Supta prasarita padangustasana
Supta prasarita padangustasana: Asana
Āpta Pramāṇa - आप्त प्रमाण
Apta Pramana Source
Nathamuni's Yoga RAHASYA I.51
Original Verse
"उत्तानपादं क्रौञ्चं च मरीचिं वीरभद्रकम् । नटराजं त्रिकोणं च सुप्ताङ्गष्ठप्रसारणे ॥"
"uttānapādaṃ krauñcaṃ ca marīciṃ vīrabhadrakam । naṭarājaṃ trikoṇaṃ ca suptāṅgaṣṭhaprasāraṇe ॥"
"Uttanapadasana, Krauncasana, Maricyasana, Virabhadrasana, Natarajasana, Trikonasana, Supta padangusthasana and Supta prasarita padangustasana."
"1. Lie on the back.
2. Catch hold of the big toes with the hands
3. Extend the legs to a vertical position
4. Spread the legs apart as far as possible."
Atma Pramana Benefits
Strengthens the back and abdominals while stretching the inner thighs and gluteals. Releases and opens the lower 3 chakras which energizes the whole body.
Simple sketch
Supta-prasarita-padangusthasana (YRah(N)-I.51) .jpg