March 16 2022

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NITHYANANDA SATSANG | RETELECAST | Paramashivoham level 3 - Day 16


SHRIKAILASA has established bilateral relations with the City of Livingstone, The Republic of Zambia

March 16th, 2022: Wonderful News from SHRIKAILASA

🎊 SHRIKAILASA has established bilateral relations with the City of Livingstone, The Republic of Zambia 🎊

City Council FB Page ->
City FB Page ->

SHRIKAILASA and the Livingstone City endeavour to mutually collaborate towards feminine empowerment, youth leadership, equal access to the right to quality education, gender equality, eradication of hunger and poverty, holistic health and education initiatives, environmental stewardship and sustainable living.

Her Worship Mayor Ms. Constance N. Muleabai has been working to support the good people of Livingstone City since being elected as Mayor in August 2021.

The relaxed and friendly city of Livingstone is the nation's tourism capital in the Southern Province of Zambia. It was established in 1907 and it was Zambia's capital in pre-colonial times Livingstone’s culture and history is intriguing – as is evidenced by the arts and craft producers, museums, colonial architecture, traditional village life, local food and the general African lifestyle.Situated about 10km from the city of Livingstone is one of the world's seven natural wonders and one of the most spectacular natural sites in the world, "The Victoria Falls"(designated a UNESCO World Heritage site in 1989).

Global Peace Conclave for Uniting Nations for Global Peace and KAILASA Om Award ceremony

Global Peace Conclave for Uniting Nations for Global Peace and KAILASA Om Award ceremony on the auspicious occasion of Chitra Nakshatra, the birthstar of The SPH.

Hosted by the Sovereign State of SHRIKAILASA in collaboration with the Department of Religion and Worship and the SHRIKAILASA Uniting Nations for Global Peace & Religious Harmony

Sunday March 20, 7:30pm IST onwards
Tune in for the Live Presidential Address by The SPH Nithyananda Paramashivam

An enlightened being has no personal interest

An enlightened being has no personal interest because his identity is dissolved in the identity of the whole universe: Nithyananda Paramashivam.

Paramashivoham Level 3 Sakshi Pramana

Sakshi Pramana - Sowmya

...I am feeling intense kundalini awakening, energy on neck and backside of the brain. the unused parts of the brain....

~ Paramashivoham Level 3 Participant Sharing

Sowmya shares:
After the Day #14 initiation into ishvarattva, the ultimate super conscious mutation process to realize Paramashiva, I am feeling intense kundalini awakening, energy on neck and backside of the brain. the unused parts of the brain, the unmanifest ready to manifest. my whole body is heated up, I could feel my ear opening up and my senses sharper.

As I am writing all the fears, I am surprised, shocked, intimidated that so much is coming up, I did not know all these fears are within me, I wonder how I was even living all these years, I seem to have fear over every little thing, every happening. Death, darkness, negativity, all the ghost movies, horror scenes I watched, stories I heard, scary nightmares that I had, it all flashed. It was not pleasant, more like the painful part of the surgery. I can sense SDHD and patterns are fighting their (final) battle with consciousness. Obviously, everyone knows who would win. It is ok.. all this has to go as we receive the superconscious energy infused by Parmashiva, there cannot be any human component left! As the mysterious story of life continues to unravel, standing as a witness to the mixed emotions and feelings arising. Each day is a new kind of experience and it is bringing more and more completion, clarity. Over the whole process, just hold on to that one last thing, my trust, and commitment to my Guru who is Paramashiva himself. I can never be violated being in his breathing space. What he says, he will make it happen. He is protecting me, he is helping me come over all these limitations I am carrying inside. All these coming up are my patterns, but not me. There is no pain in the world, it is an illusion, I am beyond all this - good, bad, right, wrong, pleasant, unpleasant, likes dislikes - any form of duality. I am eternal, I am divine, I am all-powerful, I am Paramashiva. Thanks for this experience Swamiji, resonating the words that you said "I will be there with you all". No fear when you are there 😇🙏

Sakshi Pramana - Sudha Dandhapani

.... I am able to do Kukkutasana and Baddhakeki and Mayur aasana very easily now....

~ Paramashivoham Level 3 Participant Sharing

Sudha Dandhapani shares:
I enjoy doing Nithyananda yoga PVK 108 sessions. I am able to do Kukkutasana and Baddhakeki and Mayur aasana very easily now. During this Baddhakeki aasana I wont be able to lift below hip area up. Now after PSM 3 session, I could see, I am able to easily lift up without any struggle. Thank you Maharaj. The way you explain each aasanas and Bandhas gave me good clarity and Thank you so much for all the support and Thank you Swamiji!!!🥰

Sakshi Pramana - Chaaya Bharadwaj

...Manifested vibhuti on my laptop on two occasions today during the power manifestation session...

