March 25 2004

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Lust to Love - The Ultimate Alchemy || Part 1 || Initiation into Powerful Cognitions || March 2004


TITLE: Lust to Love - The Ultimate Alchemy Part 1 Name Of The Convention : Initiation into Powerful Cognitions Venue : Ohio, USA Date : 25th March 2004

This video is an excerpt from a public discourse conducted on 25th March 2004 in Ohio, USA. In this video, Supreme Pontiff of Hinduism HDH #Nithyananda Paramashivam reveals about the science of Alchemy process and shares the secret of how to transform from lust to love to a group of delegates. 

The Supreme Pontiff of Hinduism Jagatguru Mahasannidhanam His Divine Holiness Nithyananda Paramashivam (HDH) is the reviver of #KAILASA - the ancient enlightened civilization and the great cosmic borderless Hindu nation. Revered as the incarnation of Paramashiva - the primordial Hindu Divinity, HDH has a following of 2 billion Hindus worldwide with de facto spiritual embassies in over 150 countries. He has worked untiringly for over 26 years for the revival of Kailasa, for global peace and to give super conscious breakthrough to humanity. He has survived the worst persecution of multiple assassination attempts on person and on character by anti-Hindu elements. He is collecting, organising, preserving, time capsuling, decoding, spreading and reviving 20 Million source books of Hinduism and the 64 sacred arts & sciences like Ayurveda, music, dance, sculpting, astrology, vastu and much more. Close to 20,000 hours of HDH’s timeless talks have been recorded till date (Sep 2020), which are a treasure trove of powerful cognitions to solve individual and global problems of any kind.

Link to Video:



Lust to love, from lust to love - the ultimate alchemy - that is the subject, theme which you are going to discuss today. Let us understand first what is alchemy means. A real incident which happened when I was in Himalayas. I met an elderly sadhu, old aged man who never uses any clothes to cover his body. They are called Naga Sanyasis. In the Himalayan region, they stay in Himalayan regions. They don’t use any cloth to cover their body; in that cold they live in a way, it is unique. They don’t use any clothes, they don’t cover their body; just like a small kids they live naked way. Actually when I went to the Himalayas I was told too many wrong stories about them that they are very violent people. And when you look at them they will be having a big matted lock hair and black. You feel like really they are violent people. Because I heard so many stories they are violent people, I was afraid to go near him. He was just seated on the bank of Ganga in the deep forest and enjoying himself. Somehow I felt he is after all alone what violence he can do? Why not just let us go near and try to talk to him because he was so joyful and calm, serene; just even to see him is such a nice feeling. I felt I should go near him to talk to him or relate with him.


I went, I tried to speak. I know only broken hindi, the few words. I tried to relate with him. I saw he was having a pipe with which they smoke ganja. In north India sadhus use ganja. He was having a pipe in which he used to smoke ganja. When I saw that ganja pipe, immediately I thought, “Oh he is also the same category only, let Me leave him. Let us not relate with him.” As soon as I saw that he started smoking the ganja I decided to walk out, move. He said, “Baithiye, baithiye” sit, sit. Because he has said I have no other way; I just sat. Before smoking the pipe he put copper coins inside, and put the ganja, put the fire started smoking. After finishing he just emptied that pipe, there fell few gold coins. Copper coins are replaced by gold coins. I was actually shocked; of course I didn’t believe as you all, just like you all I didn’t believe. Then again he went and sold that coins, purchased little more ganja and brought little more copper coins; showed Me second time also. Second time also pure ordinary copper coins, he just put inside the fire, ordinary ganja, smoked when he emptied again I saw gold coins.


Not once or twice, more than ten times… I stayed with him one or two days; more than ten times he did same thing. I asked him, “Baba give Me the meditation and bliss. I do not want this gold coins. In search of meditation and bliss only I came to Himalayas. Please give Me the bliss of meditation, ananda.” He just gave Me that pipe. Not only I was shocked, I was frightened. Because I am never habituated, and somehow that smell was not suiting My system. So, I was just taking back, I was moving back, “No, no, no Baba I don’t want to smoke, I can’t. Give Me the bliss of meditation. Very playfully, laughing way, he just threw little air through his mouth to My face. He just did ‘poof’ very casually, playfully. And I do not know how you will understand or believe, three days I was in ecstasy, continuously three days I was in the bliss. Of course, after few days he left from that place I never … I have never seen him again once more. Neither I know his name nor his place or anything.


