Purifying the nadis in 3 months through Nadi Shodana

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Nāḍīśodhanam: Pranayama




Śāstra Pramāṇa - शास्त्र प्रमाण



Original Verse

"प्रागिडया पिबेन्नियमितं भूयोऽन्यया रेचयेत् पीत्वा पिङ्गलया समीरणमथो बद्ध्वा त्यजेद्वामया ।

सूर्याचन्द्रमसोरनेन विधिनाभ्यासं सदा तन्वतां शुद्धा नाडिगणा भवन्ति यमिनां मासत्रयादूर्ध्वतः ॥ १ ॥"


"prāgiḍayā pibenniyamitaṃ bhūyo'nyayā recayet pītvā piṅgalayā samīraṇamatho baddhvā tyajedvāmayā |

sūryācandramasoranena vidhinābhyāsaṃ sadā tanvatāṃ śuddhā nāḍigaṇā bhavanti yamināṃ māsatrayādūrdhvataḥ ॥ 1 ॥"


"Then, with a firm posture, the Yogin, possessed of self-control, partaking of temperate and wholesome food, for the purpose of drying up the impurities remaining in the Susumna Nadi, assuming the Padmasana posture, in-filling the vital air through the Moon (Ida), holding it in Kumbhaka, as far as it lies in his power and expelling it through the Surya (Pingala), again in-filling through the Surya (Pingala) and after Kumbhaka expelling it through the Moon (Ida), should hold it, after in-filling through the Nadi through which he expelled.

Herein occur these verses: (The Yogin) should at first draw in the Prana vital air through the Ida and again expel through the other (viz., the Pingala), in the prescribed manner (i.e., after Kumbhaka). Then sucking in the vital air through the Pingala, he should, after holding it, expel it through the left (Nadl). For those self-possessed Yogin-s, who always practise according to this rule, through the Solar and Lunar Nadi-s (alternately), the systems of Nadi-s are purified in the course of a little over three months."