate Me I can liberate you. But I am so happy, really happy that Sangha is evolving. Sangha is not totality of human beings, understand. Sangha is the place where these tattvas are lived by many people and where constantly everyone supports the other to live these tattvas and radiate these tattvas. Only now, I can see people are helping each other to restore integrity, restore authenticity. But still we have to evolve one step further, restoring responsibility. For that we should support each other, and then enriching ourself and others, for that we should support each other; then sangha becomes a independent living mechanism. Till now the sangha receives energy from My umbilical cord, it has not become a born child, still I am only carrying it in My womb. I am just pregnant with the sangha, not yet delivered.


Ma Girija, Shivananada, Ma Shivapriya go for Bodhi Dharma’s teertha. Shivananda, I told actually Shivapriya, by mistake I told your name, you sit, sit, you did not sleep. Instead of Shivapriya I said Shivananda. Jnanatma that glass you have na, that cup show Me. It doesn’t make tea cool na? It keeps hot, am I right, sometime? I think for all ashramites you can give one, one cup like that. They can just have it, before the satsang itself they can fill and bring it and keep. See the purpose is not to sleep. Any help available, which is a vegetarian, we can always have it. Tea is after all vegetarian and does not harm the body. Hey, all the ashramites, I stopped protein for you guys because Shiv has sent me a research which proves that protein which many of you guys are taking, even I was taking, can damage the brain in the long run. I thought after all that... we don’t have that problem because we don’t have 😃, but in future we may grow brain, 😃that time there should not be any side effects 😃. That is the reason I stopped. We can go for some natural, like ragi and that kind of things. 😃


When you decide not to give up on people and yourself, suddenly the new ambience is created, and I commit with all you guys, in front of the sangha, keeping Kalabhairava as witness, I am going to handle everybody only with these four tattvas, not giving up on people and taking responsibility. Prayaschitta also, they will have to decide, I am not going to decide. You’ll see, we will build a sangha like that. It is possible, it is possible. I am so happy my vision is becoming reality. It is flowering, flowering, flowering. We are able to help each other to restore their authenticity. Next, we should be able to support each other to take the responsibility and then we should be able to support each other not to give up on ourself and others. Then I can say, I delivered the sangha. Sangha has become an independent intelligence which can attract people, give them these tattvas, make them live these tattvas into satya. I can say then it will become nation building energy. It can really become the energy building Bharat. My vision by 2020, country should be called as BHARAT! (00:22:30) As you all know, already I committed and declared also, with 10,000 sanyasis going for parirvrajaka yatra that one full year. 2020, full year, from Kanyakumari to Kashmir, by walk, 10,000 sanyasis. That is the vision, understand. Every place we were supposed to stay, we will have an ashram or we’ll create one. This is My declaration with integrity, authenticity and Responsibility and My commitment to Enrich Myself and others. We will do it! Only then it will become a nation building energy. The energy revives the Sanatana Dharma. The Vedic tradition, tradition from which the Hinduism and Buddhism and Jainism, everything evolved.

I want each one of you to become a space where not only you live these satyas of integrity, authenticity, Responsibility and Enriching. Even the people who come in your space, you are able to make them live these tattvas and satyas. Only then, you become an authentic being. Taking responsibility again and again. I can see whenever I shift, I take the responsibility for his inauthenticity. Just like healing, his inauthenticity just gets destroyed. See, when somebody comes, that is what I do. I take responsibility for their karma, then My body just destroys, my bio-memory just destroys that karma, that’s all. It’s not that I gave them the disease, they only brought the disease on themself, but I take the responsibility for their inauthenticity with their body. Taking responsibility for their body is very easy because body just listens to the higher energy, but mind does not listen that easily. Now, the real thing is taking responsibility for their mental inauthenticity also, that is the real fun. That is where the sangha evolves. So when each one of you who are established in this satyas, each one of you are the moving sangha, the moving temple. Then nothing is required, just go and sit anywhere, around you the sangha will happen. You will become the source for people, people’s inspiration.


