November 23 2023

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Nithyanandeshwara Paramashiva Brahmotsavam | Day 7 | KAILASA Tiruvannamalai Nithyananda Jenmabhoomi || Kailasa's Paramashivoham Season 5 - Level 1, Level 2 & Level 3 - Day 18



Nithyanandeshwara Paramashiva Brahmotsavam Patrikai

With the auspicious blessings of The Supreme Pontiff of Hinduism (SPH) Jagatguru Mahasannidhanam (JGM) His Divine Holiness (HDH) Bhagavan Nithyananda Paramashivam, Nithyanandeshwara Paramashiva Devalayam, Adi Kailasa Nithyananda Sarvajnapeetham presents the Nithyanandeshwara Paramashiva Brahmotsavam Patrikai.

O Enlightened Beings! Descendants of Noble Clans!!
All Hindu Diaspora!!!

शिवाय रुद्राय शिवार्चिताय महानुभावाय महेश्वराय ।सोमाय सूक्ष्माय सुरेश्वराय शोणाद्रिनाथाय नमः शिवाय ॥
śivāya rudrāya śivārcitāya mahānubhāvāya maheśvarāya ।
somāya sūkṣmāya sureśvarāya śoṇādrināthāya namaḥ śivāya ॥
[Shonadri Nathashtakam, Verse 1]

I surrender to Shiva, who is embodiment of the causeless auspiciousness, who is Rudra, who was worshipped by śivā(devi), who is the supremely manifested one, who is the greatest lord. He is the most subtlest and the lord of all the devas, I bow down to that Lord of śoṇādri.

During the auspicious Nithya Yuga, Shobhakrita Nama Samvatsara, Dakshinayana, Lakshmi Venkateshwara Ritu, Vrishchika Masa, Shukla Paksha, Chaturthi Tithi , Shukra Vasara, Purva Ashadha Nakshatra, Dhriti Yoga, Vishti Karana, in the Auspicious Tula Lagnam – the Nithyanandeshwara Paramashiva Brahmotsavam will commence at Nithyanandeshwara Paramashiva Devalayam and all the KAILASA’s around the globe.
14th - 30th november 2023

With the auspicious grace of Sri Nithyanandeshwari Paramashivashakti sametha Sri Nithyanandeshwara Paramashiva and His Paramavathara the SPH Bhagavan Nithyananda Paramashivam, Nithyanandeshwara Paramashiva Devalayam and all the KAILASAs around the globe invite the SPH Bhagavan Sri Nithyananda Paramashivam to officiate and bless the Nithyanandeshwara Brahmotsavam. KAILASA welcomes all the living beings from all the 14 Lokas to this grand celebration.

Today marks the 7th day of the Nithyanandeshwara Paramashiva Brahmotsavam

Today marks the 7th day of the Nithyanandeshwara Paramashiva Brahmotsavam. On this auspicious day, Paramashiva showers his grace and liberation upon the entire Bhu-Loka (earth) and the plane of human existence. He manifests in a wooden chariot, imparting enlightenment to all the beings of the earth. Each of the Panchamurthys will grace in individual wooden chariots during this grand Rathotsavam of Arunachaleshwara Paramashiva. Witnessing this divine spectacle brings blessings of excellence and success into our lives.

October 23, 2023 - KAILASA Celebrates the Seventh Day of the Nithyanandeshwara Paramashiva Brahmotsavam

On this seventh day of the Nithyanandeshwara Paramashiva Brahmotsavam, KAILASA joyfully shares the essence of the grand rituals and ceremonies that unfolded.

The Nithyanandeshwara Paramashiva Brahmotsavam, replicating the ancient Karthigai Deepam brahmotsavam of KAILASA’s Arunachaleshwara temple in Tiruvannamalai, stands as one of KAILASA’s main festivals—an unbroken tradition among the world’s most ancient religious celebrations.

