November 18 2023

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LIVE SPH DARSHAN: Day 2 Panchamurty Utsavam LIVE from Nithyananda Jenmabhoomi || Bhagavan Somaskanda Murthy Bhava Samadhi Darshan || Kailasa's Paramashivoham Season 5 - Level 1, Level 2 & Level 3 - Day 13



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Paramashivoham - Level 1, Level 2 & Level 3 - Day 13

Paramashivoham Level 1 - Day 13🕉️

SESSION 1 - Leadership Consciousness
Leadership is a state, not a status. It is not defined by the number of subordinates or followers; it is the capacity to be self-driven toward a larger goal that contributes to the world around us.
Learn ancient methods to awaken leadership consciousness within you.

SESSION 2 - eN-Communication, Power of Words & Listening
Listening is one of the most underestimated powers you possess. It extends far beyond mere communication, tuning you into existence, life, and the Divine. Listening is the foundation for life to happen.

SESSION 3 - eN-Communication, Talking
Talking can happen in two ways: default talking and conscious talking. Conscious talking involves the capacity to speak into the other person's listening. It is the true form of communication, providing the ability to negotiate, convince, heal, and impact the other person as needed.

SESSION 4 - eN-Communications, Speaking into the Listening of Others
Obtaining and retaining the listening of others when conveying something is the key to provoking the desired results. Too often, we hear, but we do not listen, nor do we ensure that the other person is listening. Including listening in our communications can bring profound change to our lives.

SESSION 5 - eN-Leadership Consciousness – Identity Constraint
Leadership is not about attracting followers; it's about being self-driven for your own purpose. Often, we hold back from manifesting our potential and materializing our dreams, believing we're not fit for them.
Build your identity for leadership.

SESSION 6 - EN-Leadership Consciousness – Behavioural Constraint
Mental thought patterns and fixed behaviors are some of the biggest obstacles to achieving leadership consciousness. These behavioral patterns limit the way you look at situations and people, thereby restricting your scope for performance and expressing leadership.

SESSION 7 - Be Your Own Boss
Money is not the sole purpose of life. Employment does not equate to realizing your true purpose. The desires for which you were born, the aspirations that cannot be suppressed, must be fulfilled. Becoming your own boss is the path to living life on your terms and achieving fulfillment.

SESSION 8 - Paradox of Freedom
Many of us believe that our capacity to choose is our freedom. This belief is erroneous. True freedom is having the conscious capacity to manifest our highest potential and all our possibilities. In that sense, even though multiple choices are available to us, we are not truly free.

SESSION 9 - Life Beyond Limits
All of us operate based on an inner software - a set of beliefs about life, particularly about our potential, given to us at a young age by the society around us. This inner software is the source of all our limitations, as it is neither designed by enlightened beings nor designed to help us manifest our highest potential.

SESSION 10 - eN Reality – Personal and Societal Realities
Your reality can change. You do not perceive reality as it is - you perceive your cognition. Your beliefs define your very perception of reality - not just your life. If you can change your cognition, an instant transformation that will transcend the boundaries of your mind will occur, which will reshape all dimensions of your life.

Paramashivoham Level 2 - Day 13🕉️🕉️

SESSION 1 - Ishwaratva
Ishwaratva in Sanskrit means lordship. It denotes the capacity to take ownership of our existence and craft it the way we want. Any problem we face can be solved, any desire we carry can be fulfilled if we are ready to take ownership for it.
Awaken the power of Ishwaratva inside you

SESSION 2 - Swadharma
Swadharma means always being in the space of powerfulness about the identity you hold about yourself, what you stand for, and what you want to do; never allowing powerlessness or self-doubt to breach in any of these three.
Awaken your Swadharma to live with confidence and authenticity

SESSION 3 - Listening to the Guru Can Change Everything
The Guru, out of His Divine grace, can liberate even the worst of sinners and bestow Enlightenment upon Him. Profound transformation and Enlightenment can happen within us at any time through His power - the key is to obey His word.

SESSION 4 - Surrender
Surrendering to the Divine or at the feet of the Guru should never be perceived as ignorance. In Hinduism, within acts of devotional surrender to the Divine lies a deep spiritual context. Surrender empowers you by allowing the Divine to manifest through you and in your life.
Experience surrender - open yourself to the Divine

SESSION 5 - Conquering Time
Time is nothing more than the internal pressure we experience. Time is slow when you wait. Time is fast when you are late. Time is deadly when you are sad. Time is short when you are happy. Time is endless when you are in pain. Time feels long when you are bored. Time is determined by your feelings and psychological conditions, not by clocks.

