November 21 2023

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LIVE SPH DARSHAN : Day 5 Panchamurty Utsavam LIVE from Nithyananda Jenmabhoomi tiruvannamalai || Kailasa's Paramashivoham Season 5 - Level 1, Level 2 & Level 3 - Day 16





Overview of the report
Sanatana Hindu Dharma (“Hinduism”) recognizes eleven genders and allows same sex marriage.

As per the Vedas and Agamas, the holy scriptures of Hinduism, and as revealed by the Supreme Pontiff of Hinduism (SPH) Bhagavan Nithyananda Paramashivam, gender is the totality and the various permutations and combinations of our identification with the physical body, psychological layer, physiological existence and individual consciousness.

As per the Hindu scriptures, sexual attraction has nothing to do with the gender of the opposite person. Attraction is due to the grace the other body radiates. The freedom to exercise the Hindu religion and belief mutually reinforces freedom from violence and discrimination based on sexual orientation and gender identity. However, for over 7 centuries, the silent and unacknowledged double genocide of Hindus have prevented Hindus from authentically practicing their religion. For over a decade, the Hindu Aboriginal Indigenous Agricultural Tribes (AIAT), including its leader The Supreme Pontiff of Hinduism (SPH) Bhagavan Nithyananda Paramashivam, was under constant attack in Asia by Hindumisic extremists, for advocating Hinduism’s progressive stance on gender identity.

Despite the persecution, The SPH Nithyananda Paramashivam has successfully revived the ancient enlightened Hindu civilization in the sovereign land of the United States of KAILASA, where all beings have the right to be treated as divine.

Link to the Independent Expert on sexual orientation and gender identity UN page:

Link to report:

5th Day Panchamurty Utsavam LIVE from Nithyananda Jenmabhoomi tiruvannamalai

5th Day Panchamurty Utsavam LIVE from Nithyananda Jenmabhoomi tiruvannamalai

Today is the 5th day of the Nithyanandeshwara Paramashiva Brahmotsavam. On this very day, he manifested and enlightened Vashishta and the Saptarishis. On the southern side of Kailaasa, Paramashiva reveals the Srimad Kamika Agama, to all the beings gathered there. Paramashiva reveals to them the Yoga, charya, kirya, and Jnana Pada of Agamas. Thus Paramashiva revealed these and enlightened the Saptarishis today they offered to him their prized Kamadenu and Kalpavriksha.

The SPH is reviving the temple-based ecosystem, the temple agraharams. The garland of households that surround the temples in every Kailasa, are called Agraharams. These households are the choicest examples living the four pada of Paramashiva’s Agamas. They hold the essence of the lifestyle of the Kailasa Ambiance.

Source Link:

Kailasa's Paramashivoham Season 5 - Level 1, Level 2 & Level 3 - Day 16

Paramashivoham Level 1 - Day 16🕉️

SESSION 1 - Health and Wellness – Arogya Spurana
The absence of diagnosed diseases does not equate to health. Health is not the absence of illnesses; it is a state of complete physical, mental, spiritual, psychological, and social well-being. Health involves the state of your Consciousness; when you feel life is good, those are the moments you are healthy.

SESSION 2 - Balance Vata, Pitta, Kapha + Meditation
Our body's balance is influenced by three energies: Vata, Pitta, and Kapha. Pitta is associated with visualization, Vata with verbalization, and Kapha with Consciousness. The harmony of these energies is crucial for balanced body function and has a direct impact on our health. Achieve lasting health

SESSION 3 - Swastha – Center Yourself
Most of us don’t live using our whole body. The grace is lost when you choose one part of the body and reject the other parts. When you suppress one side, over time, you start living only with one part of your body. When every part of your body breathes, you begin to radiate Tejas - extraordinary energy.

SESSION 4 - Chakra Energizing Technique + Technique to Dissolve Pain
Chakras are the main Energy centers in your body. If they are maintained in an energized condition, you will be free from all types of diseases. Pain is nothing but unawareness. Whenever you don’t pay attention to some part of your body, automatically, your body will demand your awareness.

SESSION 5 - Vipasana – Silence Technique
A continuous and steady flow of oxygen is crucial for optimal health. It's not just about the body functioning perfectly; optimal health means eliminating the possibility of disease. Every cell in your body requires a consistent supply of oxygen. Conscious breathing is the key to making diseases disappear and achieving optimal well-being.

SESSION 6 - Agni (Fire) - Navel Clearing Technique
The agni (fire) in your navel, known as Jatharagni, is the life force. While it burns, you are alive; when it extinguishes, you are cremated. A vibrant Jatharagni keeps you light, regardless of what you eat. Fasting helps revive this fire, ensuring the body burns excess load efficiently. Discover ancient secrets for optimal health

SESSION 7 - Pranic Breathing Technique
Activate the cool energy, "Sheetala," through this technique, working on the amrita tatva. It revitalizes the pranic layer or breath body, one of the seven energy bodies within. Practice with proper guidance for profound health benefits.

SESSION 8 - Tejas Tattvas Technique
Experience the transformative Tejas Tattva Technique. This energy-cleansing meditation works to release deep-seated pains accumulated over the years, offering profound health benefits and rejuvenating your system. Elevate your energy levels through this empowering practice.

SESSION 9 - Inner Chattering Clearing Technique
The constant movement of your tongue is closely linked to your inner chattering. Thinking triggers tongue movement, taking you away from your body awareness. By halting the tongue, we will reconnect you to your body. This process will yield great health benefits.

