New Clear Bomb - 3 Instructions to Diagnose & Heal Hangovers from Sex

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  3 Instructions to Diagnose & Heal Hangovers from Sex 


Video Audio


I will give you just 3 instructions : you don’t need to worry about completing or bringing powerful cognitions, you just do the diagnosis , that is enough. I tell you, the way Paramashiva teaches you to diagnose, He heals it . He completes it. Diagnosis is healing, in the methodology of Paramashiva. Most of the methods adopted by Paramashiva diagnosis is healing. Because the way He helps you to dissect, He pours His pure consciousness into it, and you are healed . I tell you, the way He is manifesting and guiding you to dissect, just diagnose that is enough, you will heal it. Just 3 instructions: one: every day do Nithyanada Yoga for one hour, without missing; free sessions are provided to you on Nithyananda TV every day. Do the yoga, without missing, that is the first instruction. Second: diagnose, diagnose, diagnose, what kind of agitation sex invokes you. Act, invokes you. What kind of agitation the thought current of sex invokes you. What kind of agitation the sexual act invokes in you. What kind of agitation your past experiences about sex invokes in you. You don’t have to pass any judgment, you don’t have to think : oh! I have to change this, I have to struggle with this, No ! You just do diagnosis. Completing is my responsibility, when I say my responsibility, I’ll do it, I am a go getter! I’m really a go-getter ! The way your thought diagnose, Paramashiva heals you. Heals it completely. The third instruction, it may look very funny, but very simple, every day, have these 6 items in your every meal: little turmeric, little pepper, little neem, little hari-taki, little lemon, little tamarind. Understand, as much as you enjoy, these 6 items, these 6 items, understand , it may look very funny, these 6 items help you to detoxify your mental thought currents. Please, understand, most of your problems are physical, not mental. Even your mental thought currents can be cleansed, flushed out by the right organic food. It may look very funny, you may think : Oh! mental problems can be solved only by the mental exercises, only physical problems can be solved by the physical food! No ! Mental problems can be solved by the physical food. These 6 added in every meals as much as possible. Add these 6 to your food. Keep your food vegetarian, and add these 6 to your food. I tell you, The amount of healing, detoxification of your mental patterns will happen to you, you cannot imagine. Paramashiva says: « any good mother should give all these 6 items to her children, in every meal » . In every meal, all these 6 items should be added. By any good mother.