The copper coin which has become gold, that is the process we call it alchemy changing the lower level metals into the higher level metals. Changing iron, copper or the other lower level metals into higher level metals. That is what is the process called alchemy. Solidifying the mercury just by pure energy, how they do? I asked him, “Baba how do you do? And one more strange thing, he doesn’t know, I never introduced Myself that I am from south India or I am from Tamil Nadu. I was speaking to him.. speaking to him only in broken Hindi, but that sadhu, suddenly he started speaking in Tamil. He gave Me a reply, only one Tamil word, very poetic Tamil word. I will tell that Tamil word and then I will give you the translation. He said, “Angkam pazhuthal thangam pazhukum அங்கம் பழுத்தால் தங்கம் பழுக்கும்.” If your being has riped you can make the gold ripe. If your being has riped you can make gold to ripe.


Of course, it’s very hard to understand, difficult to understand. Then the few days which I stayed, he was explaining, once a man who can transform his lowest energy, base energy into a spiritual energy, he can verily convert base metal into a gold. It is the inner alchemy which makes the outer alchemy possible. If you have mastered the inner alchemy the outer alchemy is nothing. From lust to love is the ultimate alchemy. Alchemy means changing the base things into the higher things. If you are changing base metal into higher metals you know the alchemy of metals. If you are changing mercury into a solidified mercury you know the alchemy of mercury. If you are changing the lust into love you know the ultimate alchemy. Of course I am going to speak on the ultimate alchemy. Because lower alchemies are not big things. What are you going to do by learning the lower alchemies? And there is enough of gold. Enough of gold is available in our life. Little more gold means only little more problem.


Somebody went and asked Ramana Maharishi, “Bhagawan give me some power, some siddhis, miracle powers.” Bhagawan said, “The powers which you are having now with that itself you are not able to live peacefully, happily. If you get some more powers what will happen to your head”? He said, “What power I am having? I am not having any power Bhagawan.” Bhagawan explained, “You are a manager in your office. If you want you can dismiss two person or you can give work to two new persons. If you sign, so much of money will be delivered. If you want you can purchase these things. The powers which you are having in your day to day life, that is also power only. Your maturity is such, your intelligence is such that you are not even able to handle smoothly or peacefully, the powers which you have in your hand. If you can handle the powers which you have in your hand intelligent way, you will not have stress or strain. Your stress, worry, depression, strain means you are not able to handle the powers which you are having already in the hand. If you really know if you are intelligent enough to handle the powers you will never fall in the clutches of stress. You will never feel depressed.


He said, “The powers which you have in your hand that itself you are not able to handle, that is why you are searching for peace. You have come all the way to see me to have the peace. Instead of asking for intelligence, if you ask for power you will have only some more problems and some more difficulties and some more disturbances.” Knowing the outer alchemy is not going to help you in your life. Knowing the inner alchemy, the ultimate alchemy, the transformation is the real alchemy. From lust to love is the ultimate alchemy which can happen to a human being. I always tell the people, the real miracle is inner transformation, not the outer alchemy.


Somebody went to Ramakrishna and asked about the miracle powers. He told a beautiful story. There was two brothers in a village. At the age of fifteen one decided that he will become a businessman. The elder one decided that he will become a Swami. He will go to forest to do tapasya, meditation. After twelve years the man who has become a Swami, the elder one came back to the village, the native village just to visit. He saw the younger one has become a big businessman having a big house. But younger one according to the tradition received the elder brother, he is a Swami, with all the respect and gave him all the comfort and the accommodation gave him all the respect and reception.


