Parvatasana: Asana
Asana Type
Śāstra Pramāṇa - शास्त्र प्रमाण
Sastra Pramana Source
Rudrayamala Tantram 23.52
Original Verse
"अथ वक्ष्ये महादेव पर्वतासनमङ्लम्। यत् कृत्वा स्थिररूपी स्यात् षट्चक्रादिविलोपनम्॥२३.५२॥"
"atha vakṣye mahādeva parvatāsanamaṅlam । yat kṛtvā sthirarūpī syāt ṣaṭcakrādivilopanam ॥23.52॥"
"O Mahādeva! now I shall talk about auspicious parvatāsana; Practising which (mental) stability is gained, and the penetration of the six cakras is called parvatāsana. (23.52)"
Apta Pramana Source
Yoga Rahasya (N)-II.22
"mütrapiëòa yakåtpléhavapäçuddhaye nirantaram upaviçya ca suptägha parvatäsanamabhyaset "
To cleanse the urinary bladder, liver, sleen and diaphragm, Parvatasana must be done in seated and lying down positions.
Apta Additional References
"Also known as tadasana variation and can be practiced sitting or lying down. KT-II.46p249, Yas-42, SYK-68, SCA-82, V-p885, RY-23:52-53"
1. Place the right foot on the left thigh.
2. Now place the left foot on the right thigh
3. Keep both the arms raised above the head and join the hands
4. Settle in this posture for 30 seconds (This should be practiced in both sitting as well as lying position. Kumbhaka should be done in sitting pose only.)
Atma Pramana Benefits
Purifies the lungs, spleen, urinal bladder and diaphragm.
Sakshi Pramana Benefits
Expansion in the lungs and diaphragm, grounded feeling while energy is simultaneously lifting upward.
Simple sketch
Parvatasana (RY 23.52).png