And, I also commit with you guys, I’ll never ever keep in my mind or heart, any of their confessions or acceptance when they restore their integrity and authenticity and will not punish them indirectly or directly anytime now or later. I will only support them to restore their integrity and authenticity, and if any prayaschitta has to be done, they have to decide, not Me. They have to evolve. I’ll only give them the intelligence about prayaschitta. Prayaschitta is for what, for your bio-memory not to go in the same inauthentic way, and restore the damages you did for others or for sangha. Then you plan, with your own authenticity, you come up how you will do it and you restore. If you feel ‘just by my commitment I have restored, I have done my prayaschitta, I don’t need to do anything else’, then perfect, go ahead. It is finally you who is important not anything else. As I said, one person to become authentic, I can waste even hundred crore; because even if few authentic beings are left to live in this world, I know for sure the torch which I lit, which I brought to the world will be kept alive forever. That’s all. Everywhere the light of authenticity is what keeps you live and radiates light for others to live. Vision for an Ideal Spiritual Community (Sangha) - Nithyananda Part 2


Now I can see some more cities, London Kashi, Priyankananda-Malaysia and Dhyanatma. Blessings to all you guys. What for these whole places ? It’s only for supporting people to live these tattvas into satyas... helping people. So now, with these new tattvas, you guys have to look and reorganize, rearrange every rule we created for the sangha. In each department you should reorganize. Now I can see Tejo also, Rishi Tejo... airport? Hong Kong airport, wow, this is authenticity ma, this is integrity. Wherever you are, if there is a possibility don’t miss it.


I tell you, again and again bring more and more authenticity and responsibility in every one of our thinking, feeling, living. It is so nice. I can see now everybody in the sangha feels so secured that they will be handled only with these tattvas. Thanks to the people who give Me input and execute My words. They all have started picking up these tattvas. They all have started picking up these tattvas. Even they talk only in the language of Prayaschitta, no punishment. Prayaschitta means, restoring the completion of your chitta. Chitta means mind- inner space. Restoring the completion in your inner space is Prayaschitta. I am seeing people have started ‘listening’, ‘listening’.


When really the ashram overflows, no place for people to stay, only then I can understand that all of you have taken all the tattvas into satya. Ten thousand sanyasis are living, we don’t have place, we have to build more, more, more, then I can be sure. See, even in your body language you need to show to the people we are here only to give you the tattvas and make it into satya and we will give you a complete authentic, honest, loving support till it becomes satya in you. I can see, in personal practices people are becoming so authentic and integrated, I wanted to talk only about this subject today, because you guys don’t know this, how important. Half an hour early all of you are waking up without complaining and coming authentically to the sabha and doing it very sincerely. See, that one and a half hours if you have a long breathing, simply the body will go to the high energy and simply that brahmacharya will happen. Brahmacharya is nothing but being always in high energy, that’s all. Understand, I am defining, ‘Brahmacharya is nothing but being authentic with your high energy’, that’s all, that’s all. Only when you feel the low energy, you need the other person’s presence in your life. Brahmacharya is nothing but being authentic with your high energy and it simply happens! Just like that happens!


How many of you guys authentically cognize, feel in your heart My vision about 2020? So, we’ll make 10,000 sanyasis? And, build our bodies also to do one year parivrajaka. We should be very sure that what we are living is the best, only then we will have confidence to share it with others, ‘this is best, do it’. Only then it will reverberate in his heart. Only then it will become his satya. Helping every individual to find their root patterns of suffering and completing them, helping them to complete with themself and others. Completion can happen in three ways: One – ‘Swapoornatva’, completing with you and completing with others, and ‘Catharsis’. See, there are some patterns like, your incompletion with tree, river, fear of flood, ghost, these all leaves you only by catharsis and then finally ‘Unclutching’ – helping beings to flower. There’s a beautiful description, when Mahavira walks all the desert will suddenly flower and bloom. It's a very beautiful description. That’s the way it should be. When all 10,000 of us walk, that desert human minds should blossom and celebrate the bliss.


Understand, it is we who should take the responsibility, even for the inauthenticity of the others. We cannot say, ‘if he is not believing our principles cut his head’, no! ‘convert or kill’, No! We should only take the responsibility even for he not understanding or transforming. Inauthentic... if somebody is inauthentic, we are responsible for it. Let’s take it up, that’s our life. After all that is the way life expands. Everyone should know everything they are doing is nothing but enriching. A agriculturist should know he is enriching the humanity through his products. The money he gets is nothing but keeping the cycle alive for that. If he knows that end of the life when he leaves the remaining thing, he knows, ‘eh I enriched’, whatever is remaining, let the next generation take this and enrich and continue to enrich.