The auspicious day witnessed a grand Rathotsavam, a Divine chariot procession where Bhagavan Arunachaleshwara Paramashiva, accompanied by the pantheon of deities of the brahmotsavam, graced the city of Tiruvannamalai in majestic wooden chariots. This day holds great significance as Paramashiva liberates all beings of Bhu-Loka (planet Earth), symbolized by His chariot made of wood, representing the Earth element.

KAILASA’s sannyasis, priests, and volunteers offered the Mandagappadi - the traditional welcome to Bhagavan Arunachaleshwara Paramashiva as He journeyed in and out of KAILASA’s Arunachaleshwara temple in Tiruvannamalai. As the brahmotsavam continues, volunteers at KAILASA’s Sri Nithyananda Jenmabhoomi, the birthplace of the Supreme Pontiff of Hinduism (SPH) located in front of KAILASA’s Arunachaleshwara temple, continuously offer free medicinal food to all as part of the Nithyananda Aushada Annadhan initiative launched by the SPH. Around the world, KAILASA’s global temples joined in performing traditional ceremonies and rituals in honor of Lord Shiva—Bhagavan Nithyanandeshwara Paramashiva. Abhishekam, Alankaram, Deeparathana, and two Yagashala Pujas were meticulously conducted in adherence to the ancient Agamic injunctions laid out by Paramashiva.

Supervised by the Supreme Pontiff of Hinduism, the day's rituals were broadcast live on over 534 social media handles and web televisions worldwide.

KAILASA extends a warm invitation to everyone to tune in to its various social media platforms throughout the day, witnessing the sacred events of this festival and receiving the divine blessings of Bhagavan Nithyanandeshwara Paramashiva.

Source Video:

Kailasa's Paramashivoham Season 5 - Level 1, Level 2 & Level 3 - Day 18

Paramashivoham Level 1 - Day 18🕉️

SESSION 1 - Science of Shaktis
Explore the tangible possibility of spiritual powers through the science of Power Manifestation, also known as Shakti Avishkarana. This journey promises a rapid breakthrough in your life, bringing you closer to Enlightenment each day. Today's curriculum is designed for those seeking profound and swift transformation.

Miracles are non-existent; every event has a cause. The distinction between inner and outer worlds is illusory; it's one unified reality. Your inner experiences shape the external. Understanding this truth lays the foundation for manifesting Shaktis - spiritual powers. Unlock your spiritual powers

Opinions, such as love and hatred, create a fortress in your mind, limiting your perception of the world you see in front of you and hindering your ability to explore other dimensions. While the human body grants access to Bhur, Bhuvah, and Suvah, forming rigid opinions builds a fort in your mind, obstructing the view beyond and impeding your capacity to perceive the vastness of the Universe's multiple dimensions.

The awakening of seeking in a human being is among the greatest and rarest occurrences. Seeking fulfills everything you desire and goes beyond. It awakens the truth within you and unfolds infinite possibilities. Seeking should be the first, foremost, and last quality to be developed. Whether making life decisions, pursuing a career, or getting married, prioritizing seeking in every aspect of life awakens the third eye and empowers you to manifest the ultimate.

Seeking is the act of questioning without assumptions, a profound inquiry into the nature of oneself and the world. When you question the fundamental aspects of your existence without assuming answers, you engage in genuine Seeking. Assuming answers reflects ignorance and true seekers refrain from such assumptions. Seeking involves asking questions without preconceived notions and embracing the uncertainty that leads to profound understanding and self-realization.

Patanjali revolutionized the understanding of consciousness, transforming it into a systematic science. Before him, entering different states of consciousness was accidental. Patanjali explored, experimented with, and systematized these experiences, enabling individuals to consciously work towards achieving altered states of consciousness.

Yoga isn't just a path to bliss; it's a scientific approach to bliss. A path might not be accessible to everyone, but science is universally reproducible. The profound purpose of human existence is to abide in Samadhi, and the remarkable human body can reflect superconsciousness, regardless of its original purpose or bio-memories.