The elder one wants to show his ego. Both of them went to evening walking, went for a evening walking, on the bank of river. Both of them were started discussing what they achieved in the twelve years gap. The younger one said I did business, I did this, that, this much I achieved. This is the achievements. I have my office in that city, in that city, in this city. I have my shop in that city, in this city. Everything he explained. And then the elder one…. younger one asked the elder one, “Swamiji what you achieved in these twelve years”? The elder one just started walking on the water, just he started crossing the river, by walking on the water without telling a word; walked, walked, walked, he reached that side of the river. The younger one took the boat and reached that side of the river. In the other side, elder one was very pride, elder one was just proud of his powers, he is filled with pride and ego. He was standing with full of pride. He asked the younger one, his brother “Did you see what I achieved in last twelve years?” The younger one replied, “Oh last twelve years you worked just for two annas. Because I gave two annas to a boatman, he brought me from that side to this side. And twelve years you have to practice, twelve years you have to waste to do this two anna work. To do the work of two annas, to do the work which can be done by just two annas, you have to work twelve years. Swamiji, I feel you wasted twelve years.”


True it is a story from Ramakrishna. If you would have paid two anns to the boatman, he would taken you from this corner to that corner, from this side to that side. You don’t have to work twelve years for the two annas. Ramakrishna used to tell this story to prove miracles are nothing but foolishness. Don’t waste your time in ordinary mystery mongering, ordinary searches for this unusual… Miracles. they happen in a different plane. That’s all. That is the only thing. Once I was talking about these miracles in India, then group of disciples, they forced Me, “Swamiji You must do something and show. Otherwise how can we believe that it is possible”? I told him, “Once we start doing that becomes a habit; when people come, people start searching only for miracles, they never go for meditation. They come only to see a magic not to meditate.” I have always seen, when you start doing miracles once people come only for miracles. Nobody wants transformation. Everybody wants only some magic show. So, I told, “No, once you start it will become a habit. It will become a bad habit. Not even bad, worst habit. People will gather only to see this fun or these magics. Never to transform their life.” They said, “At least to prove do something Swamiji.”


Then just one clap, one Lakshmi vigraha was materialized. The crowd was shocked. They videographed the whole thing. I told them videograph so that you will not ask for once more. This one first and last time videograph it. One vigraha was materialized. Then I told him, I told the whole group, the whole group asked, “Swamji how is it possible? How it happened”? I told them, it is just a sleight of hand. Nothing else. It is not that I created. No creation can be done. No materialization can be done. It can only be teleported. It can only be teleported. The idol was in My room, it just came to My hand; as you speak in the cell phone… see the, your sound waves become electronic waves. Then again, the person who is speaking in the other corner, in his cell phone again the same electronic waves become sound waves. That is the mechanism of cell phone. That is the way cell phone works. The same way, in that place the matter becomes energy. It just transported in ether or teleported in ether like a light, and when it is in My hand again the energy becomes matter. That’s all. Matter becoming energy, energy becoming matter. That’s all.


Because it happens in the plane where you cannot see with your eyes, you think that as a miracle. Suddenly if third world war happens and all the cell phones in the world, whole world, is destroyed, just only two sets of cell phone is remaining, one set - two piece is remaining, then persons who are having that two sets, they will become gods. So, nobody knows the mechanism or the secret how the cell phone works. Now you all know so it is not a miracle. when nobody knows it is a miracle. All miracles happen only in this way. They happen in the other plane in which you are not able to access. That’s all. So, you call that as a miracle. But no miracle is a real miracle. Transformation is the ultimate miracle. The inner transformation is the ultimate miracle. That is the real thing which you can get from a Master.



Lust to Love - The Ultimate Alchemy || Part 2 || Initiation into Powerful Cognitions || March 2004


TITLE: Lust to Love - The Ultimate Alchemy Part 2 Name Of The Convention : Initiation into Powerful Cognitions Venue : Ohio, USA Date : 25th March 2004

This video is an excerpt from a public discourse conducted on 25th March 2004 in Ohio, USA. In this video, Supreme Pontiff of Hinduism HDH #Nithyananda Paramashivam reveals about the science of Alchemy process and shares the secret of how to transform from lust to love to a group of delegates. 