Enlightenment flowers in you, Sannyas flowers in you, only when you take the responsibility for others inauthenticity. Many people ask Me... I have a huge group who want enlightenment in the facebook itself, Facebook Enlightenment! ‘Please give me enlightenment now, now, now!’ When I type them “please take the responsibility, integrity and authenticity”, they say “what it means?”. I tell them, “see the satsangs”, “no, no, no, I am too busy in that.” They don’t even want to know the tattvas, they think enlightenment is like some package, pill. No actually, it can come by certain pill, but after that you have to live the tattvas. The pill can only awaken the non-mechanical parts of the brain and help you, after that you have to live it. It’s not that the pill itself can maintain, aah no. And this subject of making the ambience for people to restore integrity and authenticity. Each one of our sangha member authentically, with integrity look in, “have you took the responsibility of creating an ambience where people can practice authenticity and integrity?” Instead of blaming, ‘people are not practicing’. I have decided, I am not going to blame anymore, I am going to only create ambience where they are able to practice. So, how many of you are ready to transform with My transformation? We will only create ambience where people can practice integrity and authenticity. Go on supporting them, go on supporting them. And it is possible, we can do it, we can do it.


Even the top administration people, when they come to Me, I ask them, ‘Aye, let us deal with this tattva, as per the tattva what will be the solution now. As per the satya, how you’ll have to think’. I am so happy, in every decision making this is getting pumped, these tattvas, in every way. So, each one of you, each one of you are literally sangha, don’t think Sangha needs thousands of people. It is one person vibrating in the highest frequency, integrated frequency is sangha. If you say, I know, in Los Angeles we have so many people, but Sangha has not happened. So many people does not mean Sangha. Only when so many people vibrate in high frequency, Sangha happens. Let’s vibrate in high frequency of integrity, authenticity, drilling, drilling, drilling, drilling,drilling. Many times failed does not mean we are failure. We have failed many time by not able to create that kind of ambience, due to so many reasons. Reasons are all useless. You can’t eat reasons, you can eat only vegetables. You can’t eat the reason why the vegetable is not grown. An agriculturist, a farmer can come and shout in the shop ‘due to this, this, this reason, I did not grow vegetables today, please give me my money’, no, that’s not going to give you food or you are not going to give money for him. Only vegetable can be eaten not the very good valid reasons why the vegetable has not grown. Same way, only the Sangha... there may be hundred reasons, but now it is time each one of you constantly cognize these four tattvas and live these four tattvas, satyas. And, if you open your mouth, naturally these four satyas only should come out. Vision for an Ideal Spiritual Community (Sangha) - Nithyananda Part 3


We should go on, go on, go on, be living, living, living these tattvas. These tattvas should make you live in your peak capacity and success. I tell you when these tattvas become, forms your inner space, there is no leakage of energy. Energy leakage does not happen. Any kundalini poured by Me awakened inside you stays in the system without getting leaked; otherwise you just (Swamiji demonstrates the levitation jump) and then goes away, that’s all. Kundalini is not all about (Swamiji demonstrates shaking), we’ll name that as jilchick kundalini. No, it is not all about jilchick, it is about becoming more and more living these satyas, with more and more joy and making ambience for more and more people to live these satyas. Kundalini is all about how many people your energy is able to inspire to live these tattvas, not how much you jumped. Jumping will happen, end of the day, everyone who experiences kundalini awakening, jumping will happen. Whether jumping happens when 1% kundalini is awakened or 100% is awakened, that varies. Every individual should become the Sangha by constantly living these four principles: integrity, authenticity, Responsibility and Enriching. Enriching yourself and others.


Even when you become aware of the root thought pattern, so many sufferings are avoided, because when the root is trying to repeat again what you do, you catch it. How many of you feel ‘the moment I found out my root thought pattern, so much suffering is avoided, because the moment it comes back, I am catching it. It is losing the power’? Then understand, it is not big thing, it is such a simple help. How many thousands are suffering without this simple help? How many of you feel, really cognize authentically, you really wanted to help people to find this root thought pattern suffering? That’s all is our Sangha, nothing else. What else is our Sangha? We’ll organize big, big classes, programs; even while you’re going in the train, when you sit with somebody, casually he’ll ask you, ‘oh you are a Swami, you are wearing that dollar’, that is enough, now come on initiate him into the tattva. If he comes in your breathing space, give him the gift of finding his root thought patterns. Only then you are moving storehouse of Ananda! Moving storehouse of Ananda! Wherever you go, you go on giving, giving, giving, giving.


Ramakrishna used to say Bhairavi Brahmani was like that. Bhairavi Brahmani is a sweet, very sweet and very motherly teacher of Sri Ramakrishna. I don’t want to use the word master because He is an Incarnation, but He always respected her as a master who guided him and supported him to realize the great tantra. It was beautiful. This time Devi taught tantra to Shiva. Brahmani came and taught tantra to Ramakrishna. Bhairavi came and taught to Ramakrishna Bhairava. Usually tantra is always taught by Bhairava to Bhairavi. This time Bhairavi to Bhairava. So beautiful. Ramakrishna used to tell she is such an embodiment of joy, wherever she goes she will just make people flower. After all now we have, I already created hundreds of temples and ashrams. Go round, help people to find their root thought pattern of suffering. How many of you feel you wasted years just not finding this root thought pattern? If you would have found this root pattern you would have been out of suffering for years. Like this only people are suffering na? This is what is our responsibility, creating an ambience where people find their root thought pattern of sufferings and do completion and get out of it, come out of it.


