March 14 2022

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China on brink of biggest COVID-19 crisis since Wuhan as cases triple


~ Presidential Address, 15 March 2020

China on brink of biggest COVID-19 crisis since Wuhan as cases triple
The situation is such that China is on the brink of its biggest COVID-19 crisis since Wuhan, the Post report said.The coronavirus first broke out in Wuhan in December 2019 before it spread to almost all parts of the world, claiming over 6 million lives so far. It is significant that cases in China are on the rise when most of the countries are opening up following decrease in cases

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Paramashivoham Level 3 Sakshi Pramana

Sakshi Pramana - Saurav Aneja

....The Magnificent Goddess Kali Herself with deep red fiery eyes and tongue sticking out in a fearsome pose. Her skin was dark vibrant blue.....

~ Paramashivoham Level 3 Participant Sharing

Saurav Aneja shares:
PSM 3, Day 13 - The Magnificent Goddess KALI Darshan.
The Initiation from Prabhu Kailasa's Sri Nithyananda Paramashivam today was to declare SuperConscious Sovereignty over Everything. I declared that I am the Source of all that Exists. I am Paramashiva. Shakti is my manifestation. I declared my Superconscious Sovereignty and Supremacy over all the powers and forces in Existence. Within minutes, I felt an intense vibration rising from my chest. My inner eye opened again and I entered a dark intense space. The land was covered in ash with active volcanoes in the background. There She was - The Magnificent Goddess Kali Herself with deep red fiery eyes and tongue sticking out in a fearsome pose. Her skin was dark vibrant blue. She was wearing a garland of severed heads and held one in another hand while the other hand carried the sword. Circles of bright blinding light shone behind her head. I understood immediately, She is the Cosmic Energy, the One who has complete dominance over giving and taking life. Because I had asked for Shakti, She had decided to show Her magnificent form to me. As I stood in complete awe of Her, she disappeared into my inner space

Sakshi Pramana - Ma Jnani

KAILASA's SPH JGM Nithyananda Paramashivam 继续三代同堂做尼希亚南达瑜伽😍

KAILASA's SPH JGM Nithyananda Paramashivam Continue to be Nihyanandada for three generations of classmates😍

Ma Jnani from KAILASA Chinese World's Prathama Vinyasa Krama 108 Yoga asana during Paramashivoham Level 3's Yoga Session.

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Sakshi Pramana - Sowmya

....Swamiji initiated into the power reading from Akashic records! It was overwhelming with revelations, questions, and answers flowing in all directions......

~ Paramashivoham Level 3 Participant Sharing

Sowmya shares:
Day#12, Swamiji initiated into the power of Nityattva, reading from Akashic records!
It was overwhelming with revelations, questions and answers flowing in all directions. Past present future, it all merged! Swamiji allowed us to let it pour out, he told to sit with the process and go through until it all comes and stabilizes. I felt the overflowing emotions - ups and downs, frustrations, ecstasy, pain but each time deciding to hold tight onto Swamiji. Paramashiva himself has come down as my guru, I will listen only to him. All the patterns, what I know as me, let it disappear. Going with the flow made me realise how much conflicting, contradicting, thought patterns are accumulated unattended. Good news is it is all clearing up..moving towards the light from dark, with just that deep trust on master, he is the ultimate TRUTH. He knows what is the best for me! The past is continuously changing, what I thought as pain is becoming a pleasure and vice versa. For instance, me joining one day late for PSM3 was a complaint that I had about me. I realized that how beautifully Paramashiva has guided me to come here. I could see the whole thing unfold, right from when I registered to all the emotions I went through, how at each step I had to break my patterns before reaching here. Thank you Swamiji!! 🥰 🙏

Sakshi Pramana - Ma Yogajnana

.....Swamiji introduced us to doing Akashic readings. In the presence of Kalabhairava, we had access to the Akashic readings...

~ Paramashivoham Level 3 Participant Sharing

Ma Yogajnana shares:
As the days go by, I begin to feel tired. And I know that this is just an illusion of my binary perception of space-time. Hahaha, KALA, I'm beginning to understand you. How good it is to understand!

Something strange happens, during the sessions I often get sleepy and enter an altered state of consciousness, which I have to control if I don't want to succumb to sleep.

Strangely enough, after each initiation, I am so refreshed that even after 16-18 hours of non-stop training, I don't feel sleepy. When I concentrate on my body, my mind says to me "do you know that you haven't had more than 3-4 hours of sleep for several days? And then strangely I feel tired... and I just want to go to bed.

However, if I change my level of consciousness, as if by magic, the fatigue no longer exists. Hell, I've "internalised" how to be free from the influence of my mind, I know how to be "beyond" time. And how to raise my consciousness so that time serves me instead of me suffering from it. Wow!

During the initiation we are in the presence of Kalabhairava, the god of time and space. The one who also allows Akashic readings. Swamiji tells us to write down our questions, specifying that we are writing them for ourselves, to be aware of what we want to manifest, and not for him.