The Supreme Pontiff of Hinduism Jagatguru Mahasannidhanam His Divine Holiness Nithyananda Paramashivam (HDH) is the reviver of #KAILASA - the ancient enlightened civilization and the great cosmic borderless Hindu nation. Revered as the incarnation of Paramashiva - the primordial Hindu Divinity, HDH has a following of 2 billion Hindus worldwide with de facto spiritual embassies in over 150 countries. He has worked untiringly for over 26 years for the revival of Kailasa, for global peace and to give super conscious breakthrough to humanity. He has survived the worst persecution of multiple assassination attempts on person and on character by anti-Hindu elements. He is collecting, organising, preserving, time capsuling, decoding, spreading and reviving 20 Million source books of Hinduism and the 64 sacred arts & sciences like Ayurveda, music, dance, sculpting, astrology, vastu and much more. Close to 20,000 hours of HDH’s timeless talks have been recorded till date (Sep 2020), which are a treasure trove of powerful cognitions to solve individual and global problems of any kind.

Link to Video:



If you want to see the miracle, pay few dollars go to magic show you will see much more. That’s all. I always tell the people. I had a disciple who is a magician. He used to bring vibhuti from My feet. From My feet he will regularly bring vibhuti; whenever he comes to our meditation camp, just like a joke he will just do like this (moving the hands) from My feet continuously vibhuti used to come. I tell him, “Arrey I do not know how to do? You are doing. And from My feet you are getting vibhuti.” Just sleight of hand. And this converting base metal into higher metal or basic level things to higher level things are not real miracles. From lust to love is the real miracle, ultimate miracle which can happen, ultimate alchemy which can happen to a human being. These ordinary miracles, ordinary alchemy of materializing a idol… after the materialization people asked Me, “Swamiji how do we know that is from only Your room”? Then after that once more materialized a mala, mala which you wear and told them go and see the stock in our ashram showroom. There will be one less and exactly there was one less. Just to show that it is only teleported. It is not created.


Whatever you do these type of materialization are the lower level alchemy things. It creates only more and more craving to see that type of things or to have that type of things. It creates only mystery mongering. It creates only more and more desires. But this alchemy from lust to love creates a total satisfaction. A total fulfillment. A ultimate bliss happens to you. That is the ultimate transformation, ultimate alchemy which can happen to a humanity, to human beings. So, let Me give a basic explanation or introduction about how the alchemy of lust to love can happen. And then we will have a beautiful tantric meditation which can make this alchemy happen in you. Tantra means immediately we feel little frightened. We have a wrong idea about tantra. Tantra means something antisocial path, immoral - don’t think. Tantra has got two portion. One is vamachara another one is dakshinachara. Vamachara is the portion in which they practice sex and alcohol, non vegetarian, other all the things. Dakshinachara is the portion only related to meditation. It is a meditation techniques; tantra means technique. The very word tantra exactly translated means technique. It is a technique to transform your lower emotions into higher emotions, animal emotions into divine emotions; from lust to love.


In alchemy you need to just purify the base metal by removing few things from the base metal. Then you need to add something and heat it up. Then automatically the higher metal will come out. Removing, adding, processing - all these three is supposed to happen for the alchemy to happen. Now we will see how lust can become love. What all the things has to be removed from lust, what all has to be added to it, and how the process has to happen, how the heating has to be done. First thing understanding about lust. As on now 99 percent of us doesn’t know really what is lust means. You may say, “No, no, no what are You talking Swamiji? I have so many children, I lived so many years.” Please forgive Me but I have to tell the truth even though the truth hurts. We know only ordinary way of reproducing but never we taste the pure lust. Pure lust is also having its own beauty. Look at the animals having relationship they forget the whole world; totally they are lost. If you see the animals having relationship, that is the pure lust. First thing, in our life even the lust is not pure. You need to first understand the very idea lust.


Either you have a deep guilt or the desire - it is going to long last only for few more minutes. These two - the guilt of past conditioning, the desire to continue into the future - both of you pulls and pushes and contaminates your lust. Even in your lust your lust is not pure. It is contaminated totally by too much of imaginations and dreams. From where you get the ideas about lust, ideas about sex? The movies or the media or the magazine - what all the sources from which you get the ideas about lust and sex is totally imagination. It gives you too much of dreams, too much of imagination, too much of ideas. Continuously from very young age you start imagining about how your would be, should be. How your would be, should be? You start creating a cerebral layer mentally you start creating imagination about her or him. And you already start living with him or her. The magazines, movies, TV, now internet and what not. Everything gives you too much of imagination and dreams which totally contaminates your lust.