SESSION 6 - Conquering Life!
Diagnosing problems in our lives should always be done with a focus on future possibilities, not to shift the responsibility to the past. Life needs to be approached from the perspective of conquering—continuously planning for success and finding solutions.

SESSION 7 - Be Your Own Boss
Any work or responsibility will always feel like a burden if it comes from outside. We will always have resistance towards life unless we gain clarity about our purpose and align ourselves with it. Becoming your own boss, aligned with your own purpose, is more than a career option; it is the essence of life.

SESSION 8 - Freedom
The quest for freedom is what drives all beings. All of our actions are focused on either acquiring or celebrating what we feel as our freedom. Our notion of freedom should be defined based on the truth that we are Consciousness, not limited to body and mind. Only then will we acquire the true freedom of manifesting our potential.

Paramashivoham Level 3 - Day 13🕉️🕉️🕉️

SESSION 1 - Subramanya, Lord of Victory
Subramanya, the son of Paramashiva, is the totality of Paramashiva's best attributes. He is mainly worshipped as the lord of valor, victory, and spiritual powers. But beyond that, Subramanya is the embodiment of Paramashiva's own infinity.

SESSION 2 - Manifest Bhagavān Subramanya’s Invincibility - Ajayatva
More than external enemies, it is the enemy within which is the most dangerous. Inner violence, attitude, and feelings of powerlessness are self-destructive patterns that lead to our collapse. The key to achieving true invincibility is to overcome these and establish ourselves in restful awareness.

SESSION 3 - Work for Excellence Not Success
Success is defined by a set of ideas accepted by society and the people around us. It's about gaining recognition, but it can never bring lasting fulfillment. On the other hand, excellence is your capacity to achieve and expand. Wealthy people always work for excellence, not just success.

SESSION 4 - Multidimensional Activity
Your consciousness is multi-dimensionally active by nature. On the other hand, your mind always divides and separates, making you believe you can do only one thing at a time. Awakening your innate ability for multi-dimensional activism is a powerful way to empower your identity and manifest your highest potential.

SESSION 5 - No Negotiation with My Guru
The Guru can not only make you Enlightened, but He knows all the knots tied inside your inner space, retraining you from manifesting your possibilities. If you refrain from negotiating, if you listen and follow His words, your life will undergo profound and rapid transformation.

SESSION 6 - Navarasa Nataka
Heroism is all about building an authentic self-image which is source of powerfulness and confidence, and living up to it in all situations. One who invests his time, treasure, talent, energy, and everything on his inner image and builds it consciously, wins the game the game of life. He becomes a hero forever!

SESSION 7 - Dheerah - Courage: Moving the Self-Doubt, Self-Hatred, Self-Denial Out and Having a Vision For Your Future
Life is all about having a larger vision, a broader understanding, or a more profound purpose. The context we hold within ourselves manifests the reality we experience. Our reality is not accidental. Therefore, the context we carry should always lead us to expand.

SESSION 8 - Become Tyagaraja!
Tyaga is often translated as renunciation. However, Tyaga does not lead to loss; it is asserting something with the intent to make it into reality. Tyaga is one of the most powerful abilities you can acquire, through which you can make even your greatest dreams into reality. Awaken the superpower of Tyaga within you

Reviving the Ancient: SPH's Vision for KAILĀSA Worldwide 🏰

Reviving the Ancient: SPH's Vision for KAILĀSA Worldwide 🏰

Embark on a journey through the transformative vision of The Supreme Pontiff of Hinduism (SPH), who established enlightenment ecosystems city by city in the West, envisioning each one to be as grand and magnanimous as the ancient Hindu enlightenment ecosystems.

In 2005, the inaugural ashram, Paschima Arunachaleshwara, emerged in Duarte, Los Angeles, marking the inception of this monumental endeavor. The first temple, Paschima Prayag, inaugurated in Ohio, and the one in Seattle named Paschima Chidambharam, reflected the embodiment of ancient Hindu traditions in contemporary settings.

With each establishment, the SPH sowed the seeds of tradition, drawing inspiration from model Hindu enlightenment ecosystems established millennia ago. His visionary approach aimed to create sprawling Hindu ecosystems, fostering a sense of belonging for millions of Hindus living all over the world.

This initiative transcends geographical boundaries, bringing forth a cultural renaissance that resonates with Hindus globally. It not only preserves ancient wisdom but also provides a spiritual haven for those seeking solace and connection with their roots.

For more information, please visit

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Experience moments of deep devotion and Oneness with SPH as He graces us in the magnificent form of SOMASKANDHA Murthy and SHISHYABHAVA MURTHY on the 13th day of Paramashivoham

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