~ Paramashivoham Level 3 Participant Sharing

Chaaya Bharadwaj shares:
Day 15 Power Manifestation
Thank you Swamiji for the amazing experience of materialisation and equally powerful vision, and powerful cognition of rewriting the past. Manifested vibhoodi on my laptop on two occasions today during the power manifestation session. During the meditation, I had some powerful and extraordinary visions of a circle of fire with multiple heads bordering it, and then one after the other Swamiji emerging from it and then Sadashiva's translucent form (don't have the right words) emerging and then again a more bodily form emerging.... vision of high graphics colors and images visuals of people places spaces planets all forming together including myself into a very huge out of full site form of Sadashiva.. and then again becoming a formless form of Sadashiva with some spectacular graphics. I also saw my parents visit us in our home and meet my son for the first time, and all of us together me my sister and parents all having so much joy to be together again, and them agreeing to stay with us for a month - it was the story I painted on the canvas of my past as both my parents are no longer alive but how I wish they are here, and this vision made it clear that this is really possible and that is why there are mythological stories referring to such incidents of those who are dead reappearing in the future in one's life as needed in their original form itself. thank you so much, Swamiji for this powerful cognition in this process



On this day 16 years before - 16 March 2006:
On this day the Supreme Pontiff of Hinduism, Bhagavan Nithyananda Paramashivam was welcomed by Dr. Murali Krishna at the Integris Baptist Medical Center, where he delivered a discourse titled, 'Just fall in!'. One of the officials of the Integris Baptist Medical Center delivered a welcome note in honour of SPH Dr.Murali Krishna of the Integral Baptist Medical Center presented to the gathering, the report titled 'Mind of a Mystic' which was the research done by him on the brain of SPH to understand and establish 'Enlightenment through Science.'

That day's Presidential Address-Nithyananda Satsang was conducted by the Supreme Pontiff of Hinduism Bhagavan Nithyananda Paramashivam on 16 March 2006, in Oklahoma, USA.
Nithyanandapedia Link:


On this day 9 years before - 16 March 2013:
On this day, the Supreme Pontiff of Hinduism Bhagavan Sri Nithyananda Paramashivam conducted the Day 4 of the Inner Awakening Convention. During that day’s morning Presidential Address-Nithyananda Satsang SPH expounded on the Secrets of Death. SPH shared His first encounter of the Death Process that humans go through. THis incident happened in a Hospital in Varanasi were SPH was serving an old Sadhu. Next to that sadhu’s hospital bed another elderly man died, to which SPH was a witness. SPH described the process explaining that ‘’You have seven parts in you. Your body with flesh, blood. This is the first part. Second is your breathing. Your breathing, that is the second part. Third, your thinking. Fourth, your feeling. Fifth, the area you experience during deep sleep- from where you are experiencing feeling. Understand, first: this flesh, blood. Second: breathing, prana. Third: thinking, mind. Fourth: feeling, emotions. Fifth: the deep sleep state which is called causal layer from which all these feeling, thinking, everything happens. Sixth: the soul, your individual soul, Consciousness. Seventh is the cosmic soul- Paramatma, Nirvana, Enlightenment. All these seven put together is YOU.’’

That day's Inner Awakening Convention was conducted by the Supreme Pontiff of Hinduism Bhagavan Nithyananda Paramashivam on 16 March 2013, in Adi Kailasa, Bengaluru, Karnataka, India.
Nithyanandapedia Link:


On this day 8 years before - 16 March 2014:
On this day, the Supreme Pontiff of Hinduism Bhagavan Sri Nithyananda Paramashivam conducted the Day -11 of the Inner Awakening Convention at Haridwar, Uttarakhand, India. During that day’s Presidential Address-Nithyananda Satsang SPH shared the important truth, that life is only worth living when we can make it as we want. We may think that it is impossible but that is only our SDHD (self-doubt, self-hatred, self-denial) talking because it is possible to have a life how we want. Later that day SPH was invited by Swami Shri Arjun Puri Ji Maharaj to visit Tulsi Manas Mandir in Haridwar. Running Parallel on that day SPH presided over the Nithya Dhyan Yoga that took place in Annanagar-Chennai, and the Inner Awakening Introduction that took place in Vaniyambadi.