Shiva says beautifully, “When you relate with somebody, when you are with your husband or wife, you don’t relate to the person who is physically there. You relate to the person who is there in your imagination. All your movements, all your attitude, all your doings are related only to that person not to the real wife or the real husband. Real wife or the real husband is nothing but a poor substitute. Most of the time a real husband or real wife is nothing but a poor substitute. It is just the dead person. You relate only with the person who is in your mind, in your cerebral layer. That is why you always feel you are cheated. Male always feel they are deprived. Female always feel they are exploited. It is the basic feeling. Male always feel that they are deprived. They are not given what they should receive, female always feel that they are exploited, too much is taken from them. Female feel that they are disrespected. They are used. I have seen so many women weeping and coming and crying or complaining about their personal problems. Always they feel that they are just used; because you relate only with your imagination, you do not bother the real living person.


Your lust, your sex is totally poisoned, contaminated or filled with dirt of imaginations, filled with the dust or unnecessary unwanted materials of imaginations. Actually you relate only mentally. When you close your eyes you see only your imaginations. Shiva says beautifully, ‘In the bed you are never two, you are four. You, your imagination about your would be, she and her imagination about her would be.’ You, your imagination about her, she, her imagination about you; four. How can relationship happen between four? Never. You are not total even in your so-called lust. If you are really total in your so-called lust, naturally you will go deeper and deeper into the lust. You will drop out. In ancient days forty is the age in which they just flower out; it is not that they leave the love, they leave the lust. Lust leaves them. It is not that they leave the sex. Sex leaves them. Forty is the age according to the gurukulam system they give the age limit forty. You may be shocked how? Because their lust was pure. Their sex was totally animal. They are totally with the body; nothing much imagination, nothing much dreams. They are down to earth. They were living with the real wife and the real husband.


That is the reason at the age of forty they were able to live like a friends. There is a beautiful mantra, the vivaha mantra… of course none of you will be knowing. Any of you what all you chant at the time of marriage? Any of you know the meaning of any mantra which you chant at the time of marriage? Actually none of you get married, only purohits get married. Those guys only tie the mangalsutra. The last moment if he has got little compassion on you, he gives you one hand and you put your hand just to take photograph. Nothing else. There is a beautiful mantra, you commit with each other. The mantra says hm... in that saptapadi there is a one mantra which says, the wife is telling ‘let you become my eleventh son and the husband is telling yes let you become my eleventh daughter.’ Actually eleventh year of the marriage the husband will become like a child to her and she will become like a daughter to him. The whole relationship will be transformed; a total riped relationship. It is not that they will start hating each other. No. They will flower so much, so much of intimacy will flower, such a beautiful relationship will happen just by the sight of other, just by seeing the other, this person will be in ecstasy, in love.


When you see your kids, nothing else is necessary; just see them, you are in ecstasy. You are flowered. Such a deep relationship will happen, the eleventh year of the marriage she will become a child of her…. of him and he will become the son of her. For us this is nothing but a dream. In those days they must have written a poem Swamiji. Be very clear these are all not poetries, these are all not poems; they were living truths. These things were lived by our ancient Rishis. The Rama and Sita - the great ideals. In the age of Rishis or in the ages of tantra this was truth. What has happened today? Why we are degraded? Why such a degeneration happened? I tell you even your lust has become totally contaminated. Even that has become half, half. That is why not only you don’t transform yourself, even your intimacy feels like a business. You live with her for something which she will give it to you and she lives with you for the something which you will give for her.


Most of the time relationship becomes almost like a business. Some are divorced, some don’t have the courage to divorce. That’s all. There are very few who really live joyfully and happily. The main point, the main thing in the relationship is lust; unless that is analyzed and understood from the ultimate view, any relationship, you may live in one home or in one house but you will not feel homely with each other. Living in a house does not mean you feel homely with each other. You may live in one place, in one house, may be due to social reasons or for the sake of kids or social security. But it does not mean you live together or you relate together.



