Surya Kumbhaka
On breathing techniques: Surya Bedha - The Disease Killer
Pramana: Śāstra Pramāṇa - शास्त्र प्रमाण
Source: Yoga-Sikhopanishad 91-92
Original Verse:
"सूर्यनाड्या समाकृष्य वायुमभ्यासयोगिना ।
विधिवत् कुम्भकं कृत्वा रेचयेच्छीतरश्मिना ॥ ९१ ॥
उदरे बहुरोगघ्नं क्रिमिदोषं निहन्ति च ।
मुहुर्मुहुरिदं कार्यं सूर्यभेदमुदाहृतम् ॥ ९२ ॥ "
"sūryanāḍyā samākṛṣya vāyumabhyāsaYoginā |
vidhivat Kumbhakaṃ kṛtvā recayecchītaraśminā ॥ 91 ॥
udare bahurogaghnaṃ krimidoṣaṃ nihanti ca |
muhurmuhuridaṃ kāryaṃ sūryabhedamudāhṛtam ॥ 92 ॥ "
"By the practicing Yogin should be drawn in the vital air through the Solar Nadi. After performing Kumbhaka as prescribed in the rule, he should expel (it) through the lunar (Nadi). This, which kills many a disease of the belly and extirpates the malignant influence due to (intestinal) worms, should often and often be performed and is known as Surya-bheda (breaking through the Solar Nadi). "
The Surya Kumbhaka - A Powerful Purifying Technique
Pramana: Śāstra Pramāṇa - शास्त्र प्रमाण
Source: Yoga Kundali-Upanishad I 22-26
Original Verse:
"पवित्रे निर्जने देशे शर्करादिविवर्जिते ।
धनुःप्रमाणपर्यन्ते शीताग्निजलवर्जिते ॥ २२ ॥
पवित्रे नात्युच्चनीचे ह्यासने सुखदे सुखे ।
बद्धपद्मासनं कृत्वा सरस्वत्यास्तु चालनम् ॥ २३ ॥
दक्षनाड्या समाकृष्य बहिष्ठं पवनं शन्ऐः ।
यथेष्टं पूरयेद्वायुं रेचयेदिडया ततः ॥ २४ ॥
कपालशोधने वापि रेचयेत् पवनं शन्ऐः ।
चतुष्कं वातदोषं तु कृमिदोषं निहन्ति च ॥ २५ ॥
पुनः पुनरिदं कार्यं सूर्यभेदमुदाहृतम् ।"
"pavitre nirjane deśe śarkarādivivarjite |
dhanuḥpramāṇaparyante śītāgnijalavarjite ॥ 22 ॥
pavitre nātyuccanīce hyāsane sukhade sukhe |
baddhapadmāsanaṃ kṛtvā sarasvatyāstu cālanam ॥ 23 ॥
dakṣanāḍyā samākṛṣya bahiṣṭhaṃ pavanaṃ śanaiḥ |
yatheṣṭaṃ pūrayedvāyuṃ recayediḍayā tataḥ ॥ 24 ॥
kapālaśodhane vāpi recayet pavanaṃ śanaiḥ |
catuṣkaṃ vātadoṣaṃ tu kṛmidoṣaṃ nihanti ca ॥ 25 ॥
punaḥ punaridaṃ kāryaṃ sūryabhedamudāhṛtam | "
In a hallowed and secluded spot devoid of pebbles and the like, which is within the ambit of a bow (in extent), devoid of chillness, fire and water, sacred, on a seat neither high nor low, which gives comfort and is easy to take, assuming the baddha-padmasana posture, and with the rousing of the Sarasvati, slowly drawing in the external air through the right Nadi one should fill-in the air as much as could be desired and then expel it through the Ida or drive up the air slowly for purifying the skull. This destroys the four kinds of disorders arising out of Vata and also intestinal worms. This should be practiced again and again and is known as the Surya variety.
Purify the cranium with Surya Kumbhaka
Pramana: Śāstra Pramāṇa - शास्त्र प्रमाण
Source: Sandilya Upanishad VII 13-1
Original Verse:
"सुखासनस्थो दक्षनाड्या बहिस्थं पवनं समाकृष्याकेशमानखाग्रं कुम्भयित्वा सव्यनाड्या रेचयेत् ।
तेन कपालशोधनं वातनाडीगतसर्वरोगविनाशनं भवति ॥ १३-१ ॥ "
"sukhāsanastho dakṣanāḍyā bahisthaṃ pavanaṃ samākṛṣyākeśamānakhāgraṃ kumbhayitvā savyanāḍyā recayet |
tena kapālaśodhanaṃ vātanāḍīgatasarvarogavināśanaṃ bhavati ॥ 13-1 ॥"
(The Yogin), assuming a comfortable posture, drawing in the air outside through the right (Pingala) Nadi and performing Kumbhaka, (till it reaches) as far as the roots of the hair and the tips of the nails, should expel it through the left (Ida) Nadi. By means of this, (are accomplished) the purification of the cranium and the destruction of the diverse diseases inherent in the Nadi-s, through which the vital air flows.
Sūrya and Candra Kumbhaka
Pramana: Āpta Pramāṇa - आप्त प्रमाण
Apta Pramana Source: Kumbhaka Paddadhi 109
Original Verse:
"सूर्य-चन्द्राविमौ कुम्भौ द्रुहिणेन पुरोदितौ अत्युष्ण-शीतलावेतौ देश-काल-प्रयोजितौ ॥ १०९ ॥ "
"sūrya-candrāvimau kumbhau druhiṇena puroditau atyuṣṇa-śītalāvetau deśa-kāla-prayojitau ॥ 109 ॥ "
"According to Druniṇa (Śiva), these are called sūrya and candra Kumbhakas respectively. These being of the nature of heat and cold they should be practiced taking into consideration the region and season. "
Benefit of Candra and Surya Kumbhakas
Pramana: Āpta Pramāṇa - आप्त प्रमाण
Apta Pramana Source: Kumbhaka Paddhatih 118
Original Verse:
"चन्द्रेण पित्त-दोषाणाम्-इतरेषां परेण तु नाशः सर्वात्मना भूयात् त्रिभिर्-मासैर्-न साशयाः"
"candreṇa pitta-doṣāṇām-itareṣāṃ pareṇa tu nāśaḥ sarvātmanā bhūyāt tribhir-māsair-na sāśayāḥ"
Candra (inhaling through left nostril) and holding alleviated vitiation of bile (pitta), while other (sūrya Kumbhaka) overcomes other (kapha and vāta) disorders in the three months, in which there is no doubt.