New Clear Bomb - What is Anti-Matter? Hinduism Knows!

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      What is Anti-Matter? Hinduism Knows!  


Video Audio


Many people are working to understand the secrets of the Universe, try to raise a doubt when there is so much matter generated during the big bang, why so much anti-matter is not generated? The question is wrong. Please understand, matter and anti-matter is always in balance. If anyone gets imbalanced, immediately the big bang or black hole has to happen to balance it. Understand. Overflowing matter, overflowing anti-matter need to be in Samana for maintenance, means sthiti, please listen carefully, from the influence of the anti-matter, matter manifesting is big bang, from the influence of the matter, anti-matter manifesting is black hole. If there is a sustenance, life perception, matter and anti-matter is balanced. Enough and equal amount of anti-matter also is produced when matter is produced. Anti-matter means…listen carefully, Paramashiva clearly defines all the thought currents, emotions, patterns which is there in all of us, which is responsible for our functioning but which is not perceived as material is anti-matter. Listen. Which is there in all of us, patterns, emotions, thought currents, feelings, experiences, which is responsible for our functioning, our existence, which matters for our existence, but is not perceived as material is anti-matter. Enough quantity of anti-matter also is released along with matter. Person who understands anti-matter matters for life, starts making the cognitions related to anti-matter. I tell you, how much you avoid poison, poisonous food, toxics in your system that much you need to avoid, toxic patterns and poisonous patterns. But unfortunately you always recognize matter as existence and never recognize anti-matter. You don’t give the due right to anti-matter in your life and feel, land and accidents and collapse. Ignorance is not cute. You claiming “Oh, I don’t know about anti-matter, I am too simple man, simple beings are not successful”. Ignorant beings are not successful, it’s only integrated beings are successful.