Technique of Maha-Bandha
Pramana: Śāstra Pramāṇa - शास्त्र प्रमाण
Sastra Pramana Source: Shiva Samhita(BA)-IV.21
Original Verse: "अथ महाभन्धकथनम् । ततः प्रसारितः पादो विन्यस्य तमुरूप्रि । गुदयोनिं समाकुंच्य कृत्वा चापानमूर्ध्वगम् । योजयित्वा समानेन कृत्वा प्राणमधोमुखम् ॥ बन्धयेदूर्ध्वगत्यर्थं प्राणापानेन यः सुधोः । कथितोऽयं महाबन्धः सिधिमार्गप्रदायकः । नाडीजालाद्रसव्यूहो मूर्धानं याति योगिनः ॥ उभाभ्यां साधयेत्पद्भयामेकै सुप्रयत्नतः ॥ २१ ॥"
Transliteration: "atha mahābhandhakathanam । tataḥ prasāritaḥ pādo vinyasya tamurūpri । gudayoniṃ samākuṃcya kṛtvā cāpānamūrdhvagam । yojayitvā samānena kṛtvā prāṇamadhomukham ॥ bandhayedūrdhvagatyarthaṃ prāṇāpānena yaḥ sudhoḥ । kathito'yaṃ mahābandhaḥ sidhimārgapradāyakaḥ । nāḍījālādrasavyūho mūrdhānaṃ yāti Yoginaḥ ॥ ubhābhyāṃ sādhayetpadbhayāmekai suprayatnataḥ ॥ 21 ॥"
Translation: Then (after Mahamudra), having extended the (right) foot, place it on the (left) thigh; contract the perineum, and draw the apana vayu upwards and join it with the samana vayu; bend the prana vayu downwards, and then let the wise Yogi bind them in trinity in the navel (i.e. the prana and the apana should be joined with the Samana in the navel). I have told you now the Mahabandha, which shows the way to emancipation. By this, all the fluids in the vessels of the body of the Yogi are propelled towards the head. This should be practised with great care, alternately with both feet. 21
Benefits of Maha-Bandha
Pramana: Śāstra Pramāṇa - शास्त्र प्रमाण
Sastra Pramana Source: Shiva Samhita(BA)-IV.22
Original Verse: "भवेदभ्यासतो वायुः सुषुम्नां मध्यसङ्गतः । अनेन वपुषः पुष्टिर्द्दढबन्धोऽस्थिपंजरे ॥ संपूर्णह्रदयो योगी भवत्न्येतानि योगिनः । बन्धेनानेन योगीन्द्रः साधयेत्सर्वमीप्सितम् ॥ २२ ॥"
Transliteration: "bhavedabhyāsato vāyuḥ suṣumnāṃ madhyasaṅgataḥ । anena vapuṣaḥ puṣṭirddaḍhabandho'sthipaṃjare ॥ saṃpūrṇahradayo yogī bhavatnyetāni Yoginaḥ । bandhenānena yogīndraḥ sādhayetsarvamīpsitam ॥ 22 ॥"
Translation: Through this practice, the wind enters the middle channel of the Sushumna, the body is invigorated by it, the bones are firmly knitted, the heart of the Yogi becomes full (of cheerfulness). By this Bandha, the great Yogi accomplishes all this desires. 22