Matsyendrasana i
Matsyendrasana i: asana
Asana Type
Āpta Pramāṇa - आप्त प्रमाण
Apta Pramana Source
Hathapradipika (10 chapters) II.12-13
Original Verse
मत्स्येन्द्रपीठं जठरप्रदीप्तिं प्रचण्डरुग्मण्डलखण्डनास्त्रम्॥ अभ्यासतः कुन्डलिनीप्रबोधं दण्डस्थिरत्वं हि ददाति पुंसाम्॥
matsyendrapīṭhaṁ jaṭharapradīptiṁ pracaṇḍarugmaṇḍalakhaṇḍanāstram ॥ abhyāsataḥ kunḍalinīprabodhaṁ daṇḍasthiratvaṁ hi dadāti puṁsām ॥
The right foot is placed at the root of the left thigh. The left leg is placed by the side of the right knee. Holding left leg by the right hand and twisting the body, one remains steady. This posture comes from Sri matsyendranath. 12 Practice of matsyendrasana stimulates the digestive function and works like a weapon to destroy hosts of severe ailments. It also helps arousal of kundalini and gives stability to the spine. 13
Apta Additional References
- Hathapradipika of Svatmarama_I.26, HP(L)_II.12-13, Hathapradipika (ms.) Siddhanta-Muktavali-II.61, A-8, YMP-5, Yuktabhavadeva-VI.19, Yoga-siddhanta-candrika-II.46,p.84, ANi, Hatharatnavali-III. 12, 57-58, KT-II.46,p.243, BrYs-III.27, Hatha-tattva-kaumudi-VII.7-8, Kapala-Kurantaka-Hathabhyasa-Paddhati-105, Yoga-cintamani of Sivananda Sarasvati-76, HSC-78, YRP-4, Sri-Yoga-kaustubha-11), SriTattvaNidhi-32 - same as Yogindrapitha and matsyendrapithabandhasana - Cf. kubanasana and banasana.
1. Place the right foot at the root of the left thigh. 2. Bring left leg by the side of the right knee. 3. Hold left foot by the right hand. 4. Keep the left hand on the ground behind the back for support. 5. Keep the spine straight and twist to the left. 6. Look over the left shoulder.
Atma Pramana Benefits
Enkindles gastric fire. Proves to be highly effective in alleviating host of chronic and complicated diseases. Steady practice of this asana awakens kundalini. Brings steadiness to spine Removing jvara (fever), ama (toxins) and sula (acute pain or colic)
Simple sketch
Matsyendrasana i (HP II.12-13).png