Research on HDH NeuroFeedback-Brain Waves in Meditating Condition

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Research on brain activity of HDH Bhagavan Sri Nithyananda Paramashivam


Nithyananda met with Dr. William Collins, a leading Researcher and a practicing Neurofeedback specialist at the latter's office in St. Louis, USA. Dr. Collins requested to study the brain activity of Nithyananda along with that of a patient at the time he was healing the latter.


14 Apr 2005 The patient was injured in a car accident 10 years earlier consequently suffering from affected motor nerves. Nithyananda readily agreed to his request. The experiment was conducted and the results recorded which are presented here in brief. "The world is not going to believe this! exclaimed Dr. Collins at seeing the astounding observations recorded.


There were 4 main states in which the brain readings of Nithyananda and the patient were recorded and compared:
(a) both just sitting normally
(b) Nithyananda meditating
(c) Nithyananda healing the patient and
(d) Nithyananda radiating healing energy, without directing it specifically towards the patient.


While HDH Sri Nithyananda Pramashivam was meditating: 1. Higher frequency brain waves increased. This was found only in people who had meditated for 20 yrs or so.

2. Lower frequency waves decreased in strength. This was the reverse of what is normally observed in average persons, where lower frequency waves become more prominent during meditation.


1. The high freq. waves continued to occur in David's brain (i.e. re-wiring of the brain continued to occur).

2. There was still a significant difference in the strength of the high frequency waves in David's brain.

3. Both sides of David's brain became like the right brain of Swamiji.

4. Swamiji's brain activity was quite similar to the levels during one-to-one healing.


• The reason for this unusual reading is, as HDH Sri Nithyananda Pramashivam pointed out, that when average persons meditate they concentrate, but HDH simply enters into pure awareness. Swamiji explained, “In the normal state, myself, the person getting healed and the Cosmic Energy are all different, but during healing, all 3 get connected. That could be the reason why David's brain behaved like Swamiji's brain."