New Clear Bombs - Gratitude happens when you Realize you are Paramashiva

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Gratitude happens when you Realize you are Paramashiva | That is Real Bhakti


In this New Clear Bomb, Bhagwan reveals the context for Bhakti and guides us to Be as Paramashiva, crossing the last delusion of Self-Doubt, Self-Hatred, Self-Denial

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tatsarvaṃ kathayiṣyāmi yogayuktyā śruṇu priye । yatsvarūpaṃ nijaṃ śuddhaṃ vyāpakaṃ sarvatomukham ॥ 1.22 || sarvabhūtāntarāvasthaṃ sarvaprāṇiṣu jīvanam | yogagamyaṃ durāsādaṃ duṣprāpamakṛtātamabhiḥ || 1.23 ||

Mahadeva, Paramashiva, is saying the second verse : "yatsvarūpaṃ nijaṃ śuddhaṃ" … « My state is real and pure. Listen. You need to decide to behave yourself as Paramashiva. You need to be convinced, blessed are those who are able to convince themselves that they are ultimate. Means, they are able to cross the last delusion of self-doubt , self-denial, self-hatred . I tell you - Bhakti should be the expression of the gratitude and powerfulness of everything you have been given, not from the attitude that you are separate from the source. Understand, I overflow with gratitude and BhaktiI to my guru, not because I am separate from Him, but because He made me realize He is me.