Lust to Love - The Ultimate Alchemy || Part 3 || Initiation into Powerful Cognitions || March 2004


TITLE: Lust to Love - The Ultimate Alchemy Part 3 Name Of The Convention : Initiation into Powerful Cognitions Venue : Ohio, USA Date : 25th March 2004

This video is an excerpt from a public discourse conducted on 25th March 2004 in Ohio, USA. In this video, Supreme Pontiff of Hinduism HDH #Nithyananda Paramashivam reveals about the science of Alchemy process and shares the secret of how to transform from lust to love to a group of delegates. 

The Supreme Pontiff of Hinduism Jagatguru Mahasannidhanam His Divine Holiness Nithyananda Paramashivam (HDH) is the reviver of #KAILASA - the ancient enlightened civilization and the great cosmic borderless Hindu nation. Revered as the incarnation of Paramashiva - the primordial Hindu Divinity, HDH has a following of 2 billion Hindus worldwide with de facto spiritual embassies in over 150 countries. He has worked untiringly for over 26 years for the revival of Kailasa, for global peace and to give super conscious breakthrough to humanity. He has survived the worst persecution of multiple assassination attempts on person and on character by anti-Hindu elements. He is collecting, organising, preserving, time capsuling, decoding, spreading and reviving 20 Million source books of Hinduism and the 64 sacred arts & sciences like Ayurveda, music, dance, sculpting, astrology, vastu and much more. Close to 20,000 hours of HDH’s timeless talks have been recorded till date (Sep 2020), which are a treasure trove of powerful cognitions to solve individual and global problems of any kind.

Link to Video:



The understanding about the lust is the basic understanding for every human being. First remove the dirt of imagination and dreams from your lust. Let it become totally animal. Now it is not even animal, something lower than animal. It is not even animal, something lower than animal. At least let it reach the level of lust. Then next you need to add something into it. It is, I call friendliness. First remove the imagination and the dreams about the other. Accept the other as they are, relate with the other as she is, as he is. When I tell ‘remove the imagination or dreams about the other’, not only I mean the imagination or the expectation about the others body, I mean remove the imagination and dreams about your own body also. Two problems: one is your dreams about how the other should be and your dreams about how you should be. Most of us don’t live inside our body. Many of us actually hate our body. Almost I can tell you, any body pain or skin disease is nothing but the hatred towards your body; any body pain or chronic fatigue or skin disease.


You may say, “How can it be Swamiji”? But I tell you from My own experience of treating so many patients, healing so many patients, any skin disease - it is low self esteem. When you hate your body, when you don’t feel you are loved… If you don;t love your body who else will love you? When you don’t live with your body, when you don’t love your body, you create pain and the skin diseases. Of course this is only an example. In so many ways, you have imaginations about the ideal models. Every man has got some actor as an imagination. Every day morning you can see young guys doing this (showing hand sign for muscle building) just to see their hands, the size of the chest. Continuously you want to become somebody else. You want to look like some other person. You try all your best to dress up, to do exercise, all other possible things to look like somebody else.


I tell you looking beautiful or doing makeup is nothing wrong. I am not telling you drop that. But the deep feeling that you should look like that person or this person, hatred towards your body is very big thing or worst thing which you will be doing. Never have a deep hatred or the dissatisfied feeling with your body. If you have the deep dissatisfaction with your body, you will not stay inside your boundary. Your body may be there but you will relate to your body only partially. For example just if you close your eyes and remember your name you will remember only the upper portion of your body, never the whole body. Because you don’t feel comfortable with the whole body. You always have an imagination, you always have an ideal. I tell you, if you have an ideal you may do some makeup and you may get the beauty, but if you are comfortable with your body only then you will have grace. Beauty and grace are two different things. You may have beauty or you may look even handsome by some makeup, facial; now so many foolish things have come. All sorts of nonsense - changing your teeth, changing your this, that and nothing needs to be original. You can change everything. You can have everything and you may look beautiful or handsome but you will never feel comfortable with your own system.


