May 06 2011

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Power Of Discrimination Patanjali Yoga Sutra 160

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Prayer. Welcome. Today’s subject is yesterday’s continuation. Patanjali describes the Phala sruthi means the detailed benefits you will be experiencing through the yesterday’s samyama. Samyama on time. Today’s subject is ‘Power of discrimination.’ 160th Patanjali Yoga Sutra, 3rd chapter 54th verse Jaati lakshana desaihi anyata anavatta tulyaho tatha pathipathihi Vivekananda: Those things which cannot be differentiated by species, sign, space… Prabhavananda: thus one is able to distinguish between 2 exact similar objects which cannot be differentiated by species, characteristic marks,.. Satchitananda: Thus the indistinguishable difference between.. Oshos: from this comes the ability bet similar objects which cannot be identified by class, character or space Let me translate as per my experience. The keyword in this sutra is Jaati lakshana desaihi – these are the key terms in this sutra. Jaati, the word can be translated into 2 ways. A normal intellectual orthodox translators go for the translation as species, genus. I will translate this word jaati as inborn qualities. I will not go for the words genus or class or species. Because many questions can be raised when you use the word species cannot be answered with that translation. So I will go for the word inborn qualities. By its very existence in the naama roopa – in the form & name, each thing has its own distinct quality. I will give some example. Maybe that will give you a clear understanding. Ramanuja when he talks about the aahara suddhi – purification of food, he uses a word called Jaati dosha – the acharyas comment or translate that word as ‘the impurities by its very birth’ I will bring that meaning to the word here. When Patanjali explains Jaati. Pl understand these great scriptures should be heard from mystic gurus, not teacher gurus. Teacher gurus are those who would have studied Sanskrit, Tukrunj karana, Vyakarana for years and years and have analyzed and studied for years and are waiting to vomit out on some fool who will come to them. Jaati dosha – when you hear from a teacher Guru, they will naturally translate this Jaati as species or genus. Translation of the word Jaati into species or genus shows the lack of mystic intelligence. It is a good translation as far as the dictionary goes. But not as far as the meaning goes. By the inborn tendency the very jaati there are some characteristics which cannot be . please understand I am not saying may not be, I am saying cannot b e. if you use the word species or genus, it will only end in may not be. But only when you use the word by the birth the inborn characteristic which cannot be. Unless you completely integrate it cannot be. That is what I call jaati dosha. There is a huge difference between these 2 words. There are 2 traditions which happened. one which says you can alter, develop. The other one says you have to write off. I will stand by the 2nd one. Writing off is the only way. All ideas of evolving is just so, so. There is no such thing as evolving that happens. I can say it is like you beg, beg, beg and finally gather 25 rupees! Suddenly one day a rich man sees how much you are suffering from money and gives 1 crore to you. can you say you begged and got that 1 crore? No. all your sadhana is to reach that 25 rupees. That is why I say the evolving is taught by teacher gurus. Exploding is taught by mystic gurus. I want to translate and make you understand this sutra from the mystic angle not from the teacher angle. The sacred secret in this sutra is by nature the in born tendencies Jaati, lakshana accumulated characters created characteristics. Desa I will not translate the word desaihi into place, I will translate it into space. Jaati lakshana desaihi – by the inborn tendency, nature, b y the accumulated characteristics and by the space it exists even through all these 3 there are some things which cannot be discriminated. Patanjali says by being liberated by time, you can be liberated by these 3. I can say all bondages you accumulated by birth through any loka - bhu, bhuvaha, tat you can be liberated from those bondages the moment you experience time is illusion. This sutra is continuation of yesterday’s sutra. Yesterday’s sacred secret Pantanjali revealed is time is illusion. I can say by my experience no other sutra has given the courage to me to leave the house and parental conditioning. The moment I got this sutra, I threw away everything except my loin cloth and ran away to a hill. If you do yoga sadhanas, you will be liberated from particular bondages. I can say the bondages that came to you by lakshana – accumulated bondages. If you do Vedanta sadhana means a deep maha vaakya sadhana like neti, neti – not this, not this, you may be liberated from all doshas that came from desaihi – space. If you do different different sadhanas different different bondages you will be liberated. But only through unclutching, the jaati dosha the bondage you accumulated by very birth you can be liberated. All this 3 will become meaningless, not only liberated but meaningless for you when you click with the truth time is the ultimate lie. Time is the ultimate lie. If some peculiar Tsunami comes and takes away all the time measurements on planet earth within the next 10 yrs whole human civilization will get enlightened! Time is a lie taught to you for making you so called productive by the useless unconscious loose missionaries of human civilization! Planet earth had 2 kinds of visionaries. One who were looking at life as a holistic conscious expression. Other who were thinking life is nothing but to create infra structure means tall buildings on planet earth. I ask you one question even if you fill the whole planet earth with the tallest buildings possible. What is the use at the end of the day? You will look like a monkey on the top. That’s all! Unfortunately, the visionaries who started believing the human civilization exists for infrastructure they have the political and army control and the foolishness and craziness that they believe has become the main life style. That is where the whole problem started. And these fools are so cruel they do not want any other ideologies to be alive. The ignorance they carry and share is too much. Human civilization needs to understand the truths and the ideas created by people who looked at life as conscious evolution should be adapted, accepted and lived. It is time. We disturbed the whole universe unconsciously too much. We need to look at the universe more consciously, more decently in a more settled and holistic way. People need to know that time is a lie. Your life is not 100 years or 200 years as you are taught. Body rises and falls. That’s all. There are no years. When you relax from the idea of time, you live for a long time. When you are caught in the idea of time, life looks like long but is not really long. Life needs to be lived with the tremendous freedom that time is a lie. Soon I will create a program where first thing people are made to forget about time and heal all the wounds created by time. I really wanted to create a vacation package where people forget about time and enjoy. When you are feeling hungry, eat. When you feel sleepy sleep. People should forget the lie told to them by the whole humanity – the idea and concept of time. Time should stop working on your mind, time should stop working your body naturally you will see the anti ageing happens in you. The dosha, impurities the bondages you create by the jaati – by the birth, lakshana – accumulated characteristics and desaihi – space all the 3 will become irrelevant when you realize time is the greatest lie told to you. Blessings!