This reminds me of the prayers we address to God. We need to be precise, concise and positive in our prayers so that we can recognise their manifestation in our lives. Because God knows everything before we even ask him for anything... So when we pray, we are praying for ourselves, (literally since we are God too)... You follow me, it's getting clearer day by day and more and more...

"Write down your questions, the answers will appear in your inner space" says Swamiji. In the presence of Kalabhairava, we had access to the Akashic readings. Swamiji introduced us to doing Akashic readings. One of my questions "Lord Kalabhairava, why did I have such a difficult life, especially during my childhood?" Several images, scenes and scriptures came to me, I did not remember everything... Nor did I understand everything, I am in a very deep modified state of consciousness, in another space-time, in another consciousness... I just remember a feeling of disgust that comes over me at a certain moment... I do a waking trip in time and I see images of one of my past lives where I really didn't behave well, I was really naughty, very naughty..., the opposite of the person I am today. This feeling of disgust, it's my attitude that disgusts me, I was mean, I was violent...Thank God I'm not that mean person anymore, I've evolved...

I realise that I have accumulated bad karma that I have had to balance in my current life. Damn I didn't know it was that much.... I surrendered to this Kalabhairava initiation, in this divine space of cosmic regeneration, in the presence of my beloved Guru. His love enveloped me and led me into completion. I felt a deep desire to ask for forgiveness for all my past bad behaviour. So I resolved to invest myself even more to contribute to the world. I realise how much God loves me for allowing me to cleanse all this in order to access a higher level of consciousness, to receive this initiation, this supra conscious mutation process. To become a supra conscious being. I am truly filled with gratitude for all these blessings I use this body and exist beyond this body. I live in this time, and I am beyond this space-time. I wish you too to experience this supra conscious mutation process with the Supreme Pontiff of Hinduism. If you are interested, contact me by private message, and I will be happy to inform you. My infinite divine love and gratitude Bhagawan

Eternally yours Kailaasa's Paramashivam
To join the PMS3 programme, click here:
Experience your own super consciousness, the ultimate self.

Sakshi Pramana - Julie Silla

....Today we were once again initiated into Vishesha Deeksha. Through this initiation we are able to do power manifestations and the doors to KAILAASA were opened to us.....

~ Paramashivoham Level 3 Participant sharing

Julie Silla shares:
Today we were once again initiated into Vishesha Deeksha. Through this initiation, we are able to do power manifestations and the doors to KAILAASA were opened to us.

Swamiji additionally initiated us into superconscious sovereignty, implanting the DNA of Paramashiva. In the meantime, we should confess that we put superconscious sovereignty above everything in us and thereby eliminate our patterns and the imperfections - and write down each one so that we become aware of them and thereby eliminate them. It was so powerful and so enlightening, thank you so much Swamiji 🙏💖

Sakshi Pramana - Ma Yogajnana

.....During the initiation my whole being vibrated, as if I was wrapped in a golden light....

~ Paramashivoham Level 3 Participant Sharing

Ma Yogajnana shares:
The supra-conscious mutation process with the supreme pontiff of Hinduism.
...During the initiation my whole being vibrated as if I was wrapped in a golden light. A great emotion of gratitude, appreciation and excitement ran through my body. How blessed we are to be here, in the here and now in the presence of Paramashiva himself. After the initiation, I am like a fully charged battery. Fatigue and sleep have disappeared...

My powerful clicks and exercises...
Apply consciousness in all your actions
You are multi-tasking... = you are using one head to regulate and manage multiple tasks. (No wonder that at some point you don't know which way to turn) Consciously apply the 25 heads of Paramashivaa in all your actions.
Various exercises including some to free us from our fears:
> fears of losing your name and fame
> fears of losing your wealth
> Overcoming the fear of losing a loved one
> fear of losing your wealth...
And a powerful dead meditation guided by Swamiji on to free us from our various fears...
Swamiji gave us another powerful initiation which lasted for hours in 2 parts.
Swamiji put the super conscious sovereignty as a golden ball of light inside each of us.
Supra conscious sovereignty makes all negative thought patterns irrelevant. Swamiji said, "Declare your super conscious supremacy over everything. I will make it happen for you all.
Your problems and patterns become irrelevant.
Tons of things that you don't even know are limiting you will simply leave your being.
During the initiation Swamiji put the super conscious DNA of Paramashiva into us and made it manifest.
We also received a powerful Vishesha deeksha and powerful mantras.
After declaring my super conscious sovereignty and supremacy over all that exists, I felt so light, energised, a powerful life energy in me... I started dancing, if it wasn't so late I would have been singing my heart out... and this went on for a long time.
Literally I felt that with every declaration of my super conscious sovereignty and supremacy over all that exists, I was shedding a weight and instead a cosmic gift took its place (nature doesn't like a vacuum does it)
I can't wait to start sharing all this enrichment with you all in live zoom.
Let us remain blessed
Thanks for liking, commenting and sharing if this has enriched you and you think it can enrich others
My infinite divine love and gratitude Bhagawan



On this day 19 years before - 14 March 2003:
On this day, the Supreme Pontiff of Hinduism (SPH) Bhagavan Nithyananda Paramashivam (at 25 years of age) addressed the students of the Sona College of Technology, Salem, South India, one of the leading Engineering Colleges in India founded in 1997 . The owner and chairman of the Sona group of institutions, Sri C. Valliappa, a follower of SPH who had personally experienced His Grace and healing in his own life, invited Him on multiple occasions to address the students, and initiate them into the Higher Truths, this being one such occasion. It was here that SPH first spoke on the now popular talk "Open the Door, Let the Breeze in".