Paramashivoham Level 2 - Day 16🕉️🕉️

SESSION 1 - Health and Well Being
Most of your diseases are psychosomatic; they stem from negativity and disturbances in the mind. Our body is pure intelligence. It is not just a bio-mechanism. It responds to every single thought in your mind. Overcoming negative emotions and toxins to reach the zone of intelligence or the space of Consciousness, is the goal.

SESSION 3 - Arogya Spurana – Health As Per Ayurveda – Part 2
Health isn't merely the absence of disease but a positive state of well-being. The ancient masters, the rishis, emphasized that life is meant to be lived blissfully. In Sanskrit, they declared, "Anandam Paramaha Nabhyajaanaath," signifying that existence is bliss itself. Embrace holistic health

SESSION 4 - Science of Anti-Aging
Anti-aging isn't just an idea; it's a possibility. When Consciousness prevails over the body, the body absorbs its qualities. Conversely, if the body dominates, you may feel bound or heavy. Recognizing which aspect is predominant is crucial. If your Consciousness is vibrant and influences your organs, your body manifests its qualities, and anti-aging begins.

SESSION 5 - Science of Divya Sarira – Secrets for Astral Travel
Every human being possesses a subtle body called Divya Sharira. It corresponds to our spiritual identity. One who builds their Divya Sarira by consciously working on empowering their identity from within unlocks extraordinary abilities such as astral travel, and powers of Consciousness.

SESSION 6 - Amritattva
Discover that eternal essence, which remains unaffected in dream, deep sleep, and waking states. The source where relaxation brings no threat, loss, or change.

SESSION 7 - Formula to Change the Body Without Working Out
Modern research has revealed that the process of thinking isn't confined to our brain but occurs throughout our entire body. If you understand the deep interconnection between your body and thoughts, you can redesign your entire body by identifying which parts of your mind are associated with which parts of your body.

SESSION 8 - Natural Healthy Herbal Drinks – Prakta Arogya Prana
Discover the most potent detoxifying and energizing drink that yogis have secretly employed for millennia. Packed with anti-inflammatory, antiviral, antifungal, hypoglycemic, diuretic, antilithic, hypotensive, coagulant, antidiabetic, antibiotic, and anticancer properties, among others, this herbal elixir profoundly detoxifies the body, contributing to the restoration of optimal health.

Paramashivoham Level 3 - Day 16🕉️🕉️🕉️

SESSION 1 - Understand the 36 Tattvas to Experience Power of Samādhi
The entire universe is rooted in 36 Tattvas or principles. At the core of these 36 principles are the 4 Tattvas of integrity, authenticity, responsibility, and enriching. Deepening your understanding of these principles can yield immediate benefits such as freedom from addictions and heightened productivity, among others.

SESSION 2 - Thathata - IsNess - The Ultimate Revelation from the Space of Paramaśiva
Embrace the power of ownership, and witness the immediate transformation in your life. Whether you feel tired, bored, overwhelmed, or overloaded, acknowledging and owning up to your current state is the key to Ishvaratva. Remember, the past is not dead; it 'is,' just as the future 'is' yet to be manifested.

SESSION 3 - Vidya Tattvā – Essence of the Purpose of the Universe
Paramaśiva Himself unveils the profound meaning of "vidya": to move from the known to the unknown without suffering. As the Unmanifest becomes the strength of your being, your life transforms into an extraordinary journey. Embrace the wisdom of navigating the known and the unknown with grace, drawing strength from the infinite possibilities of the Unmanifest.

SESSION 4 - Sattva Tattva – The Reality Dimension of the Universe
In cosmic reality, there is no distinction between static matter, dynamic activity, and strategic existence. Jata, Śakti, and Śivam seamlessly merge into one another without boundaries or borders. Understanding this profound truth and integrating it into your cognition will open the gateway to manifesting extraordinary powers and unlocking boundless energy.

SESSION 5 - Shakti Tattva - Be Passionately Involved in Everything and Completely Unclutched
If you unclutch completely, your consciousness becomes intensely mature and fully enlightened. You open the infinite resource inside you. After that, how much ever you get involved with the world, the world only strengthens you in your Enlightenment and never puts you down. This is called Shakti-tattva.

SESSION 6 - You Are Alive is The Only Reality
Bhagavan Sri Krishna wisely declares in the Bhagavad Gita, "Consciousness can neither be killed, burned, nor made wet." Let this profound truth shape your self-perception. Choose to consciously program your inner software with the qualities of Consciousness—Paramashiva.

SESSION 7 - Ishvara Tattva – Breaking Restricting Consciousness Itself!
Penance, or Tapas in Hindu tradition, is the fire through which all achievements can be realized. All successes are born out of penance, maturing the soul. Rishis and yogis obtained even Paramashiva and the cosmic deities through Tapas, receiving blessings and boons. Acquiring the capacity for Tapas opens the door to limitless possibilities.


FB-Photos-Glimpses of the SPH's darshan and fifth day of the Nithyanandeshwara Paramashiva Brahmotsavam.

In ancient times, it was on this day that Paramashiva bestowed Enlightenment to all the Shivacharyas, Paricharakas, Shivan Adiyars, and those who offer service at His Divine feet in His temples.

FB-Photos-auspicious celebration of the Kartigai Deepam Brahmotsavam at KAILASA Tiruvannamalai

Sri Nithyananda Jenmabhoomi, the SPH Nithyananda Paramashivam, graced the gathering with his blessings.
Attendees, representing diverse walks of life, connected with the SPH through video conferencing to receive His divine blessings.

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