Shiva Sutras : Hamsa Mantra - The Core of Buddhist Tradition

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Hamsa Mantra - The Core of Buddhist Tradition


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Before entering into the Sutra . Just a few understandings , few words about the Scripture SHIVA SUTRA . This book is not even just a manual for Enlightenment . It is a manual to create Spiritual Traditions . The Technique which we are going to enter today is the base of the whole BUDDHIST TRADITION .

Each Technique , each Meditation Technique which is described in this book is a base for one religious tradition , one Spiritual Philosophy. Out of this one Meditation Technique. Whole BUDDHIST TRADITION is BORN .

Fortunately this book is older . That is why we are able to say from this book it started. People ask me how can you keep BUDDHA also along with GOD’S ? Because Buddha did not accept VEDIC GOD’S. If you read deeply BUDDHA never said there is no God or God does not exist.

Whenever he was asked the question he just avoided . Just not to waste the time because whenever you say “ yes or no you have enough arguments .“People come and ask me, ' Swamiji is there God ?


There were many Masters who led people to Enlightenment through Atheism. Very Rational, logical, Responsible. There are many Masters who never accepted God but lead people towards GODLINESS.

People ask me, is there God ? I tell them God is not the thing to argue by saying “ YES OR NO”. The moment I say, ‘YES’ i will have a thousand more questions ,The moment i say,’ NO’ again thousand more questions. Both are not going to help you.

Neither YES NOR NO is going to help you. Just GIVE A TECHNIQUE through which he will realise .He himself will achieve the truth. BUDDHA did the same job . He never said YES and he never said NO.

He just gave the method , he just gave the Technique and led people to achieve the Enlightenment. Achieve the truth . In a very beautiful way without accepting the authority of VEDA he contributed to VEDIC TRADITION.

See there will always be 50% of the people saying NO FOR EVERYTHING . See when you say NO it feels very juicy . Saying NO is really very juicy.That is why you know kids , why do you constantly think kids say no for anything and everything because it gives them the feeling that they are grown up now.

Only when you say no you feel you have freedom. There is something called positive freedom. Freedom of acceptance and saying yes the ultimate freedom . But unfortunately neither we are taught about it nor we Experienced it. I can tell u actually this moment you can liberate yourself , all you need to do is ACCEPT YOU AS YOU ARE IN THE OUTER WORLD AND THE INNER WORLD.

SUDDENLY YOU WILL SEE YOUR UNCLUTCHED. You are clutched by only one thread NON-ACCEPTANCE . “SUTRE MANIGANAEVA “ KRISHNA says I AM THE THREAD running through the whole Existence.

There is one thread in you which is running through the whole suffering of your life , NON-ACCEPTANCE .It’s like a Lord is the thread. Krishna is the thread running connecting the whole Existence. Your NON-ACCEPTANCE IS THE THREAD RUNNING AND CONNECTING YOUR WHOLE SUFFERINGS .What you call as samsara roga , Bhava roga .Suffering of disease .

This one moment a SIMPLE ACCEPTANCE . People ask me, I am not able to accept Swamiji . A common you already accept that you are not able to accept you, that's all. Even that is an acceptance. Even that acceptance can suddenly UNCLUTCH YOU. There is no need for thought flowing in you .

There were one group of people , who are very simple , who are able to straight away connect and accept and realise the Truth . For that group VEDIC TRADITION was helping but slowly , slowly Unfortunately a kind of a negative wave or a negative group has started developing , because the Spiritual Techniques and the Transmission of the Spiritual Enlightenment was not happening at one point .

Transmission of Enlightenment was not happening ,so the Antagonistic crowd, the crowd which started saying no to everything . If you say NO logically there won't be any problem. Saying NO just i don't want , just for the sake of feeling strong . For that group there is nobody to guide them .

It is not that just because they have gone Astray they can be dropped or they can be completely thrown out. NO! Somebody has to take care of them ,so then DIVINE DESCENDS AS BUDDHA. Who gathers all the dropouts . Gather all the people who are constantly saying no.

He also gathers all of them and sits . He played the same tune but ,I can say among the Masters BUDDHA is the Master who Contributed MAXIMUM number of ENLIGHTENED BEINGS to the Planet Earth .

Maximum numbers of Enlightened Beings are contributed to the planet earth from the BUDDHIST TRADITION . DIRECTLY FROM BUDDHA WHEN HE WAS ALIVE.

    Fortunately  he was in the body, for more than you can say 80 years and he became ENLIGHTENED around 40. 40years Enlightened public mission. He created at least 1000 Enlightened begins .

I think even now , it's a Achievement . I don't think anybody else has done much more than that. He contributed so much without directly saying YES or NO to the question whether God exists or not. He straightaway gave the Technique and that Technique is from this SUTRA.

This is the SUTRA which forms the core centre of the BUDDHIST TRADITION.