That day's Presidential Address-Nithyananda Satsang was conducted by the Supreme Pontiff of Hinduism Bhagavan Nithyananda Paramashivam on 14 March 2003 in Salem, Tamil Nadu, India.
Nithyanandapedia Link:


On this day 13 years before - 14 March 2009:
On this day, the Supreme Pontiff of Hinduism Bhagavan Sri Nithyananda Paramashivam conducted the Yoga Spurana Convention in Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada. The first ever Yoga Spurana Convention was conducted by SPH as part of His North American YOGAM tour in 2009. All the participants were blessed to be a part of a tradition that every single ardent yoga practitioner and yoga community wishes to be a part of, that is to receive the deepest truths of yoga from the source itself, the enlightened consciousness. SPH beautifully shared: ‘’From a very young age the first path a started travelling was the path of Yoga. Now, i find, in everything i do , the shade, smell and presence of yoga is always there.’’

That day's Yoga Spurana Convention was conducted by the Supreme Pontiff of Hinduism Bhagavan Nithyananda Paramashivam on 14 March 2009 in Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada.
Nithyanandapedia Link:


On this day 10 years before - 14 March 2012:
On this day, the Supreme Pontiff of Hinduism Bhagavan Sri Nithyananda Paramashivam conducted the Q&A session for all who came to be at His feet in Adi Kailasa Bengaluru Adheenam. On a question from a young devotee as to what was the purpose of her life SPH has beautifully begun explaining that the society and people that are not being able to answer the basic questions of life, eventually become obstacles for the future generations. SPH shared He Himself can create the techniques and the space needed for the youngsters to catch the answers and the solutions they need. That space is the 1-Year Ananda Yogam Program, through which even just by living in a practising ambience and by attending the morning Satsang all the solutions will be imbibed by the listener, because the morning Satsang is not a 2 hour activity but a whole life activity. SPH further shared that crores around the world are struggling without having answers to their basic fundamental questions about life and invited everyone to join to the Ananda Yogam program.

That day's Presidential Address-Nithyananda Satsang was conducted by the Supreme Pontiff of Hinduism Bhagavan Nithyananda Paramashivam on 14 March 2012 in Adi Kailasa, Bengaluru, Karnataka, India.
Nithyanandapedia Link:


On this day 9 years before - 14 March 2013:
On this day, the Supreme Pontiff of Hinduism Bhagavan Sri Nithyananda Paramashivam defined the Tattva of Responsibility. SPH explained that we are responsible for everything around us that affects us in any way. Even if we are not connected directly to an event, if it creates an impact on our lives we have responsibility for it. When we completely take responsibility, we express the leadership consciousness. The Paramavatara of Paramashiva, the Supreme Pontiff of Hinduism, Bhagavan Nithyananda Paramashivam further explained that Leadership consciousness is all that is needed for success at every level. Those who possess the status of leader without the inner state of leadership consciousness can neither lead nor assist others to lead. They create only obstacles for others. Taking responsibility opens the inner flowering of full leadership.

That day's Presidential Address-Nithyananda Satsang was conducted by the Supreme Pontiff of Hinduism Bhagavan Nithyananda Paramashivam on 14 March 2013 in Adi Kailasa, Bengaluru, Karnataka, India.
Nithyanandapedia Link:


On this day 5 years before - 14 March 2017:
On this day, the Supreme Pontiff of Hinduism Bhagavan Sri Nithyananda Paramashivam elaborated on the the Veda-Agamic science of using Mandalas to experience the higher states of consciousness and manifest extraordinary Shaktis (powers). He expounded on the Bhuvanai Brahmanda Yoni Mandala which holds the mother energy of the cosmos. The Bhuvanai Brahmanda Yoni Mandala has Mother energy installed in the form of Sri Chakra and Sri Yantra and Mother component energy centres. State of Sadashiva is masculine, manifesting powers of Sadashiva is feminine. It is only Mother can create. SPH explained that Father can be source material but creation itself can be done only by Mother. It is Mother Energy that only educates the Kundalini. He shared that if the other Mandalas awaken your Kundalini like a stream this just explodes it and elucidated that it is only when the mother energy awakened that only all best manifestation starts happening. All the power manifestation starts happening in us only with Mother Energy.

That day's Sadashivoham Convention and Maheshwara Puja were conducted by the Supreme Pontiff of Hinduism Bhagavan Nithyananda Paramashivam on 14 March 2017 in Adi Kailasa, Bengaluru, Karnataka, India.
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