Only when you accept your body as you are, you will feel graceful. Something new happens to you. Just try for seven days, just try this small technique for seven days, when you go for taking bath, look at your whole body and feel that you are with your body. Just sit for five minutes in the bathroom itself or in your bedroom. Feel that you are living inside your boundary. Have a deep loving look towards your body. Look at your body with a deep love and touch your body with a deep love, feel your body with a total acceptance. You may think, “What is this Swamiji? Are we not having love”? Do this, then you will understand all these days you never had love. You are never comfortable with your body. If you are really comfortable with your body you will be just in heaven. Because continuously, every moment the bliss is happening inside your body. According to tantra your body is amrita spurana - continuously the nectar is oozing out. Your body is a nectar fountain. But we feel only the deep pain or agony with our body. Just imagine how many of us feel deep joy or ecstasy just by being with our body. For example: if the temperature of the house is too much or too low, how you feel uncomfortable, if it is very normal or exactly as you want to be, how you feel comfortable. Sameway, if you are really comfortable with your body you will be in ecstasy.


But now do you really feel comfortable with your body? Really you don’t live with your body. You have the only feeling, if the house temperature is too much, how you feel uncomfortable, the same feeling only you are having inside your body. Just close your eyes and check your being. This moment you can see, you are only feeling uncomfortable with your body. You are not relaxed with your body. If you are relaxed inside your body, your mind will not continuously wander. If your mind wanders continuously, be very clear you are not relaxed with your body. Whenever you are at one, attuned with your body, your mind never wanders, your mind never goes for roaming. As on now if you are here you can be sure for hundred percent you will not be here, your mind is not here. If you are here your mind will be working in your office or in the house. Early morning when you are in the house, mind is in the office continuously ‘I should do this, I should do that.’ When you are in the office, “Psst, It is time to go and see the kids, I should go to the house. After going to the house I should do this, I should do that.” When you are in the house, “When weekend will come? I don’t know.” When the weekend is there, “Oh, I have to go to the office Monday and do so many works. It is time for me to go to the office.”


If you are here you can be sure your mind is not here. That is the clear scale or the symbol, sign, to prove you are not comfortable, happy, relaxed with your body. If you totally relax with your body you will have a tremendous grace around you, a different kind of beauty. Beauty which cannot be measured by the so-called ordinary scale; the scale which you use in the normal sense to measure somebody, measure the person, not the scale to measure the grace. Grace is a total relaxed feeling. Just by seeing that person, you will feel to see him again and again. When Sita entered the Janaka’s court to marry Rama, the Valmiki… the Tulsi… Tulsi reports… Valmiki is not so poetic, he is intellectual. Valmiki is a good historian. But Tulasi is the real puranika. He is the man who wrote the purana. He added juice into the Ramayana. If you have read Tulasi then only you can understand the personality of Rama. If you have read Valmiki, you can understand what has happened. He reports the fact. But Tulasi is a poet. He reports the truth; in a different way he reports. Tulasi says, ‘when Sita entered, the whole court including Vashista, Vishwamitra, all the great Rishis, they stood up and paid their respects to her.


Sita is god or goddess only today. That time she is only a daughter of Janaka, just ordinary princess. Even the King, father Janaka pays respect to the Vashista or Visvamitra, all Rishis. Then why? Why should they get up to pay respect to Janaki, the daughter of Janaka? Just a princess. Tulasi says, ‘the grace was such, the grace is such, everybody felt automatically to respect her.’ When you totally settle with your body, when you are totally happy with your body, when you are totally relaxing with your body... In tantra there is beautiful meditation technique. Early morning every one will sit and touch their whole body with love, deep love. It is like a re-entering into the body. Actually in the deep sleep you leave the body. You enter into the deep sushupti state. When you come out of sushupti, your whole being should get settled with your whole body. So, they just touch the whole body with full love and make the sukshma sarira to settle or comfortable with the sthula sarira. It’s like a one small tumbler will be exactly fit into the bigger tumbler and the bigger tumbler will be fit into the another bigger tumbler, biggest tumbler. Just like that your being wll be fixed into our body. Dropping your imaginations about your body and the other body is the first thing. This is the dirt to be removed from your lust.