The idea of hard work is a myth; it is essentially worry plus a little work. Genuine hard work is dynamic and intense, rising and falling like a wave without diluting itself with worry. The key factor for enlightenment is intensity, which is a turning of direction from outer restlessness to inner intensity. This inner intensity arises from a deep dissatisfaction and a desperate feeling that something needs to be done immediately to break free in the inner world.

Paramashivoham Level 2 - Day 18🕉️🕉️

Discover the Kundalini currents that are beyond mere thought, that liberate and bring bliss to your entire being. Experience the transformation by awakening your Kundalini in Paramashivoham Level-2.

Energy encompasses compassion, intelligence, and bliss—all integral facets of the same pillar. Super-consciousness is the synergy of energy, compassion, intelligence, and bliss. Intelligence manifests when energy is expressed through the head, compassion when through the heart, and pure energy when through the being. When energy does not manifest outside but remains inside, it is bliss!

Oneness is the reality and truth through which you manifest powers. Realizing oneness doesn't require effort; it demands understanding - why you haven't realized oneness already. Oneness is already the reality. For example: when your health, wealth, and relationships align with your desires, you are in oneness with them.

SESSION 4 - Sadashiva Rahasya
Explore the most profound spiritual teaching, a transformative technique in itself – the Sadashiva Rahasya, the profound Secret of Sadashiva. This revelation will empower you to manifest your potential and spiritual prowess immediately!

At every level of existence—individual, societal, familial, communal, national, human, and cosmic—fundamental principles govern the manifestation of your desired reality. Your existence is interconnected with the whole; you are not isolated. Your relationships with your surroundings are integral to your identity.

The identity "I" is not the source of "mine", but "mine" is the source of "I". The true "I" originates from Paramashiva, while the experienced "I" is influenced by "mine." This delusion, where decisions of "mine" are perceived as decisions of "I," is the real lust, going beyond mere bodily attachment.

The core essence of Paramaśiva is pure love, and the entire Universe is diverse expressions of this love. There is no inherent distinction between good and bad, right and wrong; all are manifestations of divine love. Love is not an action; it is the essence of existence. You either love the whole world or nobody at all.

Paramashivoham Level 3 - Day 18🕉️🕉️🕉️

Kailasa is a conscious plane of the universe. It is an intense space where the energy of countless Enlightened Beings converges, forming a brilliance akin to the combined light of numerous radiant flares making up the sun. It embodies the culmination of profound knowledge, limitless potential, and extraordinary powers.

Conscious-conscious selection is the process of consciously choosing Consciousness as the foundation of your existence, leading to liberation and enlightenment (Moksha and Jivan Mukti). This involves introducing your DNA to its higher possibilities, inspiring it through mutation and will persistence.

Your existence, whether in terms of principles, goals, relationships, success, or failure, depends solely on Paramashiva. When Shani, representing the cosmic forces, alters your circumstances, it's not malevolence but a redirection. It signifies a shift from dependencies moving away from Paramashiva, prompting a realignment. The cosmic design aims to refocus your inner and outer dependencies, ensuring they center around Paramashiva for your ultimate well-being.

Any work or responsibility will always feel like a burden if it comes from outside. We will always have resistance towards life unless we gain clarity about our purpose and align ourselves with it. Becoming your own boss, aligned with your own purpose, is more than a career option; it is the essence of life.

Tripurantaka is the fierce form in which Lord Shiva destroyed the three demon cities—Tripura. Demons had built invincible flying cities, causing havoc in the universe. Lord Shiva incarnated as Tripurantaka and destroyed the cities, symbolizing the eradication of ego, materialism, and illusion.

Power manifestation arises from the state of Oneness, and Oneness becomes your source when you commit to manifesting it powerfully. Declaring to your body and mind that they must adhere to your command is saucha (cleanliness). Santosha (happiness) is the mind understanding it must simply obey you to exist. Both should be brought under control through your fierceness.

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