Para asana ii
Para asana ii: asana
Asana Type
Āpta Pramāṇa - आप्त प्रमाण
Apta Pramana Source
Joga Pradipika 126-128
॥ atha parasaräma äsana ॥ prathama karai padamäsana ächai , südho sove bhüpari pächai | goòä aru jaìghä ye dou , bhü so lagatä räñai soé ॥ 354 ॥ dou hätha masataga disa dhärai , läbäà bhü so lagata pasärai | bahuriju väma hasata hai jäsoà , dachi hathelé piñöi ju täso ॥ 355 ॥ For extended Verse see end of Chapter.
Postures are said to be of two kinds: the Padmasana and the Vajrasana. When one places the soles of his feet over the two thighs (crosswise, the right sole over the left thigh and the left sole over the right thigh), this becomes the Padma posture, which destroys all sin.
Original Verse
pÒasn 3 vamj<" pr diDn cr[, diDn j<" vampd xr[ . dae% hSt j<"pr kre , sm srIr nasa c]u xrE . pdmasn yh nam khavE , Vyaix raeg sb nas hI pavE . 53.
Padmäsana iii vämajaìgha para dachina caraëa | dachina jaìgha vämapada dharaëa ॥ dou hasta jaìghapara kare | sama saréra näsä cakñu dharai ॥ padamäsana yaha näma kahävai | vyädhi roga saba näsa hé pävai ॥ 53 ॥
Sit on the anus with folded legs and knees pointing upward. Insert both the hands up to the elbow in between thigh muscles and calf muscles. Bring the legs near the body resulting into soles lifted upward. Gaze should be at the tip of the nose.
1. Sit on the buttocks with the legs folded 2. Insert the legs between the thighs and calves 3. Join the hands in a finger lock 4. Keep the heels raised
Atma Pramana (Benefits)
Facilitates the arousal of kundalini.
Regular Photo
Para Asana ii (Joga Pradipika 129-130).jpg