Nadi Shodana Pranayama by DattatreyaYogasastram
Nāḍīśodhanam: Pranayama
Āpta Pramāṇa - आप्त प्रमाण
Apta Pramana Source
DattatreyaYogasastram (59-61)
Original Verse
"ततो दक्षिण-हस्तस्ये अङ्गुष्ठेन्ऐव पिङ्गलाम् निरुध्य पूरयेद् वायुम्-इडया च शन्ऐः शन्ऐः ॥५९॥
यथा-शक्थ्यनिरोधेन ततः कुर्यात्-तु कुंभकम् ततस्-त्यहेत् -पिङ्गलया शन्ऐर्-एव न वेगतः ॥६०॥
पुनः पिङ्गलयापूर्य पूरयेद्-उदरम् शन्ऐः यथा थ्यजेत् तथा तेन पूरयेद्-अनिरोधतः ॥६१॥"
"tato dakṣiṇa-hastasye aṅguṣṭhenaiva piṅgalām nirudhya pūrayed vāyum-iḍayā ca śanaiḥ śanaiḥ ॥59॥
yathā-śakthyanirodhena tataḥ kuryāt-tu kuṃbhakam tatas-tyahet -piṅgalayā śanair-eva na vegataḥ ॥60॥
punaḥ piṅgalayāpūrya pūrayed-udaram śanaiḥ yathā thyajet tathā tena pūrayed-anirodhataḥ ॥61॥"
One uses the right thumb to plug the right nostril (Pingala) to inhale through left (Ida) slowly. One retains the breath as per capacity. This is Kumbhaka. After this, one exhales slowly through right nostril, again inhales through the same right nostril and this fills up the lungs cavity. One just inhales through the same nostril as one exhales through without any pause.