New Clear Bomb - What are the 5 Dimensions of Paramashiva?

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What are the 5 Dimensions of Paramashiva?


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All the ‘’karmendriya’’, actions of you is length dimension, all the ‘’jnanendriya’’ which receives information is breadth dimension, all the cognition aspects of you, means analyzing, putting the informations together, mapping it, is the depth dimension of you and converting them for your vision and purpose is time dimension and converting them as a pure knowledge and operating it to expand your existence is space dimension. For that you need to know what is actually your existence, actually your existence is the pure reflection of Paramashiva in your individual inner space, that is the constant you are carrying, that is the ‘’Aham’’ you carry, that is actually you. The first immediate side effect of that you ‘’Aham’’is your will persistence. Your will persistence is not constant but your reflection, the reflection you are carrying of Paramashiva is constant