Second thing, to be added… now you know what has to be removed. Now something has to be added. Friendliness - friendliness is the character to be added. We... if you look little deep into your being, you will understand we always say we love this person, we love that person, I love my husband, I love my wife, I love my son or I love my daughter. But all your love, you will love that person only as long that person listens to your ideologies and ideas, as long as that person obeys your words, as long as that person acts as you wanted; that’s all. The moment that person takes his own decision….


Just the other day, a week ago one lady came and met Me. She told Me, “Swamiji I loved my daughter so much. I was giving everything for her. I did everything for her. I love her so much, I loved her so much, I pampered her so much, but finally she married on his own somebody else. Instead of marrying according to my choice she married on his own. Then I stopped giving anything to her Swamiji. Now I don’t care for her anymore. I don’t want her anymore. You please do something so that she never comes and sees me. I don’t want to see her anymore.” I told her, “Then what you had earlier, never tell that as a love. How can you say that as a love? You were loving her just because she was listening to all your ideas. The moment she decided on her own, all your love has disappeared. How can you call this as a love? No. It has nothing to do with love. It is just your attention.”


Actually whenever your ideology is accepted your ego is satisfied. So, you care for her. You cared her not because of her, not for her sake, but for your own sake. She is a projection of your ego. She is the extension of your personality. As long as she was your extension of your personality, you cared for her, you loved her. When she started deciding on her own, all your love has vanished, disappeared. So be very clear, most of the time what you say in the name of love is nothing to do with love. Add friendliness to your lust. As on now your lust is nothing but violence. Most of the time you can see in your own life, your lust and your sex is nothing but violence. Deep violence. It is nothing but you continuously try your best to take; and she continuously tries her best to restrict. It is almost like a war. One person is snatching, other person is holding; it is almost a war - violence. Add little bit of friendliness into your lust, not only into your lust, into all your relationship. When I say friendliness I mean two things: welcome the other person as they are, not only accepting, welcoming. Acceptance can be done even with grumbling and grudging. ‘Oh I have to accept.’ No.


Welcome the other person as they are. Look at the other person as they are. Welcome and accept your body, your personality as you are. Accepting your body, mind and being as you are and accepting the other person’s body, mind and being as he is or as she is. Welcoming your body, mind and person as you are, welcoming the other person’s body, mind and being as they are is what I call friendliness.



Lust to Love - The Ultimate Alchemy || Part 4 || Initiation into Powerful Cognitions || March 2004


TITLE: Lust to Love - The Ultimate Alchemy Part 4 Name Of The Convention : Initiation into Powerful Cognitions Venue : Ohio, USA Date : 25th March 2004

This video is an excerpt from a public discourse conducted on 25th March 2004 in Ohio, USA. In this video, Supreme Pontiff of Hinduism HDH #Nithyananda Paramashivam reveals about the science of Alchemy process and shares the secret of how to transform from lust to love to a group of delegates. 

The Supreme Pontiff of Hinduism Jagatguru Mahasannidhanam His Divine Holiness Nithyananda Paramashivam (HDH) is the reviver of #KAILASA - the ancient enlightened civilization and the great cosmic borderless Hindu nation. Revered as the incarnation of Paramashiva - the primordial Hindu Divinity, HDH has a following of 2 billion Hindus worldwide with de facto spiritual embassies in over 150 countries. He has worked untiringly for over 26 years for the revival of Kailasa, for global peace and to give super conscious breakthrough to humanity. He has survived the worst persecution of multiple assassination attempts on person and on character by anti-Hindu elements. He is collecting, organising, preserving, time capsuling, decoding, spreading and reviving 20 Million source books of Hinduism and the 64 sacred arts & sciences like Ayurveda, music, dance, sculpting, astrology, vastu and much more. Close to 20,000 hours of HDH’s timeless talks have been recorded till date (Sep 2020), which are a treasure trove of powerful cognitions to solve individual and global problems of any kind.

Link to Video: