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Daily Update - PDB + Daily pictures-Our Daily Activities

Event Details
Participants Count 8
Event Type Both
Was Food Served in Event? No
Count of Meals Served
Volunteers Count 2
Event Duration

We offered our Sunday morning Paduka Puja today 9 October 2022, with the chanting of 108 Nithyananda ashtottara shata namavalli while offering flower abhishekam to Swamiji's Padukas followed by our daily Shiva Puja. Gratitude to Swamiji KAILASA's SPH JGM Nithyananda Paramashivam. We offered the following online sessions: 7 pm - 7:45 pm AST - Unclutching Session 7:45 pm - 8:30 pm AST - Reading from the scriptures Tonight we read from the Living Enlightenment Book by The Supreme Pontiff of Hinduism Jagatguru Mahasannidhanam His Divine Holiness Bhagavan Nithyananda Paramashivam. 🌸 Page 182 to Page 186 - Powerful Cognition - Seriousness Vs Sincerity - All our comparison with other people begins with what we think of ourselves. Jealousy disappears when we understand our uniqueness. We may then create another problem. We may believe ourselves to be so special that we start taking ourselves far too seriously. What is seriousness? Seriousness is nothing but paying undue importance to something, at the cost of everything else. It arises from the inability to see that all of life is just a drama hat is unfolding every minute. Seriousness is the result of over-expectation from life. All our seriousness is just about sandcastles! For the child, at that young age, sand castles seem precious, whereas at our age, stone castles seem precious, that’s all. Whether it is a sand castle or a stone castle, the seriousness behind it is the same. The object may be different, but the seriousness is the same. So don’t laugh when children fight over sand castles. Seriousness closes your mind to the openness and freedom of life. It makes you dull and dead. It curbs your thinking and makes you stick to the familiar patterns that you know and use all the time" Unclutching Session #44 - 4 Participants (178 collectively) Living Enlightenment Reading #65 - 3 Participants (302 collectively)

Pictures from the day