That day's Inner Awakening Convention was conducted by the Supreme Pontiff of Hinduism Bhagavan Nithyananda P aramashivam on 16 March 2014, in Haridwar, Uttarakhand, India.
Nithyanandapedia Link:


On this day 6 years before - 16 March 2016:
On this day, the Supreme Pontiff of Hinduism Bhagavan Sri Nithyananda Paramashivam conducted the day 2 of the Inner Awakening convention. SPH initiated the delegates of the IA convention ito the science of completing with ourselves and others. SPH explained that we don’t have just one identity, as we imagine. We have four identities! At all times, we carry four identities together. The first of these four identities is Mamakara or Inner Image, It is the inner image and experience we carry about ourselves. The second identity is Ahamkara or Outer Image, It is how we project ourselves to others. We may try to project ourselves as powerful, talented, honest, helpful, or whatever. Unfortunately, what we project is always far more than what we believe ourselves to be. The third Identity is Other's Image of Us, which is the image or expectations that others have about you. This is called Anyakara or Others’ Image about us. The Fourth Identity is the Life Image, It is called Sva-Anyakara or Life Image. Life Image is what we experience life to be for us. For example, we may feel -Life is lonely, or Life is complicated, or Life is sacred, or Life is scary, or Life is always showering me with everything I need. This is also our identity because it defines the exact experience we will be receiving from the people and situations in our life!

That day's Inner Awakening Convention was conducted by the Supreme Pontiff of Hinduism Bhagavan Nithyananda Paramashivam on 16 March 2016,in Adi Kailasa, Bengaluru, Karnataka, India.
Nithyanandapedia Link:


On this day 5 years before - 16 March 2017:
On this day, the Supreme Pontiff of Hinduism Bhagavan Sri Nithyananda Paramashivam presided over Inner Awakening - Day 19, Sadashivoham Day 8, Inner Awakening Sessions such as the Visesha Deeksha, the Nithyananda Yoga, the Guru Puja Demonstration session(for the participants to learn how to offer puja every day), the Mandala Process, and the Prathyangira Homa. During the Chidambara Mandala process, the participants were made to sit forming a sacred powerful geometrical shape and were initiated by SPH to break all addictions.

That day's Inner Awakening Convention was conducted by the Supreme Pontiff of Hinduism Bhagavan Nithyananda Paramashivam on 16 March 2017,in Adi Kailasa, Bengaluru, Karnataka, India.
Nithyanandapedia Link:


On this day 2 years before - 16 March 2020:
On this day’s Presidential address - Nithyananda Satsang, the Supreme Pontiff of Hinduism Bhagavan Sri Nithyananda Paramashivam expounded on the Cosmic Principle, that Tyaga Is Preparation Of Your Being for Paramashiva’s Being To Manifest In You. SPH explained further about the Pacha Pattini Vratham which is happening for Mahamayi and Paramashiva to land, manifest and heal all from the delusions of society and to awaken our Higher states of Consciousness. SPH announced that The Parliament, Ministry, Rajya Sabha - the two tier structure, was getting formed and that the Reserve Bank, Judiciary System along with the Internal Administration of KAILASA was ready!

That day's Presidential address - Nithyananda Satsang was conducted by the Supreme Pontiff of Hinduism Bhagavan Nithyananda Paramashivam on 16 March 2020.
Nithyanandapedia Link:


On this day 1 years before - 16 March 2021:
On this day , the delegates of the Kailasa Nation received the Shakti Pada and Shaktini Pada With the Live Darshan of the SPH. The Kailasa Nation offered Our Worship to Nithyanandeshwara Paramashiva and Nithyanandeshwari Parashakti as this was the 6th Day of the Maha Paramashivaratri Brahmotsavam. The Kailasa Nation also offered our worship was this day was also the 6th Day of the Jeevan Mukti Utsavam. During that day’s morning Presidential Address SPH beautifully shared that ‘’Fermentation of Bliss Is the Science of Sustenance. When we ferment Love in ourselves, Creation Manifests in Us. We Become Larger Than What We Always Thought. When We ferment Bliss, Sustenance / Maintenance Happens. When We Ferment Ferociousness, Rejuvenation Happens. When We Ferment Powerful Cognitions / Truth / Reality, we Are Pulled Out of Delusion the Throbhava (Pulling Out of Delusion) Energy Happens in Us. When We Allow the Guru Bhakti - Devotion, or Initiation to Ferment in Us, Liberation Happens.

That day's Presidential Address-Nithyananda Satsang was conducted by the Supreme Pontiff of Hinduism Bhagavan Nithyananda Paramashivam on 16 March 2021.
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