New Clear Bomb - Attention Need is Not Love .. Ferociousness is Real Love!

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Attention Need is Not Love .. Ferociousness is Real Love!


Manifest Super Powers with your Conscious Conscious Choice & Will Persistence. Original Satsang ( 17 Jan 2019 ).

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In the artificial selection breeding style, you will be given lots of attention and you will be taught the attention is love, understand one thing, real love is ferociousness, if you think attention is love you will feel life is loveless. Any fellow who feels life is not loving, you have a wrong concept of love, you think attention is love, you started believing the idea fed into you by artificial breeding, artificial selection team. Understand, you have two things in front of you. I should say conscious artificial selection gang which is breeding you, taming you, making you as a pet and conscious conscious selection being who initiates you, who gives that wonder in your being in your very DNA, your very DNA gets into the feeling of wander, aaah! That is what is called Deeksha, Initiation, your DNA coming face to face with an Avatar, its extreme possibility is Initiation, it deciding to do the conscious, conscious selection mutation with will-persistence to achieve that State is Living Enlightenment.
