New Clear Bomb-Can Leaders Be Created or Are They Born
Can Leaders Be Created or Are They Born
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Can leaders be created or they born? Listen, both. Let me define leader, leader is a person who can manifest his conscious decision with the will persistence and manifest it as reality in the real life by giving a conscious breakthrough to his own DNA through quantum leap from the normal natural selection process and lead his life, is a leader. Let me repeat, your DNA goes through a natural selection process called growth, leader is a person who can use his conscious decision power, will persistence and give a breakthrough to the (na..) slow growth natural selection process, a quantum leap, manifests what he wants as a reality in his life, is a leader. If your conscious decision will persistence decides, you are a leader. You want to be a leader, you are going to manifest what do you want, i tell you that always gives a quantum jump to your natural growth, natural selection process.