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Daily Update - PDB + Daily pictures-Our Daily Activities

Event Details
Participants Count 12
Event Type Both
Was Food Served in Event? No
Count of Meals Served
Volunteers Count 2
Event Duration

We offered the daily Guru Puja and Shiva Puja to the sacred Padukas of our beloved Guru, Supreme Pontiff of Hinduism Jagatguru Mahasannidhanam HDH Bhagavan Nithyananda Paramashivam. Such a beautiful blessing.

Happy Nithyananda Day!!!! What a most auspicious and joyous occasion today to celebrate the happening of the Avatar and his immense contribution to planet earth and the universe. Words are not enough to convey his love and compassion for us. We have so much gratitude to Swamiji for being here for all of us in every level of our lives. The Celebrations started on the night of 2nd January 2022 for our time zone. With Swamiji's grace and blessings we were delighted to have Mr. Davendranath Tancoo, Member of Parliament for Oropouche West in Trinidad and Tobago and Chairman of the political party now in Opposition, the United National Congress at the Nithyananda Day Celebrations as a VIP guest. We were so happy he accepted and he conveyed his gratitude and said it was immensely inspiring to be present for the Nithyananda Satsang.

We also offered 7 Commendation Letters to Bhagavans lotus feet for Jayanthi Celebrations.

KAILASA Trinidad & Tobago offered e-Services today with the grace and blessing of The SPH Bhagavan Nithyananda Paramashivam: Yoga Session #94 - 2 participants (Total 236) Sankalpa Session #14 - 3 participants (Total 46) Healing Session #48 - 2 Participants (Total 178) Puja 108 Namavali flower offering #2 - 4 Participants (|Total 9)

Pictures from the day