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Daily Update - PDB + Daily pictures-Our daily Activities

Event Details
Participants Count 7
Event Type Both
Was Food Served in Event? No
Count of Meals Served
Volunteers Count 1
Event Duration

We offered Our Daily Guru Paduka Puja and Shiva Puja, 4 October 2022, giving gratitude to Swamiji

With the blessings and guidance from The Supreme Pontiff of Hinduism Bhagavan Sri Nithyananda Paramashivam, we are observing Chaturmasya 2022 Vratam, our Sessions for 04-Oct-22: 7 pm - 7:45 pm AST - Unclutching Session 7:45 pm - 8:30 pm AST - Reading from the scriptures

Tonight we read from the Bhagavat Gita Decoded Book by The Supreme Pontiff of Hinduism Jagatguru Mahasannidhanam His Divine Holiness Bhagavan Nithyananda Paramashivam. 🌸 Page 186 to Page 196 - Powerful Cognition - "Listen: there is nobody alive who has not entertained the thought of suicide at least once! All of us have fear. What do we do if all the words which we gave to ourselves now start getting fulfilled? You don’t have to worry; you just have to complete them. Sit and declare to yourself consciously that you are not going to honor all the negative words you gave to yourself, and you are dropping them, completing them. So listen. You cannot entertain any desire in you leaving it incomplete. It will continue to chase you as the tiger and will not let you be complete with anything you do and experience. Only when you complete, integrity, the power of words starts expressing through you. Start creating the right inner software, the right inner space, by bringing integrity as the principle of life. Integrity means not just fulfilling, but honoring the words you give to others. The first step to integrity is completing with all the negative words you created within you about you and life, and completing all of them. Listen. Completion means feeling empowered, feeling powerful, without any hangover, without feeling powerless, during and after every situation in your life! If you are powerful, you won’t be violent. You will not be in guilt, fear or carry incomplete desires. Unclutching Session #39 - 3 Participants (161 collectively) Bhagavat Gita Reading #53 - 3 Participants (246 collectively)

Pictures from the day