New Clear Bombs - Dont live a Silly Life, Understand the Cosmic Vision

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Dont live a Silly Life, Understand the Cosmic Vision


In this New Clear Bomb, Bhagwan reveals the deepest secret of the Cosmological Constant which is the reflection of consciousness on the inner-space

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One of the biggest mistake human beings do « What is the need to understand about the cosmos ?» You are too involved in your traffic rules you forget the vision « Why the traffic rules are developed ». If you are too involved in the traffic rules your life will go in either how many tickets you got and how many times you broke the rules did not get the tickets. Complete silly game. The biggest pleasure you will be having is you broke the rules, jumped red light and did not get the ticket. Biggest problem you will be having is you got the ticket. You are too much bothered about just the traffic rules not the vision « Why the rules are developed ». If you understand the vision, it’s not that you will not follow the rules, you will follow the rules but you will never even be remembering or loaded by the traffic rules. Understanding about the vision of the cosmos takes away the load of your so called silly life from you. Understand whether you are oversexed or undersexed, overjoyed or under-joyed, over-pained or under-pained, overpaid or underpaid, your right, wrong, morality, good, bad everything…As long as it is from the silly view of the life, your life will be silly. If you realize the vision of the cosmos, your life will be so beautiful, you will evolve something like a cosmic moral. It’s not like you will break the moral, it’s not like you will become chaotic, no, you will evolve, you will manifest a space which will be so beautifully moral and so free, mature. Understanding about the cosmos matures your being.