Flower, flower, flower, go on flowering. That is the real service. Giving food, giving education, these all service, no doubt, but authentic service is this - helping every individual to find root thought pattern of suffering, root thought pattern of suffering and getting out. Helping them more and more. As I told you, maximum you will have only less than 10 patterns, maximum I am saying. Usually you all can, for your weight, you see, when I see your subtle body I know the weight. For all your weight not more than five knot, some I can say six - seven, not more than that. Even if you find one knot, all five suddenly loses their stiffness. They don’t disappear completely. You see the one knot which you found completely loses power over you, the other knot also 30-40% they lose power over you, because each knot is keeping the other knot tight, tensed, they are interdependent. It’s not that when you break the lust knot, the fear knot will have the same strength over you, no! the fear knot, 30% will drop, the jealousy knot 40% will drop, the attention need knot, 80% will drop, like that they are all interdependent. So by the time you relax 3-4 knots, you are free. By the time you complete with 3-4 knots, you are free.


Taking responsibility! Only now I feel our community is becoming a spiritual community. Every place the leader of the Sangha, in each place the leader of the Sangha should be talking in this language only. The language of spiritual strength, Cognisance. Language of cognisance, spiritual strength. Taking responsibility, taking responsibility, taking responsibility. Without taking responsibility, even your breathing can kill you. If you take the responsibility, nothing can kill you, you’re just going to stretch yourself beyond death. It is inauthenticity which is afraid of death, never authenticity. Making millions of people feel, experience ‘I am the favourite inheritor of the Cosmos’, is our Sangha, is our mission. Swami Amma – tea! She always called Me only as Swami from the beginning, I never heard her calling Me by name or anything. From the beginning she called me only as Swami, so I am calling her Swami Amma. Bhaktimaya, Sri Bhaktimaya. Night you should have that uyyala song, what do you call, swing song, it should be in Sanskrit. Lullaby song, Sanskrit. 9:30, the lullaby song should be on, that’s what, 9:30-10 the lullaby song and 4-4:30 Suprabhatam. Both should be in Sanskrit. Other than Me using some Tamil songs for this samyama and all, because Gnanasambandar blesses people to achieve niraharatva in that song, that is why I am using. Other than that, all the major everywhere it should be sanskrit based. Understand, Sangha’s language is the internal, the spiritual process for all that Sanskrit, external is English. Let that be standardized. Ma Bhaktimaya you should also translate, [audio break]……. wide deep meaning, after the Sanskrit verse, English chanting.


Apply these four tattvas, it can solve every problem you have and can make you live in your peak, in your best. The rituals we do should be authentic, the deities we create should be authentic, and the yoga we teach should be authentic, kriyas we teach should be authentic, the claims we make should be authentic, delivering the claims we make should be authentic. Enriching people in every way should be authentic.

Each city, even if few people vibrate in this high frequency, Sangha happens just like that. Continuously thinking in this language, thinking in this format, thinking with these satyas. Create the ambience inside you for you to practice integrity and authenticity and create an ambience around you for people to live integrity and authenticity. When people are not integrated with you, authentic with you, you should have the ambience when they come and share and want to restore their integrity, they should know you will only take the responsibility and support them to become authentic, you will not punish them. You should prove through your actions, this is the way you are even going to think. Taking responsibility for their inauthenticity, you are not even going to think in any other angle.


I bless you all who are sitting with us around the world at this moment, 677 places through Nithyananda TV, 32 places two way video conferencing having Nayana Deeksha, in 315 cities in 30 countries around the world. Let you all achieve, experience, live, express, radiate, share, explode and enrich with Eternal Bliss. Nithyananda, thank you!


Photos From The Day:

Morning Yoga Sri Nithyanandeswara and Nithyanandeswari Gurukul Students Speaking on Authenticity Morning PadhaPuja http://nithyananda.org/sites/default/files/photo-gallery/IMG_1928_0.JPG Morning Satsang on Authenticity http://nithyananda.org/sites/default/files/photo-gallery/IMG_1960_0.JPG http://nithyananda.org/sites/default/files/photo-gallery/IMG_1962_0.JPG http://nithyananda.org/sites/default/files/photo-gallery/IMG_1971_0.JPG

Power demonstration-materialization

Photos Of The Day:








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